public AutobahnSpec WithServer(string name, string url) { Servers.Add(new ServerSpec(name, url)); return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Add a server to the core. /// </summary> internal void Add(Server.Server server) { Servers.Add(server); Configure(server); Logger.WriteLine("Added server '" + server.Name + "'"); }
public void Start(DashboardOptions dashboardOptions) { IsRestApi = dashboardOptions.Dashboard == null; if (!dashboardOptions.DisableTelemetry) { TelemetryClient client = new TelemetryClient(); client.InstrumentationKey = "20963fa8-39e9-404f-98f4-b74627b140f4"; client.TrackEvent("Start", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Edition", Constants.Edition }, { "Type", IsRestApi ? "REST" : "Dashboard" } }); } Port = dashboardOptions.Port; var assemblyBasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location); var libraryDirectory = Path.Combine(assemblyBasePath, "..", "client"); var calc = new CustomAssemblyLoadContext(); calc.LoadNativeLibraries(); var builder = new WebHostBuilder() .ConfigureServices((y) => { DashboardService = new DashboardService(dashboardOptions, _reloadKey); y.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(IDashboardService), DashboardService)); if (_reloader != null) { y.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(AutoReloader), _reloader)); } }); builder = builder.UseKestrel(options => { // If we have a certificate configured if (dashboardOptions.Certificate != null || dashboardOptions.CertificateFile != null) { Action <ListenOptions> listenOptionsAction = (ListenOptions listenOptions) => { if (dashboardOptions.Certificate != null) { listenOptions.UseHttps(dashboardOptions.Certificate); } if (dashboardOptions.CertificateFile != null) { listenOptions.UseHttps(dashboardOptions.CertificateFile, SecureStringToString(dashboardOptions.Password)); } }; // If the ports are different, listen on HTTP and HTTPS if (dashboardOptions.Port != dashboardOptions.HttpsPort) { options.Listen(dashboardOptions.ListenAddress, dashboardOptions.Port); options.Listen(dashboardOptions.ListenAddress, dashboardOptions.HttpsPort, listenOptionsAction); } // If the ports are the same, just listen on the port and configure HTTPS else { options.Listen(dashboardOptions.ListenAddress, dashboardOptions.Port, listenOptionsAction); } } // If no certificate is configured, just listen on the port else { options.Listen(dashboardOptions.ListenAddress, dashboardOptions.Port); } options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = null; }); builder = builder .UseSetting("detailedErrors", "true") .UseLibuv() .UseStartup <ServerStartup>() .CaptureStartupErrors(true); if (Directory.Exists(libraryDirectory)) { builder.UseContentRoot(libraryDirectory); } host = builder.Build(); if (dashboardOptions.Wait) {; } else {; } this.Running = true; Servers.Add(this); }
protected async Task <(List <RavenServer> Nodes, RavenServer Leader)> CreateRaftCluster( int numberOfNodes, bool?shouldRunInMemory = null, int?leaderIndex = null, bool useSsl = false, IDictionary <string, string> customSettings = null, List <IDictionary <string, string> > customSettingsList = null, bool watcherCluster = false, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null) { string[] allowedNodeTags = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }; leaderIndex = leaderIndex ?? _random.Next(0, numberOfNodes); RavenServer leader = null; var serversToPorts = new Dictionary <RavenServer, string>(); var clusterNodes = new List <RavenServer>(); // we need this in case we create more than 1 cluster in the same test _electionTimeoutInMs = Math.Max(300, numberOfNodes * 80); if (customSettingsList != null && customSettingsList.Count != numberOfNodes) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The number of custom settings must equal the number of nodes."); } for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { if (customSettingsList == null) { customSettings = customSettings ?? new Dictionary <string, string>(DefaultClusterSettings) { [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.ElectionTimeout)] = _electionTimeoutInMs.ToString(), }; } else { customSettings = customSettingsList[i]; } string serverUrl; if (useSsl) { serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl(""); SetupServerAuthentication(customSettings, serverUrl); } else { serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl(""); customSettings[RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Core.ServerUrls)] = serverUrl; } var co = new ServerCreationOptions { CustomSettings = customSettings, RunInMemory = shouldRunInMemory, RegisterForDisposal = false, NodeTag = allowedNodeTags[i] }; var server = GetNewServer(co, caller); var port = Convert.ToInt32(server.ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl().Split(':')[2]); var prefix = useSsl ? "https" : "http"; serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl($"{prefix}://{port}"); Servers.Add(server); clusterNodes.Add(server); serversToPorts.Add(server, serverUrl); if (i == leaderIndex) { await server.ServerStore.EnsureNotPassiveAsync(null, nodeTag : co.NodeTag); leader = server; } } using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))) { for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { if (i == leaderIndex) { continue; } var follower = clusterNodes[i]; // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException leader = await ActionWithLeader(l => l.ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(serversToPorts[follower], nodeTag: allowedNodeTags[i], asWatcher: watcherCluster, token: cts.Token), clusterNodes); if (watcherCluster) { await follower.ServerStore.WaitForTopology(Leader.TopologyModification.NonVoter, cts.Token); } else { await follower.ServerStore.WaitForTopology(Leader.TopologyModification.Voter, cts.Token); } } } await WaitForClusterTopologyOnAllNodes(clusterNodes); // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException var condition = await leader.ServerStore.WaitForState(RachisState.Leader, CancellationToken.None).WaitAsync(numberOfNodes * _electionTimeoutInMs * 5); var states = string.Empty; if (condition == false) { states = GetLastStatesFromAllServersOrderedByTime(); } Assert.True(condition, "The leader has changed while waiting for cluster to become stable. All nodes status: " + states); return(clusterNodes, leader); }
