예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                ChangeShop.Visible  = false;
                Products.Visible    = false;
                searchPanel.Visible = false;
                //set data source

                productOrder.DataSource = OrderByArr;
                //// Bind the data to the control.

                // Set the default selected item, if desired.
                productOrder.SelectedIndex = 0;

                //set data source
                List <BlShop> shops = BLFlyPack.BlShop.GetShops();
                shops.Add(new BlShop("-1", "all products"));
                Shops.DataSource     = shops;
                Shops.DataTextField  = "ShopName";
                Shops.DataValueField = "ID";

                // Bind the data to the control.
                foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem Item in Shops.Items)
                    Item.Attributes["OnClientClick"] = "ShopDropDownListB_OnClick";
                // Set the default selected item, if desired.
                Shops.SelectedIndex = shops.Count - 1;
                Session["products"] = null;
                //Products.ProductsCollections = products;
                List <BLProduct> productsCart = (List <BLProduct>)Session["productsCart"];
                if (productsCart == null || productsCart.Count == 0)
                    MSG.Text = "";