예제 #1
        // Make sure stop line is intersecting with the correct lane, not an intersection lane.
        void MoveBackIfOnIntersectionLane(string id, Tuple <string, double> overlapLaneIdStartS)
            var laneId = overlapLaneIdStartS.Item1;
            var startS = overlapLaneIdStartS.Item2;

            if (LaneId2JunctionId.ContainsKey(laneId))
                var stopLine = Id2StopLine[id];
                var dir      = -stopLine.transform.forward;

                var befores = Id2Lane[laneId].befores;
                // If multiple before lanes, hard to know where to move the stop line
                if (befores.Count > 1)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"stopLine {id} might not in correct position, please check and move back yourself if necessary.");

                // move 1 meter more over the last point of the predecessor lane
                var sqrDist = Utility.SqrDistanceToSegment(stopLine.mapWorldPositions.First(),
                                                           stopLine.mapWorldPositions.Last(), befores[0].mapWorldPositions.Last());
                var dist = math.sqrt(sqrDist) + 1;
                stopLine.transform.position += dir * (float)dist;
                stopLine.mapWorldPositions   = stopLine.mapWorldPositions.Select(x => x + dir * (float)dist).ToList();
예제 #2
        List <MapLane> GetOrderedIntersectingLanes(MapLine stopLine)
            var stopLinePositions = stopLine.mapWorldPositions;
            var intersectingLanes = new List <MapLane>();

            foreach (var entry in Id2Lane)
                var mapLane   = entry.Value;
                var positions = mapLane.mapWorldPositions;
                // last two points of the lane
                var p1 = positions[positions.Count - 2];
                var p2 = positions.Last();

                // check with every segment of the stop line
                for (var i = 0; i < stopLinePositions.Count - 1; i++)
                    var p3          = stopLinePositions[i];
                    var p4          = stopLinePositions[i + 1];
                    var isIntersect = Utility.LineSegementsIntersect(ToVector2(p1), ToVector2(p2), ToVector2(p3), ToVector2(p4), out Vector2 intersection);
                    if (isIntersect)
            if (intersectingLanes.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogWarning($"stopLine {stopLine.name} have no intersecting lanes");
            else if (intersectingLanes.Count == 1)
                intersectingLanes = OrderLanes(intersectingLanes);
