예제 #1
        static SOM CreateSomModel_v3(string tagname, DayOfWeek day)
            int samples = 24 * 10;

            var context = new TagDbContext();

            double[] data = context.TagValues
                            .Where(t => t.Tag.TagName == tagname && (SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", t.DateTime) - 1) == (int)day)
                            .OrderByDescending(v => v.DateTime)
                            .Select(v => v.Value)
                            .Take(samples + retrospective + 1)

            var inputs = new Vector[samples];

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                inputs[i]       = new Vector();
                inputs[i].Input = data.Skip(i).Take(retrospective).ToArray();
                // set output
                inputs[i].Output = new double[] { data[retrospective + i + 1] };

            SOM model = new SOM(5, 1, 12, 12);

            model.Train(inputs, 500);

예제 #2
 public void SetSoldGoods()
     kitchenOrders = (from ordr in db.KitchenOrders
                      SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", ordr.Order.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", dt) &&
                      SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", ordr.Order.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", dt) &&
                      SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", ordr.Order.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", dt)
                      group ordr by new
     } into ord
                      select new ProductModel()
         Name = ord.Key.Name,
         Number = ord.Count(),
         Cost = ord.Key.Price
     barOrders = (from ordr in db.BarOrders
                  SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", ordr.Order.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", dt) &&
                  SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", ordr.Order.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", dt) &&
                  SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", ordr.Order.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", dt)
                  group ordr by new
     } into ord
                  select new ProductModel()
         Name = ord.Key.Name,
         Number = ord.Count(),
         Cost = ord.Key.Price
예제 #3
        public List <ThoiDiemSV_ThamGiaDTO> getSV_TG()
            List <ThoiDiemSV_ThamGiaDTO> thoiDiemSV_ThamGiaDTOs = new List <ThoiDiemSV_ThamGiaDTO>();

            thoiDiemSV_ThamGiaDTOs = (from tdtt in db.THOIDIEM_SV_THAMGIA
                                      from tg in db.THOIGIAN_XET
                                      from dv in db.DON_VI
                                      from sv in db.SINH_VIEN
                                      where tdtt.Mssv == sv.Mssv && sv.DonVi == dv.MaDonVi && tdtt.MaThoiGian == tg.MaThoiGian
                                      select new ThoiDiemSV_ThamGiaDTO
                Mssv = tdtt.Mssv,
                TenSinhVien = sv.HoTen,
                Lop = sv.Lop,
                DonVi = dv.MaDonVi,
                ThoiDiemDK = tdtt.ThoiGian_DK,
                ThoiGian = string.Concat(
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim(), "_",
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim())
예제 #4
        public object GetAvailableMonth(int?permitteeId, int?year)
            var model = _unitOfWork.ProductionsRepo.Fetch();

            if (permitteeId > 0)
                model = model.Where(x => x.PermiteeId == permitteeId);

            if (year > 0)
                model = model.Where(x => SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", x.ProductionDate) == year);

            var month = model
                        .GroupBy(x => SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", x.DateCreated) ?? 0)
                        .Where(x => x.Key != 0)
                        .Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

            return(month.Select(x => new
                MonthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(x),
                Month = x
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method fires when the data source for the employee DevExpress GridView is selecting
        /// and it handles the select
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The efEmployeeDataSource control</param>
        /// <param name="e">The LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs event</param>
        protected void efEmployeeDataSource_Selecting(object sender, DevExpress.Data.Linq.LinqServerModeDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
            //Set the key expression
            e.KeyExpression = "ProgramEmployeePK";

            //Set the source to a LINQ query
            PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext();

