public void ParseShouldParseVoidMethodsWithParameters() { var requestModel = new RequestModel(); Expression<Action<WebApiController>> expression = c => c.EmptyActionWithParameters(1, requestModel); var result = RouteExpressionParser.Parse<WebApiController>(expression); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(WebApiController), result.Controller); Assert.AreEqual("EmptyActionWithParameters", result.Action); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Arguments.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Arguments["id"].Value); Assert.AreEqual(requestModel, result.Arguments["model"].Value); }
public void ParseShouldParseReturningMethodsWithParameters() { var requestModel = new RequestModel(); Expression<Func<WebApiController, IHttpActionResult>> expression = c => c.OkResultActionWithRequestBody(1, requestModel); var result = RouteExpressionParser.Parse<WebApiController>(expression); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(WebApiController), result.Controller); Assert.AreEqual("OkResultActionWithRequestBody", result.Action); Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Arguments.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Arguments["id"].Value); Assert.AreEqual(requestModel, result.Arguments["model"].Value); }
public List<DemoGrid> ReadTests(RequestModel model) { if (model == null) return new List<DemoGrid>(); //must have at least one from each if (model.CampusIds == null || model.SubjectIds == null || model.CategoryDetailIds == null || model.DemographicDetailIds == null) { return new List<DemoGrid>(); } try { var x = _ctx.StaarTests.Where(s => model.CampusIds.Contains(s.Campus_Id) && model.SubjectIds.Contains(s.Subject_Id) && (model.CategoryDetailIds.Contains(s.CategoryDetail_Id) || model.CategoryDetailIds.Contains(s.CategoryDetail.PartnerDetail.Id)) && model.DemographicDetailIds.Contains(s.DemographicDetail_Id)) .Select(s => new { s.Value, SubjectDescription = s.Subject.Description, DemographicName = s.DemographicDetail.Demographic.Name, CategoryName = s.CategoryDetail.Category.Name, DemoDetailDescription = s.DemographicDetail.Description, CatDetailDescription = s.CategoryDetail.Description, CampusName = s.Campus.Name, CountId = s.CategoryDetail.PartnerDetail == null ? 0 : s.CategoryDetail.PartnerDetail.Id, CategoryDetailId = s.CategoryDetail_Id, s.CategoryDetail.CategoryType }) .Take(500) //take at most 500 at a time .ToList(); ; var list = new List<DemoGrid>(x.Count); list.AddRange(from s in x where s.CategoryType != CategoryType.Count let count = x.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CategoryDetailId == s.CountId) let value = count == null ? 0 : count.Value select new DemoGrid { Count = value, Percent = s.Value, //this gets the percent value Subject = s.SubjectDescription, Demographic = s.DemographicName + ": " + s.DemoDetailDescription, Category = s.CategoryName + ": " + s.CatDetailDescription, CampusName = s.CampusName }); return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// 扩展签名方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="httpWebRequest">当前请求客户端</param> /// <param name="credentials">认证参数信息</param> /// <param name="bodyContent"></param> /// <param name="serviceName"></param> /// <param name="signType"></param> /// <param name="overrideDate"></param> /// <param name="isWriteBody"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static HttpWebRequest DoSign(this HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, Credential credentials, string serviceName = null, object bodyContent = null, bool isWriteBody = false, JDCloudSignVersionType?signType = null, DateTime?overrideDate = null) { var byteContent = new byte[0]; if (bodyContent != null) { if (isWriteBody) { if (bodyContent is byte[]) { byteContent = (byte[])bodyContent; } else if (bodyContent is string) { byteContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)bodyContent); // httpWebRequest.ContentLength = byteContent.Length; // httpRequestWrite.Write(byteContent, 0, byteContent.Length); } else if (bodyContent is int || bodyContent is long || bodyContent is bool || bodyContent