/// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState( entity, out errorMessages );
            if ( checkInState == null )
                return false;

            var roomBalanceGroupTypes = GetAttributeValue( action, "RoomBalanceGrouptypes" ).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();
            bool useGroupMembership = GetAttributeValue( action, "PrioritizeGroupMembership" ).AsBoolean();
            int roomBalanceOverride = GetAttributeValue( action, "BalancingOverride" ).AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 5;
            var excludedLocations = GetAttributeValue( action, "ExcludedLocations" ).SplitDelimitedValues( false )
                .Select( s => s.Trim() );

            // get admin-selected attribute keys instead of using a hardcoded key
            var personSpecialNeedsKey = string.Empty;
            var personSpecialNeedsGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "PersonSpecialNeedsAttribute" ).AsGuid();
            if ( personSpecialNeedsGuid != Guid.Empty )
                personSpecialNeedsKey = AttributeCache.Read( personSpecialNeedsGuid, rockContext ).Key;

            var groupSpecialNeedsKey = string.Empty;
            var groupSpecialNeedsGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "GroupSpecialNeedsAttribute" ).AsGuid();
            if ( personSpecialNeedsGuid != Guid.Empty )
                groupSpecialNeedsKey = AttributeCache.Read( groupSpecialNeedsGuid, rockContext ).Key;

            var groupAgeRangeKey = string.Empty;
            var groupAgeRangeGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "GroupAgeRangeAttribute" ).AsGuid();
            if ( personSpecialNeedsGuid != Guid.Empty )
                groupAgeRangeKey = AttributeCache.Read( groupAgeRangeGuid, rockContext ).Key;

            var groupGradeRangeKey = string.Empty;
            var groupGradeRangeGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "GroupGradeRangeAttribute" ).AsGuid();
            if ( personSpecialNeedsGuid != Guid.Empty )
                groupGradeRangeKey = AttributeCache.Read( groupGradeRangeGuid, rockContext ).Key;

            // log a warning if any of the attributes are missing or invalid
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( personSpecialNeedsKey ) )
                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "The Person Special Needs attribute is not selected or invalid for '{0}'.", action.ActionType.Name ) );

            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupSpecialNeedsKey ) )
                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "The Group Special Needs attribute is not selected or invalid for '{0}'.", action.ActionType.Name ) );

            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupAgeRangeKey ) )
                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "The Group Age Range attribute is not selected or invalid for '{0}'.", action.ActionType.Name ) );

            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupGradeRangeKey ) )
                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "The Group Grade Range attribute is not selected or invalid for '{0}'.", action.ActionType.Name ) );

            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.Families.FirstOrDefault( f => f.Selected );
            if ( family != null )
                // don't process people who already have assignments
                foreach ( var person in family.People.Where( f => f.Selected && !f.GroupTypes.Any( gt => gt.Selected ) ) )
                    decimal baseVariance = 100;
                    char[] delimiter = { ',' };

                    // check if this person has special needs
                    var hasSpecialNeeds = person.Person.GetAttributeValue( personSpecialNeedsKey ).AsBoolean();

                    // get a list of room balanced grouptype ID's since CheckInGroup model is a shallow clone
                    var roomBalanceGroupTypeIds = person.GroupTypes.Where( gt => roomBalanceGroupTypes.Contains( gt.GroupType.Guid ) )
                        .Select( gt => gt.GroupType.Id ).ToList();

                    if ( person.GroupTypes.Count > 0 )
                        CheckInGroupType bestGroupType = null;
                        IEnumerable<CheckInGroup> validGroups;
                        if ( person.GroupTypes.Count == 1 )
                            bestGroupType = person.GroupTypes.FirstOrDefault();
                            validGroups = bestGroupType.Groups;
                            // Start with unfiltered groups since one criteria may not match exactly ( SN > Grade > Age )
                            validGroups = person.GroupTypes.SelectMany( gt => gt.Groups );

                        // check how many groups exist without getting the whole list
                        int numValidGroups = validGroups.Take( 2 ).Count();
                        if ( numValidGroups > 0 )
                            CheckInGroup bestGroup = null;
                            IEnumerable<CheckInLocation> validLocations;
                            if ( numValidGroups == 1 )
                                bestGroup = validGroups.FirstOrDefault();
                                validLocations = bestGroup.Locations;
                                // Select by group assignment first
                                if ( useGroupMembership )
                                    var personAssignments = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).GetByPersonId( person.Person.Id )
                                        .Select( gm => gm.Group.Id ).ToList();
                                    if ( personAssignments.Count > 0 )
                                        bestGroup = validGroups.FirstOrDefault( g => personAssignments.Contains( g.Group.Id ) );