            e.QueryableSource = (from pe in context.ProgramEmployee.AsNoTracking().Include(pe => pe.CodeTermReason).Include(pe => pe.Program)
                                 join jf in context.JobFunction.AsNoTracking().Include(jf => jf.CodeJobType) on pe.ProgramEmployeePK equals jf.ProgramEmployeeFK into jobFunctions
                                 join t in context.Training.AsNoTracking().Include(t => t.CodeTraining) on pe.ProgramEmployeePK equals t.ProgramEmployeeFK into trainings
                                 where currentProgramRole.ProgramFKs.Contains(pe.ProgramFK)
                                 select new
                Name = pe.FirstName + " " + pe.LastName,
                JobFunctions = from jf in jobFunctions where jf.EndDate.HasValue == false select jf.CodeJobType.Description,
                Trainings = from t in trainings where t.TrainingCodeFK == (int)Utilities.TrainingFKs.INTRODUCTION_TO_COACHING ||
                            t.TrainingCodeFK == (int)Utilities.TrainingFKs.PRACTICE_BASED_COACHING ||
                            t.TrainingCodeFK == (int)Utilities.TrainingFKs.TPITOS_OBSERVER ||
                            t.TrainingCodeFK == (int)Utilities.TrainingFKs.TPOT_OBSERVER
                            orderby t.TrainingDate ascending
                            select(t.CodeTraining.Abbreviation + ": " + SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", t.TrainingDate) + "/" + SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", t.TrainingDate) + "/" + SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", t.TrainingDate)),
                TermReason = pe.CodeTermReason.Description + " " + (pe.TermReasonSpecify == null ? "" : "(" + pe.TermReasonSpecify + ")"),
예제 #6
 public async Task <List <int> > GetYearsForSiteMap()
            _context.Articles.GroupBy(g => SqlFunctions.DatePart("Year", g.DatePublish))
            .Select(s => s.Key.Value)
        public static IQueryable <WeeklyQuantity> GetWeeklyQuantities(IQueryable <SubReport> subreports, int weekStart)
            var q1 = from sr in subreports
                     from cr in sr.ClientReports
                     from ar in cr.ClientAmountReports
                     group ar by new { cr.ClientId, ar.ReportDate } into g
                select new
                Quantity = g.Sum(f => f.Quantity),
            into ar
            let wd = SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", ar.ReportDate)
                     let ws = weekStart
                              let weekStartDate = wd < ws?
                                                  SqlFunctions.DateAdd("day", ws - wd - 7, ar.ReportDate) :
                                                      SqlFunctions.DateAdd("day", ws - wd, ar.ReportDate)
                                                      let weekEndDate = SqlFunctions.DateAdd("week", 1, weekStartDate)
                                                                        select new WeeklyQuantity
                ClientId   = ar.ClientId,
                ReportDate = ar.ReportDate,
                WeekStart  = weekStartDate,
                WeekEnd    = weekEndDate,
                Quantity   = ar.Quantity,

예제 #8
        private void UpdateDataGridView()
            var result = _context.Income.Where(income => income.UserId == userId);

            if (_HideTransactionsOlderThanWeek)
                result = result.Where(income => (SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", DateTime.Now) - SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", income.IncomeDate)) >= 0);
            if (_HideTransactionsOlderThanMonth)
                result = result.Where(income => (SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", DateTime.Now) - SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", income.IncomeDate)) >= 0);
            if (_HideTransactionsOlderThan3Months)
                result = result.Where(income => (SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", DateTime.Now) - SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", income.IncomeDate)) >= 0);
            if (_HideTransactionsOlderThan12Months)
                result = result.Where(income => (SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", DateTime.Now) - SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", income.IncomeDate)) >= 0);
            if (_ShowEntirePeriod)
                result = result.Where(income => (SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", DateTime.Now) - SqlFunctions.DatePart("dayofyear", income.IncomeDate)) >= 0);
            IncomesDataGridView.DataSource = result.ToList();
예제 #9
        public IEnumerable <ReleaseView> GetReleaseJoinAccount()
            var Query = DbSet.AsNoTracking()
                        .Include(r => r.Account)
                        .Include(r => r.ReleaseStakeholders)
                        .Include(r => r.ReleaseStakeholders.Select(rsh => rsh.Stakeholder))
                        .Include(r => r.ReleaseStakeholders.Select(rsh => rsh.Employee1))
                        .Include(r => r.ReleaseMilestones).OrderBy(r => r.ReleaseID)
                        .Select(r => new ReleaseView()
                ReleaseName    = r.Name,
                AccountName    = r.Account != null ? r.Account.Name : String.Empty,
                ReleaseID      = r.ReleaseID,
                PrepFPName     = r.Account != null ? r.Account.PrepFPName : String.Empty,
                PrepReviewMode = "Full",

                //  PREP.DAL.Models.Employee SPNameEmployeeTmp = r.ReleaseStakeholders.Any(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6) ? r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6).FirstOrDefault().Employee1 : null;
                SPNameEmployee =
                    r.ReleaseStakeholders.Any(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6) &&
                    r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6).FirstOrDefault().Employee1 != null ?
                    r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6).FirstOrDefault().Employee1.FirstName + " " + r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6).FirstOrDefault().Employee1.LastName : String.Empty,
                ProgramMeEmployee =
                    r.ReleaseStakeholders.Any(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 7) &&
                    r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 7).FirstOrDefault().Employee1 != null ?
                    r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 7).FirstOrDefault().Employee1.FirstName + " " + r.ReleaseStakeholders.Where(rsh => rsh.StakeholderID == 6).FirstOrDefault().Employee1.LastName : String.Empty,
                ProductionStartDate = r.ReleaseMilestones.Any(m => m.MilestoneID == 12) ?
                                      (SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)SqlFunctions.DatePart("MM", r.ReleaseMilestones.Where(m => m.MilestoneID == 12).FirstOrDefault().MilestoneDate)).Trim() + "-" + SqlFunctions.DateName("dd", r.ReleaseMilestones.Where(m => m.MilestoneID == 12).FirstOrDefault().MilestoneDate).Trim() + "-" + SqlFunctions.DateName("yyyy", r.ReleaseMilestones.Where(m => m.MilestoneID == 12).FirstOrDefault().MilestoneDate).Trim())
                   : String.Empty


