예제 #1
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin = demoSkin;

        float scale = 1.0f;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            scale = Screen.width / 320;

        float btnWidth  = 200 * scale;
        float btnHeight = 45 * scale;
        float btnTop    = 20 * scale;

        GUI.skin.button.fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(16 * scale);

        reqID += 1;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Authorize"))
            print(ssdk == null);

            ssdk.Authorize(reqID, PlatformType.SinaWeibo);

        reqID  += 1;
        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get User Info"))
            ssdk.GetUserInfo(reqID, PlatformType.SinaWeibo);

        reqID  += 1;
        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share Menu"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"]     = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"]       = "https://f1.webshare.mob.com/code/demo/img/1.jpg";
            content["title"]       = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"]       = ContentType.Video;
            content["siteUrl"]    = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["shareTheme"] = "classic";            //ShareTheme has only two value which are skyblue and classic
            content["site"]       = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]   = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

                        #if UNITY_IPHONE
            Hashtable sinaContent = new Hashtable();
            sinaContent["content"] = "the sina custom content string";
            sinaContent["title"]   = "the sina title";
            //string path = Application.dataPath+"/Raw"+"/ShareSDK.jpg";
            string path = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            sinaContent["image"] = path;
            sinaContent["url"]   = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            sinaContent["type"]  = ContentType.Image;
            sinaContent["lat"]   = "33.33";
            sinaContent["lng"]   = "99.99";
            sinaContent["objID"] = @"sinaID";
            content.Add((int)PlatformType.SinaWeibo, sinaContent);

            ssdk.ShowShareMenu(reqID, null, content, 100, 100);

        reqID  += 1;
        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share View"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"]     = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"]       = "https://f1.webshare.mob.com/code/demo/img/1.jpg";
            content["title"]       = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"]        = ContentType.News;
            content["siteUrl"]     = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["shareTheme"]  = "classic";           //ShareTheme has only two value which are skyblue and classic
            content["site"]        = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]    = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";
            ssdk.ShowShareView(reqID, PlatformType.TencentWeibo, content);

        reqID  += 1;
        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Share Content"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"]     = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"]       = "https://f1.webshare.mob.com/code/demo/img/1.jpg";
            content["title"]       = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"]        = ContentType.Image;
            content["siteUrl"]     = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"]        = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]    = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ssdk.ShareContent(reqID, PlatformType.SinaWeibo, content);

        reqID  += 1;
        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get Friends SinaWeibo "))
            print("Click Btn Of Get Friends SinaWeibo");
            ssdk.GetFriendList(reqID, PlatformType.SinaWeibo, 15, 0);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get Token SinaWeibo "))
            Hashtable authInfo = ssdk.GetAuthInfo(PlatformType.SinaWeibo);
            print("share result :");

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Close SSO Auth"))

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Remove Authorize "))

        reqID  += 1;
        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Add Friend "))
            ssdk.AddFriend(reqID, PlatformType.SinaWeibo, "3189087725");