예제 #1
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData revit,
        ref string message, ElementSet elements)
                Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIApplication revitApp = revit.Application;
                //get the active document
                ExternalCommandData cdata = revit;
                Document doc = cdata.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

                //UIDocument uidoc = cdata.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
                //Selection selection = uidoc.Selection;
                //ElementSet collection = selection.Elements;
                //if (0 == collection.Size)
                //    // If no elements selected.
                //    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "You haven't selected any elements.");
                //    LuxExporter.Revit_Transform test = new Revit_Transform(collection);

                //get linked files
                DocumentSet LinkedFiles = revitApp.Application.Documents;

                //create a Luxexporter
                LuxExporter_Main Exporter = new LuxExporter_Main();
                //set hard coded exporter output path
                Exporter.OutputFilePath = @"C:/temp/lux/";
                //get list of 3d views in file
                Revit_Filter ViewFilter = new Revit_Filter(doc);
                Exporter.ViewToExport = ViewFilter.GetThreeDViews();
                Exporter.CurrentRevitDocument = doc;
                Exporter.LinkedFiles = LinkedFiles;

                return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;
            catch (Exception)
                return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Failed;

예제 #2
        // main function
        public void ExportToLux()
            //loop through views and export to lux
            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.View3D ExportView in v3DViewToExport)

                // Create new stopwatch
                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                //set up list geoFile to include
                List<String>GeoFileList = new List<string>();

                //get all elements in view
                FilteredElementCollector viewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(vDoc, ExportView.Id);

                //i could add a filter for each category here ( or for specials like lights...)

                //cast views elements to list
                IEnumerable<Element> ElementList = viewCollector.Cast<Element>();

                //create scene folder
                //check whether folder allready exists
                //if not create scene folder
                //create PLY folder
                //create RES folder (textures & other data)
                if (Directory.Exists(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString()))
                    //delete folder??

                    //create all directories
                    //make sure view name has no illegal characters: {}
                    //create scene Directory
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString());
                    //create PLY folder
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + "PLY");
                    //create resources folder
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + "RES");

                //set up geofile path variable
                String sOutputPathGeoFile = "";
                //setup PLY path variable
                String PLYDirectory = "";
                //check for linked Revit Files visible in view
                LuxExporter.Revit_Filter Filter = new Revit_Filter(vDoc);
                List<Element> RevitLinks = Filter.GetRevitLinks(ExportView.Id);

                //setup the geomtry option for the current view
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options GeometryOption = new Options();
                GeometryOption.ComputeReferences = true;
                GeometryOption.View = ExportView;

                //export linked files
                if (RevitLinks.Count > 0)

                    //count how many instances of each individual link exist
                    //check whether any of these instances collides with section box if there is any
                    //if collision no instance, if no collision or no section box instanciate whole file
                    //export link file and instanciate as often as required

                    //create dictionary storing linked file name and number of occurences
                    Dictionary<String, int> DRevitLinks = new Dictionary<string, int>();

                    //list containing all links of models not cut by section box and their transformation data
                    List<LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files> lWholeModelLinks = new List<Revit_Linked_Files>();
                    //list containing all links of models cut by section box and their transformation data
                    List<LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files> lCutModelLinks = new List<Revit_Linked_Files>();

                    int LinkCounter = 0;
                    //loop through link list and sort items before exporting
                    foreach (Element LinkItem in RevitLinks)
                        //increase link Counter
                        //remove stuff from name
                        String LinkName = LinkItem.Name.ToString().Substring(0, LinkItem.Name.ToString().IndexOf(".rvt"));
                        //flag for bounding box check
                        Boolean BoundingBoxOK = true;
                        //check whether bounding box active
                        int NumberOfLinkOccurences = 0;

                        if (ExportView.SectionBox.Enabled)
                            //if yes does link clash with box?
                            //get boundingbox of item
                            BoundingBoxXYZ ElementBounding = LinkItem.get_BoundingBox(ExportView);
                            //get sectionbox
                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.BoundingBoxXYZ ViewSectionBox = ExportView.SectionBox;
                            //check whether element bounding box is completely enclosed in view bounding box if not disable instancing!
                            LuxExporter.Revit_BoundingBox_Checker checker = new Revit_BoundingBox_Checker();
                            BoundingBoxOK = checker.BoundingBox_Checker(ElementBounding, ViewSectionBox);

                        //get the link transformation
                        Instance inst = LinkItem as Instance;
                        RevitLinkTransform = inst.GetTransform();

                        if (BoundingBoxOK)
                            //if no boundingbox and no clash
                            //check whether link already in list
                            if (lWholeModelLinks.Contains(new LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName)))
                                //get link class and add transformation
                                LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files dummyLink = new Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName);
                                LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files ExLink = lWholeModelLinks.Find(xy => xy.LinkName == dummyLink.LinkName);