/// <summary> /// For synchronization with App.config or Web.configs. /// </summary> /// <param name="couchbaseClientSection"></param> public ClientConfiguration(CouchbaseClientSection couchbaseClientSection) { //For operation timing Timer = TimingFactory.GetTimer(Log); UseSsl = couchbaseClientSection.UseSsl; SslPort = couchbaseClientSection.SslPort; ApiPort = couchbaseClientSection.ApiPort; DirectPort = couchbaseClientSection.DirectPort; MgmtPort = couchbaseClientSection.MgmtPort; HttpsMgmtPort = couchbaseClientSection.HttpsMgmtPort; HttpsApiPort = couchbaseClientSection.HttpsApiPort; ObserveInterval = couchbaseClientSection.ObserveInterval; ObserveTimeout = couchbaseClientSection.ObserveTimeout; MaxViewRetries = couchbaseClientSection.MaxViewRetries; ViewHardTimeout = couchbaseClientSection.ViewHardTimeout; SerializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; DeserializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; EnableConfigHeartBeat = couchbaseClientSection.EnableConfigHeartBeat; HeartbeatConfigInterval = couchbaseClientSection.HeartbeatConfigInterval; ViewRequestTimeout = couchbaseClientSection.ViewRequestTimeout; Expect100Continue = couchbaseClientSection.Expect100Continue; EnableOperationTiming = couchbaseClientSection.EnableOperationTiming; PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration(this); foreach (var server in couchbaseClientSection.Servers) { Servers.Add(((UriElement)server).Uri); _serversChanged = true; } BucketConfigs = new Dictionary <string, BucketConfiguration>(); foreach (var bucketElement in couchbaseClientSection.Buckets) { var bucket = (BucketElement)bucketElement; var bucketConfiguration = new BucketConfiguration { BucketName = bucket.Name, UseSsl = bucket.UseSsl, Password = bucket.Password, ObserveInterval = bucket.ObserveInterval, ObserveTimeout = bucket.ObserveTimeout, PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration { MaxSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.MaxSize, MinSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.MinSize, WaitTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout, ShutdownTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout, UseSsl = bucket.ConnectionPool.UseSsl, ClientConfiguration = this } }; BucketConfigs.Add(bucket.Name, bucketConfiguration); } //Set back to default _poolConfigurationChanged = false; }
public void Start(DashboardOptions dashboardOptions) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyResolver.OnAssemblyResolve; IsRestApi = dashboardOptions.Dashboard == null; Port = dashboardOptions.Port; var assemblyBasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location); var libraryDirectory = Path.Combine(assemblyBasePath, "..", "client"); var calc = new CustomAssemblyLoadContext(); calc.LoadNativeLibraries(); var builder = new WebHostBuilder() .ConfigureServices((y) => { DashboardService dashboardService; if (dashboardOptions.Dashboard == null) { dashboardService = new DashboardService(dashboardOptions.StaticEndpoints?.ToArray(), dashboardOptions.EndpointInitializationScript, dashboardOptions.UpdateToken, _reloadKey); } else { dashboardService = new DashboardService(dashboardOptions.Dashboard, dashboardOptions.StaticEndpoints?.ToArray(), dashboardOptions.UpdateToken, _reloadKey); } y.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(IDashboardService), dashboardService)); if (_reloader != null) { y.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(AutoReloader), _reloader)); } }); builder = builder.UseKestrel(options => { options.Listen(IPAddress.Any, dashboardOptions.Port, listenOptions => { if (dashboardOptions.Certificate != null) { listenOptions.UseHttps(dashboardOptions.Certificate); } if (dashboardOptions.CertificateFile != null) { listenOptions.UseHttps(dashboardOptions.CertificateFile, SecureStringToString(dashboardOptions.Password)); } }); }); host = builder .UseContentRoot(libraryDirectory) .UseSetting("detailedErrors", "true") .UseStartup <ServerStartup>() .CaptureStartupErrors(true) .Build(); if (dashboardOptions.Wait) {; } else {; } this.Running = true; Servers.Add(this); }
private void AddServer(string[] values) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Adding server '{0}' user: '******'", values[0], values[1])); Servers.Add(new TeamCityServer(values[0], values[1], values[2])); }
protected void btnNext_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { oOnDemand.Next(intID, Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["sid"])); Servers oServer = new Servers(0, dsn); DataSet dsClusters = oCluster.Gets(intRequest); foreach (DataRow drCluster in dsClusters.Tables[0].Rows) { int intNodes = Int32.Parse(drCluster["nodes"].ToString()); int intDRLeft = Int32.Parse(drCluster["dr"].ToString()); int intHALeft = Int32.Parse(drCluster["ha"].ToString()); int intCluster = Int32.Parse(drCluster["id"].ToString()); oServer.DeleteClusters(intCluster); DataSet dsServers = oServer.GetClusters(intCluster); if (dsServers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int intServerCopy = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString()); int intHA = 0; if (intHALeft > 0) { intHALeft--; intHA = 1; } int intDR = 0; if (intDRLeft > 0) { intDRLeft--; intDR = 1; } oServer.Update(intServerCopy, intHA, intDR); for (int ii = 1; ii < intNodes; ii++) { intHA = 0; if (intHALeft > 0) { intHALeft--; intHA = 1; } intDR = 0; if (intDRLeft > 0) { intDRLeft--; intDR = 1; } int intOS = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["osid"].ToString()); int intSP = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["spid"].ToString()); int intTemplate = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["templateid"].ToString()); int intDomain = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["domainid"].ToString()); int intDomainTest = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["test_domainid"].ToString()); int intINF = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["infrastructure"].ToString()); int intDRExist = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dr_exist"].ToString()); string strDRName = dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dr_name"].ToString(); int intDRCons = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dr_consistency"].ToString()); int intDRConsID = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dr_consistencyid"].ToString()); int intLocal = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["local_storage"].ToString()); int intAccounts = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["accounts"].ToString()); int intF = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["fdrive"].ToString()); int intDBA = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dba"].ToString()); int intPNC = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pnc"].ToString()); int intDNSAuto = Int32.Parse(dsServers.