예제 #10
        public List <DiscountAndMiscReportModels> GetReceiptDiscountAndMisc(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <string> StoreIds, int mode)
            using (var cxt = new NuWebContext())
                var lstData = new List <DiscountAndMiscReportModels>();
                var query   = (from m in cxt.R_DiscountAndMiscReport
                               where StoreIds.Contains(m.StoreId) && m.CreatedDate >= fromDate && m.CreatedDate <= toDate &&
                               m.Mode == mode
                               group m by new
                    Hour = (int?)SqlFunctions.DatePart("HH", m.CreatedDate),
                    StoreId = m.StoreId,
                    //Date = DbFunctions.TruncateTime(m.CreatedDate)
                } into g
                               select g).ToList();
                if (query != null && query.Any())
                    lstData = query.Select(g => new DiscountAndMiscReportModels
                        StoreId      = g.Key.StoreId,
                        Hour         = g.Key.Hour.Value,
                        TimeSpanHour = new TimeSpan(g.Key.Hour.Value, 0, 0),
                        //CreatedDate = g.Key.Date.Value,
                        DiscountValue = g.Sum(ss => ss.DiscountValue),
                        MiscValue     = g.Sum(ss => ss.MiscValue)

예제 #11
 public List <DiscountAndMiscReportModels> GetReceiptDiscountAndMiscByDateTime(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <string> StoreIds, int mode)
     using (var cxt = new NuWebContext())
         var lstData = new List <DiscountAndMiscReportModels>();
         var query   = (from ps in cxt.R_PosSale
                        from psd in cxt.R_PosSaleDetail.Where(ww => ww.StoreId == ps.StoreId && ww.OrderId == ps.OrderId)
                        where StoreIds.Contains(ps.StoreId) && ps.ReceiptCreatedDate >= fromDate && ps.ReceiptCreatedDate <= toDate &&
                        psd.Mode == mode
                        group psd by new
             Date = DbFunctions.TruncateTime(ps.ReceiptCreatedDate),
             Hour = (int?)SqlFunctions.DatePart("HH", ps.ReceiptCreatedDate),
             StoreId = ps.StoreId,
         } into g
                        select g).ToList();
         if (query != null && query.Any())
             lstData = query.Select(g => new DiscountAndMiscReportModels
                 StoreId       = g.Key.StoreId,
                 Hour          = g.Key.Hour.Value,
                 TimeSpanHour  = new TimeSpan(g.Key.Hour.Value, 0, 0),
                 CreatedDate   = g.Key.Date.Value,
                 DiscountValue = g.Where(ww => ww.IsDiscountTotal != true).Sum(ss => ss.Discount),
                 MiscValue     = g.Where(ww => ww.ItemTypeId == (byte)Commons.EProductType.Misc).Sum(ss => ss.Price)
예제 #12
        public ActionResult TotalJson()
            User user = HttpContext.CurrentUser();
            Func <int, int?, IQueryable <Payroll> > query = (y, m) => db.Payrolls.Where(val => SqlFunctions.DatePart("YEAR", val.Date) == y && (!m.HasValue || SqlFunctions.DatePart("MONTH", val.Date) == m));

            string[]   months = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames;
            List <int> years  = db.Payrolls.Select(val => SqlFunctions.DatePart("YEAR", val.Date)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(val => val).Select(val => val.Value).ToList();

            for (int i = years.Any() ? years.First() : DateTime.Today.Year; i < DateTime.Today.Year + 2; i++)
                if (!years.Contains(i))
            years = years.OrderByDescending(val => val).ToList();

            object data = new
                Years = years.Select(val => new
                    Year   = val,
                    Months = Enumerable.Range(1, 12).Select(val2 => new
                        Year  = val,
                        Name  = months[val2 - 1],
                        Month = val2,
                        Total = (query(val, val2).Any() ? query(val, val2).Sum(val3 => val3.Amount) : 0)

