public Bitmap Create(HexContent item) { SKBitmap background = _resRepo.GetImage(item.BackgroundImageId); SKBitmap finishedHex = new SKBitmap(background.Width, background.Height); SKCanvas canvas = new SKCanvas(finishedHex); canvas.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); var terrain = _resRepo.GetImage(item.TerrainImageId); if (terrain != null) { canvas.DrawBitmap(terrain, 0, 0); } var vegetation = _resRepo.GetImage(item.VegetationImageId); if (vegetation != null) { canvas.DrawBitmap(vegetation, 0, 0); } var feature = _resRepo.GetImage(item.FeatureImageId); if (feature != null) { canvas.DrawBitmap(feature, 0, 0); } return(finishedHex.ToBitmap()); }
public void SetLegendImage(KSeries series) { Image sdImage; int height = button.Font.Height; const int width = 50; const int padding = 0; const int frame = 3; const int left = 0; int thickness = (series.lineStyle == KLineStyle.Thick) ? 3 : (series.lineMode == KLineMode.Line) ? 1 : (height - 2 * frame - 1); int framedH = thickness + 2 * frame; int framedY = (height - 2 * padding - framedH) / 2; int framedW = width - 2 * padding; int framedX = left + padding; using (SKBitmap skBitmap = new SKBitmap(left + width, height)) using (SKCanvas skCanvas = new SKCanvas(skBitmap)) using (SKPaint back = new SKPaint { Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, Color = new SKColor(backgroundColor.R, backgroundColor.G, backgroundColor.B, backgroundColor.A) }) using (SKPaint white = new SKPaint { Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, Color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255) }) using (SKPaint color = new SKPaint { Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, Color = series.color }) { skCanvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(0, 0, left + width, height), back); if (series.visible) { skCanvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(framedX, framedY, framedX + framedW, framedY + framedH), white); skCanvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(framedX + frame, framedY + frame, framedX + framedW - frame, framedY + frame + thickness), color); } sdImage = skBitmap.ToBitmap(); } this.button.Image = sdImage; this.button.AutoSize = false; this.button.Size = this.button.Image.Size; }
public void printThread(SKBitmap toPrint) { try { var context = global::Android.App.Application.Context; Printer printer = new Printer(); string[] models = new string[6]; models[0] = PrinterInfo.Model.PtP950nw.ToString(); models[1] = PrinterInfo.Model.PtP950nw.ToString().Replace("_", "-"); models[2] = "PtP950nw"; models[3] = "PTP950NW"; models[4] = "PT-P950NW"; models[5] = "Pt-P950nw"; NetPrinter[] printers = new NetPrinter[0];// printer.GetNetPrinters(models); PrinterInfo printInfo = new PrinterInfo(); printInfo.PrinterModel = PrinterInfo.Model.PtP950nw; printInfo.Port = PrinterInfo.PortEnum.Net; if (printers.Length == 0) { printInfo.IpAddress = ""; } else { printInfo.IpAddress = printers[0].IpAddress; } printInfo.PaperSize = PrinterInfo.PaperSizeEnum.Custom; printInfo.PaperPosition = PrinterInfo.AlignEnum.Center; printInfo.Orientation = PrinterInfo.OrientationEnum.Landscape; printInfo.LabelNameIndex = LabelInfo.PT.W36.Ordinal(); printInfo.IsAutoCut = true; printInfo.IsCutAtEnd = true; printInfo.IsHalfCut = true; printer.SetPrinterInfo(printInfo); printer.StartCommunication(); using (Bitmap bmp = toPrint.ToBitmap()) { PrinterStatus status = printer.PrintImage(bmp); bmp.Recycle(); } printer.EndCommunication(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected override Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable GetIconDrawable(FileImageSource icon) { if (icon.File.StartsWith("svg:")) { string resourceid = icon.File.Replace("svg:", ""); SKBitmap skBitmap = SvgIcon.GetSvgBitmap(resourceid, 100, 100, new Xamarin.Forms.Color()); return(new BitmapDrawable(context.Resources, skBitmap.ToBitmap())); } else { return(base.GetIconDrawable(icon)); } }
private async Task <Bitmap> GenerateBlendedCAMImage(CAM cam, SKColor color) { // Cancel the previous blending task if there is one cancellationTokenSource?.Cancel(); cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Dispose of previous blended image blendedImage?.Dispose(); SKBitmap colorMap = await ImageProcessorRunner.GetCAMColorMapTask( cam, color, originalXRay.Width, originalXRay.Height, cancellationTokenSource.Token ); SKBitmap input = originalXRay.ToSKBitmap(); SKBitmap blendedSKBitmap = await ImageProcessorRunner.GetOverlayImageTask( input, colorMap, cancellationTokenSource.Token ); // Dispose of temporary SKBitmap input.Dispose(); Bitmap blendedBitmap = blendedSKBitmap.ToBitmap(); // Cleanup the intermediate bitmaps colorMap?.Dispose(); blendedSKBitmap?.Dispose(); return(blendedBitmap); }
private async Task HandleGroundOverlayForTile(TileInfo tileInfo) { if (SharedOverlay.IsVisible) { int virtualTileSize = Extensions.SKMapExtensions.MercatorMapSize >> tileInfo.Zoom; int xPixelsStart = tileInfo.X * virtualTileSize; int yPixelsStart = tileInfo.Y * virtualTileSize; double zoomScale = SKMapCanvas.MapTileSize / (double)virtualTileSize; Rectangle mercatorSpan = new Rectangle(xPixelsStart, yPixelsStart, virtualTileSize, virtualTileSize); SKMapSpan tileSpan = mercatorSpan.ToGps(); if (tileSpan.FastIntersects(SharedOverlay.GpsBounds)) { SKBitmap bitmap = DrawTileToBitmap(tileSpan, zoomScale); BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBitmap(bitmap.ToBitmap()); TaskCompletionSource <object> drawingTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); Console.WriteLine($"Refreshing ground tile at ({tileInfo.X}, {tileInfo.Y}) for zoom level {tileInfo.Zoom} ({zoomScale}) with GPS bounds {tileSpan}"); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { GroundOverlay overlay; lock (_GroundOverlays) { overlay = _GroundOverlays.FirstOrDefault(o => (o.Tag as TileInfo)?.Equals(tileInfo) ?? false); } if (overlay == null) { GroundOverlayOptions overlayOptions = new GroundOverlayOptions().PositionFromBounds(tileSpan.ToLatLng()) .InvokeImage(bitmapDescriptor); overlay = _NativeMap.AddGroundOverlay(overlayOptions); overlay.Tag = tileInfo; lock (_GroundOverlays) { _GroundOverlays.Add(overlay); } } else if ((overlay.Tag as TileInfo)?.NeedsRedraw ?? false) { overlay.SetImage(bitmapDescriptor); } drawingTcs.TrySetResult(null); }); await drawingTcs.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); ReleaseOverlayBitmap(bitmap); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Ground tile at ({tileInfo.X}, {tileInfo.Y}) for zoom level {tileInfo.Zoom} already exists"); } } }