예제 #1
         * prepares the tiles, x and y are set as a ratio of their position to the size of the map
         * returns the sprite list which can then be used as a background
         * */
        public List <SpriteList> prepareTiles(Map m, List <MapTile> tiles)
            List <SpriteList> mapSpriteLists = new List <SpriteList>();

            //calculate x and y

            /*foreach(MapTile mt in tiles)
             * {
             *      mt.x = (tiles.IndexOf(mt)%m.width)/(float)m.width;
             *      mt.y = ((int)(tiles.IndexOf(mt)/m.width))/(float)m.height;
             *      Console.WriteLine(mt.x + " , " + mt.y);
             * }*/

            var texture = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D("/Application/data/tiles/simple2.png", false)
                                          , new Vector2i(3, 1));


            //spritelist for the map
            SpriteList spriteList = new SpriteList(texture)
                BlendMode = BlendMode.Normal

            spriteList.EnableLocalTransform = true;

            Vector2i numCells = new Vector2i(m.width, m.height);

            for (int y = 0; y < numCells.Y - 1; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < numCells.X; x++)
                    int position = (y * m.width) + x;

                    //why is this here? was in the feature catalog sample but I am not sure of its purpose
                    //changing uv coordinates "should" move the sprite,but it does not
                    //changing sprite.position achieves this goal instead
                    //Vector2 uv = new Vector2 ((float)x, (float)y) / numCells.Vector2 ();

                    var sprite = returnSpriteFromTile(tiles[position].type, texture);


                    //sprite.Scale = new Vector2(2.0f,2.0f);
                    //sprite.Quad.S = new Vector2(2f,2);
                    Vector2 p = new Vector2(x * 2.0f, y * 2.0f) - (new Vector2(m.width, m.height)) / 2.0f;
                    sprite.Position = p;


예제 #2
        public void initTitle()

            logo          = new SpriteUV(new TextureInfo("/Application/data/logo.png"));
            logo.Scale    = logo.TextureInfo.TextureSizef * 1.8f;
            logo.Pivot    = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            logo.Position = new Vector2((960.0f / 2.0f), (540.0f / 2.0f) + 80f);

            sprite_button_newgame          = new SpriteUV(new TextureInfo("/Application/data/button_newgame.png"));
            sprite_button_newgame.Scale    = sprite_button_newgame.TextureInfo.TextureSizef * 1.2f;
            sprite_button_newgame.Position = new Vector2((960.0f / 5.0f), (540.0f / 4.0f) - sprite_button_newgame.TextureInfo.TextureSizef.Y / 2.0f);

            sprite_button_tutorial          = new SpriteUV(new TextureInfo("/Application/data/button_tutorial.png"));
            sprite_button_tutorial.Scale    = sprite_button_newgame.TextureInfo.TextureSizef * 1.2f;
            sprite_button_tutorial.Position = new Vector2((960.0f / 2.0f), (540.0f / 4.0f) - sprite_button_newgame.TextureInfo.TextureSizef.Y / 2.0f);

            sprite_button_autoaim          = new SpriteUV(new TextureInfo("/Application/data/button_autoaimon.png"));
            sprite_button_autoaim.Scale    = sprite_button_newgame.TextureInfo.TextureSizef * 1.2f;
            sprite_button_autoaim.Position = new Vector2((960.0f / 2.0f) + (960.0f / 3.5f), (540.0f / 4.0f) - sprite_button_newgame.TextureInfo.TextureSizef.Y / 2.0f);

            sprite_button_newgame.Pivot  = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            sprite_button_autoaim.Pivot  = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            sprite_button_tutorial.Pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);


            var tex     = new Texture2D("/Application/data/tiles/simple5.png", false);
            var texture = new TextureInfo(tex, new Vector2i(1, 13));

            menuBackground = new SpriteList(texture);

            int menuBackgroundWidth  = 100;
            int menuBackgroundHeight = 50;