                                // Select group by best fit
                                if ( bestGroup == null )
                                    // Check age and special needs
                                    CheckInGroup closestAgeGroup = null;
                                    CheckInGroup closestNeedsGroup = null;

                                    var ageGroups = validGroups.Where( g => g.Group.AttributeValues.ContainsKey( groupAgeRangeKey )
                                            && g.Group.AttributeValues[groupAgeRangeKey].Value != null
                                            && g.Group.AttributeValues.ContainsKey( personSpecialNeedsKey ) == hasSpecialNeeds
                                        .Select( g => new
                                            Group = g,
                                            AgeRange = g.Group.AttributeValues[groupAgeRangeKey].Value
                                                .Split( delimiter, StringSplitOptions.None )
                                                .Where( av => !string.IsNullOrEmpty( av ) )
                                                .Select( av => av.AsType<decimal>() )
                                        } )

                                    if ( ageGroups.Count > 0 )
                                        if ( person.Person.Age != null )
                                            baseVariance = 100;
                                            decimal personAge = (decimal)person.Person.AgePrecise;
                                            foreach ( var ageGroup in ageGroups.Where( g => g.AgeRange.Any() ) )
                                                var minAge = ageGroup.AgeRange.First();
                                                var maxAge = ageGroup.AgeRange.Last();
                                                var ageVariance = maxAge - minAge;
                                                if ( maxAge >= personAge && minAge <= personAge && ageVariance < baseVariance )
                                                    closestAgeGroup = ageGroup.Group;
                                                    baseVariance = ageVariance;

                                                    if ( hasSpecialNeeds )
                                                        closestNeedsGroup = closestAgeGroup;
                                        else if ( hasSpecialNeeds )
                                            // person has special needs but not an age, assign to first special needs group
                                            closestNeedsGroup = ageGroups.FirstOrDefault().Group;

                                    // Check grade
                                    CheckInGroup closestGradeGroup = null;
                                    if ( person.Person.GradeOffset != null )
                                        var gradeValues = DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.SCHOOL_GRADES ) ).DefinedValues;
                                        var gradeGroups = validGroups.Where( g => g.Group.AttributeValues.ContainsKey( groupGradeRangeKey ) && g.Group.AttributeValues[groupGradeRangeKey].Value != null )
                                            .Select( g => new
                                                Group = g,
                                                GradeOffsets = g.Group.AttributeValues[groupGradeRangeKey].Value
                                                    .Split( delimiter, StringSplitOptions.None )
                                                    .Where( av => !string.IsNullOrEmpty( av ) )
                                                    .Select( av => gradeValues.FirstOrDefault( v => v.Guid == new Guid( av ) ) )
                                                    .Select( av => av.Value.AsDecimal() )
                                            } )

                                        // Only check groups that have valid grade offsets
                                        if ( person.Person.GradeOffset != null && gradeGroups.Count > 0 )
                                            baseVariance = 100;
                                            decimal gradeOffset = (decimal)person.Person.GradeOffset.Value;
                                            foreach ( var gradeGroup in gradeGroups.Where( g => g.GradeOffsets.Any() ) )
                                                var minGradeOffset = gradeGroup.GradeOffsets.First();
                                                var maxGradeOffset = gradeGroup.GradeOffsets.Last();
                                                var gradeVariance = minGradeOffset - maxGradeOffset;
                                                if ( minGradeOffset >= gradeOffset && maxGradeOffset <= gradeOffset && gradeVariance < baseVariance )
                                                    closestGradeGroup = gradeGroup.Group;
                                                    baseVariance = gradeVariance;

                                            /* ======================================================== *
                                                optional scenario: find the next closest grade group
                                            * ========================================================= *
                                                if (grade > max)
                                                    grade - max
                                                else if (grade < min)
                                                    min - grade
                                                else 0;

                                            // add a tiny variance to offset larger groups:
                                                result += ((max - min)/100)
                                            * ========================================================= */

                                    // Assignment priority: Group Membership, then Ability, then Grade, then Age, then the first non-excluded group
                                    // NOTE: if group member is prioritized (and membership exists) this section is skipped entirely
                                    bestGroup = closestNeedsGroup ?? closestGradeGroup ?? closestAgeGroup ?? validGroups.FirstOrDefault( g => !g.ExcludedByFilter );