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dns_auto"].ToString()); int intServer = oServer.Add(intRequest, intID, 0, 0, intCluster, ii, intOS, intSP, intTemplate, intDomain, intDomainTest, intINF, intHA, intDR, intDRExist, strDRName, intDRCons, intDRConsID, 1, intLocal, intAccounts, intF, intDBA, intPNC, 0, intDNSAuto); ServerName oServerName = new ServerName(0, dsn); DataSet dsComponents = oServerName.GetComponentDetailSelected(intServerCopy, 1); foreach (DataRow drComponent in dsComponents.Tables[0].Rows) { oServerName.AddComponentDetailSelected(intServer, Int32.Parse(drComponent["detailid"].ToString()), Int32.Parse(drComponent["prerequisiteid"].ToString()), false); } } } } // Add the server entries for each node. Response.Redirect(Request.Path + "?id=" + intID.ToString() + "&forward=true"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all settings from XML file. /// </summary> private void LoadFromXml() { //Create XmlDocument object to read XML settings file var settingsXmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); settingsXmlDoc.Load(FilePath); //Get Settings section var resultNodes = settingsXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/NGRIDConfiguration/Settings/Setting"); if (resultNodes == null) { return; } foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { _settings[node.Attributes["Key"].Value] = node.Attributes["Value"].Value; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings["ThisServerName"])) { throw new NGRIDException("ThisServerName is not defined."); } _thisServerName = _settings["ThisServerName"]; //Get Servers section resultNodes = settingsXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/NGRIDConfiguration/Servers/Server"); if (resultNodes == null) { throw new NGRIDException("No server defined."); } foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { Servers.Add(new ServerInfoItem { Name = node.Attributes["Name"].Value.Trim(), IpAddress = node.Attributes["IpAddress"].Value, Port = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["Port"].Value), Adjacents = node.Attributes["Adjacents"].Value }); } //Get Applications section resultNodes = settingsXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/NGRIDConfiguration/Applications/Application"); if (resultNodes != null) { //Read all application entries from xml file foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { var application = new ApplicationInfoItem { Name = node.Attributes["Name"].Value }; //Add predefined communication channels foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { switch (childNode.Name) { case "Communication": switch (childNode.Attributes["Type"].Value) { case "WebService": var webServiceComm = new ApplicationInfoItem.CommunicationChannelInfoItem { CommunicationType = "WebService" }; webServiceComm.CommunicationSettings.Add("Url", childNode.Attributes["Url"].Value); application.CommunicationChannels.Add(webServiceComm); break; } break; } } Applications.Add(application); } } //Get Routes section resultNodes = settingsXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/NGRIDConfiguration/Routes/Route"); if (resultNodes != null) { //Read all route entries from xml file foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { var route = new RouteInfoItem { Name = node.Attributes["Name"].Value, DistributionType = GetAttribute(node, "DistributionType") }; //Read all filter entries of route from xml file var filterNodes = node.SelectNodes("/NGRIDConfiguration/Routes/Route/Filters/Filter"); if (filterNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode filterNode in filterNodes) { var filter = new RouteInfoItem.FilterInfoItem { SourceServer = GetAttribute(filterNode, "SourceServer"), SourceApplication = GetAttribute(filterNode, "SourceApplication"), DestinationServer = GetAttribute(filterNode, "DestinationServer"), DestinationApplication = GetAttribute(filterNode, "DestinationApplication"), TransmitRule = GetAttribute(filterNode, "TransmitRule") }; route.Filters.Add(filter); } } //Read all destination entries of route from xml file var destinationNodes = node.SelectNodes("/NGRIDConfiguration/Routes/Route/Destinations/Destination"); if (destinationNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode destinationNode in destinationNodes) { var destination = new RouteInfoItem.DestinationInfoItem { Application = GetAttribute(destinationNode, "Application"), Server = GetAttribute(destinationNode, "Server"), RouteFactor = Convert.ToInt32(GetAttribute(destinationNode, "RouteFactor") ?? "1") }; if (destination.RouteFactor <= 0) { destination.RouteFactor = 1; } route.Destinations.Add(destination); } } Routes.Add(route); } } }
public void AddServer(string address) { Servers.Add(new Server(CreateIPEndPoint(address))); }
protected async Task <(List <RavenServer> Nodes, RavenServer Leader)> CreateRaftCluster( int numberOfNodes, bool shouldRunInMemory = true, int?leaderIndex = null, bool useSsl = false, bool createNewCert = false, string serverCertPath = null, IDictionary <string, string> customSettings = null, List <IDictionary <string, string> > customSettingsList = null, bool watcherCluster = false) { leaderIndex = leaderIndex ?? _random.Next(0, numberOfNodes); RavenServer leader = null; var serversToPorts = new Dictionary <RavenServer, string>(); var clustersServers = new List <RavenServer>(); _electionTimeoutInMs = Math.Max(300, numberOfNodes * 80); if (customSettingsList != null && customSettingsList.Count != numberOfNodes) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The number of custom settings must equal the number of nodes."); } for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { if (customSettingsList == null) { customSettings = customSettings ?? new Dictionary <string, string>() { [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.MoveToRehabGraceTime)] = "1", [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.AddReplicaTimeout)] = "1", [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.ElectionTimeout)] = _electionTimeoutInMs.ToString(), [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.StabilizationTime)] = "1", }; } else { customSettings = customSettingsList[i]; } string serverUrl; if (useSsl) { serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl(""); var shouldCreateNewCert = createNewCert && i == 0; SetupServerAuthentication(customSettings, serverUrl, createNew: shouldCreateNewCert, serverCertPath: serverCertPath); } else { serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl(""); customSettings[RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Core.ServerUrls)] = serverUrl; } var co = new ServerCreationOptions { CustomSettings = customSettings, RunInMemory = shouldRunInMemory, RegisterForDisposal = false }; var server = GetNewServer(co); var port = Convert.ToInt32(server.ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl().Split(':')[2]); var prefix = useSsl ? "https" : "http"; serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl($"{prefix}://{port}"); Servers.Add(server); clustersServers.Add(server); serversToPorts.Add(server, serverUrl); if (i == leaderIndex) { server.ServerStore.EnsureNotPassive(); leader = server; } } for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { if (i == leaderIndex) { continue; } var follower = clustersServers[i]; // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException await leader.ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(serversToPorts[follower], asWatcher : watcherCluster); if (watcherCluster) { await follower.ServerStore.WaitForTopology(Leader.TopologyModification.NonVoter); } else { await follower.ServerStore.WaitForTopology(Leader.TopologyModification.Voter); } } // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException var condition = await leader.ServerStore.WaitForState(RachisState.Leader, CancellationToken.None).WaitAsync(numberOfNodes * _electionTimeoutInMs * 5); var states = string.Empty; if (condition == false) { states = GetLastStatesFromAllServersOrderedByTime(); } Assert.True(condition, "The leader has changed while waiting for cluster to become stable. All nodes status: " + states); return(clustersServers, leader); }
protected void btnSaveConfig_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { int intConfigured = (ddlOS.SelectedIndex > 0 && (panSP.Visible == false || ddlServicePack.SelectedIndex > 0) && (panMaintenance.Visible == false || ddlMaintenance.SelectedIndex > 0) && (panTemplate.Visible == false || ddlTemplate.SelectedIndex > 0) && ddlDomain.SelectedIndex > 0 && (panTest.Visible == false || ddlTestDomain.SelectedIndex > 0) && (panInfrastructure.Visible == false || radInfrastructureYes.Checked == true || radInfrastructureNo.Checked == true) && (radDRYes.Checked == true || radDRNo.Checked == true) ? 1 : 0); int intServer = 0; int intDBA = 0; if (Request.Form[hdnUser.UniqueID] != "") { intDBA = Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnUser.UniqueID]); } int intSP = 0; if (Int32.Parse(ddlServicePack.SelectedItem.Value) > 0) { intSP = Int32.Parse(ddlServicePack.SelectedItem.Value); } else if (Int32.Parse(ddlMaintenance.SelectedItem.Value) > 0) { intSP = Int32.Parse(ddlMaintenance.SelectedItem.Value); } int intClass = Int32.Parse(oForecast.GetAnswer(intAnswer, "classid")); bool boolPNC = (oClass.Get(intClass, "pnc") == "1"); if (lblId.Text != "") { intServer = Int32.Parse(lblId.Text); oServer.Update(intServer, Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value), intSP, Int32.Parse(ddlTemplate.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlDomain.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlTestDomain.SelectedItem.Value), (radInfrastructureYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radHAYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked && radExistYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked && radExistYes.Checked ? txtRecovery.Text : ""), (radDRYes.Checked && radConsistencyYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked && radConsistencyYes.Checked ? Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnConsistencyGroup.UniqueID]) : 0), intConfigured, intDBA, (boolPNC == true ? 1 : 0)); } else { bool boolFDrive = (oForecast.IsDRUnder48(intAnswer, false)); intServer = oServer.Add(intRequest, intAnswer, 0, intConfig, intCluster, intNumber, Int32.Parse(ddlOS.SelectedItem.Value), intSP, Int32.Parse(ddlTemplate.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlDomain.SelectedItem.Value), Int32.Parse(ddlTestDomain.SelectedItem.Value), (radInfrastructureYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radHAYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked && radExistYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked && radExistYes.Checked ? txtRecovery.Text : ""), (radDRYes.Checked && radConsistencyYes.Checked ? 1 : 0), (radDRYes.Checked && radConsistencyYes.Checked ? Int32.Parse(Request.Form[hdnConsistencyGroup.UniqueID]) : 0), intConfigured, (oForecast.IsStorage(intAnswer) ? 0 : -1), 0, (boolFDrive ? 0 : -1), intDBA, (boolPNC == true ? 1 : 0), 0, (boolPNC == true ? 0 : -100)); if (intCluster > 0) { Cluster oCluster = new Cluster(0, dsn); oCluster.UpdateNonShared(intCluster, 1); } // Change configured to 0 so that when loading the components, the pre-selected stuff will appear (only when first loading...not after reloading a saved one) oServer.UpdateConfigured(intServer, 0); } // Add Break Fix Name string strName = oForecast.GetAnswer(intAnswer, "nameid"); if (strName != "" && strName != "0") { oServer.UpdateServerNamed(intServer, Int32.Parse(strName)); } bool boolReset = false; DataSet dsOld = oServerName.GetComponentDetailSelected(intServer, 1); // Save Components if (Request.Form["hdnComponents"] != null) { string strComponents = Request.Form["hdnComponents"]; //if (strComponents != "") //{ oServerName.DeleteComponentDetailSelected(intServer); while (strComponents != "") { int intDetail = Int32.Parse(strComponents.Substring(0, strComponents.IndexOf("&"))); if (intDetail > 0) { oServerName.AddComponentDetailSelected(intServer, intDetail, 0, true); oServerName.AddComponentDetailPrerequisites(intServer, intDetail, true); } strComponents = strComponents.Substring(strComponents.IndexOf("&") + 1); } //} } // Save Application Prerequisites int intApplication = Int32.Parse(oForecast.GetAnswer(intAnswer, "applicationid")); DataSet dsInclude = oServerName.GetComponentDetailSelectedRelated(intApplication, 1); foreach (DataRow drInclude in dsInclude.Tables[0].Rows) { int intDetail = Int32.Parse(drInclude["detailid"].ToString()); oServerName.AddComponentDetailSelected(intServer, intDetail, -1, true); oServerName.AddComponentDetailPrerequisites(intServer, intDetail, true); } // Send to software component approver(s) oServerName.SendComponentNotification(intAnswer, intEnvironment, dsnAsset, dsnIP, intSoftwarePageID); DataSet dsNew = oServerName.GetComponentDetailSelected(intServer, 1); // Check components and erase if necessary foreach (DataRow drOld in dsOld.Tables[0].Rows) { bool boolFound = false; foreach (DataRow drNew in dsNew.Tables[0].Rows) { if (drOld["detailid"].ToString() == drNew["detailid"].ToString()) { boolFound = true; break; } } if (boolFound == false) { if (drOld["reset_storage"].ToString() == "1") { boolReset = true; break; } } } if (boolReset == false) { foreach (DataRow drNew in dsNew.Tables[0].Rows) { bool boolFound = false; foreach (DataRow drOld in dsOld.Tables[0].Rows) { if (drNew["detailid"].ToString() == drOld["detailid"].ToString()) { boolFound = true; break; } } if (boolFound == false) { if (drNew["reset_storage"].ToString() == "1") { boolReset = true; break; } } } } if (boolReset == true) { oStorage.DeleteLuns(intAnswer, 0, intCluster, intConfig, intNumber); oServer.UpdateLocalStorage(intServer, 0); if (intCluster > 0) { Cluster oCluster = new Cluster(intProfile, dsn); oCluster.UpdateAddInstance(intCluster, 0); } if (oServer.Get(intServer, "fdrive") == "-1" || oServer.Get(intServer, "fdrive") == "1") { oServer.UpdateFDrive(intServer, 0); } } // Check if DBA is required bool boolDBA = false; foreach (DataRow drNew in dsNew.Tables[0].Rows) { if (drNew["sql"].ToString() == "1" || drNew["dbase"].ToString() == "1") { boolDBA = true; break; } } // Redirect if (panComponentsNo.Visible == true) { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&menu_tab=2&refresh=true"); } else { if (boolDBA == true && intDBA == 0) { oServer.UpdateConfigured(intServer, 0); Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&required=true&dba=true"); } else { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&save=true"); } } }
