예제 #1
    // ===================== Update is called once per frame =====================
    void Update()
        float move = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        anim.SetFloat(makeTransition, move);

        // Set model colour
        //ModelColour setColour = new ModelColour();

        // Start of timer
        secondsNow = secondsNow + Time.deltaTime;

        switch (routineStage)
        // Case 0
        case (0):
            instruction1 = "Welcome to Piego";

            if (secondsNow >= 1)        //4
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 1
        case (1):
            instruction1 = "I'm your Instructor, Milo";

            // Tilt head towards the camera
            if (head_rot.y < 80)
                head_rot = new Vector3(0, head_rot.y + 2, 0);

            if (secondsNow >= 1.5)        //6
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 2
        case (2):
            instruction1 = "Let's begin your neuro assessment!";

            if (secondsNow >= 2)        //(
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 3 - Extend arm
        case (3):
            instruction1 = "First, let your arms drop to the sides";

            // Update Linear Progress Bar
            if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 2)
                ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.02f;

            // Tilt head down to the hand
            if (head_rot.x > -20)
                head_rot = new Vector3(head_rot.x - 5f, head_rot.y - 2, 0);

            // Arm to the sides
            // Define transition steps for next animation
            int steps_trans = 15;

            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.x > 0)
                rightShoulder_rot      = new Vector3(rightShoulder_rot.x - (15 / steps_trans), 0, 0);
                rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x - (15 / steps_trans),
                                                     rightElbow_rot_routine.y - (40 / steps_trans),
                                                     rightElbow_rot_routine.z - (45 / steps_trans));

            leftShoulder_rot = new Vector3(70, 0, 0);
            leftElbow_rot    = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);

            //Next step
            if (secondsNow >= 3)        //12
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;


        // Case 5 - Supinate Wrist
        case (4):
            instruction1 = "Rotate your palm to face forward and close your fist";

            // Supinate

            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.y > -90)
                rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(0, rightElbow_rot_routine.y - 10, 0);

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 1.5f)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 5 - Close fist
        case (5):
            //instruction1 = "Now, close your fist";

            // Close fist
            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                if (RProxFingers[i].x < 90)
                    RProxFingers[i] = new Vector3(RProxFingers[i].x + 5, 0, 0);
                    RIntFingers[i]  = new Vector3(RProxFingers[i].x + 5, 0, 0);
                    RDistFingers[i] = new Vector3(RProxFingers[i].x + 5, 0, 0);

            //RProxFingers[0] = new Vector3(0, 0, 20);   // Different values for thumb
            //RIntFingers[0] = new Vector3(0, 30, 0);
            //RDistFingers[0] = new Vector3(0, 50, 0);

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 6
        case (6):
            instruction1 = "In the first 2 rounds, we will practice together";

            // Turn observe icon ON
            ObserveTurnIcon.showIconImage = true;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 4)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 7
        case (7):
            instruction1 = "In the third round, you should perform the task as accurately as possible";

            // Turn your-turn icon ON and observe icon OFF
            YourTurnIcon.showIconImage    = true;
            ObserveTurnIcon.showIconImage = false;

            // Update Linear Progress Bar
            if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 3)
                ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 7)
                instruction1 = "The task is to bend your elbow to catch the pear";
                ProgressBarRadial.showBar       = true;
                RadialProgressMarker.showMarker = true;
                RadialRoutineMarker.showMarker  = true;
                YourTurnIcon.showIconImage      = false;

                if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 10)
                    secondsChange = secondsNow;
                    routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 8
        case (8):
            instruction1 = "A countdown will tell you when to start";
            YourTurnIcon.showCountImage = true;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                instruction1 = "Now, practice with me by following my motion";

                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

                // Remove all the EMG data recorded during the tutorial
                SaveRoutine_Plotless save = new SaveRoutine_Plotless();

        // Case 9 - Countdown
        case (9):
            // Move instructor avatar
            rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(0, -90, 0);           // Return to original elbow position

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                ObserveTurnIcon.showCountImage = true;
                ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber    = 3;
                if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 4)
                    ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber = 2;
                    if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 5)
                        ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber = 1;
                        if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 6)
                            ObserveTurnIcon.showCountImage = false;
                            ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber    = 4;        // Hide all countdown images

                            secondsChange = secondsNow;
                            routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 10 - Practice Elbow Bend
        case (10):
            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.x < elbowMotion)
                rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x + elbowSpeed,