                                    // room balance if they fit into multiple groups
                                    if ( bestGroup != null && roomBalanceGroupTypeIds.Contains( bestGroup.Group.GroupTypeId ) )
                                        int? bestScheduleId = null;
                                        var availableSchedules = validGroups.SelectMany( g => g.Locations.SelectMany( l => l.Schedules ) ).ToList();
                                        if ( availableSchedules.Any() )
                                            bestScheduleId = availableSchedules.OrderBy( s => s.StartTime ).Select( s => s.Schedule.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                                        if ( bestScheduleId != null )
                                            validGroups = validGroups.Where( g => g.AvailableForSchedule.Contains( (int)bestScheduleId ) );

                                        var currentGroupAttendance = bestGroup.Locations.Select( l => Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( l.Location.Id, bestScheduleId ) ).Sum();
                                        var lowestGroup = validGroups.Where( g => !g.ExcludedByFilter && !excludedLocations.Contains( g.Group.Name ) )
                                            .Select( g => new { Group = g, Attendance = g.Locations.Select( l => Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( l.Location.Id, bestScheduleId ) ).Sum() } )
                                            .OrderBy( g => g.Attendance )

                                        if ( lowestGroup != null && lowestGroup.Attendance < ( currentGroupAttendance - roomBalanceOverride ) )
                                            bestGroup = lowestGroup.Group;

                                validLocations = bestGroup.Locations;

                            // check how many locations exist without getting the whole list
                            int numValidLocations = validLocations.Take( 2 ).Count();
                            if ( numValidLocations > 0 )
                                CheckInLocation bestLocation = null;
                                IEnumerable<CheckInSchedule> validSchedules;
                                if ( numValidLocations == 1 )
                                    bestLocation = validLocations.FirstOrDefault();
                                    validSchedules = bestLocation.Schedules;
                                    var filteredLocations = validLocations.Where( l => !l.ExcludedByFilter && !excludedLocations.Contains( l.Location.Name ) && l.Schedules.Any( s => s.Schedule.IsCheckInActive ) );

                                    // room balance if they fit into multiple locations
                                    if ( roomBalanceGroupTypeIds.Contains( bestGroup.Group.GroupTypeId ) )
                                        int? bestScheduleId = null;
                                        var availableSchedules = filteredLocations.SelectMany( l => l.Schedules )
                                            .DistinctBy( s => s.Schedule.Id ).ToList();
                                        if ( availableSchedules.Any() )
                                            bestScheduleId = availableSchedules.OrderBy( s => s.StartTime ).Select( s => s.Schedule.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                                        if ( bestScheduleId != null )
                                            filteredLocations = filteredLocations.Where( l => l.AvailableForSchedule.Contains( (int)bestScheduleId ) );

                                        filteredLocations = filteredLocations.OrderBy( l => Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( l.Location.Id, bestScheduleId ) );

                                    bestLocation = filteredLocations.FirstOrDefault();
                                    validSchedules = bestLocation.Schedules;

                                // check how many schedules exist without getting the whole list
                                int numValidSchedules = validSchedules.Take( 2 ).Count();
                                if ( numValidSchedules > 0 )
                                    // finished finding assignment, verify everything is selected
                                    var bestSchedule = validSchedules.OrderBy( s => s.Schedule.StartTimeOfDay ).FirstOrDefault();
                                    bestSchedule.Selected = true;
                                    bestSchedule.PreSelected = true;

                                    if ( bestLocation != null )
                                        bestLocation.PreSelected = true;
                                        bestLocation.Selected = true;

                                        if ( bestGroup != null )
                                            bestGroup.PreSelected = true;
                                            bestGroup.Selected = true;

                                            bestGroupType = person.GroupTypes.FirstOrDefault( gt => gt.GroupType.Id == bestGroup.Group.GroupTypeId );
                                            if ( bestGroupType != null )
                                                bestGroupType.Selected = true;
                                                bestGroupType.PreSelected = true;
                                                person.Selected = true;
                                                person.PreSelected = true;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState( entity, out errorMessages );
            if ( checkInState == null )
                return false;

            int selectFromDaysBack = checkInState.CheckInType.AutoSelectDaysBack;
            var roomBalanceGroupTypes = GetAttributeValue( action, "RoomBalanceGrouptypes" ).SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();
            int roomBalanceOverride = GetAttributeValue( action, "BalancingOverride" ).AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 5;
            int maxAssignments = GetAttributeValue( action, "MaxAssignments" ).AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 5;
            var excludedLocations = GetAttributeValue( action, "ExcludedLocations" ).SplitDelimitedValues( whitespace: false )
                .Select( s => s.Trim() );

            var personSpecialNeedsKey = string.Empty;
            var personSpecialNeedsGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "PersonSpecialNeedsAttribute" ).AsGuid();
            if ( personSpecialNeedsGuid != Guid.Empty )
                personSpecialNeedsKey = AttributeCache.Read( personSpecialNeedsGuid, rockContext ).Key;