public async Task CanSnapshotCompareExchangeWithExpiration() { var count = 45; var(_, leader) = await CreateRaftCluster(1, watcherCluster : true); using (var store = GetDocumentStore(options: new Options { Server = leader })) { var expiry = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2); var compareExchanges = new Dictionary <string, User>(); await CompareExchangeExpirationTest.AddCompareExchangesWithExpire(count, compareExchanges, store, expiry); await CompareExchangeExpirationTest.AssertCompareExchanges(compareExchanges, store, expiry); using (leader.ServerStore.Engine.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out ClusterOperationContext context)) using (context.OpenReadTransaction()) { Assert.Equal(count, CompareExchangeExpirationStorage.GetExpiredValues(context, long.MaxValue).Count()); } var server2 = GetNewServer(); var server2Url = server2.ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl(); Servers.Add(server2); using (var requestExecutor = ClusterRequestExecutor.CreateForSingleNode(leader.WebUrl, null)) using (requestExecutor.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var ctx)) { await requestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(new AddClusterNodeCommand(server2Url, watcher : true), ctx); var addDatabaseNode = new AddDatabaseNodeOperation(store.Database); await store.Maintenance.Server.SendAsync(addDatabaseNode); } using (server2.ServerStore.Engine.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out ClusterOperationContext context)) using (context.OpenReadTransaction()) { Assert.Equal(count, CompareExchangeExpirationStorage.GetExpiredValues(context, long.MaxValue).Count()); } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; leader.ServerStore.Observer.Time.UtcDateTime = () => now.AddMinutes(3); var leaderCount = WaitForValue(() => { using (leader.ServerStore.Engine.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out ClusterOperationContext context)) using (context.OpenReadTransaction()) { return(CompareExchangeExpirationStorage.GetExpiredValues(context, long.MaxValue).Count()); } }, 0, interval: 333); Assert.Equal(0, leaderCount); var server2count = WaitForValue(() => { using (server2.ServerStore.Engine.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out ClusterOperationContext context)) using (context.OpenReadTransaction()) { return(CompareExchangeExpirationStorage.GetExpiredValues(context, long.MaxValue).Count()); } }, 0, interval: 333); Assert.Equal(0, server2count); } }
private void ServerMaster_ServerCreateEvent(IServer newServer) { Servers.Add(newServer); newServer.PortfoliosChangeEvent += _server_PortfoliosChangeEvent; newServer.SecuritiesChangeEvent += _server_SecuritiesChangeEvent; }
private void Add(Server s) { ServerViewModel vm = new ServerViewModel(s); Servers.Add(vm); }
/// <summary> /// For synchronization with App.config or Web.configs. /// </summary> /// <param name="definition"></param> public ClientConfiguration(ICouchbaseClientDefinition definition) { Timer = TimingFactory.GetTimer(Log); NodeAvailableCheckInterval = definition.NodeAvailableCheckInterval; UseSsl = definition.UseSsl; SslPort = definition.SslPort; ApiPort = definition.ApiPort; DirectPort = definition.DirectPort; MgmtPort = definition.MgmtPort; HttpsMgmtPort = definition.HttpsMgmtPort; HttpsApiPort = definition.HttpsApiPort; ObserveInterval = definition.ObserveInterval; ObserveTimeout = definition.ObserveTimeout; MaxViewRetries = definition.MaxViewRetries; #pragma warning disable 618 ViewHardTimeout = definition.ViewHardTimeout; SerializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; DeserializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; #pragma warning restore 618 EnableConfigHeartBeat = definition.EnableConfigHeartBeat; HeartbeatConfigInterval = definition.HeartbeatConfigInterval; ViewRequestTimeout = definition.ViewRequestTimeout; Expect100Continue = definition.Expect100Continue; DefaultConnectionLimit = definition.DefaultConnectionLimit; MaxServicePointIdleTime = definition.MaxServicePointIdleTime; EnableOperationTiming = definition.EnableOperationTiming; DefaultOperationLifespan = definition.OperationLifespan; QueryRequestTimeout = definition.QueryRequestTimeout; EnableQueryTiming = definition.EnableQueryTiming; SearchRequestTimeout = definition.SearchRequestTimeout; VBucketRetrySleepTime = definition.VBucketRetrySleepTime; IOErrorCheckInterval = definition.IOErrorCheckInterval; IOErrorThreshold = definition.IOErrorThreshold; //transcoders, converters, and serializers...o mai. Serializer = definition.Serializer != null ? SerializerFactory.GetSerializer(definition.Serializer) : SerializerFactory.GetSerializer(); Converter = definition.Converter != null ? ConverterFactory.GetConverter(definition.Converter) : ConverterFactory.GetConverter(); Transcoder = definition.Transcoder != null ? TranscoderFactory.GetTranscoder(this, definition.Transcoder) : TranscoderFactory.GetTranscoder(this); IOServiceCreator = definition.IOService != null ? IOServiceFactory.GetFactory(definition.IOService) : IOServiceFactory.GetFactory(); //to enable tcp keep-alives EnableTcpKeepAlives = definition.EnableTcpKeepAlives; TcpKeepAliveInterval = definition.TcpKeepAliveInterval; TcpKeepAliveTime = definition.TcpKeepAliveTime; var keepAlivesChanged = EnableTcpKeepAlives != true || TcpKeepAliveInterval != 1000 || TcpKeepAliveTime != 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; //The default sasl mechanism creator CreateSaslMechanism = SaslFactory.GetFactory(); //NOTE: this is a global setting and applies to all instances IgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch = definition.IgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch; UseInterNetworkV6Addresses = definition.UseInterNetworkV6Addresses; foreach (var server in definition.Servers ?? new[] { Defaults.Server }) { Servers.Add(server); _serversChanged = true; } if (definition.ConnectionPool != null) { ConnectionPoolCreator = definition.ConnectionPool.Type != null ? ConnectionPoolFactory.GetFactory(definition.ConnectionPool.Type) : ConnectionPoolFactory.GetFactory(); PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration(definition.ConnectionPool.MaxSize, definition.ConnectionPool.MinSize) { WaitTimeout = definition.