is float || bodyContent is double) { if (bodyContent is int) { byteContent = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)bodyContent); } else if (bodyContent is long) { byteContent = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)bodyContent); } else if (bodyContent is bool) { byteContent = BitConverter.GetBytes((bool)bodyContent); } else if (bodyContent is float) { byteContent = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)bodyContent); } else if (bodyContent is double) { byteContent = BitConverter.GetBytes((double)bodyContent); } } else { var requestJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bodyContent); if (!requestJson.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { byteContent = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)bodyContent); } } } } var headers = httpWebRequest.Headers; var requestUri = httpWebRequest.RequestUri; var queryString = requestUri.Query; var requestPath = requestUri.AbsolutePath; var requestContent = bodyContent; var requestMethod = httpWebRequest.Method; string apiVersion = requestUri.GetRequestVersion(); RequestModel requestModel = new RequestModel(); requestModel.Content = (byte[])byteContent.Clone(); requestModel.ApiVersion = apiVersion; if (!httpWebRequest.ContentType.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { requestModel.ContentType = httpWebRequest.ContentType.ToString(); } requestModel.HttpMethod = requestMethod.ToString().ToUpper(); var pathRegion = requestUri.GetRequestVersion(); if (!pathRegion.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { requestModel.RegionName = pathRegion; } else { requestModel.RegionName = ParameterConstant.DEFAULT_REGION; } requestModel.ResourcePath = requestPath; if (!serviceName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { requestModel.ServiceName = serviceName; } else { serviceName = requestUri.GetServiceName(); if (serviceName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new Exception("service name not config , if you not use default endpoint please config service in sign"); } requestModel.ServiceName = serviceName; } JDCloudSignVersionType jDCloudSignVersionType = GlobalConfig.GetInstance().SignVersionType; if (signType != null && signType.HasValue) { jDCloudSignVersionType = signType.Value; } requestModel.SignType = jDCloudSignVersionType; requestModel.Uri = requestUri; requestModel.QueryParameters = queryString; requestModel.OverrddenDate = overrideDate; if (!(requestUri.Scheme.ToLower() == "http" && requestUri.Port == 80) && !(requestUri.Scheme.ToLower() == "https" && requestUri.Port == 443)) { requestModel.RequestPort = requestUri.Port; } foreach (string headerKeyValue in headers.Keys) { requestModel.AddHeader(headerKeyValue, headers.Get(headerKeyValue)); } IJDCloudSigner jDCloudSigner = SignUtil.GetJDCloudSigner(jDCloudSignVersionType); SignedRequestModel signedRequestModel = jDCloudSigner.Sign(requestModel, credentials); var signedHeader = signedRequestModel.RequestHead; foreach (var key in signedHeader.Keys) { if (httpWebRequest.Headers.GetValues(key) == null) { var value = signedHeader[key]; httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(key, value); } } if (byteContent.Length > 0) { httpWebRequest.ContentLength = byteContent.Length; using (var httpRequestWrite = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()) { httpRequestWrite.Write(byteContent, 0, byteContent.Length); } } return(httpWebRequest); }
public ViewModel Execute(RequestModel model) { return new ViewModel(); }
public FullPocoController(RequestModel requestModel) { this.InjectedRequestModel = requestModel; }
public void EmptyActionWithParameters(int id, RequestModel model) { }
public IActionResult ModelStateCheck(RequestModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { return this.Ok(model); } return this.Ok(model); }
/// <summary> /// 实体赋值 /// </summary> /// <param name="json"></param> public override void SetData(RequestModel json) { base.SetData(json); }
