/// <summary>Captures a screenshot of a window using Windows GDI</summary>
        /// <param name="handle">handle of the window to capture</param>
        /// <returns>the captured window image</returns>
        private static Image CaptureWithGDI(Workflow wfgdi, IntPtr handle, out Rectangle windowRect)
            DebugHelper.WriteLine("Capturing with GDI");

            windowRect = CaptureHelpers.GetWindowRectangle(handle);

            Image windowImageGdi = null;

            if (wfgdi.ActiveWindowClearBackground)
                windowImageGdi = CaptureWindowWithGDI(wfgdi, handle, out windowRect);

            if (windowImageGdi == null)
                using (new Freeze(wfgdi, handle))
                    windowImageGdi = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect);

                Image result = RemoveCorners(handle, windowImageGdi, null, windowRect);
                if (result != null)
                    windowImageGdi = result;

        /// <summary>Remove the corners of a window by replacing the background of these corners by transparency.</summary>
        private static Image RemoveCorners(IntPtr handle, Image windowImage, Bitmap redBGImage, Rectangle windowRect)
            if (ZAppHelper.IsWindows8())
                // Windows 8 UI does not have round corners

            const int cornerSize = 5;

            if (windowRect.Width > cornerSize * 2 && windowRect.Height > cornerSize * 2)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("Clean transparent corners");

                if (redBGImage == null)
                    using (Form form = new Form())
                        form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                        form.ShowInTaskbar   = false;
                        form.BackColor       = Color.Red;

                        NativeMethods.ShowWindow(form.Handle, (int)WindowShowStyle.ShowNormalNoActivate);
                        NativeMethods.SetWindowPos(form.Handle, handle, windowRect.X, windowRect.Y, windowRect.Width, windowRect.Height, NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE);
                        redBGImage = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect) as Bitmap;

                return(HelpersLib.GraphicsHelper.Core.RemoveCorners(windowImage, redBGImage));
        /// <summary>Captures a screenshot of a window using the Windows DWM</summary>
        /// <param name="handle">handle of the window to capture</param>
        /// <returns>the captured window image with or without cursor</returns>
        public static Image CaptureWithDWM(Workflow wfdwm, IntPtr handle)
            DebugHelper.WriteLine("Capturing with DWM");
            Image  windowImageDwm = null;
            Bitmap redBGImage     = null;

            Rectangle windowRect = CaptureHelpers.GetWindowRectangle(handle);

            if (windowRect.Width == 0)
                windowRect = CaptureHelpers.GetWindowRectangle(handle); // try again

            if (windowRect.Width > 0 && NativeMethods.IsDWMEnabled())
                if (wfdwm.ActiveWindowDwmUseCustomBackground)
                    windowImageDwm = CaptureWindowWithDWM(handle, windowRect, out redBGImage, wfdwm.ActiveWindowDwmBackColor);
                else if (wfdwm.ActiveWindowClearBackground)
                    windowImageDwm = CaptureWindowWithDWM(handle, windowRect, out redBGImage, Color.White);

            if (windowImageDwm == null)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("Standard capture (no transparency)");
                windowImageDwm = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect);

            Image result = RemoveCorners(handle, windowImageDwm, redBGImage, windowRect);

            if (result != null)
                windowImageDwm = result;

            if (wfdwm.ActiveWindowIncludeShadows)
                // Draw shadow manually to be able to have shadows in every case
                windowImageDwm = HelpersLib.GraphicsHelper.Core.AddBorderShadow((Bitmap)windowImageDwm, true);

                if (wfdwm.DrawCursor)
                    Point shadowOffset = HelpersLib.GraphicsHelper.Core.ShadowOffset;
                    DebugHelper.WriteLine("Fixed cursor position (before): " + windowRect.ToString());
                    windowRect.X -= shadowOffset.X;
                    windowRect.Y -= shadowOffset.Y;
                    DebugHelper.WriteLine("Fixed cursor position (after):  " + windowRect.ToString());

            if (wfdwm.DrawCursor)
                CaptureHelpers.DrawCursorToImage(windowImageDwm, windowRect.Location);