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout, ShutdownTimeout = definition.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout, UseSsl = UseSsl ? UseSsl : definition.ConnectionPool.UseSsl, BufferSize = definition.ConnectionPool.BufferSize, BufferAllocator = (p) => new BufferAllocator(p.MaxSize * p.BufferSize, p.BufferSize), ConnectTimeout = definition.ConnectionPool.ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout = definition.ConnectionPool.SendTimeout, EnableTcpKeepAlives = keepAlivesChanged ? EnableTcpKeepAlives : definition.ConnectionPool.EnableTcpKeepAlives, TcpKeepAliveInterval = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveInterval : definition.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveInterval, TcpKeepAliveTime = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveTime : definition.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveTime, CloseAttemptInterval = definition.ConnectionPool.CloseAttemptInterval, MaxCloseAttempts = definition.ConnectionPool.MaxCloseAttempts, ClientConfiguration = this }; } else { ConnectionPoolCreator = ConnectionPoolFactory.GetFactory(); PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration(this); } BucketConfigs = new Dictionary <string, BucketConfiguration>(); if (definition.Buckets != null) { foreach (var bucket in definition.Buckets) { var bucketConfiguration = new BucketConfiguration { BucketName = bucket.Name, UseSsl = bucket.UseSsl, Password = bucket.Password, ObserveInterval = bucket.ObserveInterval, DefaultOperationLifespan = bucket.OperationLifespan ?? (uint)DefaultOperationLifespan, ObserveTimeout = bucket.ObserveTimeout, UseEnhancedDurability = bucket.UseEnhancedDurability }; //By skipping the bucket specific connection pool settings we allow inheritance from clien-wide connection pool settings. if (bucket.ConnectionPool != null) { bucketConfiguration.PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration(bucket.ConnectionPool.MaxSize, bucket.ConnectionPool.MinSize) { WaitTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout, ShutdownTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout, UseSsl = bucket.ConnectionPool.UseSsl, BufferSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.BufferSize, BufferAllocator = (p) => new BufferAllocator(p.MaxSize * p.BufferSize, p.BufferSize), ConnectTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.SendTimeout, EnableTcpKeepAlives = keepAlivesChanged ? EnableTcpKeepAlives : bucket.ConnectionPool.EnableTcpKeepAlives, TcpKeepAliveInterval = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveInterval : bucket.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveInterval, TcpKeepAliveTime = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveTime : bucket.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveTime, CloseAttemptInterval = bucket.ConnectionPool.CloseAttemptInterval, MaxCloseAttempts = bucket.ConnectionPool.MaxCloseAttempts, UseEnhancedDurability = bucket.UseEnhancedDurability, ClientConfiguration = this }; } else { bucketConfiguration.PoolConfiguration = PoolConfiguration; bucketConfiguration.PoolConfiguration.UseSsl = bucketConfiguration.UseSsl; bucketConfiguration.PoolConfiguration.UseEnhancedDurability = bucketConfiguration.UseEnhancedDurability; } BucketConfigs.Add(bucket.Name, bucketConfiguration); } } //Set back to default _operationLifespanChanged = false; _poolConfigurationChanged = false; }
void SetServersTimeTable() { Server tmp1 = new Server(); tmp1.ID = 1; TimeDistribution S1T1 = new TimeDistribution(); S1T1.Time = 2; S1T1.Probability = 0.30m; S1T1.CummProbability = 0.30m; S1T1.MinRange = 1; S1T1.MaxRange = 30; TimeDistribution S1T2 = new TimeDistribution(); S1T2.Time = 3; S1T2.Probability = 0.28m; S1T2.CummProbability = 0.58m; S1T2.MinRange = 31; S1T2.MaxRange = 58; TimeDistribution S1T3 = new TimeDistribution(); S1T3.Time = 4; S1T3.Probability = 0.25m; S1T3.CummProbability = 0.83m; S1T3.MinRange = 59; S1T3.MaxRange = 83; TimeDistribution S1T4 = new TimeDistribution(); S1T4.Time = 5; S1T4.Probability = 0.17m; S1T4.CummProbability = 1m; S1T4.MinRange = 84; S1T4.MaxRange = 100; tmp1.TimeDistribution.Add(S1T1); tmp1.TimeDistribution.Add(S1T2); tmp1.TimeDistribution.Add(S1T3); tmp1.TimeDistribution.Add(S1T4); Server tmp2 = new Server(); tmp2.ID = 2; TimeDistribution S2T1 = new TimeDistribution(); S2T1.Time = 3; S2T1.Probability = 0.35m; S2T1.CummProbability = 0.35m; S2T1.MinRange = 1; S2T1.MaxRange = 35; TimeDistribution S2T2 = new TimeDistribution(); S2T2.Time = 4; S2T2.Probability = 0.25m; S2T2.CummProbability = 0.60m; S2T2.MinRange = 36; S2T2.MaxRange = 60; TimeDistribution S2T3 = new TimeDistribution(); S2T3.Time = 5; S2T3.Probability = 0.20m; S2T3.CummProbability = 0.80m; S2T3.MinRange = 61; S2T3.MaxRange = 80; TimeDistribution S2T4 = new TimeDistribution(); S2T4.Time = 6; S2T4.Probability = 0.20m; S2T4.CummProbability = 1m; S2T4.MinRange = 81; S2T4.MaxRange = 100; tmp2.TimeDistribution.Add(S2T1); tmp2.TimeDistribution.Add(S2T2); tmp2.TimeDistribution.Add(S2T3); tmp2.TimeDistribution.Add(S2T4); Servers.Add(tmp1); Servers.Add(tmp2); }
public void AddServer(string address, int port) { Servers.Add(new Server { Address = address, Port = port }); }
public void UseServer(Func <BackgroundJobServer> server) { Servers.Add(server); }