                                //create new link class
                                LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files dummyLink = new Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName);
                                //add transformation
                                //add link element
                                dummyLink.RevitLink = LinkItem;
                                //add link short name
                                dummyLink.LinkShortName = LinkCounter.ToString();
                                //check if this link has been exported before
                                if (DRevitLinks.TryGetValue(LinkName, out NumberOfLinkOccurences))
                                    //increase counter
                                    DRevitLinks[LinkName] = NumberOfLinkOccurences + 1;

                                    //add link to dictionary
                                    DRevitLinks.Add(LinkName, 0);
                                //remove .rvt from link instance name
                                PLYDirectory = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/PLY/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "/";

                                //store unique LinkName in class
                                dummyLink.UniqueLinkName = LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString();
                                //store path in class
                                dummyLink.PLYFolderPath = PLYDirectory;
                                //create geometry file name
                                String GeoFilePath = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "-geom.lxo";
                                dummyLink.GeoFilePath = GeoFilePath;
                                //add to list
                            //file need to be exported again
                            //create new link class
                            LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files dummyLink = new Revit_Linked_Files(LinkName);
                            //add transformation
                            //add link element
                            dummyLink.RevitLink = LinkItem;
                            //add link short name
                            dummyLink.LinkShortName = LinkCounter.ToString();
                            //check if this link has been exported before
                            if (DRevitLinks.TryGetValue(LinkName, out NumberOfLinkOccurences))
                                //increase counter
                                DRevitLinks[LinkName] = NumberOfLinkOccurences + 1;

                                //add link to dictionary
                                DRevitLinks.Add(LinkName, 0);
                            //remove .rvt from link instance name
                            PLYDirectory = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/PLY/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "/";
                            //store unique LinkName in class
                            dummyLink.UniqueLinkName = LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString();
                            //store path in class
                            dummyLink.PLYFolderPath = PLYDirectory;
                            //create geometry file name
                            String GeoFilePath = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + LinkName + "_" + NumberOfLinkOccurences.ToString() + "-geom.lxo";
                            dummyLink.GeoFilePath = GeoFilePath;
                            //add to list


                    //combine linked model lists into one list
                    List<LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files> lModelsCombined = new List<Revit_Linked_Files>();

                        //loop through all model links and export them
                        //foreach (LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files item in lWholeModelLinks)
                        foreach (LuxExporter.Revit_Linked_Files item in lModelsCombined)
                            //create PLY output directory
                            //get elements in link
                            foreach (Document ditem in vLinkedFiles)
                                //check for match in name
                                if (ditem.PathName.Contains(item.LinkName))
                                    //export materials

                                    if (FilteredElementCollector.IsViewValidForElementIteration(ditem,ExportView.Id))
                                        //get all elements in view
                                        FilteredElementCollector LinkViewCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(ditem, ExportView.Id);

                                        //cast views elements to list
                                        IEnumerable<Element> LinkElementList = LinkViewCollector.Cast<Element>();
                                        //export link
                                        GeoFileList.Add(ExportElementList(LinkElementList, ExportView, GeometryOption, item.GeoFilePath, item.PLYFolderPath, item));
                                        //get model element filter
                                        LuxExporter.Revit_Filter FilterUtility = new Revit_Filter();
                                        //this filter also select non placed items!!!
                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.LogicalOrFilter ModelFilter = FilterUtility.BuildFullModelFilter();
                                        //filter elements from linked file
                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(ditem);
                                        //filter out types
                                        //pass eklement list
                                        IEnumerable<Element> LinkElementList =collector.Cast<Element>();
                                        //export link
                                        GeoFileList.Add(ExportElementList(LinkElementList, ExportView, GeometryOption, item.GeoFilePath, item.PLYFolderPath, item));


                    catch (Exception ex)

                //reset the link transform
                RevitLinkTransform = null;

                sOutputPathGeoFile = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + ExportView.ViewName.ToString() + "-geom.lxo";
                PLYDirectory = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/PLY/";
                //export host file
                GeoFileList.Add(ExportElementList(ElementList, ExportView, GeometryOption, sOutputPathGeoFile,PLYDirectory,null));

                // Stop timing
                MessageBox.Show("Time elapsed: {0}" + stopwatch.Elapsed);

                //create material outputfilepath
                String sOutputPathMatFile = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString() + "/" + ExportView.ViewName.ToString() + "-mat.lxm";

                    //write out materials file
                    //get materials in view only -->> does not work!
                    //MaterialSet LMaterials =  ExportView.Materials;
                    //get materials in project
                    LuxExporter.Revit_Filter MaterialFilter = new Revit_Filter(vDoc);
                    List<Material> LMaterials = MaterialFilter.GetAllMaterials();

                    //setup helper class
                    LuxExporter.Revit_Material_Worker MaterialExporter = new Revit_Material_Worker(vDoc);
                    //setup export String
                    StringBuilder MaterialExport = new StringBuilder("# Lux Render CVS - Material File");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("# Exported by LuxRev 0.2- ALPHA");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("# View Name: " + ExportView.ViewName.ToString());

