public override string exportX3D(Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) { double r1 = this.sphere1Radius; double r2 = this.sphere2Radius; //used to say sphere1Radius too? //The lensRadians is the angle made from the center of a sphere along the center of the lens to the side of the lens. double lens1Radians = this.getRadiansSphere1(); double lens2Radians = this.getRadiansSphere2(); Scientrace.NonzeroVector lens1to2Dir = (dummySphere2.loc - dummySphere1.loc).tryToUnitVector() * Math.Sign(r1) * Math.Sign(r2); Scientrace.NonzeroVector lens1Dir = lens1to2Dir * Math.Sign(r2); Scientrace.NonzeroVector lens2Dir = lens1to2Dir * -1 * Math.Sign(r1); NonzeroVector baseVec1 = null; NonzeroVector baseVec2 = null; lens1to2Dir.fillOrtogonalVectors(ref baseVec1, ref baseVec2); double lat_circles = 3; double meridians = 12; System.Text.StringBuilder retx3d = new System.Text.StringBuilder(2000); retx3d.AppendLine("<!-- DOUBLECONVEXLENS GRID start -->"); X3DShapeDrawer xsd = new X3DShapeDrawer(); xsd.primaryRGB = "0.4 0 0.2"; retx3d.Append(xsd.drawSphereSlice(this, lat_circles, meridians, this.dummySphere1, 0, lens1Radians, lens1Dir.toUnitVector())); retx3d.Append(xsd.drawSphereSlice(this, lat_circles, meridians, this.dummySphere2, 0, lens2Radians, lens2Dir.toUnitVector())); retx3d.AppendLine("<!-- DOUBLECONVEXLENS GRID end -->"); return(retx3d.ToString()); /* * Scientrace.Location tNodeLoc; * Scientrace.Location tMerConnectLoc; * Scientrace.Location tLatConnectLoc; * Scientrace.X3DGridPoint tGridPoint; * double pi2 = Math.PI*2; * * retx3d.Append("\t<!-- Convex part -->" ); * * for (double iSphereCircle = 2*lat_circles; iSphereCircle > 0; iSphereCircle--) { * for (double iSphereMerid = 0.5; iSphereMerid < 2*meridians; iSphereMerid++) { * //double lat_angle = lensRadians * (iSphereCircle / lat_circles); // theta * //double mer_angle = pi2 * (iSphereMerid/meridians); // mer_angle = phi * * tNodeLoc = this.dummySphere1.getSphericalLoc( * baseVec1, baseVec2, * lens1to2Dir, * lens1Radians * (iSphereCircle / (2*lat_circles)), // lat_angle = theta * pi2 * (iSphereMerid/(2*meridians)) // mer_angle = phi * ); * if (!tNodeLoc.isValid()) * throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot calculate base gridpoint at @ "+this.tag); * tMerConnectLoc = this.dummySphere1.getSphericalLoc( * baseVec1, baseVec2, * lens1to2Dir, * lens1Radians * (iSphereCircle / (2*lat_circles)), // lat_angle = theta * pi2 * ((iSphereMerid+1)/(2*meridians)) // mer_angle = phi * ); * if (!tMerConnectLoc.isValid()) * throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot calculate meridian gridpoint at @ "+this.tag); * * tLatConnectLoc = this.dummySphere1.getSphericalLoc( * baseVec1, baseVec2, * lens1to2Dir, * lens1Radians * ((iSphereCircle-1) / (2*lat_circles)), // lat_angle = theta * pi2 * ((iSphereMerid)/(2*meridians)) // mer_angle = phi * ); * if (!tLatConnectLoc.isValid()) * throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot calculate lateral gridpoint at @ "+this.tag); * * tGridPoint = new Scientrace.X3DGridPoint(env, tNodeLoc, tMerConnectLoc, tLatConnectLoc); * retx3d.AppendLine(tGridPoint.exportX3Dnosphere("0.2 0 0.4 1")); * }} // end for iSphereCircle / iSphereMerid * retx3d.Append("\t<!-- End of Convex part -->" ); * retx3d.Append("<!-- End of DOUBLECONVEXLENS GRID -->"); */ } //end string exportX3D(env)