예제 #1
        private static void SetDependencies(DbContext dbContext, GraphDependency graphDependency, object graphEntity, INavigation navigation, object navigationValue, IDictionary <object, GraphDependency> result)
            // Get the nested dependency for the navigationValue so we can add the inverse navigation dependency
            // incase the navigationValue entity does not have an explicitly defined navigation property back to its principal / dependent
            // i.e WorkOrderSpare.Spare but the Spare entity does not have a Spare.WorkOrderSpares navigation property
            var nestedDependency = GetFlatGraph(dbContext, navigationValue, result);

            if (nestedDependency is null)

            if (navigation.IsOnDependent

                // A navigation for an OwnedType will be dependent on its owner the in efcore dependency hierarchy,
                // but technically the Owner depends on the OwnedType if the OwnedType is part of its Owner's schema.
                || OwnedTypeUtil.IsOwnedInSameTableAsOwner(navigation))
                graphDependency.DependsOn.Add((navigationValue, navigation));
                nestedDependency.Dependents.Add((graphEntity, navigation.Inverse ?? navigation));
                graphDependency.Dependents.Add((navigationValue, navigation));
                nestedDependency.DependsOn.Add((graphEntity, navigation.Inverse ?? navigation));
        private static async Task ExecuteWithGraphAsync(DbContext context, IEnumerable <object> entities, OperationType operationType, BulkConfig bulkConfig, Action <decimal> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool isAsync)
            if (operationType != OperationType.Insert &&
                operationType != OperationType.InsertOrUpdate &&
                operationType != OperationType.InsertOrUpdateOrDelete &&
                operationType != OperationType.Update)
                throw new InvalidBulkConfigException($"{nameof(BulkConfig)}.{nameof(BulkConfig.IncludeGraph)} only supports Insert or Update operations.");

            // Sqlite bulk merge adapter does not support multiple objects of the same type with a zero value primary key
            if (SqlAdaptersMapping.GetDatabaseType(context) == DbServer.SQLite)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Sqlite is not currently supported due to its BulkInsert implementation.");

            bulkConfig.PreserveInsertOrder = true; // Required for SetOutputIdentity ('true' is default but here explicitly assigned again in case it was changed to 'false' in BulkConfing)
            bulkConfig.SetOutputIdentity   = true; // If this is set to false, won't be able to propogate new primary keys to the relationships

            // If this is set to false, wont' be able to support some code first model types as EFCore uses shadow properties when a relationship's foreign keys arent explicitly defined
            bulkConfig.EnableShadowProperties = true;

            var graphNodes = GraphUtil.GetTopologicallySortedGraph(context, entities);

            if (graphNodes == null)

            // Inserting an entity graph must be done within a transaction otherwise the database could end up in a bad state
            var hasExistingTransaction = context.Database.CurrentTransaction != null;
            var transaction            = context.Database.CurrentTransaction ?? (isAsync ? await context.Database.BeginTransactionAsync(cancellationToken) : context.Database.BeginTransaction());

                // Group the graph nodes by entity type so we can merge them into the database in batches, in the correct order of dependency (topological order)
                var graphNodesGroupedByType = graphNodes.GroupBy(y => y.Entity.GetType());

                foreach (var graphNodeGroup in graphNodesGroupedByType)
                    var entityClrType = graphNodeGroup.Key;
                    var entityType    = context.Model.FindEntityType(entityClrType);

                    if (OwnedTypeUtil.IsOwnedInSameTableAsOwner(entityType))

                    // It is possible the object graph contains duplicate entities (by primary key) but the entities are different object instances in memory.
                    // This an happen when deserializing a nested JSON tree for example. So filter out the duplicates.
                    var entitiesToAction = GetUniqueEntities(context, graphNodeGroup.Select(y => y.Entity)).ToList();
                    var tableInfo        = TableInfo.CreateInstance(context, entityClrType, entitiesToAction, operationType, bulkConfig);

                    if (isAsync)
                        await SqlBulkOperation.MergeAsync(context, entityClrType, entitiesToAction, tableInfo, operationType, progress, cancellationToken);
                        SqlBulkOperation.Merge(context, entityClrType, entitiesToAction, tableInfo, operationType, progress);

                    // Set the foreign keys for dependents so they may be inserted on the next loop
                    var dependentsOfSameType = SetForeignKeysForDependentsAndYieldSameTypeDependents(context, entityClrType, graphNodeGroup).ToList();

                    // If there are any dependents of the same type (parent child relationship), then save those dependent entities again to commit the fk values
                    if (dependentsOfSameType.Any())
                        var dependentTableInfo = TableInfo.CreateInstance(context, entityClrType, dependentsOfSameType, operationType, bulkConfig);

                        if (isAsync)
                            await SqlBulkOperation.MergeAsync(context, entityClrType, dependentsOfSameType, dependentTableInfo, operationType, progress, cancellationToken);
                            SqlBulkOperation.Merge(context, entityClrType, dependentsOfSameType, dependentTableInfo, operationType, progress);

                if (hasExistingTransaction == false)
                    if (isAsync)
                        await transaction.CommitAsync(cancellationToken);
                if (hasExistingTransaction == false)
                    if (isAsync)
                        await transaction.DisposeAsync();