                    //add glass2 presets:
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("MakeNamedVolume \"World\" \"homogeneous\"");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"float fresnel\" [1.000292658805847]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color g\" [-0.30000001 -0.30000001 -0.30000001]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color sigma_a\" [0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color sigma_s\" [0.02500000 0.02500000 0.02500000]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("MakeNamedVolume \"Glass\" \"clear\"");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"float fresnel\" [1.519999980926514]");
                    MaterialExport.AppendLine("\"color absorption\" [0.01614268 0.00300774 0.03046782]");

                    //loop through all materials and export
                    foreach (Material RevitMaterial in LMaterials)

                    //write out materials file
                    using (System.IO.StreamWriter MatFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(sOutputPathMatFile))

                catch (Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed To write mat file");

                //view utility class
                LuxExporter.Revit_View_ThreeD ViewData = new Revit_View_ThreeD(ExportView);

                //get the camera data
                XYZ CameraPosition = ViewData.CameraPosition;
                XYZ CameraViewDirection = ViewData.CameraViewDirection;
                XYZ CameraUp = ViewData.CameraUp;

                //get the screenwindow date
                //assume resolution of 800 x 600
                //lens shift is 0 for x and y
                //scale as per view
                double dScreenaspectRatio = (800.00 / 600.00);
                LuxExporter.LuxExporter_ScreenWindow ScreenWindow = new LuxExporter_ScreenWindow(dScreenaspectRatio, 0, 0, ExportView.Scale);
                Double[] vScreenWindow = ScreenWindow.GetScreenWindow();

                //create string for header file - mainly hardcoded as of yet
                StringBuilder LXS = new StringBuilder("# Lux Render CVS - Scene File");
                LXS.AppendLine("# Exported by LuxRev 0.2- ALPHA");
                LXS.AppendLine("# View Name: "+ ExportView.ViewName.ToString());
                LXS.AppendLine("LookAt "+CameraPosition.X.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraPosition.Y.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraPosition.Z.ToString("f6"));
                LXS.AppendLine("  " + CameraViewDirection.X.ToString("f6") + " " + CameraViewDirection.Y.ToString("f6") + " " + CameraViewDirection.Z.ToString("f6"));
                LXS.AppendLine("  "+CameraUp.X.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraUp.Y.ToString("f6")+" "+CameraUp.Z.ToString("f6"));
                LXS.AppendLine("Camera \"perspective\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float fov\" [150]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float hither\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float yon\" [10000000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float lensradius\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool autofocus\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float shutteropen\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float shutterclose\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine( "  \"float screenwindow\" ["+vScreenWindow[0]+" "+vScreenWindow[1]+" "+vScreenWindow[2]+" "+vScreenWindow[3]+"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("Film \"fleximage\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer xresolution\" [800]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer yresolution\" [600]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer haltspp\" [0]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool premultiplyalpha\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string tonemapkernel\" [\"reinhard\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float reinhard_postscale\" [1.200000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float reinhard_burn\" [6.000000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer displayinterval\" [8]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer writeinterval\" [120]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string ldr_clamp_method\" [\"lum\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_exr\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_png\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string write_png_channels\" [\"RGB\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_png_16bit\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_png_gamutclamp\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_tga\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"string filename\" [\"C:\\\\temp\\\\lux\\\\"+ExportView.ViewName.ToString()+"\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool write_resume_flm\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool restart_resume_flm\" [\"true\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer reject_warmup\" [128]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"bool debug\" [\"false\"]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_white\" [0.314275 0.329411]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_red\" [0.630000 0.340000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_green\" [0.310000 0.595000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float colorspace_blue\" [0.155000 0.070000]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float gamma\" [2.2]");
                LXS.AppendLine("PixelFilter \"mitchell\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float B\" [0.75]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float C\" [0.125]");
                LXS.AppendLine("Sampler \"metropolis\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float largemutationprob\" [0.4]");
                LXS.AppendLine("SurfaceIntegrator \"bidirectional\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer eyedepth\" [48]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer lightdepth\" [48]");
                LXS.AppendLine("VolumeIntegrator \"single\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float stepsize\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("Accelerator \"tabreckdtree\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer intersectcost\" [80]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer traversalcost\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"float emptybonus\" [0.2]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer maxprims\" [1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("  \"integer maxdepth\" [-1]");
                LXS.AppendLine("LightGroup \"default\"");
                LXS.AppendLine("  LightSource \"sunsky\"");

                LXS.AppendLine("Include \""+sOutputPathMatFile+"\"");

                foreach (String FilePath in GeoFileList)
                    LXS.AppendLine("Include \"" + FilePath + "\"");


                //create outputfilepath
                String sOutputPathSceneFile = vOutputFilePath + ExportView.Name.ToString()+"/"+ ExportView.ViewName.ToString() + ".lxs";

                //write out Scene file
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter LXSFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(sOutputPathSceneFile))