            // log a warning if the attribute is missing or invalid
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( personSpecialNeedsKey ) )
                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "The Person Special Needs attribute is not selected or invalid for '{0}'.", action.ActionType.Name ) );

            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.Families.FirstOrDefault( f => f.Selected );
            if ( family != null )
                var cutoffDate = RockDateTime.Today.AddDays( selectFromDaysBack * -1 );
                var attendanceService = new AttendanceService( rockContext );

                // only process people who have been here before
                foreach ( var previousAttender in family.People.Where( p => p.Selected && !p.FirstTime ) )
                    // get a list of this person's available grouptypes
                    var availableGroupTypeIds = previousAttender.GroupTypes.Select( gt => gt.GroupType.Id ).ToList();

                    // order by most recent attendance
                    var lastDateAttendances = attendanceService.Queryable().Where( a =>
                            a.PersonAlias.PersonId == previousAttender.Person.Id &&
                            availableGroupTypeIds.Contains( a.Group.GroupTypeId ) &&
                            a.StartDateTime >= cutoffDate && a.DidAttend == true )
                        .OrderByDescending( a => a.StartDateTime ).Take( maxAssignments )

                    if ( lastDateAttendances.Any() )
                        var assignmentsGiven = 0;
                        // get the most recent day, then start with the earliest attendances
                        var lastAttended = lastDateAttendances.Max( a => a.StartDateTime ).Date;
                        var numAttendances = lastDateAttendances.Count( a => a.StartDateTime >= lastAttended );
                        foreach ( var groupAttendance in lastDateAttendances.Where( a => a.StartDateTime >= lastAttended ).OrderBy( a => a.Schedule.StartTimeOfDay ) )
                            bool currentlyCheckedIn = false;
                            var serviceCutoff = groupAttendance.StartDateTime;
                            if ( serviceCutoff > RockDateTime.Now.Date )
                                // calculate the service window to determine if people are still checked in
                                var serviceTime = groupAttendance.StartDateTime.Date + groupAttendance.Schedule.NextStartDateTime.Value.TimeOfDay;
                                var serviceStart = serviceTime.AddMinutes( ( groupAttendance.Schedule.CheckInStartOffsetMinutes ?? 0 ) * -1.0 );
                                serviceCutoff = serviceTime.AddMinutes( ( groupAttendance.Schedule.CheckInEndOffsetMinutes ?? 0 ) );
                                currentlyCheckedIn = RockDateTime.Now > serviceStart && RockDateTime.Now < serviceCutoff;

                            // override exists in case they are currently checked in or have special needs
                            bool useCheckinOverride = currentlyCheckedIn || previousAttender.Person.GetAttributeValue( personSpecialNeedsKey ).AsBoolean();

                            // get a list of room balanced grouptype ID's since CheckInGroup model is a shallow clone
                            var roomBalanceGroupTypeIds = previousAttender.GroupTypes.Where( gt => roomBalanceGroupTypes.Contains( gt.GroupType.Guid ) )
                                .Select( gt => gt.GroupType.Id ).ToList();

                            // Start with filtered groups unless they have abnormal age and grade parameters (1%)
                            var groupType = previousAttender.GroupTypes.FirstOrDefault( gt => gt.GroupType.Id == groupAttendance.Group.GroupTypeId && ( !gt.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride ) );
                            if ( groupType != null )
                                // get available schedules and order earliest first
                                var availableSchedules = groupType.Groups.SelectMany( g => g.Locations.Where( l => l.IsActiveAndNotFull ).SelectMany( l => l.Schedules ) )
                                    .DistinctBy( s => s.Schedule.Id ).OrderBy( s => s.Schedule.StartTimeOfDay ).ToList();

                                // select the schedule first so group/location attendance can be filtered by schedule
                                CheckInSchedule schedule = null;
                                if ( availableSchedules.Count == 1 )
                                    schedule = availableSchedules.FirstOrDefault( s => !s.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride );
                                    // only use for current check-ins, otherwise SN might get the wrong schedule
                                    if ( currentlyCheckedIn )
                                        schedule = availableSchedules.FirstOrDefault( s => s.Schedule.Id == groupAttendance.ScheduleId && ( !s.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride ) );

                                    // skip to the next service when assigning multiple services
                                    schedule = schedule ?? availableSchedules.Skip( assignmentsGiven ).FirstOrDefault( s => !s.ExcludedByFilter );

