예제 #1
        public void Initialize()
            var factory = new ConnectionFactory
                HostName = "localhost"

            _connection = factory.CreateConnection();
            _channel    = _connection.CreateModel();

            _channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: ExchangeName, type: "fanout");

            _logger.Log($"The exchange \"{ExchangeName}\" has been declared!");
예제 #2
        public void Initialize()
            var factory = new ConnectionFactory
                HostName = "localhost"

            _connection = factory.CreateConnection();
            _channel    = _connection.CreateModel();

            _channel.QueueDeclare(queue: ChannelName, durable: false, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false,
                                  arguments: null);

            _logger.Log($"The queue {ChannelName} has been declared!");
        public void Initialize()
            var factory = new ConnectionFactory
                HostName = "localhost"

            _connection = factory.CreateConnection();
            _channel    = _connection.CreateModel();

            _channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: ExchangeName, type: "fanout");

            _queueName = _channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName;
            _channel.QueueBind(queue: _queueName, exchange: ExchangeName, routingKey: "");

            _logger.Log($"The exchange \"{ExchangeName}\" has been declared and an anonymous queue has been bound to it!");
        public void Initialize()
            var factory = new ConnectionFactory
                HostName = "localhost",
                DispatchConsumersAsync = true

            _connection = factory.CreateConnection();
            _channel    = _connection.CreateModel();

            _channel.QueueDeclare(queue: ChannelName, durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false,
                                  arguments: null);
            _channel.BasicQos(prefetchSize: 0, prefetchCount: 1, global: false); //don't want to get messages until I finish processing the current message, fetch messages one by one

            _logger.Log($"The queue \"{ChannelName}\" has been declared!");