/// <summary> /// For synchronization with App.config or Web.configs. /// </summary> /// <param name="section"></param> public ClientConfiguration(CouchbaseClientSection section) { Timer = TimingFactory.GetTimer(Log); NodeAvailableCheckInterval = section.NodeAvailableCheckInterval; UseSsl = section.UseSsl; SslPort = section.SslPort; ApiPort = section.ApiPort; DirectPort = section.DirectPort; MgmtPort = section.MgmtPort; HttpsMgmtPort = section.HttpsMgmtPort; HttpsApiPort = section.HttpsApiPort; ObserveInterval = section.ObserveInterval; ObserveTimeout = section.ObserveTimeout; MaxViewRetries = section.MaxViewRetries; ViewHardTimeout = section.ViewHardTimeout; SerializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; DeserializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; EnableConfigHeartBeat = section.EnableConfigHeartBeat; HeartbeatConfigInterval = section.HeartbeatConfigInterval; ViewRequestTimeout = section.ViewRequestTimeout; Expect100Continue = section.Expect100Continue; DefaultConnectionLimit = section.DefaultConnectionLimit; MaxServicePointIdleTime = section.MaxServicePointIdleTime; EnableOperationTiming = section.EnableOperationTiming; DefaultOperationLifespan = section.OperationLifespan; QueryRequestTimeout = section.QueryRequestTimeout; IOErrorCheckInterval = section.IOErrorCheckInterval; IOErrorThreshold = section.IOErrorThreshold; //transcoders, converters, and serializers...o mai. Serializer = SerializerFactory.GetSerializer(this, section.Serializer); Converter = ConverterFactory.GetConverter(section.Converter); Transcoder = TranscoderFactory.GetTranscoder(this, section.Transcoder); //to enable tcp keep-alives EnableTcpKeepAlives = section.EnableTcpKeepAlives; TcpKeepAliveInterval = section.TcpKeepAliveInterval; TcpKeepAliveTime = section.TcpKeepAliveTime; var keepAlivesChanged = EnableTcpKeepAlives != true || TcpKeepAliveInterval != 1000 || TcpKeepAliveTime != 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; //the default ioservice - this should be refactored to come from the configsection IOServiceCreator = IOServiceFactory.GetFactory(section.IOService); //the default connection pool creator if (section.UseSsl) { section.ConnectionPool.UseSsl = section.UseSsl; } ConnectionPoolCreator = ConnectionPoolFactory.GetFactory(section.ConnectionPool); //The default sasl mechanism creator CreateSaslMechanism = SaslFactory.GetFactory(); foreach (var server in section.Servers) { Servers.Add(((UriElement)server).Uri); _serversChanged = true; } PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration { MaxSize = section.ConnectionPool.MaxSize, MinSize = section.ConnectionPool.MinSize, WaitTimeout = section.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout, ShutdownTimeout = section.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout, UseSsl = UseSsl ? UseSsl : section.ConnectionPool.UseSsl, BufferSize = section.ConnectionPool.BufferSize, BufferAllocator = (p) => new BufferAllocator(p.MaxSize * p.BufferSize, p.BufferSize), ConnectTimeout = section.ConnectionPool.ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout = section.ConnectionPool.SendTimeout, EnableTcpKeepAlives = keepAlivesChanged ? EnableTcpKeepAlives : section.ConnectionPool.EnableTcpKeepAlives, TcpKeepAliveInterval = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveInterval : section.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveInterval, TcpKeepAliveTime = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveTime : section.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveTime, CloseAttemptInterval = section.ConnectionPool.CloseAttemptInterval, MaxCloseAttempts = section.ConnectionPool.MaxCloseAttempts, ClientConfiguration = this }; BucketConfigs = new Dictionary <string, BucketConfiguration>(); foreach (var bucketElement in section.Buckets) { var bucket = (BucketElement)bucketElement; var bucketConfiguration = new BucketConfiguration { BucketName = bucket.Name, UseSsl = bucket.UseSsl, Password = bucket.Password, ObserveInterval = bucket.ObserveInterval, DefaultOperationLifespan = bucket.OperationLifespan ?? (uint)DefaultOperationLifespan, ObserveTimeout = bucket.ObserveTimeout, UseEnhancedDurability = bucket.UseEnhancedDurability }; //Configuration properties (including elements) can not be null, but we can check if it was originally presnt in xml and skip it. //By skipping the bucket specific connection pool settings we allow inheritance from clien-wide connection pool settings. if (bucket.ConnectionPool.ElementInformation.IsPresent) { bucketConfiguration.PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration { MaxSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.MaxSize, MinSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.MinSize, WaitTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout, ShutdownTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout, UseSsl = bucket.ConnectionPool.UseSsl, BufferSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.BufferSize, BufferAllocator = (p) => new BufferAllocator(p.MaxSize * p.BufferSize, p.BufferSize), ConnectTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.SendTimeout, EnableTcpKeepAlives = keepAlivesChanged ? EnableTcpKeepAlives : bucket.ConnectionPool.EnableTcpKeepAlives, TcpKeepAliveInterval = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveInterval : bucket.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveInterval, TcpKeepAliveTime = keepAlivesChanged ? TcpKeepAliveTime : bucket.ConnectionPool.TcpKeepAliveTime, CloseAttemptInterval = bucket.ConnectionPool.CloseAttemptInterval, MaxCloseAttempts = bucket.ConnectionPool.MaxCloseAttempts, UseEnhancedDurability = bucket.UseEnhancedDurability, ClientConfiguration = this }; } else { bucketConfiguration.PoolConfiguration = PoolConfiguration; } BucketConfigs.Add(bucket.Name, bucketConfiguration); } //Set back to default _operationLifespanChanged = false; _poolConfigurationChanged = false; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize from <see cref="XmlElement" />. Can be used to embed cache configuration in larger configuration files /// </summary> /// <param name="doc"> </param> private void LoadFromElement(XmlElement doc) { var persistent = StringFromXpath(doc, "@isPersistent"); IsPersistent = IsYes(persistent); var nodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//connectionPool"); if (nodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { var capacity = StringFromXpath(node, "capacity"); ConnectionPoolCapacity = int.Parse(capacity); var preloaded = StringFromXpath(node, "preloaded"); PreloadedConnections = int.Parse(preloaded); } } //read servers nodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//servers/server"); if (nodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { var cfg = new ServerConfig(); var port = StringFromXpath(node, "port"); cfg.Port = int.Parse(port); var host = StringFromXpath(node, "host"); cfg.Host = host; var weight = StringFromXpath(node, "weight"); Servers.Add(cfg); } } //read converters nodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//keyConverters/converter"); if (nodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { var converterTypeName = StringFromXpath(node, "@fullName"); var converterType = Type.GetType(converterTypeName); if (converterType == null) { throw new CacheException( $"Can not instantiate a key converter for type {converterTypeName}"); } if (!