예제 #1
 private void Draw(SVGData svg)
     DrawR(svg, A, D, B, R.x, true);
     DrawR(svg, B, A, C, R.y);
     DrawR(svg, C, B, D, R.z);
     DrawR(svg, D, C, A, R.w);
예제 #2
    private void Circle(SVGData svg, Vector2 c, float r)
        for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            var angle0 = Mathf.PI * 0.5f * (i + 0);
            var angle1 = Mathf.PI * 0.5f * (i + 1);

            var x0 = c.x + Mathf.Cos(angle0) * r;
            var y0 = c.y - Mathf.Sin(angle0) * r;
            var x1 = c.x + Mathf.Cos(angle1) * r;
            var y1 = c.y - Mathf.Sin(angle1) * r;

            var a        = r * (4f / 3f) * Mathf.Tan((angle1 - angle0) / 4f);
            var inAngle  = angle0 + Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
            var inX      = x0 + Mathf.Cos(inAngle) * a;
            var inY      = y0 - Mathf.Sin(inAngle) * a;
            var outAngle = angle1 - Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
            var outX     = x1 + Mathf.Cos(outAngle) * a;
            var outY     = y1 - Mathf.Sin(outAngle) * a;

            if (i == 0)
                svg.Move(x0, y0);

            svg.Curve(inX, inY, outX, outY, x1, y1);
예제 #3
        public void GetContours(SVGData svg, List <List <Vector2> > data)
            WorkBufferPool.Get(ref WorkVertices);

            var pen = Vector2.zero;

            var curves = svg.Curves;
            var l      = curves.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
                var curve = curves[i];
                if (curve.IsMove)
                    FillBezier(pen, curve.InControl, curve.OutControl, curve.Position);
                pen = curve.Position;

            WorkBufferPool.Release(ref WorkVertices);
예제 #4
    private void DrawLine(SVGData svg, Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
        var r      = 0.07f;
        var length = (to - from).magnitude;
        var angle  = Mathf.Atan2(to.y - from.y, to.x - from.x);
        var matrix = new Matrix4x4();

        matrix.SetTRS((Vector3)from, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg)), Vector3.one);

        var lineW    = 1.7f;
        var interval = 0.2f;
        var s        = 0f;

        for (;;)
            var len = Mathf.Min(lineW, length - s);

            var a = new Vector2(s + len, r);
            var b = new Vector2(s, r);
            var c = new Vector2(s, -r);
            var d = new Vector2(s + len, -r);

            DrawR(svg, a, d, b, r, matrix, true);
            DrawR(svg, b, a, c, r, matrix);
            DrawR(svg, c, b, d, r, matrix);
            DrawR(svg, d, c, a, r, matrix);

            s += lineW + interval;

            if (s > length)
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        var mesh = GetComponent <SVGMesh>();
        var svg  = new SVGData();

        svg.Path("M256.5,31.2L13.7,451.7h485.6L256.5,31.2z M232.9,180L336,410.7H129.8L232.9,180z");
예제 #6
    void Start()
        HeadSVG = new SVGData();
        TailSVG = new SVGData();
        BodySVG = new SVGData();

        Head = RandomField();
        Tail = Head;
예제 #7
        public static void SvgPath(string svgPathString)
            var     origin  = ApiManager.Instance.BrushPosition;
            SVGData svgData = new SVGData();

            SVGPolyline svgPolyline = new SVGPolyline();

            DrawStrokes.MultiPath2dToStrokes(svgPolyline.Polyline, origin, 0.01f, true);
예제 #8
        void Start()
            SVG  = new SVGData();
            Mesh = GetComponent <SVGMesh>();

            PrevA = A;
            PrevB = B;
            PrevC = C;
            PrevD = D;

예제 #9
    void Start()
        Rects.Add(NewRect(r =>
            r.A = new Vector2(3f, 3f);
            r.B = new Vector2(-3f, 3f);
            r.C = new Vector2(-3f, -3f);
            r.D = new Vector2(3f, -3f);