            //mini background discofloor
            for (int x = 0; x < 30; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 17; y++)
                    SpriteTile bgTile = new SpriteTile(texture);
                    bgTile.TileIndex1D = Support.random.Next(4, 13);
                    bgTile.Position    = new Vector2((float)x * 32.0f, (float)y * 32.0f);
                    bgTile.Scale       = bgTile.TextureInfo.TileSizeInPixelsf * 2.0f;
                    bgTile.ScheduleInterval((dt) => { bgTile.TileIndex1D = Support.random.Next(4, 13); }, 0.2f, -1);

예제 #3
        public void initLevelSelect()
            this.levelSelection = 0;


            labels = new List <Support.CustomLabel> ();

            //mini background discofloor

            var tex     = new Texture2D("/Application/data/tiles/simple5.png", false);
            var texture = new TextureInfo(tex, new Vector2i(1, 13));

            var menuBackground = new SpriteList(texture);

            for (int x = 0; x < 30; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 17; y++)
                    SpriteTile bgTile = new SpriteTile(texture);
                    bgTile.TileIndex1D = Support.random.Next(4, 13);
                    bgTile.Position    = new Vector2((float)x * 32.0f, (float)y * 32.0f);
                    bgTile.Scale       = bgTile.TextureInfo.TileSizeInPixelsf * 2.0f;
                    bgTile.ScheduleInterval((dt) => {
                        bgTile.TileIndex1D = Support.random.Next(4, 13);
                    }, 0.2f, -1);


            for (int i = 0; i < MapManager.Instance.predefinedMaps.Count; i++)
                //add thumbnail
                float newX        = 960.0f / 2.0f + i * (thumbnailSize + thumbnailSpacing);
                float scaleFactor = FMath.Clamp(thumbnailSize - FMath.Abs((960.0f / 2.0f) - newX) / 4.0f, 0.0f, thumbnailSize);
                MapManager.Instance.predefinedMaps [i].thumbnailSprite.Scale    = new Vector2(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                MapManager.Instance.predefinedMaps [i].thumbnailSprite.Position = new Vector2(newX, 544.0f / 2.0f);

                Foreground.AddChild(MapManager.Instance.predefinedMaps [i].thumbnailSprite);

                //add label:
                var tempLabel = new Support.CustomLabel(new Vector2(newX, 544.0f / 2.0f - thumbnailSize * 0.6f), "Level " + (i + 1) + "\nHighscore: 0", SceneManager.UIFontMap);

예제 #4
         * prepares the tiles, x and y are set as a ratio of their position to the size of the map
         * returns the sprite list which can then be used as a background
         * */
        public List <SpriteList> prepareTiles(Map m, List <MapTile> tiles)
            List <SpriteList> mapSpriteLists = new List <SpriteList>();

            //calculate x and y

            /*foreach(MapTile mt in tiles)
             * {
             *      mt.x = (tiles.IndexOf(mt)%m.width)/(float)m.width;
             *      mt.y = ((int)(tiles.IndexOf(mt)/m.width))/(float)m.height;
             *      Console.WriteLine(mt.x + " , " + mt.y);
             * }*/

            var tex = new Texture2D("/Application/data/tiles/simple5.png", false);


            //texture map used for tiles is specified here(its dimensions)
            var texture = new TextureInfo(tex, new Vector2i(1, 13));


            //spritelist for the entire map
            SpriteList spriteList = new SpriteList(texture)
                BlendMode = BlendMode.Normal

            spriteList.EnableLocalTransform = true;

            Vector2i numCells = new Vector2i(m.width, m.height);

            for (int y = 0; y < numCells.Y - 1; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < numCells.X; x++)
                    int position = (y * m.width) + x;

                    //why is this here? was in the feature catalog sample but I am not sure of its purpose
                    //changing uv coordinates "should" move the sprite,but it does not
                    //changing sprite.position achieves this goal instead
                    //Vector2 uv = new Vector2 ((float)x, (float)y) / numCells.Vector2 ();
                    var sprite = returnSpriteFromTile(tiles[position].type, texture);