(Activator.CreateInstance(converterType) is IKeyConverter converter)) { throw new CacheException( $"Can not instantiate a key converter for type {converterTypeName}"); } } } //type descriptions nodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//typeDescriptions/type"); if (nodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { var typeDescription = new TypeDescriptionConfig(); var typeName = StringFromXpath(node, "@fullName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) { throw new CacheException("Missing fullName attribute on a type description"); } var assemblyName = StringFromXpath(node, "@assembly"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName)) { throw new CacheException("Missing assembly attribute on a type description"); } var useCompression = StringFromXpath(node, "@useCompression"); typeDescription.UseCompression = IsYes(useCompression); typeDescription.FullTypeName = typeName; typeDescription.AssemblyName = assemblyName; var propertyNodes = node.SelectNodes("property"); if (propertyNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in propertyNodes) { var propertyName = StringFromXpath(propertyNode, "@name"); var propertyType = StringFromXpath(propertyNode, "@keyType"); KeyType keyType; switch (propertyType.ToUpper()) { case "PRIMARY": keyType = KeyType.Primary; break; case "UNIQUE": keyType = KeyType.Unique; break; case "INDEX": keyType = KeyType.ScalarIndex; break; case "LIST": keyType = KeyType.ListIndex; break; default: throw new CacheException( $"Unknown key type {propertyType} for property{propertyName}"); } var keyDataType = StringFromXpath(propertyNode, "@dataType"); KeyDataType dataType; switch (keyDataType.ToUpper()) { case "INT": case "INTEGER": dataType = KeyDataType.IntKey; break; case "STRING": dataType = KeyDataType.StringKey; break; default: throw new CacheException( $"Unknown key data type {keyDataType} for property{propertyName}"); } var orderedIndex = StringFromXpath(propertyNode, "@ordered"); var ordered = orderedIndex.ToUpper() == "TRUE"; typeDescription.Add(propertyName, keyType, dataType, ordered); } } TypeDescriptions.Add(typeName, typeDescription); } } }
protected async Task <RavenServer> CreateRaftClusterAndGetLeader(int numberOfNodes, bool shouldRunInMemory = true, int?leaderIndex = null, bool useSsl = false, IDictionary <string, string> customSettings = null) { leaderIndex = leaderIndex ?? _random.Next(0, numberOfNodes); RavenServer leader = null; var serversToPorts = new Dictionary <RavenServer, string>(); var clustersServers = new List <RavenServer>(); _electionTimeoutInMs = Math.Max(300, numberOfNodes * 80); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { customSettings = customSettings ?? new Dictionary <string, string>() { [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.MoveToRehabGraceTime)] = "1", [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.ElectionTimeout)] = _electionTimeoutInMs.ToString(), [RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Cluster.StabilizationTime)] = "1", }; string serverUrl; if (useSsl) { serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl(""); SetupServerAuthentication(customSettings, serverUrl); } else { serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl(""); customSettings[RavenConfiguration.GetKey(x => x.Core.ServerUrls)] = serverUrl; } var server = GetNewServer(customSettings, runInMemory: shouldRunInMemory); var port = Convert.ToInt32(server.ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl().Split(':')[2]); var prefix = useSsl ? "https" : "http"; serverUrl = UseFiddlerUrl($"{prefix}://{port}"); Servers.Add(server); clustersServers.Add(server); serversToPorts.Add(server, serverUrl); if (i == leaderIndex) { server.ServerStore.EnsureNotPassive(); leader = server; } } for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { if (i == leaderIndex) { continue; } var follower = clustersServers[i]; // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException await leader.ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(serversToPorts[follower]); await follower.ServerStore.WaitForTopology(Leader.TopologyModification.Voter); } // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException var condition = await leader.ServerStore.WaitForState(RachisState.Leader, CancellationToken.None).WaitAsync(numberOfNodes * _electionTimeoutInMs * 5); var states = string.Empty; if (condition == false) { states = GetLastStatesFromAllServersOrderedByTime(); } Assert.True(condition, "The leader has changed while waiting for cluster to become stable. All nodes status: " + states); return(leader); }
protected async Task <(RavenServer, Dictionary <RavenServer, ProxyServer>)> CreateRaftClusterWithProxiesAndGetLeader(int numberOfNodes, bool shouldRunInMemory = true, int?leaderIndex = null, bool useSsl = false, int delay = 0, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null) { leaderIndex = leaderIndex ?? _random.Next(0, numberOfNodes); RavenServer leader = null; var serversToPorts = new Dictionary <RavenServer, string>(); var serversToProxies = new Dictionary <RavenServer, ProxyServer>(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { string serverUrl; var customSettings = GetServerSettingsForPort(useSsl, out serverUrl); int proxyPort = 10000; var co = new ServerCreationOptions { CustomSettings = customSettings, RunInMemory = shouldRunInMemory, RegisterForDisposal = false }; var server = GetNewServer(co, caller); var proxy = new ProxyServer(ref proxyPort, Convert.ToInt32(server.ServerStore.GetNodeHttpServerUrl()), delay); serversToProxies.Add(server, proxy); if (Servers.Any(s => s.WebUrl.Equals(server.WebUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == false) { Servers.Add(server); } serversToPorts.Add(server, serverUrl); if (i == leaderIndex) { await server.ServerStore.EnsureNotPassiveAsync(); leader = server; } } using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))) { for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { if (i == leaderIndex) { continue; } var follower = Servers[i]; // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException await leader.ServerStore.AddNodeToClusterAsync(serversToPorts[follower], token : cts.Token); await follower.ServerStore.WaitForTopology(Leader.TopologyModification.Voter, cts.Token); } } // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException var condition = await leader.ServerStore.WaitForState(RachisState.Leader, CancellationToken.None).WaitAsync(numberOfNodes * _electionTimeoutInMs * 5); var states = string.Empty; if (condition == false) { states = GetLastStatesFromAllServersOrderedByTime(); } Assert.True(condition, "The leader has changed while waiting for cluster to become stable. All nodes status: " + states); return(leader, serversToProxies); }
public Builder AddServer(Server server) { Servers.Add(server); return(this); }