예제 #1
        public static void UpdateCatmanTopsToSpar(int topsID)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;
            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set catmanstoreid=" + p.Value + " where topsid=" + topsID);
예제 #2
        public static void SetDefaultCatmanStoreid_NULL(string topsid)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;
            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set defaultCatmanStoreid=" + p.Value + " where topsid=" + topsid);
예제 #3
        public static void InsertTopsStorewithDefaultValues(string store, int regionID)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;
            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("insert into dimmarkettopsstore(RegionID,Store,CatmanStoreID,POS,BackOffice,Merged) values(" + regionID + ",'" + store + "'," + p.Value + ",'N/A','N/A',0)");
예제 #4
        public static void RemoveRomByTopsID(int TopsID)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;

            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set Personalid=" + p.Value + " where topsid=" + TopsID);
        public static void InsertBlankProduct(String Barcode, String Description, String Size)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;
            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Insert into dimProdNPL(Barcode,Nationalid,Description,ManuID,BrandID,Uos,Unit,SizeDesc,CasePack,Sparid,Supplierid,merchid,Reg,RegionalID,Divisionid,Height,Width,Depth,Discontinued,newlinedate,CreationDate) " +
                                             " values('" + Barcode + "','0','" + Description + "',0,0,0,' ','" + Size + "',0,0,0,0," + p.Value + ",0,0,0,0,0,0," + p.Value + ",'" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "')");
예제 #6
        public static void RemoveMediaGroupByTopsID(string Topsid)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;

            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set mediaGroupid=" + p.Value + " where topsid=" + Topsid);
        public static void InsertRomPersonalIDInmanRom_Store_Allocation(int RomID, int TopsID)
            DataTable DTcatmanstoreid       = LookUp.LU_dimMarketTopsStore.GetCatmanStoreIDByTopsID(TopsID);
            String    catmanStoreid         = DTcatmanstoreid.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            DataTable DTPersonalIDvsStoreID = SqlFunctions.GetData("select personalid,storeid from manRom_Store_Allocation where Personalid=" + RomID.ToString() + " and storeid=" + catmanStoreid);

            if (DTPersonalIDvsStoreID.Rows.Count == 0)
                SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("insert into manRom_Store_Allocation(Personalid,storeid) values(" + RomID + "," + catmanStoreid + ")");
        public static void DeleteRom(int TopsID)
            System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 x = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Null;
            DbParameter p = new SqlParameter();

            p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
            p.Value  = x;
            DataTable DTCatmanstoreid = LookUp.LU_dimMarketTopsStore.GetCatmanStoreIDByTopsID(TopsID);
            String    CatmanStoreID   = DTCatmanstoreid.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            String    Personalid      = LookUp.LU_manRom_Store_Allocation.GetRomPersonalidByCatmanStoreID(CatmanStoreID);

            SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Delete from manrom_store_allocation where storeid=" + CatmanStoreID + " and Personalid=" + Personalid);
예제 #9
        public static Boolean Update_pos_backoffice_merged_ByTopsID(int topsid, string pos, string backOffice, int merged)
            Boolean saveSuccess = true;

                SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set pos='" + pos + "', backOffice='" + backOffice + "', merged=" + merged + " where topsid=" + topsid);
            catch (Exception ex1)
                saveSuccess = false;
예제 #10
 public static void InsertEmpolyeeInManEmployee(string Name, string Surname, string Alias_Username, string GenderID, string RegionID, string IDno, string Jobtitle, string LevelID, string EmploymentDate, string EvaluationDate, string CellPhone, string Alias_Username_12)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("insert into manemployee(Name,surname,username,genderid,regionid,idno,jobtitleid,levelid,Employmentdate,evaluationdate,cellphone,alias,Discontinued) values('" + Name + "','" + Surname + "','" + Alias_Username + "'," + GenderID + "," + RegionID + ",'" + IDno + "'," + Jobtitle + "," + LevelID + ",'" + EmploymentDate + "','" + EvaluationDate + "','" + CellPhone + "','" + Alias_Username_12 + "',0)");
예제 #11
 public static void UpdateEmployeeDetails(string pID, string p, string p_2, string p_3, string p_4, string p_5, string p_6, string p_7, string p_8, string p_9, string p_10, string p_11, string p_12)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update manemployee set name='" + p + "' , surname='" + p_2 + "' ,username='******' ,Genderid=" + p_4 + " ,Regionid=" + p_5 + " ,idno='" + p_6 + "' ,Jobtitleid=" + p_7 + " ,levelid=" + p_8 + " ,EmploymentDate='" + p_9 + "' ,EvaluationDate='" + p_10 + "' ,Cellphone='" + p_11 + "' ,alias='" + p_3 + "' ,Discontinued=" + p_12 + " where personalid=" + pID);
 public static void InsertBuyertoCategoryMap(string Personalid, string merchid)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Insert into buyercategorymapping(Personalid,merchid) values(" + Personalid + "," + merchid + ")");
예제 #13
 public static void DeleteBuyertoCATMapped(string Personalid, string Merchid)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("delete from buyercategorymapping where Personalid=" + Personalid + " and merchid=" + Merchid);
예제 #14
 public static void MapCatmanTopsToSpar(int CatmanID, int TopsID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set catmanstoreid=" + CatmanID + " where topsid=" + TopsID);
예제 #15
 public static void UpdateCasePack(String ProductID, String RegionID, String CasePack)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimprodstatus set CasePack=" + CasePack + " where RegionID=" + RegionID + " and Productid=" + ProductID);
 public static void InsertRomtoStoreMap(string Personalid, string StoreID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Insert into manrom_store_allocation(Personalid,Storeid) values(" + Personalid + "," + StoreID + ")");
예제 #17
 public static void InsertRomPersonalIDInDimmarkettopsstore(int RomID, int TopsID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Update dimmarkettopsstore set Personalid=" + RomID.ToString() + " where topsID=" + TopsID.ToString());
예제 #18
 public static void InsertNewProduct(String barcode, String Description, String Size, String warehouseCasePack, String RegionID_)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("insert into dimProdPendingClassifications(Barcode,Description,Size,WarehouseCasePack) values(" + barcode + ",'" + Description + "','" + Size + "'," + warehouseCasePack + "," + RegionID_ + ")");
 public static void InsertNewCasePack(String ProductID, String RegionID, String StatusID, String casePack)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("insert into dimprodstatus(Productid,Regionid,Statusid,Status_Date,casePack) values(" + ProductID + "," + RegionID + "," + StatusID + "," + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "," + casePack + ")");
 public static void DeleteSale(String financialYear, String financialMonth, String financialWeek, String RegionID, String SourceID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("delete from factSalesCurr_DC_Weekly where financialYear=" + financialYear + " and financialMonth=" + financialMonth + " and financialWeek=" + financialWeek + " and storeid in (Select StoreID from dimmarketstore where regionid=" + RegionID + " and sourceid=" + SourceID + ")");
예제 #21
 public static void UpdateDefaultCatmanStoreid(string topsid, string catmanstoreid)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimmarkettopsstore set defaultcatmanstoreid=" + catmanstoreid + " where topsid=" + topsid);
예제 #22
 public static void AddNextToGroceryStoreTrue_False(String nextToGroceryStore, String TopsID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update dimMarketTopsStore set nexttogrocerystore=" + nextToGroceryStore.ToString() + " where TopsID=" + TopsID);
 public static void InsertSpecialisttoCategoryMap(string Personalid, string merchid)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Insert into manSpecialistMerchMapping(Personalid,merchid) values(" + Personalid + "," + merchid + ")");
 public static void UpdateRom_StoreMapping(string Personalid, string StoreID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("update manrom_store_allocation set personalid=" + Personalid + " where storeid=" + StoreID);
예제 #25
 public static void DeleteEntireSparTopsStore(int topsID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("delete from dimmarkettopsstore where topsid=" + topsID);
예제 #26
 public static void InsertMediaGroupIDInDimMarketTopsStore(int MediaGroupID, int TopsID)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Update dimmarkettopsstore set MediagroupID=" + MediaGroupID.ToString() + " where topsID=" + TopsID.ToString());
 public static void InsertNewDcSale(String StoreID, String ID_Day, String ActualYear, String ActualMonth, String ActualWeek, String FinancialYear, String FinancialMonth, String FinancialWeek, String ProductID, String Units, String DCSales)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Insert into factSalesCurr_DC_Weekly(StoreID,ID_Day,actualYear,actualMonth,actualWeek,financialYear,financialMonth,financialWeek,productid,units,Dcsales) " +
                                      " values(" + StoreID + "," + ID_Day + "," + ActualYear + "," + ActualMonth + "," + ActualWeek + "," + FinancialYear + "," + FinancialMonth + "," + FinancialWeek + "," + ProductID + "," + Units + "," + DCSales + ")");
예제 #28
 public static void DeleteEmployeeByPersonalid(string p)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Delete from manemployee where personalid=" + p);
예제 #29
 public static void UpdateCasePack(String barcode, String Description, String Size, String Warehousecasepack, String RegionID_Warehousecasepack)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("Update dimProdPendingClassifications set Description='" + Description + "',size='" + Size + "', warehousecasepack=" + Warehousecasepack + ", RegionID_warehousecasepack=" + RegionID_Warehousecasepack + " where barcode=" + barcode);
 public static void DeleteSpecialisttoCATMapped(string Personalid, string Merchid)
     SqlFunctions.ExecuteNonReturnSQL("delete from manSpecialistMerchMapping where Personalid=" + Personalid + " and merchid=" + Merchid);