public async Task <List <ShipLocationHistoryResult> > GetRawGeolocationsForShip(ShipToken ship) { var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); var connection = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection( TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <ISQLitePlatform>(), TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IFolderProvider>().MapDatabasePath); List <ShipLocationHistoryResult> mainShipLocationResults = new List <ShipLocationHistoryResult> (); var query = connection.Table <shipLocationDate>().Where(r => r.shipID == ship.ID && r.shiplocationdatetype == "log"); //.OrderBy (r => r.startdate); int locationIndex = 1; foreach (var shipLocation in query) { var possibleLocation = connection.Table <locationJSON> ().Where(l => == shipLocation.locationname).FirstOrDefault(); if (possibleLocation == null) { //We purposely skip some locations when processing. May want to re-think that! continue; } DateTime startDate; DateTime endDate; var hasStartDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipLocation.startdate) ? false : DateTime.TryParse(shipLocation.startdate, out startDate); var hasEndDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipLocation.enddate) ? false : DateTime.TryParse(shipLocation.enddate, out endDate); mainShipLocationResults.Add(new ShipLocationHistoryResult() { Location = shipLocation.locationname, PossibleEndDate = hasStartDate ? startDate : default(DateTime), PossibleStartDate = hasEndDate ? endDate : default(DateTime), ShipToken = ship, LocationIndex = locationIndex++, LocationGeocodeResult = possibleLocation != null ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GeocodeResultMain> (possibleLocation.geocodeJSON) : null, LocationGuid = shipLocation.locationguid }); /*foreach (var location in locations) { * List<GeocodeResultMain> results = new List<GeocodeResultMain> (); * var query = connection.Table<locationJSON> ().Where (l => == location); * foreach (var locationJSONEntry in query) { * mainGeocodeResults.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GeocodeResultMain>(locationJSONEntry.geocodeJSON)); * }*/ } sw.Stop(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Total geolocation query time: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); return(mainShipLocationResults); }
public void Init() { fleets = new List <Fleet>(); Fleet fleet = new Fleet(1); fleet.Owner = 1; ShipDesign shipDesign = new ShipDesign(1); ShipToken shipToken = new ShipToken(shipDesign, 1); fleet.Composition.Add(shipToken.Key, shipToken); fleets.Add(fleet); Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint(); IWaypointTask task = new ScrapTask(); waypoint.Task = task; waypoint.Destination = "Star1"; fleet.Waypoints.Add(waypoint); serverData = new SimpleServerData(); Star star = new Star(); star.Name = "Star1"; serverData.AllStars.Add(star.Key, star); empireData = new SimpleEmpireData(); empireData.Id = 1; empireData.OwnedFleets.Add(fleet); serverData.AllEmpires.Add(empireData.Id, empireData); Console.WriteLine(fleets.First().Composition.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(fleets.First().Composition.Count(), 1); }
/// <summary> /// Load: Read an object of this class from and XmlNode representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">An XmlNode containing a representation of this object.</param> public SplitMergeTask(XmlNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } LeftComposition = new Dictionary <long, ShipToken>(); RightComposition = new Dictionary <long, ShipToken>(); XmlNode mainNode = node.FirstChild; XmlNode subNode; ShipToken token; while (mainNode != null) { try { subNode = mainNode.FirstChild; switch (mainNode.Name.ToLower()) { case "rightkey": OtherFleetKey = long.Parse(subNode.Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); break; case "leftcomposition": while (subNode != null) { token = new ShipToken(subNode); LeftComposition.Add(token.Key, token); subNode = subNode.NextSibling; } break; case "rightcomposition": while (subNode != null) { token = new ShipToken(subNode); RightComposition.Add(token.Key, token); subNode = subNode.NextSibling; } break; } } catch (Exception e) { Report.Error(e.Message); } mainNode = mainNode.NextSibling; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new ship or starbase at the specified location. Starbases are /// handled just like ships except that they cannot move. /// </summary> /// <param name="design">A ShipDesign to be constructed.</param> /// <param name="star">The star system producing the ship.</param> private void CreateShips(ShipDesign design, Star star, int countToBuild) { EmpireData empire = serverState.AllEmpires[star.Owner]; ShipToken token = new ShipToken(design, countToBuild); Fleet fleet = new Fleet(token, star, empire.GetNextFleetKey()); fleet.Name = design.Name + " #" + fleet.Id; fleet.FuelAvailable = fleet.TotalFuelCapacity; Message message = new Message(); message.Audience = star.Owner; message.Text = star.Name + " has produced " + countToBuild + " new " + design.Name; // message.Event = fleet; // will not be persisted unless the Type is implemented. // message.Type = "Fleet"; // TODO (priority 5) - need to add a fleet type message so it can save/load. serverState.AllMessages.Add(message); // Add the fleet to the state data so it can be tracked. serverState.AllEmpires[fleet.Owner].AddOrUpdateFleet(fleet); if (design.Type == ItemType.Starbase) { if (star.Starbase != null) { // Old starbases are not scrapped. Instead, the reduced // upgrade cost should have already been factored when first // queuing the "upgrade", so the old SB is just // discarded and replaced at this point. -Aeglos 2 Aug 11 star.Starbase = null; // waypointTasks.Scrap(star.Starbase, star, false); } star.Starbase = fleet; fleet.Type = ItemType.Starbase; fleet.Name = star.Name + " " + fleet.Type; fleet.InOrbit = star; if (empire.Race.HasTrait("ISB")) { fleet.Cloaked = 20; } } else { fleet.InOrbit = star; } }
public void Generate_Dont_ScrapFleets() { // ToDo: Fleet-Generation and other things to seperate class/es and/or methods Fleet fleet = new Fleet(2); fleet.Owner = 1; NovaPoint point = new NovaPoint(0, 0); fleet.Position = point; ShipDesign shipDesign = new ShipDesign(2); shipDesign.Blueprint = new Component(); Hull hull = new Hull(); hull.Modules = new List <HullModule>(); hull.Modules.Add(new HullModule()); shipDesign.Blueprint.Properties.Add("Hull", hull); ShipToken shipToken = new ShipToken(shipDesign, 1); fleet.Composition.Add(shipToken.Key, shipToken); fleets.Add(fleet); Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint(); NovaPoint waypointpoint = new NovaPoint(1, 1); waypoint.Position = waypointpoint; IWaypointTask task = new NoTask(); waypoint.Task = task; waypoint.Destination = "Star1"; fleet.Waypoints.Add(waypoint); empireData.AddOrUpdateFleet(fleet); // empireData.OwnedFleets.Add(fleet); // ToDo: this should not be allowed I think Console.WriteLine("2 Fleets: " + fleets.Count()); Assert.IsNotEmpty(serverData.IterateAllFleets().ToList()); Console.WriteLine("all Fleets count: " + serverData.IterateAllFleets().ToList().Count()); SimpleTurnGenerator turnGenerator = new SimpleTurnGenerator(serverData); turnGenerator.Generate(); // Assert.AreEqual(fleets.First().Composition.Count(), 1); Assert.IsNotEmpty(serverData.IterateAllFleets().ToList()); }