            // Move radial diagram
            clientElbow_error         = rightElbow_rot_routine.x - (RadialProgressMarker.clientElbow_rot - 270);
            ProgressBarRadial.maximum = 360;          // x2 as we only want for the circle to reach 0-180º, not 360º
            ProgressBarRadial.minimum = 0;
            ProgressBarRadial.current = (180 - rightElbow_rot_routine.x);

            RadialRoutineMarker.clientElbow_rot_routine = rightElbow_rot_routine.x - 90;          // Set rotation of pair equal to fill amount

            // End case when elbow joint reaches target
            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.x >= elbowMotion)
                if (practiceRoundsCounter == 0)
                    practiceRoundsCounter = 1;
                    instruction1          = "Let's practice this again";

                    secondsChange = secondsNow;
                    routineStage  = 9;

                else if (practiceRoundsCounter == 1)
                    practiceRoundsCounter = 0;
                    secondsChange         = secondsNow;
                    routineStage          = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 11 - Test Run
        case (11):
            instruction1 = "Now's let's do the test run. Get ready";

            // Update Linear Progress Bar
            if (elbowSpeedCounter == 0)
                if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 4)
                    ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

            else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 1)
                if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 7)
                    ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

            else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 2)
                if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 10)
                    ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

            // Prepare other assets
            rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x, 0, 0);           // Return to original elbow position

            YourTurnIcon.showCountImage   = true;
            ObserveTurnIcon.showIconImage = false;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                YourTurnIcon.countNumber = 3;
                if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 5)
                    YourTurnIcon.countNumber = 2;
                    if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 6)
                        YourTurnIcon.countNumber = 1;
                        if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 7)
                            YourTurnIcon.showCountImage = false;
                            YourTurnIcon.countNumber    = 4;

                            secondsChange = secondsNow;
                            routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Wait
        case (12):
            instruction1 = "Bend your elbow to catch the pear";

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) > 1)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Test Run
        case (13):
            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.x < elbowMotion)
                // Move radial diagram
                clientElbow_error = rightElbow_rot_routine.x - (RadialProgressMarker.clientElbow_rot - 270);

                ProgressBarRadial.maximum = 360;          // x2 as we only want for the circle to reach 0-180º, not 360º
                ProgressBarRadial.minimum = 0;
                ProgressBarRadial.current = 180 - rightElbow_rot_routine.x;

                RadialRoutineMarker.clientElbow_rot_routine = rightElbow_rot_routine.x - 90;          // Set rotation of pair equal to fill amount
                // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Elbow Error: " + clientElbow_error);

                rightElbow_rot_routine.x = rightElbow_rot_routine.x + elbowSpeed;

            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.x >= elbowMotion)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;

                // Define csv name for next step
                if (elbowSpeedCounter == 0)
                    SaveRoutine_Plotless.filename = "RawEMG_Task01.csv";

                    if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 5)                // Update Pogress Bar
                        ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

                        routineStage       = routineStage + 1;      // Next Step
                        rightElbow_phantom = 0;                     // Back to original position

                else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 1)
                    SaveRoutine_Plotless.filename = "RawEMG_Task02.csv";

                    if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 8)                // Update Pogress Bar
                        ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

                        routineStage       = routineStage + 1;      // Next Step
                        rightElbow_phantom = 0;                     // Back to original position

                else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 2)
                    SaveRoutine_Plotless.filename = "RawEMG_Task03.csv";

                    if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 11)                // Update Pogress Bar
                        ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

                        routineStage       = routineStage + 1;      // Next Step
                        rightElbow_phantom = 0;                     // Back to original position

        // What next?
        case (14):
            // Save to CSV
            if (elbowSpeedCounter == 0)
                instruction1 = "Great job! Now wait while I save your progress. This can take a while.";

                if (SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch == 0)
                    SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch = 1;

                // Saving Routine

                 * SaveRoutine_Plotless save = new SaveRoutine_Plotless();
                 * save.emgCSVsave("RawEMG_Task01.csv");      // Call function to save both the raw and processed EMG CSVs
                 * save.resetEMGholders();                    // Empty all the list variables that hold/store the EMG data to be saved
                 * saveSwitch = true;

                // If saving is complete, move to next step
                if (SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch == 3)
                    // Update Linear Progress Bar
                    if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 6)
                        ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

                    // Move to next step
                        elbowSpeed        = 3.0f;
                        elbowSpeedCounter = 1;

                        secondsChange = secondsNow;
                        instruction1  = "Done! Let's practice moving your elbow faster";