예제 #13
        private async Task ValidateSingleJoinAsync(EventJoinValidationDto validationDto, int orgId, string userId)
            if (validationDto.SelectedOptions.All(x => x.Rule == OptionRules.IgnoreSingleJoin) &&
                validationDto.SelectedOptions.Count != 0 ||

            var query = _eventsDbSet
                        .Include(e => e.EventParticipants.Select(x => x.EventOptions))
                        .Include(e => e.EventType)
                        .Where(e =>
                               e.OrganizationId == orgId &&
                               e.Id != validationDto.Id &&
                               SqlFunctions.DatePart(WeekOfYear, e.StartDate) == SqlFunctions.DatePart(WeekOfYear, validationDto.StartDate) &&
                               e.StartDate.Year == validationDto.StartDate.Year &&
                               e.EventParticipants.Any(p => p.ApplicationUserId == userId &&
                                                       p.AttendStatus == (int)AttendingStatus.Attending));

            query = string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationDto.SingleJoinGroupName)
                ? query.Where(x => x.EventType.Id == validationDto.EventTypeId)
                : query.Where(x => x.EventType.SingleJoinGroupName == validationDto.SingleJoinGroupName);

            var anyEventsAlreadyJoined = await query.AnyAsync(x => !x.EventParticipants.Any(y =>
                                                                                            y.ApplicationUserId == userId &&
                                                                                            y.EventOptions.All(z => z.Rule == OptionRules.IgnoreSingleJoin) &&
                                                                                            y.EventOptions.Count > 0));

예제 #14
        public List <rptProductionRuntime> GetProductionRunTimeReport(ReportParameters para)
            IQueryable <TransactionLog> result = GetFilteredTransactionLog(para);

            var data = result
                       .Where(p => p.ClientId == para.ClientId)
                       .GroupBy(p => new {
                TransDate = (DateTime)DbFunctions.TruncateTime(p.TransactionDate),
                TransHour = (int)SqlFunctions.DatePart("hour", p.TransactionDate)
            }, (key, group) => new
                MachineName = key.MachineName,
                TransDate   = key.TransDate,
                TransHour   = key.TransHour,
                Result      = group.ToList()
                       .OrderBy(p => p.MachineName).ThenBy(p => p.TransDate).ThenBy(p => p.TransHour)
                       .Select(s => new rptProductionRuntime
                MachineName = s.MachineName,
                TransDate   = s.TransDate,
                TransHour   = s.TransHour,
                TotalUnits  = s.Result.Count()

예제 #15
 public void SetWaiters()
     Waiters = new List <Waiter>();
     Waiters.AddRange((from ordr in db.Orders
                       SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", ordr.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", dt) &&
                       SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", ordr.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", dt) &&
                       SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", ordr.Date) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", dt)
                       group ordr by new
     } into ord
                       select new Waiter()
         FirstName = ord.Key.FirstName,
         LastName = ord.Key.LastName,
         Phone = ord.Key.Phone,
         Salary = ord.Key.Size,
         OrdersCount = ord.Count()
     Waiters.ForEach(w => OrdersCount += w.OrdersCount);
예제 #16
        public static void ForecastAndExport_v3(string forecast_tag, string data_tag, int forecastPerspective = 2)
            string tag_name = forecast_tag;

            double[] vMax, vMin;
            DateTime fdate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(forecastPerspective);                 // дата прогноза
            SOM      model = CreateSomModel(data_tag, out vMax, out vMin);
            Dictionary <DateTime, double> solution = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>(); // прогноз

            TagDbContext context = new TagDbContext();

            var data = context.TagValues
                       .Where(t => t.Tag.TagName.Trim() == data_tag)
                       .OrderByDescending(v => v.DateTime)
                       .Select(v => new { v.DateTime.Hour, Day = SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", v.DateTime) + 1, Value = v.Value })
                       .Take(24 + 3 + 1)

            for (int index = 0; index < 24; index++)
                var vector = new double[] {
                    (double)(vMax[0] - (double)data[index].Hour) / (vMax[0] - vMin[0]),
                    (double)(vMax[1] - (double)data[index].Day) / (vMax[1] - vMin[1]),
                    (double)(vMax[2] - data[index + 1].Value) / (vMax[2] - vMin[2]),
                    (double)(vMax[3] - data[index + 2].Value) / (vMax[3] - vMin[3]),
                    (double)(vMax[4] - data[index + 3].Value) / (vMax[4] - vMin[4])
                var value = model.Compute(vector)[0];
                solution[fdate.AddHours(data[index].Hour)] = value;

            ExportToDB(tag_name, solution, context);
예제 #17
        static void RunExample()
            using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
                var app1 = new Appointment {
                    StartsAt = DateTime.Parse("4/7/2010 14:00"), GoesTo = DateTime.Parse("4/7/2010 15:00")
                var app2 = new Appointment {
                    StartsAt = DateTime.Parse("4/8/2010 9:00"), GoesTo = DateTime.Parse("4/8/2010 11:00")
                var app3 = new Appointment {
                    StartsAt = DateTime.Parse("4/8/2010 13:00"), GoesTo = DateTime.Parse("4/7/2010 15:00")

            using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities())
                var apps = from a in context.Appointments
                           where SqlFunctions.DatePart("WEEKDAY", a.StartsAt) == 5
                           select a;
                Console.WriteLine("Appointments for Thursday");
                foreach (var appointment in apps)
                    Console.WriteLine("Appointment from {0} to {1}", appointment.StartsAt.ToShortTimeString(), appointment.GoesTo.ToShortTimeString());

            Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue...");
예제 #18
        public GetScheduleByUserResponse GetScheduleByUser(GetScheduleByUserRequest request)
            GetScheduleByUserResponse response = new GetScheduleByUserResponse();
            var scheduleList = new List <ScheduleDto>();

            if (request.RoleName.Equals("student"))
                scheduleList = _context.Schedules.Where(s => s.Student.StudentId == request.UserId && s.TermId == request.TermId && s.CourseId == request.CourseId)
                               .Select(s => new ScheduleDto()
                    ScheduleId       = s.ScheduleId,
                    Date             = SqlFunctions.DateName("day", s.Date) + "/" + SqlFunctions.DateName("month", s.Date) + "/" + SqlFunctions.DateName("year", s.Date),
                    SlotNo           = s.SlotId,
                    TeacherId        = s.TeacherId,
                    ClassId          = s.ClassId,
                    AttendanceStatus = s.AttendanceStatus,
                    ReportStatus     = s.ReportStatus
            else if (request.RoleName.Equals("teacher"))
                scheduleList = _context.Schedules.Where(s => s.TeacherId == request.UserId && s.TermId == request.TermId && s.CourseId == request.CourseId)
                               .GroupBy(g => new { g.Date, g.SlotId, g.TeacherId, g.ClassId })
                               .Select(s => new ScheduleDto()
                    ScheduleId = s.Select(c => c.ScheduleId).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Date       = SqlFunctions.DateName("day", s.Key.Date) + "/" + SqlFunctions.DatePart("mm", s.Key.Date) + "/" + SqlFunctions.DateName("year", s.Key.Date),
                    SlotNo     = s.Key.SlotId,
                    TeacherId  = s.Key.TeacherId,
                    ClassId    = s.Select(c => c.ClassId).FirstOrDefault()
            response.Schedules = scheduleList;
예제 #19
        public static void ForecastAndExport_v4(string forecast_tag, string data_tag, int forecastPerspective = 2)
            string   tag_name = forecast_tag;
            DateTime fdate    = DateTime.Today.AddDays(forecastPerspective);              // дата прогноза

            List <double> input = new List <double>();                                    // входной вектор
            Dictionary <DateTime, double> solution = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>(); // прогноз

            var context = new TagDbContext();

            var model = CreateSomModel_v2(data_tag);

            var data = context.TagValues
                       .Where(t => t.Tag.TagName.Trim() == data_tag && (SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", t.DateTime) - 1) == (int)fdate.DayOfWeek)
                       .OrderBy(v => v.DateTime)
                       .Select(v => v.Value)
                       .Take(24 + retrospective + 1)

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var vector = data.Skip(i).Take(retrospective).ToArray();
                var value  = model.Compute(vector)[0];
                solution[fdate.AddHours(i + 1)] = value;

            ExportToDB(tag_name, solution, context);
예제 #20
 public async Task <bool> AnyEventsThisWeekByTypeAsync(IEnumerable <int> eventTypeIds)
     return(await _eventsDbSet
            .AnyAsync(x => SqlFunctions.DatePart("wk", x.StartDate) == SqlFunctions.DatePart("wk", DateTime.UtcNow) &&
                      eventTypeIds.Contains(x.EventType.Id) &&
                      x.RegistrationDeadline > DateTime.UtcNow));
예제 #21
        public List <QuyDinhDiemDTO> getQDD()
            List <QuyDinhDiemDTO> quyDinhDiemDTOs = new List <QuyDinhDiemDTO>();

            quyDinhDiemDTOs = (from qd in db.QUYDINH_DIEM
                               from tg in db.THOIGIAN_XET
                               from dv in db.DON_VI
                               from ld in db.LOAI_DIEM
                               from tc in db.TIEU_CHUAN
                               where qd.MaLoaiDiem == ld.MaLoaiDiem && qd.MaDonVi == dv.MaDonVi && qd.Mathoigian == tg.MaThoiGian && qd.MaTieuChuan == tc.MaTieuChuan
                               select new QuyDinhDiemDTO
                MaQuyDinhDiem = qd.MaQuyDinhDiem,
                TenLoaiDiem = ld.TenLoaiDiem,
                DiemToiThieu = qd.DiemToiThieu,
                DonVi = qd.MaDonVi,
                TenTieuChuan = tc.TenTieuChuan,
                ThoiGian = string.Concat(
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim(), "_",
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim()),
                TrangThai = qd.TrangThai
예제 #22
        public List <ThucHien_TieuChuanDTO> getTH_TC()
            List <ThucHien_TieuChuanDTO> thucHien_TieuChuanDTOs = new List <ThucHien_TieuChuanDTO>();