public async Task <IList <string> > GetLocationsForShip(ShipToken ship) { //Take the ID out of ship, load the XML, use XDocument to return all the internal strings of the LOCATION XML elements. /*var client = new HttpClient (); * var stream = await client.GetStreamAsync (string.Format("{0}.xml", ship.ID)); * var document = XDocument.Load (stream); * return document.Descendants ("LOCATION").Select (e => e.Value).ToList ();*/ //Get these from the SQLite database now, instead of processing the XML. using (var connection = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection( TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <ISQLitePlatform>(), TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <IFolderProvider>().MapDatabasePath)) { var table = connection.Table <shipLocationDate>(); var query = table.Where(r => r.shipID == ship.ID).OrderBy(r => r.startdate); return(query.Select(r => r.locationname).ToList()); } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { //API key: AIzaSyCfm_xR9xztvnrG49r7QMcbotKwTzv19Lc base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); base.SetContentView(Resource.Layout.ShipLocation); // Create your application here ShipLocationTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.shipLocationTextView); /*MapFragment mapFrag = (MapFragment) FragmentManager.FindFragmentById(; * Map = mapFrag.Map; * if (Map != null) { * Map.MapType = GoogleMap.MapTypeSatellite; * }*/ //Pull the Ship data we are supposed to show locations for. ShipToken = ShipToken.Deserialize(this.Intent.GetStringExtra("ShipToken")); RefreshData(); }
public void SetFleet(Fleet sourceFleet, Fleet otherFleet) { // Use copies as fleets will get modified in the Task, not here. SourceComposition = new Dictionary <long, ShipToken>(); OtherComposition = new Dictionary <long, ShipToken>(); foreach (long key in sourceFleet.Composition.Keys) { if (!SourceComposition.ContainsKey(key)) { SourceComposition[key] = new ShipToken(sourceFleet.Composition[key].Design, sourceFleet.Composition[key].Quantity); } if (!OtherComposition.ContainsKey(key)) { OtherComposition[key] = new ShipToken(SourceComposition[key].Design, 0); } } if (otherFleet != null) { foreach (long key in otherFleet.Composition.Keys) { if (!OtherComposition.ContainsKey(key)) { OtherComposition[key] = new ShipToken(otherFleet.Composition[key].Design, otherFleet.Composition[key].Quantity); } else { OtherComposition[key].Quantity += otherFleet.Composition[key].Quantity; } if (!SourceComposition.ContainsKey(key)) { SourceComposition[key] = new ShipToken(OtherComposition[key].Design, 0); } } } designs = new List <ShipDesign>(); designs.AddRange(SourceComposition.Values.Select(d => d.Design).OrderBy(x => x.Name)); leftNumerics = new List <NumericUpDown>(); rightNumerics = new List <NumericUpDown>(); lblFleetLeft.Text = sourceFleet.Name; lblFleetRight.Text = otherFleet == null ? "New Fleet" : otherFleet.Name; fleetLayoutPanel.Controls.Clear(); fleetLayoutPanel.RowCount = designs.Count; foreach (RowStyle rowStyle in fleetLayoutPanel.RowStyles) { rowStyle.SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; } fleetLayoutPanel.Height = designs.Count * 26; this.Height += (designs.Count * 26) - 26; for (int i = 0; i < designs.Count; ++i) { int index = i; NumericUpDown num = new NumericUpDown(); num.Width = 62; num.Maximum = SourceComposition[designs[i].Key].Quantity + OtherComposition[designs[i].Key].Quantity; num.Value = SourceComposition[designs[i].Key].Quantity; leftNumerics.Add(num); num.ValueChanged += delegate { ValueChanged(Side.Left, index); }; fleetLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(num, 0, i); Label designName = new Label(); designName.Text = designs[i].Name; designName.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; designName.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; fleetLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(designName, 1, i); num = new NumericUpDown(); num.Width = 62; num.Maximum = SourceComposition[designs[i].Key].Quantity + OtherComposition[designs[i].Key].Quantity; num.Value = OtherComposition[designs[i].Key].Quantity; rightNumerics.Add(num); num.ValueChanged += delegate { ValueChanged(Side.Right, index); }; fleetLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(num, 2, i); } }
