public ActionResult Delete(int ID)
            SavingsActionModel model = new SavingsActionModel();

            var savings = savingsServices.GetSavingsByID(ID);

            model.ID = savings.ID;

            return(PartialView("_Delete", model));
        public JsonResult Action(SavingsActionModel model)
            model.Currencies = currencyServices.GetAllCurrencies();
            JsonResult json   = new JsonResult();
            var        result = false;

            if (model.ID > 0) // we are trying to edit a record
                var savings = savingsServices.GetSavingsByID(model.ID);

                savings.Type     = model.Type;
                savings.Name     = model.Name;
                savings.Price    = model.Price;
                savings.DateEnd  = model.DateEnd;
                savings.Currency = model.Currency;

                result = savingsServices.UpdateSavings(savings);
            else  // we are trying to create a record
                Savings savings = new Savings();

                savings.Type     = model.Type;
                savings.Name     = model.Name;
                savings.Price    = model.Price;
                savings.DateEnd  = model.DateEnd;
                savings.Currency = model.Currency;

                result = savingsServices.SaveSavings(savings);

            if (result)
                json.Data = new { Success = true };
                json.Data = new { Success = false, Message = "Unable to perform action on savings" };

        public JsonResult Delete(SavingsActionModel model)
            JsonResult json   = new JsonResult();
            var        result = false;

            var savings = savingsServices.GetSavingsByID(model.ID);

            result = savingsServices.DeleteSavings(savings);

            if (result)
                json.Data = new { Success = true };
                json.Data = new { Success = false, Message = "Unable to perform action on savings" };

        public ActionResult Action(int?ID)
            SavingsActionModel model = new SavingsActionModel();

            model.Currencies = currencyServices.GetAllCurrencies();

            if (ID.HasValue) // we are trying to edit a record
                var savings = savingsServices.GetSavingsByID(ID.Value);

                model.ID = savings.ID;

                model.Type     = savings.Type;
                model.Name     = savings.Name;
                model.Price    = savings.Price;
                model.DateEnd  = savings.DateEnd;
                model.Currency = savings.Currency;

            return(PartialView("_Action", model));