                        SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch = 0;
                        routineStage = 9;

            else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 1)
                instruction1 = "Fantastic! Now wait while I save your progress. This can take a while.";

                if (SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch == 9)
                    SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch = 1;

                // If saving is complete, move to next step
                if (SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch == 3)
                    // Update Linear Progress Bar
                    if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 9)
                        ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

                    // Move to next step
                        elbowSpeed        = 5.0f;
                        elbowSpeedCounter = 2;

                        secondsChange = secondsNow;
                        instruction1  = "Done! Let's practice moving your elbow even faster";

                        SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch = 0;
                        routineStage = 9;

            else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 2)
                instruction1 = "Awesome! Wait while I'm saving your patient data... This can take a while.";

                if (SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch == 0)
                    SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch = 1;

                // If saving is complete, move to next step
                if (SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch == 3)
                    // Update Linear Progress Bar
                    if (ProgressBarLinear.current < 12)
                        ProgressBarLinear.current = ProgressBarLinear.current + 0.01f;

                    // Move to next step
                        secondsChange = secondsNow;

                        SaveRoutine_Plotless.saveSwitch = 0;
                        routineStage = routineStage + 1;


        // Save the processed EMG data in a CSV file at the end of the routine
        case (15):
            instruction1 = "Assessment complete. Well Done!";
예제 #2
    // ===================== Update is called once per frame =====================
    void Update()
        float move = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        anim.SetFloat(makeTransition, move);

        // Set model colour
        //ModelColour setColour = new ModelColour();

        // Start of timer
        secondsNow = secondsNow + Time.deltaTime;

        switch (routineStage)
        // Case 0
        case (0):
            instruction1 = "Welcome to Piego";
            if (secondsNow >= 5)
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 1
        case (1):
            instruction1 = "I'm your Instructor, Milo";
            // Tilt head towards the camera
            if (head_rot.x > -40)
                head_rot = new Vector3(head_rot.x - 5f, 0, 0);
            if (secondsNow >= 8)
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 2
        case (2):
            instruction1 = "Let's begin your neuro assessment!";
            if (secondsNow >= 12)
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 3 - Extend arm
        case (3):
            instruction1 = "First, extend your right arm parallel to the floor";

            if (head_rot.y < 10)
                head_rot = new Vector3(head_rot.x, head_rot.y + 2, 0);             // Look down slightly to hand


            if (rightShoulder_rot.y < 90)
                rightShoulder_rot = new Vector3(0, rightShoulder_rot.y + 5, 0);

            if (secondsNow >= 16)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;


        case (4):
            instruction1 = "Now, close your fist";

            // Close fist
            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                if (RProxFingers[i].y > -90)
                    RProxFingers[i] = new Vector3(0, RProxFingers[i].y - 10, 0);
                    RIntFingers[i]  = new Vector3(0, RIntFingers[i].y - 10, 0);
                    RDistFingers[i] = new Vector3(0, RDistFingers[i].y - 10, 0);

            RProxFingers[0] = new Vector3(0, 0, -20);           // Different values for thumb
            RIntFingers[0]  = new Vector3(0, -30, 0);
            RDistFingers[0] = new Vector3(0, -50, 0);

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 5 - Supinate Wrist
        case (5):
            instruction1 = "Supinate your wrist";

            if (rightShoulder_rot.x < 65)
                rightShoulder_rot = new Vector3(rightShoulder_rot.x + 5, rightShoulder_rot.y, rightShoulder_rot.z);

            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.x < 100)
                rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x + 10, 0, 0);

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 6
        case (6):
            instruction1 = "In the first 2 rounds, we will practice together";

            // Turn observe icon ON
            ObserveTurnIcon.showIconImage = true;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 4)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 7
        case (7):
            instruction1 = "In the third round, you should perform the task as accurately as possible";

            // Turn your-turn icon ON and observe icon OFF
            YourTurnIcon.showIconImage    = true;
            ObserveTurnIcon.showIconImage = false;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 7)
                instruction1 = "The task is to bend your elbow to catch the pear";
                ProgressBarRadial.showBar       = true;
                RadialProgressMarker.showMarker = true;
                RadialRoutineMarker.showMarker  = true;
                YourTurnIcon.showIconImage      = false;

                if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 10)
                    secondsChange = secondsNow;
                    routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 8
        case (8):
            instruction1 = "A countdown will tell you when to start";
            ObserveTurnIcon.showCountImage = true;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                instruction1 = "Practice with me by following my motion";