public ResponseModel NewEncryptionKey(AutomationKeyModel automationModel, string Email, string UserName, string PlatformCode) { //Generate IV AesCryptoServiceProvider cryptoProvider = new AesCryptoServiceProvider(); cryptoProvider.KeySize = 256; cryptoProvider.GenerateIV(); string IV = Convert.ToBase64String(cryptoProvider.IV); //Encrypt Model byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(automationModel)); byte[] key = Convert.FromBase64String(provisionerKey); string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(new HMACSHA512(key).ComputeHash(data)); string data2 = Encrypt(key, Convert.FromBase64String(IV), Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(automationModel)); //Construct the request model RequestModel requestModel = new RequestModel { UserName = UserName, PlatformCode = PlatformCode, IV = IV, Data = data2, Hash = hash }; var req = new HttpClient(); req.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); req.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); req.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); req.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(Headers.Email, Email); req.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(Headers.Iv, IV); var request = req.PostAsJsonAsync("", requestModel); if (request.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ResponseModel)); ResponseModel response = new ResponseModel(); response = (ResponseModel)serializer.ReadObject(request.Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result); response.Data = Decrypt(key, Convert.FromBase64String(response.IV), response.Data); return response; } else { throw new Exception(request.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); } }
public IHttpActionResult Add([FromBody] RequestModel req) { try { //真实的参数 var parameters = Common.AesDecryp.GetAesDecryp(, req.secret); using (dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext()) { var UserID = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["UserID"]); //用户ID var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == UserID); //用户 if (user != null) { PrivateLine pl = new PrivateLine(); pl.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//添加时间 pl.CompanyAddress = parameters["CompanyAddress"]; pl.CompanyName = parameters["CompanyName"]; pl.CompanyScale = parameters["CompanyScale"]; pl.LastTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //最近更新时间 pl.Remark = parameters["Remark"]; //备注 pl.Users = user; pl.State = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["State"]); #region 联系人 //联系人数量 var ContactsNum = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["ContactsNum"]); var Contacts = new List <PlContacts>(); //联系人列表 var ContactsName = parameters["ContactsName"]; //联系人姓名(逗号隔开的多个) var ContactsTel = parameters["ContactsTel"]; //联系人电话(逗号隔开的多个) var ContactsPost = parameters["ContactsPost"]; //联系人岗位(逗号隔开的多个) //分割后 var ContactsNameList = ContactsName.Split(','); var ContactsTelList = ContactsTel.Split(','); var ContactsPostList = ContactsPost.Split(','); //遍历 for (int i = 0; i < ContactsNum; i++) { var contact = new PlContacts(); contact.Name = ContactsNameList[i]; contact.Tel = ContactsTelList[i]; contact.Post = ContactsPostList[i]; contact.PrivateLine = pl; Contacts.Add(contact); } #endregion #region 专线信息 var PlInfoNum = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["PlInfoNum"]); //专线信息数量 var PlInfoList = new List <PlInfo>(); //专线信息列表 //分割前 var Type = parameters["Type"]; //类型 1专线 2电路 3,天翼云 var Operator = parameters["Operator"]; //运营商 var WeekPrice = parameters["WeekPrice"]; //周价 var BandWidth = parameters["BandWidth"]; //带宽 var PayType = parameters["PayType"]; //付费方式 var OverTime = parameters["OverTime"]; //到期时间 var ServerBerSys = parameters["ServerBerSys"]; //服务器承载系统 var ServerUsingTime = parameters["ServerUsingTime"]; //现服务器开始使用时间 var IsCloudPlan = parameters["IsCloudPlan"]; //是否有上云计划 //分割后 var TypeList = Type.Split(','); //类型 var OperatorList = Operator.Split(','); //运营商 var WeekPriceList = WeekPrice.Split(','); //周价 var BandWidthList = BandWidth.Split(','); //带宽 var PayTypeList = PayType.Split(','); // 付费方式 var OverTimeList = OverTime.Split(','); //到期时间 var ServerBerSysList = ServerBerSys.Split(','); //服务器承载系统 var