        LineSVG = new SVGData();
예제 #10
    // http://shspage.com/aijs/

    private void Metaball(SVGData svg, Vector2 c1, float r1, Vector2 c2, float r2, float v)
        if (r1 == 0f || r2 == 0f)

        var pi2 = Mathf.PI / 2f;

        var d = (c2 - c1).magnitude;

        var u1 = 0f;
        var u2 = 0f;

        if (d <= Mathf.Abs(r1 - r2))
        else if (d < r1 + r2)
            // case circles are overlapping
            u1 = Mathf.Acos((r1 * r1 + d * d - r2 * r2) / (2 * r1 * d));
            u2 = Mathf.Acos((r2 * r2 + d * d - r1 * r1) / (2 * r2 * d));

        var t1 = Mathf.Atan2(c2.y - c1.y, c2.x - c1.x);
        var t2 = Mathf.Acos((r1 - r2) / d);

        var t1a = t1 + u1 + (t2 - u1) * v;
        var t1b = t1 - u1 - (t2 - u1) * v;
        var t2a = t1 + Mathf.PI - u2 - (Mathf.PI - u2 - t2) * v;
        var t2b = t1 - Mathf.PI + u2 + (Mathf.PI - u2 - t2) * v;

        var p1a = PointOnCircle(c1, t1a, r1);
        var p1b = PointOnCircle(c1, t1b, r1);
        var p2a = PointOnCircle(c2, t2a, r2);
        var p2b = PointOnCircle(c2, t2b, r2);

        // define handle length by the distance between both ends of the curve to draw
        var handle_len_rate = 2;
        var d2 = Mathf.Min(v * handle_len_rate, (p2a - p1a).magnitude / (r1 + r2));

        d2 *= Mathf.Min(1, d * 2 / (r1 + r2)); // case circles are overlapping
        r1 *= d2;
        r2 *= d2;

        svg.Curve(PointOnCircle(p1a, t1a - pi2, r1), PointOnCircle(p2a, t2a + pi2, r2), p2a);
        svg.Curve(PointOnCircle(p2b, t2b - pi2, r2), PointOnCircle(p1b, t1b + pi2, r1), p1b);
예제 #11
        public void GetContours()
            var svg = new SVGData();


            var mesh = new MeshData();

            BezierToVertex.Scale = 10f;
            BezierToVertex.GetContours(svg, mesh);

            Assert.That(mesh.Vertices, Is.EqualTo(Fixtures.TwitterBirdPathCurveVertices).Using(Vector3EqualityComparer.Instance));
            Assert.That(mesh.Edges, Is.EqualTo(Fixtures.TwitterBirdPathCurveEdges));
예제 #12
    internal void ParseSVGToPath(string urlToFile)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlToFile))
        svgParser parser = new svgParser();
        SvgClass  svg    = parser.Parse(urlToFile);

        foreach (SvgPath svgPath in svg.SvgPath.Where(x => x.D.Length > 10))
            SVG = new SVGData();
            List <Coords> coordsForId = new List <Coords>();
            float         minX        = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices.Min(x => x.x);
            float         minY        = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices.Min(y => y.y);
            float         maxX        = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices.Max(x => x.x);
            float         maxY        = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices.Max(y => y.y);
            float         midX        = (maxX - minX);
            float         midY        = (maxY - minY);

            for (int i = 0; i < Mesh.MeshData.Vertices.Count; i++)
                Coords coord = new Coords {
                    X = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices[i].x - midX, Y = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices[i].y - midY, Z = Mesh.MeshData.Vertices[i].z

            if (svgPath.Class == null)
                svgPath.Class = svgPath.Id;
            else if (svgPath.Class.Length == 0)
                svgPath.Class = svgPath.Id;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(svgPath.Class))
                svgPath.Class = (svgClassesToShow.Count + 1).ToString();
            svgPaths.Add(svgPath.Class, coordsForId);
예제 #13
    private void DrawR(SVGData svg, Vector2 p, Vector2 pPrev, Vector2 pNext, float r, Matrix4x4 matrix, bool first = false)
        var angle0 = Mathf.Atan2(p.y - pNext.y, p.x - pNext.x);
        var angle1 = Mathf.Atan2(p.y - pPrev.y, p.x - pPrev.x);

