예제 #1
        private void OnPainting(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKImageInfo info    = e.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            var size = CanvasSize;

            var fontAwesome = Text;

            using (var textPaint = new SKPaint())
                textPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                textPaint.TextSize    = FontSize;
                textPaint.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Arial");

                // create the lookup table
                var lookup = new SKTextRunLookup();

                // add FontAwesome
                lookup.AddTypeface(new FontAwesomeLookupEntry());

                // it may be better to cache this using the:
                var runs    = SKTextRun.Create(Text, lookup);
                var padding = 0;
                var yOffset = padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                SKRect textBounds = new SKRect();
                textPaint.MeasureText(Text, ref textBounds);
                float margin = (info.Width - textBounds.Width) / 2;

                float px = margin + textBounds.Width / 2;
                float py = margin + textBounds.Height / 2;

                canvas.DrawText(runs, padding, yOffset, textPaint);

                // the DrawIconifiedText method will re-calculate the text runs
                //canvas.DrawIconifiedText(Text, padding, yOffset, textPaint);
예제 #2
        private void OnPainting(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            var surface = e.Surface;
            var canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            var fontAwesome         = "I {{fa-heart-o color=ff0000}} to {{fa-code}} on {{fa-windows color=1BA1E2}}!";
            var ionIcons            = "{{ion-ios-cloud-download-outline color=0000ff}} the SkiaSharp source from {{ion-social-github}}.";
            var materialDesignIcons = "SkiaSharp works on {{mdi-apple}}, {{mdi-android color=a4c639}}, {{mdi-windows}} and {{mdi-linux}}!";
            var materialIcons       = "SkiaSharp supports {{brush}} and {{photo color=006400}}!";
            var meteocons           = "We love the {{mc-sun color=f9d71c}} and some {{mc-cloud-double-o}} s.";
            var simple   = "We all {{icon-heart color=ff0000}} a {{icon-present}}!";
            var typicons = "SkiaSharp runs on {{typcn-device-desktop}}, {{typcn-device-laptop}}, {{typcn-device-phone}} and {{typcn-device-tablet}} devices!";
            var weather  = "An {{wi-solar-eclipse}} is when the {{wi-day-sunny color=f9d71c}} is hidden.";

            using (var lookup = new SKTextRunLookup())
                using (var textPaint = new SKPaint())
                    // the lookup does not have to be re-created on each draw
                    // instead, it can be created and re-used

                    textPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                    textPaint.TextSize    = 48;
                    textPaint.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Arial");

                    // the DrawIconifiedText method will re-calculate the text runs
                    // it may be better to cache this using the:
                    //     var runs = SKTextRun.Create(text, lookup);
                    // and then drawing it using the DrawText method.
                    var padding = 24;
                    var yOffset = padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(fontAwesome, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(ionIcons, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(materialDesignIcons, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(materialIcons, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(meteocons, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(simple, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(typicons, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;

                    canvas.DrawIconifiedText(weather, padding, yOffset, lookup, textPaint);
                    yOffset += padding + textPaint.TextSize;