                                CheckInGroup group = null;
                                if ( groupType.Groups.Count == 1 )
                                    // Only a single group is open
                                    group = groupType.Groups.FirstOrDefault( g => !g.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride );
                                    // Pick the group they last attended, as long as it's open or what they're currently checked into
                                    group = groupType.Groups.FirstOrDefault( g => g.Group.Id == groupAttendance.GroupId && ( !g.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride ) );

                                    // Room balance only on new check-ins
                                    if ( group != null && roomBalanceGroupTypeIds.Contains( group.Group.GroupTypeId ) && !excludedLocations.Contains( group.Group.Name ) && !useCheckinOverride )
                                        // Make sure balanced rooms are open for the current service
                                        var currentAttendance = group.Locations.Where( l => l.AvailableForSchedule.Contains( schedule.Schedule.Id ) )
                                            .Select( l => Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( l.Location.Id, schedule.Schedule.Id ) ).Sum();

                                        var lowestAttendedGroup = groupType.Groups.Where( g => g.AvailableForSchedule.Contains( schedule.Schedule.Id ) )
                                            .Where( g => !g.ExcludedByFilter && !excludedLocations.Contains( g.Group.Name ) )
                                            .Select( g => new { Group = g, Attendance = g.Locations.Select( l => Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( l.Location.Id, schedule.Schedule.Id ) ).Sum() } )
                                            .OrderBy( g => g.Attendance )

                                        if ( lowestAttendedGroup != null && lowestAttendedGroup.Attendance < ( currentAttendance - roomBalanceOverride + 1 ) )
                                            group = lowestAttendedGroup.Group;

                                if ( group != null )
                                    CheckInLocation location = null;
                                    if ( group.Locations.Count == 1 )
                                        // Only a single location is open
                                        location = group.Locations.FirstOrDefault( l => !l.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride );
                                        // Pick the location they last attended, as long as it's open or what they're currently checked into
                                        location = group.Locations.FirstOrDefault( l => l.Location.Id == groupAttendance.LocationId && ( !l.ExcludedByFilter || useCheckinOverride ) );

                                        // Room balance only on new check-ins
                                        if ( location != null && roomBalanceGroupTypeIds.Contains( group.Group.GroupTypeId ) && !excludedLocations.Contains( location.Location.Name ) && !useCheckinOverride )
                                            var currentAttendance = Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( location.Location.Id, schedule.Schedule.Id );

                                            var lowestAttendedLocation = group.Locations.Where( l => l.AvailableForSchedule.Contains( schedule.Schedule.Id ) )
                                                .Where( l => !l.ExcludedByFilter && !excludedLocations.Contains( l.Location.Name ) )
                                                .Select( l => new { Location = l, Attendance = Helpers.ReadAttendanceBySchedule( l.Location.Id, schedule.Schedule.Id ) } )
                                                .OrderBy( l => l.Attendance )

                                            if ( lowestAttendedLocation != null && lowestAttendedLocation.Attendance < ( currentAttendance - roomBalanceOverride + 1 ) )
                                                location = lowestAttendedLocation.Location;

                                    if ( location != null && schedule != null )
                                        // make sure the selected schedule is the one owned by this location context
                                        schedule = location.Schedules.FirstOrDefault( s => s.Schedule.Id == schedule.Schedule.Id );

                                        // it's impossible to currently be checked in unless these match exactly
                                        if ( group.Group.Id == groupAttendance.GroupId && location.Location.Id == groupAttendance.LocationId && schedule.Schedule.Id == groupAttendance.ScheduleId )
                                            // Checkout feature either removes the attendance or sets the EndDateTime
                                            var endOfCheckinWindow = groupAttendance.EndDateTime ?? serviceCutoff;
                                            schedule.LastCheckIn = endOfCheckinWindow;
                                            location.LastCheckIn = endOfCheckinWindow;
                                            group.LastCheckIn = endOfCheckinWindow;
                                            groupType.LastCheckIn = endOfCheckinWindow;
                                            previousAttender.LastCheckIn = endOfCheckinWindow;

                                        // finished finding assignment, verify everything is selected
                                        schedule.Selected = true;
                                        schedule.PreSelected = true;
                                        location.Selected = true;
                                        location.PreSelected = true;
                                        group.Selected = true;
                                        group.PreSelected = true;
                                        groupType.Selected = true;
                                        groupType.PreSelected = true;
                                        previousAttender.Selected = true;
                                        previousAttender.PreSelected = true;

            return true;