            thucHien_TieuChuanDTOs = (from thtc in db.THUCHIEN_TIEUCHUAN
                                      from tg in db.THOIGIAN_XET
                                      from dv in db.DON_VI
                                      from sv in db.SINH_VIEN
                                      from tc in db.TIEU_CHUAN
                                      where thtc.Mssv == sv.Mssv && sv.DonVi == dv.MaDonVi && thtc.MaThoiGian == tg.MaThoiGian && thtc.MaTieuChuan == tc.MaTieuChuan
                                      select new ThucHien_TieuChuanDTO
                Mssv = thtc.Mssv,
                TenSinhVien = sv.HoTen,
                DonVi = dv.MaDonVi,
                TenTieuChuan = tc.TenTieuChuan,
                ThoiGian = string.Concat(
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", tg.TuNgay).ToString().Trim(), "_",
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("day", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("month", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim() + "/" +
                    SqlFunctions.DatePart("year", tg.DenNgay).ToString().Trim())
예제 #23
        public IEnumerable <ShiftDTO> GetConflictingShifts(Guid rosterId, DayOfWeek day)
            if (ClaimsAuthorization.CheckAccess("Put", "BusinessLocationId", db.Rosters.Find(rosterId).BusinessLocation.Id.ToString()))
                List <ShiftDTO> conflictingShifts = new List <ShiftDTO>();

                int dow       = (int)day + 1; // SQL Day of week
                var conflicts = (from s1 in db.Shifts
                                 from s2 in db.Shifts
                                 where  s1.Id != s2.Id &&
                                 s1.Employee == s2.Employee &&
                                 s1.Roster.Id == rosterId &&
                                 s2.Roster.Id == rosterId &&
                                 SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", s1.StartTime) == dow &&
                                 SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", s2.StartTime) == dow &&
                                 s1.StartTime <= s2.FinishTime &&
                                 s1.FinishTime >= s2.FinishTime &&
                                 s1.IsPublished == false &&
                                 s1.Employee != null
                                 select s1);
                var conflictingShiftsForDay = MapperFacade.MapperConfiguration.Map <IEnumerable <Shift>, IEnumerable <ShiftDTO> >(conflicts);

                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));
예제 #24
        private void Load_Data()
            txt_total_money.Text      = DAL_Thongke.Get_Total_Money().ToString();
            txt_total_paid_money.Text = DAL_Thongke.Get_Total_Money_Paid("0").ToString();
            txt_interset_money.Text   = DAL_Thongke.Get_Total_Money_Paid("1").ToString();
            var lst_customer = (from data in _db.customers
                                group data by new
                Column1 = (int?)SqlFunctions.DatePart("mm", data.CreatedAt)
                                into g
                                select new
                month = g.Key.Column1,
                count = g.Count(data => data.id != null)
                                ).OrderBy(g => g.month).ToList();

            chart_customer_by_month.DataSource = lst_customer;
            DataTable table = new DataTable("Table1");

            // Add three columns to the table.
            table.Columns.Add("Month", typeof(String));
            table.Columns.Add("Section", typeof(String));
            table.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(Int32));

            // Add data rows to the table.
            table.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", "2", 1 });
            table.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", "3", 9 });
            chart_customer_by_month.DataSource       = table;
            chart_customer_by_month.SeriesDataMember = "Month";
            chart_customer_by_month.SeriesTemplate.ArgumentDataMember = "Section";
            chart_customer_by_month.SeriesTemplate.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new String[] { "Value" });
            chart_customer_by_month.SeriesNameTemplate.BeginText = "Month: ";
예제 #25
        public List <IncidentChartModel> GetIncidents()
                // getWeeklyIncidents();
                IncidentEntities db = new IncidentEntities();
                // IncidentEntities db = new IncidentEntities();
                // var incidents = db.ActMonitors.ToList();
                List <IncidentChartModel> lstChartModel = new List <IncidentChartModel>();
                var incidents1 = db.ActMonitors.GroupBy(x => SqlFunctions.DatePart("ww", x.Actual_Date_and_Time_of_Completion));

                var incidents = (from x in db.ActMonitors
                                 join y in db.ActivityTypes on x.Type_of_Activity equals y.ID
                                 select new { x.Status, x.Location, y.ActivityType1 }).ToList();

                foreach (var item in incidents)
                    IncidentChartModel chart = new IncidentChartModel();
                    chart.Status       = item.Status;
                    chart.Location     = item.Location;
                    chart.ActivityType = item.ActivityType1;