/// <summary> /// Allocate an initial set of resources to a player's "home" star system. for /// each player giving it some colonists and initial resources. /// </summary> /// <param name="star"></param> /// <param name="race"></param> private void AllocateHomeStarOrbitalInstallations(Star star, EmpireData empire, string player) { ShipDesign colonyShipDesign = null; foreach (ShipDesign design in empire.Designs.Values) { if (design.Name == "Santa Maria") { colonyShipDesign = design; } } if (empire.Race.Traits.Primary.Code != "HE") { ShipToken cs = new ShipToken(colonyShipDesign, 1); Fleet fleet1 = new Fleet(cs, star, empire.GetNextFleetKey()); fleet1.Name = colonyShipDesign.Name + " #1"; empire.AddOrUpdateFleet(fleet1); } else { for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { ShipToken cs = new ShipToken(colonyShipDesign, 1); Fleet fleet = new Fleet(cs, star, empire.GetNextFleetKey()); fleet.Name = string.Format("{0} #{1}", colonyShipDesign.Name, i); empire.AddOrUpdateFleet(fleet); } } ShipDesign scoutDesign = null; foreach (ShipDesign design in empire.Designs.Values) { if (design.Name == "Scout") { scoutDesign = design; } } ShipToken scout = new ShipToken(scoutDesign, 1); Fleet scoutFleet = new Fleet(scout, star, empire.GetNextFleetKey()); scoutFleet.Name = "Scout #1"; empire.AddOrUpdateFleet(scoutFleet); ShipDesign starbaseDesign = null; foreach (ShipDesign design in empire.Designs.Values) { if (design.Name == "Starbase") { starbaseDesign = design; } } ShipToken starbase = new ShipToken(starbaseDesign, 1); Fleet starbaseFleet = new Fleet(starbase, star, empire.GetNextFleetKey()); starbaseFleet.Name = star.Name + " Starbase"; star.Starbase = starbaseFleet; empire.AddOrUpdateFleet(starbaseFleet); }
/// <Summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the BattleEngineTest class. /// Create 4 test fleets and add them /// into the "all fleets" list. Make one design more powerful than the other /// so that the weaker one gets destroyed in the battle. /// </Summary> public BattleEngineTest() { battleEngine = new BattleEngine(serverState, new BattleReport()); Resources cost = new Resources(10, 20, 30, 40); // Initialize empires EmpireData empireData1 = new EmpireData(); EmpireData empireData2 = new EmpireData(); EmpireData empireData3 = new EmpireData(); empireData1.Id = 1; empireData2.Id = 2; empireData3.Id = 3; empireData1.Race.Name = "Tom"; empireData2.Race.Name = "Dick"; empireData2.Race.Name = "Harry"; serverState.AllEmpires[empireData1.Id] = empireData1; serverState.AllEmpires[empireData2.Id] = empireData2; serverState.AllEmpires[empireData3.Id] = empireData3; empireData1.BattlePlans["Default"] = new BattlePlan(); empireData2.BattlePlans["Default"] = new BattlePlan(); empireData1.EmpireReports.Add(2, new EmpireIntel(empireData2)); empireData2.EmpireReports.Add(1, new EmpireIntel(empireData1)); empireData1.EmpireReports[2].Relation = PlayerRelation.Enemy; empireData2.EmpireReports[1].Relation = PlayerRelation.Enemy; Component shipHull = new Component(); Hull hull = new Hull(); hull.FuelCapacity = 100; hull.Modules = new List <HullModule>(); shipHull.Cost = cost; shipHull.Mass = 5000; shipHull.Properties.Add("Hull", hull); shipHull.Properties.Add("Battle Movement", new DoubleProperty(1.0)); cruiser.Blueprint = shipHull; cruiser.Name = "Cruiser"; frigate.Blueprint = shipHull; frigate.Name = "Frigate"; token1 = new ShipToken(cruiser, 1); token2 = new ShipToken(frigate, 1); token3 = new ShipToken(cruiser, 1); token4 = new ShipToken(frigate, 1); token1.Armor = 100; token2.Armor = 200; token3.Armor = 100; token4.Armor = 200; fleet1.Composition.Add(token1.Key, token1); fleet2.Composition.Add(token2.Key, token2); fleet3.Composition.Add(token3.Key, token3); fleet4.Composition.Add(token4.Key, token4); serverState.AllEmpires[Player1Id].OwnedFleets.Add(fleet1); serverState.AllEmpires[Player2Id].OwnedFleets.Add(fleet2); serverState.AllEmpires[Player3Id].OwnedFleets.Add(fleet3); serverState.AllEmpires[Player3Id].OwnedFleets.Add(fleet4); }