public void TestNormalizing() { Scientrace.NonzeroVector v1 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(1, 2, 3); Scientrace.NonzeroVector v2 = v1.copy().tryToNonzeroVector(); v2.normalize(); Assert.AreEqual(v1.normalized(), v2); }
public string getX3DRotationTag(Scientrace.NonzeroVector fromVector, Scientrace.NonzeroVector toVector) { Scientrace.Vector r = fromVector.crossProduct(toVector); double angle = Math.Acos(toVector.normalized().dotProduct(fromVector.normalized())) // the angle to be rotated * Math.Sign(r.crossProduct(fromVector).dotProduct(toVector)); try { return("<Transform rotation='" + r.tryToUnitVector().trico() + " " + angle + "' >"); } catch { // if fromVector has the same direction as toVector, the crossProduct is a zerovector which cannot be normalized. return("<Transform>"); //no transformation, just open so it can be closed afterwards } }
/// <summary> /// Use function below to transform a vector over any angle v. Keep in mind that this /// function uses significantly more processingpower than the aboutX,Y,Z functions. /// </summary> /// <param name="v"> /// A <see cref="Scientrace.NonzeroVector"/> about which the vector should be rotated /// </param> /// <param name="radians"> /// A <see cref="System.Double"/> an angle in radians about which the vetor should be rotated /// anticlockwise with the vector V rising towards the viewer. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Vector"/> which is the result of the rotating operation. The original (this) /// vector is not modified during this operation. /// </returns> public Vector rotateAboutVector(Scientrace.NonzeroVector v, double radians) { NonzeroVector tv1; if (Math.Abs(new NonzeroVector(1, 0, 0).normalized().dotProduct(v.normalized())) < 0.9) { //throw new Exception("A: "+v.trico()+" cross: "+new NonzeroVector(1,0,0).crossProduct(v)); tv1 = new NonzeroVector(1, 0, 0).crossProduct(v).tryToNonzeroVector().normalized(); } else { tv1 = new NonzeroVector(0, 1, 0).crossProduct(v).tryToNonzeroVector().normalized(); } NonzeroVector tv2 = v.crossProduct(tv1).tryToNonzeroVector().normalized(); VectorTransformOrthonormal vtrf = new VectorTransformOrthonormal(tv1, tv2, v); Vector tvec = vtrf.transform(this); tvec = tvec.rotateAboutZ(radians); return(vtrf.transformback(tvec)); }
public void TestNormalizing() { Scientrace.NonzeroVector v1 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(1,2,3); Scientrace.NonzeroVector v2 = v1.copy().tryToNonzeroVector(); v2.normalize(); Assert.AreEqual(v1.normalized(), v2); }
private Scientrace.NonzeroVector calcTriangleHeightVector(ShadowObject3d sho3d) { Scientrace.Vector length = sho3d.getVector("length"); Scientrace.Vector width = sho3d.getVector("width"); Scientrace.Vector heightdir = sho3d.getVector("heightdir"); double angle = sho3d.getDouble("angle"); //create a vector orthogonal to length en width in the same binary direction as heightdir. Scientrace.UnitVector owl = (width.crossProduct(length) * Math.Sign(width.crossProduct(length).dotProduct(heightdir))).tryToUnitVector(); Scientrace.NonzeroVector bdir = ( //calculate the direction of the short side of the prism owl * Math.Sin(angle) + width.tryToUnitVector() * Math.Cos(angle) ).tryToNonzeroVector(); if ((bdir.length < 0.99999) || (bdir.length > 1.00001)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bdir.length", bdir.length, "!= 1"); } Scientrace.VectorTransform trf = new Scientrace.VectorTransform( width.tryToNonzeroVector(), owl.tryToNonzeroVector(), length.tryToNonzeroVector()); Scientrace.NonzeroVector hdirtrf = trf.transform(heightdir).tryToNonzeroVector(); Scientrace.Vector hprimetrf = new Scientrace.Vector(hdirtrf.x, hdirtrf.y, 0); //eliminate "length" component of heightdir in hprime //Console.WriteLine("HPRIMTRF:"+hprimetrf.trico()); Scientrace.NonzeroVector hprimedir = trf.transformback(hprimetrf).tryToNonzeroVector().normalized(); /* ^ * /C\ * / \ * h'/ \ b * / \ * /B_______A\ * width * angle = A; beta = B; gamma = C. */ //sine rule: hprimelen / sin A = width.length() / sin C = blen / sin B double beta, gamma; beta = Math.Acos(hprimedir.normalized().dotProduct(width.tryToNonzeroVector().normalized())); gamma = Math.PI - (angle + beta); double hprimelen; double sinruleconstant = width.length / Math.Sin(gamma); hprimelen = sinruleconstant * Math.Sin(angle); Scientrace.NonzeroVector hprime = hprimedir * hprimelen; // check: (trf.transform(hprime).x / hdirtrf.x) == (trf.transform(hprime).y / hdirtrf.y) double xycoeff = ((trf.transform(hprime).x / hdirtrf.x) / (trf.transform(hprime).y / hdirtrf.y)); if (Math.Abs(1 - xycoeff) > 0.00001) //doesn't do anything if .x/.x = NaN, but that's OK for now. { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("xycoeff", xycoeff, "!=1"); } try { Scientrace.NonzeroVector h = ((Math.Abs(hdirtrf.x) > Math.Abs(hdirtrf.y)) ? // Preventing .x or .y denominator == 0 errors. trf.transformback(hdirtrf * (trf.transform(hprime).x / hdirtrf.x)) : trf.transformback(hdirtrf * (trf.transform(hprime).y / hdirtrf.y)) ).tryToNonzeroVector(); return(h); } catch (Scientrace.ZeroNonzeroVectorException zne) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: calculated height for triangularprism has length zero!"); throw (zne); } } //end calcTriangleHeightVector