                    Vector2 p = new Vector2(x, y);                    //- (new Vector2(m.width,m.height))/2.0f ;


                    //save the tile position in its object
                    tiles[position].position = p;

                    //set that position to the sprite
                    sprite.Position = p;

                    //add a random disco effect to the floor tiles

                    /*if(tiles[position].type == MapTile.Types.floor)
                     * {
                     *      sprite.Schedule( (dt) => {
                     *              //change the floor texture to a random one from the same pack
                     *              if(Common.FrameCount%10==0)
                     *              {
                     *                      var a = Support.random.Next(4,12);
                     *                      sprite.TileIndex2D = new Vector2i(0,a);
                     *              }
                     *      } );
                     * }*/

                    tiles[position].sprite = sprite;

                    //get the local bounds
                    sprite.GetlContentLocalBounds(ref tiles[position].bounds);

예제 #5
        // Recreated the test scene there:
        // http://www.lostgarden.com/2007/05/dancs-miraculously-flexible-game.html

        public void CreateRPGTestScene()
            // layer y=0

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 0, 0), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 0, 0), DirtBlock);

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 0, 1), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 0, 1), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 0, 1), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 0, 1), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 0, 1), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 0, 1), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 0, 1), DirtBlock);

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 0, 2), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 0, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 0, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 0, 2), GrassBlock);

            // layer y=1

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 1, 1), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 1, 1), DirtBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 1, 1), DirtBlock);

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 1, 2), GrassBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 1, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 1, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 1, 2), GrassBlock);

            // layer y=2

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 2, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 2, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 2, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 2, 2), RampSouth);

            // layer y=3

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 3, 3), RampWest);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 3, 3), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 3, 3), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 3, 3), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 3, 3), RampEast);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 3, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 3, 2), StoneBlock);

            // layer y=4

            SetBlock(new Vector3i(0, 4, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(1, 4, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(2, 4, 2), WaterBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(3, 4, 2), PlainBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 4, 3), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 4, 4), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(4, 4, 5), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 4, 2), StoneBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(5, 4, 3), DoorTallClosed);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 4, 3), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 4, 4), WallBlock);
            SetBlock(new Vector3i(6, 4, 5), WallBlock);

            // try put as many sprites in SpriteList for performance

            SpriteList sprite_list = new SpriteList(ObjectsMap);

            sprite_list.AddChild(NewCharater(CharacterBoy, new Vector3(3, 1.5f, 3)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewCharater(CharacterHornGirl, new Vector3(5, 2.6f, 3)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewCharater(CharacterPrincessGirl, new Vector3(6, 1, 2)));

            sprite_list.AddChild(NewObject(Rock, new Vector3(3, 0, 3)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewObject(Rock, new Vector3(6, 0, 2)));
            sprite_list.AddChild(NewObject(Key, new Vector3(5, 0, 2)));

            sprite_list.AddChild(NewTree(TreeShort, new Vector3(0.5f, 1, 3)));


                var bug = NewObject(EnemyBug, new Vector3(2, 3, 4));

                bug.Schedule((dt) => {
                    float p = 1.0f;

                    bug.Position = this.GetCellPos(Math.Lerp(new Vector3(1, 3, 4), new Vector3(3, 3, 4)
                                                             , (1.0f + FMath.Sin((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * p)) * 0.5f));

                    // we just care about the sign of the derivative
                    bug.FlipU = (FMath.Cos((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * p) < 0.0f);

예제 #6
        public void initGame()
            cameraHeight = (float)Convert.ToDouble(Support.GameParameters["StartingCameraHeight"]);

            //set view close to the scene
            this.Camera2D.SetViewFromHeightAndCenter(cameraHeight, Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.Base.Math._00);