        if (angle0 > angle1)
            angle0 = angle0 - Mathf.PI * 2f;

        var angleBetween = Mathf.Lerp(angle0, angle1, 0.5f);

        var cx = p.x - Mathf.Cos(angleBetween) * r * Mathf.Sqrt(2f);
        var cy = p.y - Mathf.Sin(angleBetween) * r * Mathf.Sqrt(2f);

        var x0 = cx + Mathf.Cos(angle0) * r;
        var y0 = cy + Mathf.Sin(angle0) * r;
        var x1 = cx + Mathf.Cos(angle1) * r;
        var y1 = cy + Mathf.Sin(angle1) * r;

        var a        = r * (4f / 3f) * Mathf.Tan((angle1 - angle0) / 4f);
        var inAngle  = angle0 + Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
        var inX      = x0 + Mathf.Cos(inAngle) * a;
        var inY      = y0 + Mathf.Sin(inAngle) * a;
        var outAngle = angle1 - Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
        var outX     = x1 + Mathf.Cos(outAngle) * a;
        var outY     = y1 + Mathf.Sin(outAngle) * a;

        var p0   = matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(x0, y0));
        var p1   = matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(x1, y1));
        var pIn  = matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(inX, inY));
        var pOut = matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(outX, outY));

        if (first)

        svg.Curve(pIn, pOut, p1);
예제 #14
 void Start()
     SVG = new SVGData();
     // Debug.Log(SVG.Dump());
예제 #15
 void Start()
     SVG = new SVGData();
예제 #16
    public static SVGData BuildWave(Rect bounds, float waveCenterY, float waveHorRadius, float waveVertRadius,
                                    float sideWidth)
        var rect      = bounds;
        var path      = new SVGData();
        var maskWidth = rect.width - sideWidth;

        path.Move(new Vector2(maskWidth - sideWidth, 0f - waveVertRadius * 2));
        path.Line(new Vector2(0f, 0f - waveVertRadius * 2));
        path.Line(new Vector2(0f, rect.height + waveVertRadius * 2));
        path.Line(new Vector2(maskWidth, rect.height + waveVertRadius * 2));

        var curveStartY = waveCenterY + waveVertRadius;

        path.Line(new Vector2(maskWidth, curveStartY));

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.1561501458f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.3322374268f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.1346194756f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.05341339583f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.2412779634f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.5012484792f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.5350576951f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.2361659167f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.4030805244f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.3305285625f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.4561193293f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.574934875f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.5689655122f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.515878125f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.5418222317f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.5664134792f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.5650349878f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.8774032292f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.7399037439f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.7283715208f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.6397387195f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.8086618958f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.6833456585f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius, curveStartY - waveVertRadius),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.9653464583f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.8122605122f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 0.8936183659f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.8608411667f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.270484439f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.100142878f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.9595746667f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.1887991951f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.5291125625f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.4665102805f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.7852123333f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.3330544756f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.703382125f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.3795848049f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.5015305417f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.4802616098f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.5241858333f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.4689677195f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.505739125f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.4781625854f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.1541165417f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.687403f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.3187486042f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.5714239024f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.2332057083f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.6204116463f)

            new Vector2(maskWidth, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 2f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth - waveHorRadius * 0.0509933125f, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.774752061f),
            new Vector2(maskWidth, curveStartY - waveVertRadius * 1.8709256829f)

        path.Line(new Vector2(maskWidth, 0f - waveVertRadius * 2));
예제 #17
 void Start()
     Circle1SVG  = new SVGData();
     Circle2SVG  = new SVGData();
     MetaballSVG = new SVGData();