ServerUsingTimeList = ServerUsingTime.Split(','); //现服务器开始使用时间 var IsCloudPlanList = IsCloudPlan.Split(','); //是否有上云计划 for (int i = 0; i < PlInfoNum; i++) { var plinfo = new PlInfo(); plinfo.Type = Convert.ToInt32(TypeList[i]);//类型 plinfo.Operator = OperatorList[i]; plinfo.WeekPrice = WeekPriceList[i]; plinfo.BandWidth = BandWidthList[i]; plinfo.PayType = PayTypeList[i]; plinfo.OverTime = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OverTimeList[i]) ? Convert.ToDateTime(OverTimeList[i]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : ""; plinfo.ServerBerSys = ServerBerSysList[i]; //服务器承载系统 plinfo.ServerUsingTime = ServerUsingTimeList[i]; plinfo.IsCloudPlan = IsCloudPlanList[i] != "" ? int.Parse(IsCloudPlanList[i]) : 0; //是否有上云计划 plinfo.State = 0; plinfo.PrivateLine = pl; PlInfoList.Add(plinfo); } #endregion #region 走访记录 var plvisit = new PlVisit(); plvisit.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//添加时间 plvisit.IsAgain = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["IsAgain"]); plvisit.IsNeed = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["IsNeed"]); plvisit.State = 0; plvisit.VisitTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //本次拜访时间 plvisit.NextTime = parameters["NextTime"]; plvisit.IsOther = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["IsOther"]); //是否有其他业务 plvisit.OtherDesc = parameters["OtherDesc"]; //其他业务描述 plvisit.VisitContents = parameters["VisitContents"]; // plvisit.PrivateLine = pl; #endregion db.PrivateLine.InsertOnSubmit(pl); db.PlContacts.InsertAllOnSubmit(Contacts); db.PlInfo.InsertAllOnSubmit(PlInfoList); db.PlVisit.InsertOnSubmit(plvisit); db.SubmitChanges(); return(Json(new { state = 1, msg = "添加成功" })); } return(Json(new { state = 0, msg = "用户不存在" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { //return Json(new { state = 0, msg = "请求失败" }); throw ex; } }
public IHttpActionResult Modify([FromBody] RequestModel req) { try { //真实的参数 var parameters = Common.AesDecryp.GetAesDecryp(, req.secret); using (dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext()) { var UserID = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["UserID"]); //用户ID var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == UserID); //用户 var PlID = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["PlID"]); //专线ID var pl = db.PrivateLine.Where(x => x.ID == PlID).FirstOrDefault(); //专线 if (pl != null) { pl.CompanyAddress = parameters["CompanyAddress"]; pl.CompanyName = parameters["CompanyName"]; pl.CompanyScale = parameters["CompanyScale"]; pl.LastTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //最近更新时间 pl.Remark = parameters["Remark"]; //备注 #region 联系人 //联系人数量 var ContactsNum = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["ContactsNum"]); var Contacts = new List <PlContacts>(); //联系人列表 var ContactsName = parameters["ContactsName"]; //联系人姓名(逗号隔开的多个) var ContactsTel = parameters["ContactsTel"]; //联系人电话(逗号隔开的多个) var ContactsPost = parameters["ContactsPost"]; //联系人岗位(逗号隔开的多个) //分割后 var ContactsNameList = ContactsName.Split(','); var ContactsTelList = ContactsTel.Split(','); var ContactsPostList = ContactsPost.Split(','); //遍历 for (int i = 0; i < ContactsNum; i++) { var contact = new PlContacts(); contact.Name = ContactsNameList[i]; contact.Tel = ContactsTelList[i]; contact.Post = ContactsPostList[i]; contact.PrivateLine = pl; Contacts.Add(contact); } #endregion #region 专线信息 var PlInfoNum = Convert.ToInt32(parameters["PlInfoNum"]); //专线信息数量 var PlInfoList = new List <PlInfo>(); //专线信息列表(新增) //分割前 var PlInfoID = parameters["PlInfoID"]; //专线信息ID var Type = parameters["Type"]; //类型 var Operator = parameters["Operator"]; //运营商 var WeekPrice = parameters["WeekPrice"]; //周价 var BandWidth = parameters["BandWidth"]; //带宽 var PayType = parameters["PayType"]; //付费方式 var OverTime = parameters["OverTime"]; //到期时间 var ServerBerSys = parameters["ServerBerSys"]; //是否有上云计划 var ServerUsingTime = parameters["ServerUsingTime"]; //现服务器开始使用时间 var IsCloudPlan = parameters["IsCloudPlan"]; //是否有上云计划 //分割后 var PlInfoIDList = PlInfoID.Split(','); //专线信息ID var TypeList = Type.Split(','); //类型 var OperatorList = Operator.Split(','); //运营商 var WeekPriceList = WeekPrice.Split(','); //周价 var BandWidthList = BandWidth.Split(','); //带宽 var PayTypeList = PayType.Split(','); // 付费方式 var OverTimeList = OverTime.Split(','); //到期时间 var ServerBerSysList = ServerBerSys.Split(','); //服务器承载系统 var ServerUsingTimeList = ServerUsingTime.Split(','); //现服务器开始使用时间 var IsCloudPlanList = IsCloudPlan.Split(','); //是否有上云计划 //原有的专线信息ID var oldPlInfoIDList = db.PlInfo.Where(x => x.PlID == pl.ID).Select(x => x.ID.ToString()).ToList(); // for (int i = 0; i < PlInfoNum; i++) //遍历最新数据 { if (PlInfoIDList[i] == "0") //新增的 { var plinfo = new PlInfo(); plinfo.Type = Convert.ToInt32(TypeList[i]);//类型 plinfo.Operator = OperatorList[i]; plinfo.WeekPrice = WeekPriceList[i]; plinfo.BandWidth = BandWidthList[i]; plinfo.PayType = PayTypeList[i]; plinfo.OverTime = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OverTimeList[i]) ? Convert.ToDateTime(OverTimeList[i]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : ""; plinfo.ServerBerSys = ServerBerSysList[i]; //服务器承载系统 plinfo.ServerUsingTime = ServerUsingTimeList[i]; plinfo.IsCloudPlan = IsCloudPlanList[i] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(IsCloudPlanList[i]) : 0; //是否有上云计划 plinfo.State = 0; plinfo.PrivateLine = pl; PlInfoList.Add(plinfo); } else//修改的 { //专线信息 var plinfo = db.PlInfo.Where(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(PlInfoIDList[i])).FirstOrDefault(); plinfo.Type = Convert.ToInt32(TypeList[i]);//类型 plinfo.Operator = OperatorList[i]; plinfo.WeekPrice = WeekPriceList[i]; plinfo.BandWidth = BandWidthList[i]; plinfo.PayType = PayTypeList[i]; plinfo.OverTime = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OverTimeList[i]) ? Convert.ToDateTime(OverTimeList[i]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : ""; plinfo.ServerBerSys = ServerBerSysList[i]; //服务器承载系统 plinfo.ServerUsingTime = ServerUsingTimeList[i]; plinfo.IsCloudPlan = IsCloudPlanList[i] != ""?Convert.ToInt32(IsCloudPlanList[i]):0; //是否有上云计划 #region 状态判断 if (plinfo.State == 0) //正常 { //正常修改不处理 } else if (plinfo.State == 1)//已提醒 { var plremind = db.PlRemind.Where(x => x.PlID == PlID && x.PlInfoID == Convert.ToInt32(PlInfoIDList[i])).Where(x => x.Type == 1).OrderByDescending(x => x.AddTime).FirstOrDefault(); if (plremind != null) { plremind.State = 2;//未处理 } } else if (plinfo.State == 2)//已回执 { plinfo.State = 0; } #endregion #region 除的 ////最新的数据中不包含原有的数据,则删除原有的数据 //新旧差集 var strID = oldPlInfoIDList.Except(PlInfoIDList); if (strID.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in strID)//删除 { var oldPlInfo = db.PlInfo.Where(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(item)).FirstOrDefault(); if (oldPlInfo != null) { var plremind = db.PlRemind.Where(x => x.PlInfoID == oldPlInfo.ID); db.PlInfo.DeleteOnSubmit(oldPlInfo); //删除旧的专线数据 db.PlRemind.DeleteAllOnSubmit(plremind); //删除原有的的提醒记录 } } } #endregion } } #endregion db.PlContacts.DeleteAllOnSubmit(db.PlContacts.Where(x => x.PlID == pl.ID)); //删除旧的联系人 db.PlContacts.InsertAllOnSubmit(Contacts); //添加最新的联系人 if (PlInfoList.Count > 0) { db.PlInfo.InsertAllOnSubmit(PlInfoList);//添加新的 } db.SubmitChanges(); return(Json(new { state = 1, msg = "修改成功" })); } return(Json(new { state = 0, msg = "专线信息不存在" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public ResponseList <List <BookingModel> > GetBookings(RequestModel model) { string ReturnLink = string.Empty; string queryString = string.Empty; string queryCount = string.Empty; int TotalRecords = 0; string orderbyString = string.Empty; int recoardFrom = (( - 1) * 10) + 1; int recoardTo = * 10; ResponseList <List <BookingModel> > returnModel = new ResponseList <List <BookingModel> >(); try { using (SqlConnection DB = new SqlConnection(SiteKey.ConnectionString)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.sortby)) { if (model.sortby == "newtoold") { orderbyString = " order by booking.created desc"; } if (model.sortby == "oldtonew") { orderbyString = " order by booking.created"; } } else { orderbyString = " order by booking.created desc"; } queryCount = @"SELECT count( totalrecord FROM booking left join customer