private RuntimeCLSIDNullaryConstructorInfo(RuntimeCLSIDTypeInfo declaringType)
     _declaringType = declaringType;
 public sealed override Type GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid clsid, string server, bool throwOnError)
     // Note: "throwOnError" is a vacuous parameter. Any errors due to the CLSID not being registered or the server not being found will happen
     // on the Activator.CreateInstance() call. GetTypeFromCLSID() merely wraps the data in a Type object without any validation.
     return(RuntimeCLSIDTypeInfo.GetRuntimeCLSIDTypeInfo(clsid, server));
 internal static RuntimeCLSIDNullaryConstructorInfo GetRuntimeCLSIDNullaryConstructorInfo(RuntimeCLSIDTypeInfo declaringType)
     return(new RuntimeCLSIDNullaryConstructorInfo(declaringType));