public int PathWeight; //^ but in cells generated instead of number of segments public SegmentStump(PlannedSegment parent, SegmentCellOriented zeroposrot, int role, int pathdepth, int pathweight) { Parent = parent; ZeroPosRot = zeroposrot; StumpRole = role; PathDepth = pathdepth; PathWeight = pathweight; }
public int PathWeight; //cells generated so far as branch from main path or cells generated so far as main path if part of it public void PlanFromScheme(ArchivedSegment scheme, SegmentStump gridStump) { Scheme = scheme; ZeroPosRot = new SegmentCellOriented(gridStump.ZeroPosRot.U, gridStump.ZeroPosRot.R, gridStump.ZeroPosRot.Facing, gridStump.ZeroPosRot.Type, gridStump.ZeroPosRot.Altitude); SegmentRole = gridStump.StumpRole; PathDepth = gridStump.PathDepth + 1; PathWeight = gridStump.PathWeight + Scheme.Weight; this.HasParent(gridStump.Parent); if (gridStump.Parent != null) { gridStump.Parent.IsParentOf(this); } }