            //add all sprites loaded from the map
            foreach (SpriteList sl in MapManager.Instance.currentMap.spriteList)

            //load the fire texture for the bullet
            Bullet.fireTexture = new Texture2D("/Application/data/tiles/fire.png", false);

            //texture for the points marker
            pointMarker.texture = new Texture2D("/Application/data/points100.png", false);

            //texture for the ammo marker
            ammoMarker.texture = new Texture2D("/Application/data/plusammo.png", false);

            Player.Instance = new Player();

            //create the list for bullets
            bulletList = new List <Bullet>();

            //create ammo packs
            ammoList = new List <AmmoItem>();
            List <MapTile> list = MapManager.Instance.currentMap.returnTilesOfType(MapTile.Types.floor);

            //add a specified number of ammo packs
            for (int i = 0; i < AmmoItem.noOfAmmoToGenerate; i++)
                AmmoItem a = new AmmoItem(list[Support.random.Next(0, list.Count - 1)].position);

            //create the quad tree
            quadTree = new QuadTree(new Vector2(MapManager.Instance.currentMap.width / 2.0f, MapManager.Instance.currentMap.height / 2.0f), new Vector2(MapManager.Instance.currentMap.width / 2.0f, MapManager.Instance.currentMap.height / 2.0f));

            //create enemies
            var tex = new Texture2D("/Application/data/tiles/enemy_sword2.png", false);

            var texture = new TextureInfo(tex, new Vector2i(25, 1));

            //spritelist for the enemies
            enemySpriteList = new SpriteList(texture)
                BlendMode = BlendMode.Normal
            //spriteList.EnableLocalTransform = true;

            enemyList = new List <Enemy>();
            list      = MapManager.Instance.currentMap.returnTilesOfType(MapTile.Types.floor);

            //generate a given number of enemies
            for (int i = 0; i < BasicEnemy.noOfEnemiesToGenerate; i++)
                Enemy e = new BasicEnemy(list[Support.random.Next(0, list.Count - 1)].position, texture);


            ui = new UI();

            //add an enemy spawner every second
            Sce.PlayStation.HighLevel.GameEngine2D.Scheduler.Instance.Schedule(this, (dt) => {
                list = MapManager.Instance.currentMap.returnTilesOfType(MapTile.Types.floor);
                EnemySpawnPoint esp = new EnemySpawnPoint(list[Support.random.Next(0, list.Count - 1)].position);

            }, 1.0f, false, -1);
예제 #7
    public static Scene MakeManySpritesInSpriteListScene()
        var tex1 = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D("/Application/Sample/GameEngine2D/FeatureCatalog/data/water_puddle.png", false)
                                   , new Vector2i(6, 1));

        var scene = new Scene()
            Name = "many SpriteTile in SpriteList scene"

        Bounds2 bounds = scene.Camera.CalcBounds();

        Vector2i num_cells = new Vector2i(16, 8);
        Vector2  cell_size = bounds.Size / num_cells.Vector2();

        Math.RandGenerator rgen   = new Math.RandGenerator();
        System.Random      random = new System.Random();

        SpriteList sprite_list = new SpriteList(tex1)
            BlendMode = BlendMode.None

        sprite_list.EnableLocalTransform = true;


        for (int y = 0; y < num_cells.Y; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < num_cells.X; ++x)
                Vector2 uv = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) / num_cells.Vector2();

                var sprite = new SpriteTile()
                    // all those properties (TextureInfo, Color, BlendMode) will be ignored
                    // if sprite is used in SpriteList
                    TextureInfo = tex1
                    , Color     = Math.SetAlpha(new Vector4(0.8f) + rgen.NextVector4(Math._0000, Math._1111) * 0.2f, 0.75f)
                    , BlendMode = BlendMode.Normal
                                  // TileIndex2D can still be set per sprite
                    , TileIndex2D = new Vector2i(random.Next(0, 6), 0)

                Vector2 p = bounds.Min + bounds.Size * uv;