        /// <summary>
        /// Make a full-size thumbnail of the captured window on a new topmost form, and capture
        /// this new form with a black and then white background. Then compute the transparency by
        /// difference between the black and white versions.
        /// This method has these advantages:
        /// - the full form is captured even if it is obscured on the Windows desktop
        /// - there is no problem with unpredictable Z-order anymore (the background and
        ///   the window to capture are drawn on the same window)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle">handle of the window to capture</param>
        /// <param name="windowRect">the bounds of the window</param>
        /// <param name="redBGImage">the window captured with a red background</param>
        /// <param name="captureRedBGImage">whether to do the capture of the window with a red background</param>
        /// <returns>the captured window image</returns>
        private static Image CaptureWindowWithDWM(IntPtr handle, Rectangle windowRect, out Bitmap redBGImage, Color backColor)
            Image windowImage = null;

            redBGImage = null;

            if (backColor != Color.White)
                backColor = Color.FromArgb(255, backColor.R, backColor.G, backColor.B);

            using (Form form = new Form())
                form.StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.Manual;
                form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
                form.ShowInTaskbar   = false;
                form.BackColor       = backColor;
                form.TopMost         = true;
                form.Bounds          = CaptureHelpers.GetWindowRectangle(handle, false);

                IntPtr thumb;
                NativeMethods.DwmRegisterThumbnail(form.Handle, handle, out thumb);

                SIZE size;
                NativeMethods.DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize(thumb, out size);

                DebugHelper.WriteLine("Rectangle Size: " + windowRect.ToString());
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("Window    Size: " + size.ToString());

                if (size.Width <= 0 || size.Height <= 0)

                props.dwFlags       = NativeMethods.DWM_TNP_VISIBLE | NativeMethods.DWM_TNP_RECTDESTINATION | NativeMethods.DWM_TNP_OPACITY;
                props.fVisible      = true;
                props.opacity       = (byte)255;
                props.rcDestination = new RECT(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);

                NativeMethods.DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(thumb, ref props);


                if (form.BackColor != Color.White)
                    // no need for transparency; user has requested custom background color
                    NativeMethods.ActivateWindowRepeat(form.Handle, 250);
                    windowImage = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect) as Bitmap;
                else if (form.BackColor == Color.White)
                    // transparent capture
                    NativeMethods.ActivateWindowRepeat(handle, 250);
                    Bitmap whiteBGImage = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect) as Bitmap;

                    form.BackColor = Color.Black;
                    NativeMethods.ActivateWindowRepeat(handle, 250);
                    Bitmap blackBGImage = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect) as Bitmap;

                    // Capture rounded corners with except for Windows 8
                    if (ZAppHelper.IsWindows8())
                        form.BackColor = Color.Red;
                        NativeMethods.ActivateWindowRepeat(handle, 250);
                        redBGImage = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect) as Bitmap;

                    form.BackColor = Color.White;
                    NativeMethods.ActivateWindowRepeat(handle, 250);
                    Bitmap whiteBGImage2 = Screenshot.CaptureRectangleNative(windowRect) as Bitmap;

                    // Don't do transparency calculation if an animated picture is detected
                    if (whiteBGImage.AreBitmapsEqual(whiteBGImage2))
                        windowImage = HelpersLib.GraphicsHelper.Core.ComputeOriginal(whiteBGImage, blackBGImage);
                        DebugHelper.WriteLine("Detected animated image => cannot compute transparency");
                        Image result = new Bitmap(whiteBGImage.Width, whiteBGImage.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(result))
                            // Redraw the image on a black background to avoid transparent pixels artifacts
                            g.DrawImage(whiteBGImage, 0, 0);
                        windowImage = result;