            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #26
        public CatWeekDateReport GetCatReportWeekDate(int catId, DateTime?from, DateTime?to)
            var _from       = from;
            var firstMonday = GetFirstMonday();

            var cat = _context.VideoCategories.Find(catId);
            var totalIPViewCount = _context.CategoryAccesses.Where(ca => ca.CategoryId == catId && (!from.HasValue || ca.Date >= from) && (!to.HasValue || ca.Date <= to)).Sum(ca => ca.IPViewCount);
            var daysOfWeek       = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DayOfWeek)).OfType <DayOfWeek>().ToList();
            var data             = (from dow in daysOfWeek
                                    from ca in _context.CategoryAccesses.Where(ca => SqlFunctions.DatePart("dw", ca.Date) - 1 == (int)dow && ca.CategoryId == catId && (!_from.HasValue || ca.Date >= _from) && (!to.HasValue || ca.Date <= to)).DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    select new { dow, ca })
                                   .GroupBy(x => x.dow)
                                   .Select(g => new CatWeekDate
                DOW           = g.Key,
                IPViewCount   = g.Sum(x => x.ca == null? 0 : x.ca.IPViewCount),
                PageViewCount = g.Sum(x => x.ca == null? 0 : x.ca.PageViewCount)
            }).OrderBy(cwd => cwd.DOW).ToList();

            foreach (var catWeekDate in data)
                catWeekDate.PercentIPViewCount = catWeekDate.IPViewCount * 100D / totalIPViewCount;

            var report = new CatWeekDateReport
                CatId   = cat.Id,
                CatName = cat.Name,
                Data    = data

예제 #27
        public CatWeekAvgChangeReport GetCatReportWeekAvgChange(int catId, DateTime from, DateTime to, double avgWeek)
            var _from            = from;
            var avgDay           = avgWeek / 7;
            var cat              = _context.VideoCategories.Find(catId);
            var totalIPViewCount = _context.CategoryAccesses.Where(ca => ca.CategoryId == catId && ca.Date >= from && ca.Date <= to).Sum(ca => ca.IPViewCount);

            var daysOfWeek = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DayOfWeek)).OfType <DayOfWeek>().ToList();
            var data       = (from dow in daysOfWeek
                              from ca in _context.CategoryAccesses.Where(ca => SqlFunctions.DatePart("dw", ca.Date) - 1 == (int)dow && ca.CategoryId == catId && ca.Date >= _from && ca.Date <= to).DefaultIfEmpty()
                              select new { dow, ca })
                             .GroupBy(x => x.dow)
                             .Select(g => new CatWeekAvgChange
                DOW         = g.Key,
                IPViewCount = g.Sum(x => x.ca == null ? 0 : x.ca.IPViewCount),
            }).OrderBy(cwd => cwd.DOW).ToList();

            foreach (var catWeekChange in data)
                catWeekChange.Change = Math.Round(catWeekChange.IPViewCount - avgDay, 2);

            var report = new CatWeekAvgChangeReport
                CatId       = cat.Id,
                CatName     = cat.Name,
                Total       = totalIPViewCount,
                TotalChange = Math.Round(totalIPViewCount - avgWeek, 2),
                Data        = data

예제 #28
        public JsonResult SalaryJson(int ID, int?Month, int?Year)
            User     user     = HttpContext.CurrentUser();
            int      userID   = user.ID;
            Employee employee = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(val => val.ID == ID);

            if (user.RoleID == (int)RolesEnum.Employee && (user.EmployeeID != ID || employee.UserID != user.ID))
                return(Json(new { ID = ID, Success = false, Error = "Not allowed." }));

            if (user.RoleID == (int)RolesEnum.Manager && employee.User != null && employee.User.RoleID <= (int)RolesEnum.Manager && (user.EmployeeID != ID || employee.UserID != user.ID))
                return(Json(new { ID = ID, Success = false, Error = "Not allowed." }));

            List <Expense> expenses = db.Expenses.Where(val => val.Type.ForSalary && val.SalaryEmployeeID == ID &&
                                                        (!Month.HasValue || SqlFunctions.DatePart("MONTH", val.Date) == Month) &&
                                                        (!Year.HasValue || SqlFunctions.DatePart("YEAR", val.Date) == Year)).OrderBy(val => val.Date).ToList();
            List <Payroll> payrolls = db.Payrolls.Where(val => val.EmployeeID == ID &&
                                                        (!Month.HasValue || SqlFunctions.DatePart("MONTH", val.Date) == Month) &&
                                                        (!Year.HasValue || SqlFunctions.DatePart("YEAR", val.Date) == Year)).OrderBy(val => val.Date).ToList();
            List <Models.Reports.SalaryRow> rows = new List <Models.Reports.SalaryRow>(expenses.Select(val => new Models.Reports.SalaryRow(val)));

            rows.AddRange(payrolls.Select(val => new Models.Reports.SalaryRow(val)));

            return(Json(new { Success = true, Rows = rows.OrderBy(val => val.Date).ThenBy(val => val.ID).ToList() }));
예제 #29
        public ActionResult Index(int?ID)
            string settingsName = "/Employee/Index";
            User   user         = HttpContext.CurrentUser();
            int    userID       = user.ID;