                // init position/size
                if (sprite_list.EnableLocalTransform)
                    // use .Position as we did in MakeManySpritesScene
                    sprite.Position = p;
                    // .Position will be ignored, so use the geometry directly
                    sprite.Quad.T = p;
                sprite.Quad.S = cell_size;                 // note: we don't want to touch the Node.Scale here
                sprite.Pivot  = sprite.Quad.S * 0.5f;

                sprite.Schedule((dt) =>
                    sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Rotate(Math.Deg2Rad(1.0f));
                    sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Normalize();

                    // if you turn EnableLocalTransform off for performances, you can
                    // still move the sprite freely by changing its geometry directly:

//                      sprite.Quad.R = sprite.Quad.R.Rotate( Math.Deg2Rad( 1.0f ) );
//                      sprite.Quad.R = sprite.Quad.R.Normalize();
                    if (Common.FrameCount % 7 == 0)
                        sprite.TileIndex1D = (sprite.TileIndex1D + 1) % 6;



예제 #8
    public static Scene MakeForestScene()
//		System.Console.WriteLine( "MakeForestScene" );

        var scene = new Scene()
            Name = "Forest"

        TextureInfo ObjectsMap = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D("/Application/Sample/GameEngine2D/FeatureCatalog/data/PlanetCute/Objects.png", false), new Vector2i(7, 3));

        Vector2i[] tree_indexes = new Vector2i[3];
        tree_indexes[0] = PlanetCute.TreeShort;
        tree_indexes[1] = PlanetCute.TreeTall;
        tree_indexes[2] = PlanetCute.TreeUgly;

        Math.RandGenerator rgen = new Math.RandGenerator();

        Bounds2  bounds   = scene.Camera2D.CalcBounds();
        Vector2i numcells = new Vector2i(7, 4);
        Vector2  cellsize = bounds.Size / numcells.Vector2();

        System.Random rnd1 = new System.Random();

        SpriteList sprite_list = new SpriteList(ObjectsMap);

        // we are going to put a tree at a random location inside each cell of a regular grid
        for (int x = 0; x < numcells.X; ++x)
            // generate rows of tree top to bottom, for draw order
            for (int y = numcells.Y - 1; y >= 0; --y)
                Vector2 cellindexf = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y);
                var     sprite     = new SpriteTile();
//				sprite.TextureInfo = tree_tex[rnd1.Next(3)];
                sprite.TextureInfo = ObjectsMap;
                sprite.TileIndex2D = tree_indexes[rnd1.Next(3)];

                // bounds for one cell
                Bounds2 gen_bounds = new Bounds2(bounds.Min + cellindexf * cellsize,
                                                 bounds.Min + cellindexf * cellsize + cellsize);

                // scale gen_bounds to countrols irregularity
                gen_bounds = gen_bounds.Scale(new Vector2(0.6f), gen_bounds.Center);

                // pick up a random point in that cell
                sprite.Position = gen_bounds.Min + gen_bounds.Size * rgen.NextVector2(Math._00, Math._11);

                // make the size of the tree match the size of cells, preserve texture ratio
                Vector2 aspect = sprite.CalcSizeInPixels() / sprite.CalcSizeInPixels().X;
                sprite.Quad.S = cellsize.X * aspect;

                // make the sprite bottom center point be the new pivot (for Skew)

                // make the trees move in the wind
                sprite.Schedule((dt) => {
                    int hc             = sprite.GetHashCode();
                    System.Random rnd2 = new System.Random(hc);

                    sprite.Skew = new Vector2(Math.Deg2Rad(1.0f) * FMath.Sin((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * 1.0f * rnd2.Next(4096) / 4096.0f),
                                              Math.Deg2Rad(2.0f) * FMath.Sin((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * 3.0f * rnd2.Next(4096) / 4096.0f));


        scene.Camera2D.Center += new Vector2(0.0f, 2.0f);