                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 9 - Countdown
        case (9):
            // Move instructor avatar
            rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x, 0, 0);           // Return to original elbow position

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                ObserveTurnIcon.showCountImage = true;
                if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 4)
                    ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber = 3;
                    if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 5)
                        ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber = 2;
                        if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 6)
                            ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber = 1;
                            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 7)
                                ObserveTurnIcon.showCountImage = false;
                                ObserveTurnIcon.countNumber    = 4;        // Hide all countdown images

                                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 10 - Practice Elbow Bend
        case (10):
            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.y < elbowMotion)
                rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x,
                                                     rightElbow_rot_routine.y + elbowSpeed,

            // Move radial diagram
            clientElbow_error         = rightElbow_rot_routine.y - (RadialProgressMarker.clientElbow_rot - 270);
            ProgressBarRadial.maximum = 360;          // x2 as we only want for the circle to reach 0-180º, not 360º
            ProgressBarRadial.minimum = 0;
            ProgressBarRadial.current = 180 - rightElbow_rot_routine.y;

            RadialRoutineMarker.clientElbow_rot_routine = rightElbow_rot_routine.y - 90;          // Set rotation of pair equal to fill amount

            // End case when elbow joint reaches target
            if (rightElbow_rot_routine.y >= elbowMotion)
                if (practiceRoundsCounter == 0)
                    practiceRoundsCounter = 1;
                    instruction1          = "Let's practice this again";
                    secondsChange         = secondsNow;
                    routineStage          = 9;

                else if (practiceRoundsCounter == 1)
                    practiceRoundsCounter = 0;
                    secondsChange         = secondsNow;
                    routineStage          = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 11 - Test Run
        case (11):
            instruction1           = "Now's let's do the test run. Get ready";
            rightElbow_rot_routine = new Vector3(rightElbow_rot_routine.x, 0, 0);           // Return to original elbow position

            YourTurnIcon.showCountImage   = true;
            ObserveTurnIcon.showIconImage = false;

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 3)
                YourTurnIcon.countNumber = 3;
                if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 5)
                    YourTurnIcon.countNumber = 2;
                    if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 6)
                        YourTurnIcon.countNumber = 1;
                        if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) >= 7)
                            YourTurnIcon.showCountImage = false;
                            YourTurnIcon.countNumber    = 4;

                            secondsChange = secondsNow;
                            routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 10 - Wait
        case (12):
            instruction1 = "Bend your elbow to catch the pear";

            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) > 0)
                secondsChange = secondsNow;
                routineStage  = routineStage + 1;

        // Case 11 - Your turn
        case (13):
            // Move radial diagram
            clientElbow_error = rightElbow_phantom - (RadialProgressMarker.clientElbow_rot - 270);

            ProgressBarRadial.maximum = 360;          // x2 as we only want for the circle to reach 0-180º, not 360º
            ProgressBarRadial.minimum = 0;
            ProgressBarRadial.current = 180 - rightElbow_phantom;

            RadialRoutineMarker.clientElbow_rot_routine = rightElbow_phantom - 90;          // Set rotation of pair equal to fill amount
            // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Elbow Error: " + clientElbow_error);

            if (rightElbow_phantom < elbowMotion)
                rightElbow_phantom = rightElbow_phantom + elbowSpeed;

            if (rightElbow_phantom >= elbowMotion)
                rightElbow_phantom = 0;
                secondsChange      = secondsNow;

                if (elbowSpeedCounter == 0)
                    elbowSpeed        = 3.0f;
                    elbowSpeedCounter = 1;
                    instruction1      = "Great job! Now let's practice moving your elbow faster";
                    routineStage      = 9;

                else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 1)
                    elbowSpeed        = 5.0f;
                    elbowSpeedCounter = 2;
                    instruction1      = "Fantastic! Let's practice moving your elbow even faster";
                    routineStage      = 9;

                else if (elbowSpeedCounter == 2)
                    routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        case (14):
            instruction1 = "Saving patient data, please wait...";
            if ((secondsNow - secondsChange) > 4)
                routineStage = routineStage + 1;

        case (15):
            SaveRoutine_Plotless save = new SaveRoutine_Plotless();
            save.emgCSVsave("EMG_data.csv");          // Call function to save the raw and processed EMG CSVs

            routineStage = routineStage;

        // Save the processed EMG data in a CSV file at the end of the routine
        case (16):
            instruction1 = "Assessment complete. Well Done!";