            Employee employee = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(val => val.ID == ID && !val.Deleted);

            if (!ID.HasValue && user.EmployeeID.HasValue || user.RoleID == (int)RolesEnum.Employee && (user.EmployeeID != ID || employee.UserID != user.ID))
                return(Redirect("~/Employee/Index/" + user.EmployeeID));

            if (user.RoleID == (int)RolesEnum.Manager && employee.User != null && employee.User.RoleID <= (int)RolesEnum.Manager && (user.EmployeeID != ID || employee.UserID != user.ID))

            int        year  = DateTime.Today.Year;
            int        month = DateTime.Today.Month;
            List <int> years;

            string[] months = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames;
            years = db.Expenses.Where(val => val.EmployeeID == ID).Select(val => SqlFunctions.DatePart("YEAR", val.Date)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(val => val).Select(val => val.Value).ToList();
            years.AddRange(db.Transfers.Where(val => (val.WalletFrom.EmployeeID == ID || val.WalletTo.EmployeeID == ID))
                           .Select(val => SqlFunctions.DatePart("YEAR", val.Date)).Distinct().OrderByDescending(val => val).Select(val => val.Value).ToList());

            for (int i = years.Any() ? years.First() : DateTime.Today.Year; i < DateTime.Today.Year + 2; i++)
                if (!years.Contains(i))
            years = years.Distinct().OrderByDescending(val => val).ToList();
            List <Wallet> wallets = db.Wallets.Where(val => val.EmployeeID == ID || val.EmployeeWallets.Any(ew => ew.EmployeeID == ID && ew.Expense)).ToList();


            object data = new
                Year     = year,
                Month    = month,
                Years    = years,
                Months   = months,
                Employee = employee.ToJson(),
                Settings = db.UserSettings.Where(val => val.UserID == userID && val.Name.IndexOf(settingsName) == 0).ToList().Select(val => val.ToJson()).ToList(),

                Departments = db.Departments.Where(val => !val.Deleted || val.ID == employee.DepartmentID).OrderBy(val => val.OrderNumber).ToList().Select(val => val.ToJson()).ToList(),
                Positions   = db.Positions.Where(val => !val.Deleted || val.ID == employee.PositionID).OrderBy(val => val.OrderNumber).ToList().Select(val => val.ToJson()).ToList()

            ViewBag.Employee = employee;
            ViewBag.Data     = serializer.Serialize(data);
            ViewBag.Page     = "Employee.Index";
예제 #30
        public static void ForecastAndExport_v2(string forecast_tag, string data_tag, int forecastPerspective = 2)
            string   tag_name = forecast_tag;
            DateTime fdate    = DateTime.Today.AddDays(forecastPerspective);              // дата прогноза

            List <double> input = new List <double>();                                    // входной вектор
            Dictionary <DateTime, double> solution = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>(); // прогноз

            var context = new TagDbContext();

            //double yMax, yMin;
            //if (fdate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || fdate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) //составляем модель на субботу и воскресенье
            //    Console.WriteLine("Создание модели.");
            //    var model = CreateTimeSeriesModel_v2(data_tag, out yMax, out yMin, fdate.DayOfWeek);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Модели создана.");
            //    Console.WriteLine("Подготовка входных данных.");
            //    input = context.TagValues
            //        .Where(t => t.Tag.TagName == data_tag && (SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", t.DateTime) - 1) == (int)fdate.DayOfWeek)
            //        .OrderByDescending(t => t.DateTime)
            //        .Select(v => (yMax - v.Value) / (yMax - yMin))
            //        .Take(retrospective)
            //        .AsEnumerable()
            //        .Reverse()
            //        .ToList();

            //    Console.WriteLine("Входные данные готовы.");
            //    Console.WriteLine("Прогнозирование.");

            //    for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++)
            //    {
            //        double model_result = model.Compute(input.ToArray())[0];
            //        double result = yMax - model_result * (yMax - yMin);
            //        solution[fdate.AddHours(i)] = result;
            //        input.RemoveAt(0);
            //        input.Add(model_result);
            //    }
            //else // составляем модель на будние дни
            DateTime startDate = fdate.AddMonths(-1);     //вычитаем
            var      tender    = context.TagValues
                                 .Where(tv => tv.Tag.TagName == data_tag && tv.DateTime > startDate &&
                                        (SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", tv.DateTime) - 1) == (int)fdate.DayOfWeek)
                                 .GroupBy(tv => SqlFunctions.DatePart("Hour", tv.DateTime))
                                 .Select(t => new { Hour = t.Key, Value = t.Average(tv => tv.Value) })

            foreach (var entity in tender)
                solution[fdate.AddHours((int)entity.Hour)] = entity.Value;

            Console.WriteLine("Запись прогноза...");
            ExportToDB(tag_name, solution, context);