on = customer_id left join provider on = provider_id left join service_category on = service_id where booking.is_deleted = 0 "; queryString = @"select * from (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (" + orderbyString + @") row_num,, LTRIM(RTRIM(booking.booking_code)) as booking_code, coupon_id, booking_amount, address_title, landmark, booking.longitude, booking.latitude, booking.description, booking.booking_status, provider_cancellation_fee, booking.status, booking.created, booking.payment_type, service_name, LTRIM(RTRIM((CONCAT(provider.first_name,' ',provider.last_name)))) provider_name, CONCAT(customer.first_name,' ',customer.last_name) customer_name, provider_rating, provider_rating_description, distance from booking left join customer on = customer_id left join provider on = provider_id left join service_category on = service_id where booking.is_deleted = 0 "; if (model != null) { if (model.filterby == "booking_code") { queryString += " and booking.booking_code like @keyword "; queryCount += " and booking.booking_code like @keyword "; } else if (model.filterby == "provider_name") { queryString += " and ((provider.first_name+' '+provider.last_name like @keyword) or provider.first_name like @keyword or provider.last_name like @keyword) "; queryCount += " and ((provider.first_name+' '+provider.last_name like @keyword) or provider.first_name like @keyword or provider.last_name like @keyword) "; } else if (model.filterby == "customer_name") { queryString += " and ((customer.first_name+' '+customer.last_name like @keyword) or customer.first_name like @keyword or customer.last_name like @keyword) "; queryCount += " and ((customer.first_name+' '+customer.last_name like @keyword) or customer.first_name like @keyword or customer.last_name like @keyword) "; } else if (model.filterby == "service_name") { queryString += " and like @keyword "; queryCount += " and like @keyword "; } if (model.filterby2 == "provider_id") { queryString += " and booking.provider_id = @keyword2 "; queryCount += " and booking.provider_id = @keyword2 "; } } queryString += " ) t where row_num between " + recoardFrom + " and " + recoardTo; returnModel.result = DB.QuerySql <BookingModel>(queryString, new { keyword = "%" + model.keyword + "%", keyword2 = model.keyword2 }).ToList(); TotalRecords = DB.QuerySql <int>(queryCount, new { keyword = "%" + model.keyword + "%", keyword2 = model.keyword2 }).FirstOrDefault(); if (returnModel.result != null) { foreach (var item in returnModel.result) { item.booking_receipts = DB.QuerySql <BookingReceiptModel>("select receipt_status, receipt_amount, customer_receipt_description, provider_receipt_description from booking_receipt where is_deleted = 0 and booking_id = @BookingId ", new { BookingId = }).ToList(); } } returnModel.totalDocs = TotalRecords; returnModel.limit = 10; returnModel.totalPages = (TotalRecords / 10) + ((TotalRecords % 10) > 0 ? 1 : 0); returnModel.hasNextPage = < returnModel.totalPages; returnModel.hasPrevPage = returnModel.totalPages > 1 && > 1; =; returnModel.nextPage = + 1; returnModel.pagingCounter = recoardFrom; returnModel.prevPage = - 1; } returnModel.status = (int)EnumClass.ResponseState.Success; returnModel.msg = "Booking List"; returnModel.success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { returnModel.msg = ex.Message; returnModel.status = (int)EnumClass.ResponseState.ResposityError; returnModel.success = false; LoggingRepository.SaveException(ex); } return(returnModel); }
/// <summary> /// 发现金 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GiveMoney(RequestModel request, string guid) { //Common.Helper.Logger.Info(guid); ActionResult empty = new EmptyResult(); try { //扫码计数-所有 scanCountDi.getBll().CountByNameAndId(request.activityId, request.activityName); #region 数据库日志记录 公共部分 TRP_ClientLog entity = new TRP_ClientLog(); entity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; entity.DeleteMark = false; entity.Enable = true; entity.PageUrl = HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri ?? money_url; entity.IPAddress = HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress ?? ""; entity.ActivityId = Convert.ToInt32(request.activityId); #endregion //获取微信用户信息 wxUserInfoModel wxUser = GetWxUserInfo(request.code); if (wxUser == null) { Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } //微信用户openid string openid = wxUser.Openid; //保存微信信息 if (!isExistOpenId(wxUser.Openid)) { //保存用户微信信息 saveUserInfo(wxUser); } TRP_AwardReceive receivedModel = null; #region 今天已参加活动 if (isAttendToday(request.activityId, wxUser.Openid)) { //判断奖品是否已领 receivedModel = awardDi.getBll().hadTakeAward(wxUser.Openid, request.activityId); #region 奖品已核销 //奖品已领 if (receivedModel == null) { Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } #endregion #region 奖品还未核销 //奖品还未领取 else { //获取奖品ID int string awardId = receivedModel.AwardDetailId.ToString(); //获取奖品详情 TRP_AwardDetail detailModel = detailDi.getBll().GetEntityById(awardId); //奖品名称 string awardsName = ""; //加密奖品id string ecodeAwardId = DESEncrypt.Encrypt(awardId, _key); if (detailModel != null) { //奖品名称 awardsName = detailModel.AwardName; } else { Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } //奖品类型 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(awardsName)) { GiveCash(awardsName, wxUser.Openid, request); } else { Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } entity.Description = string.Format("用户在{0}点击红包,现金红包(为重复扫码,上次未核销奖品)", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); entity.PageDesc = "现金扫码,上次未核销奖品"; entity.ActivityId = Convert.ToInt32(request.activityId); logDi.getBll().SaveLog(entity); return(View("GiveMoney")); } #endregion } #endregion #region 今天还未参加活动 则请求奖品 AwardsInfoModel awardsModel = new AwardsInfoModel(); //请求奖品 awardsModel = GetAwardsInfo(request.activityId); //奖品实体的类型为null if (awardsModel.Class != null) { //奖品实体的类型为"" if (awardsModel.Class == "") { //return View("Nogift"); Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } } else { //return View("Nogift"); Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } #endregion //发钱 if (GiveCash(awardsModel.Class, openid, request)) { //保存领奖信息-测试 saveScanInfo(wxUser.Openid,; saveUserAwardReceiveInfo(wxUser.Openid,; return(View("GiveMoney")); } else { //return View("Nogift"); Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); return(empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Helper.Logger.Info(string.Format("获取用户微信Openid,发现金异常,异常信息:{0}", ex.ToString())); Response.Redirect(request.url + "&flag=1&guid=" + guid + ""); //return View("Nogift"); return(empty); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> private static void Client_RequestContentDataHandler(ref object data) { //var rpcId = string.Empty; //var requestHeader = TracingContextData.GetRequestHeader(); //if (requestHeader == null) //{ // requestHeader = TracingContextData.GetDefaultRequestHeader(); // TracingContextData.SetRequestHeader(requestHeader); // //HttpContentData.SetSubRpcID(modelHeader.RpcID + ".0"); // //rpcId = requestHeader.RpcID + ".0"; //} ////else ////{ //// rpcId = Util.VersionIncr(TracingContextData.GetSubRpcID()); ////} //rpcId = Util.VersionIncr(TracingContextData.GetSubRpcID()); //TracingContextData.SetSubRpcID(rpcId); if (data == null) { data = new RequestModel(); } //var reqModel = data as IRequestModel<Header>; //if (reqModel != null) //{ // if (reqModel.Header == null) // { // reqModel.Header = new Header(); // } // reqModel.Header.TraceID = requestHeader.TraceID; // reqModel.Header.TraceID = rpcId; //} }
public IHttpActionResult PostMethodWithModel(RequestModel someModel) { return this.Ok(); }
public bool rejectRequest(RequestModel request, string currentUser) { return(_setStatusOfRequest(request, currentUser, RequestStatus.REJECTED)); }
public IHttpActionResult PostMethodWithQueryStringAndModel(string value, RequestModel someModel) { return this.Ok(); }
public bool updateRequestChanges(RequestModel newRequest) { if (RequestStatus.requestHasHadStatus(newRequest, RequestStatus.APPROVED)) { throw new RequestAlreadyApprovedException("Already approved or rejected."); //return false; } DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { //try //{ Request targetRequest = context.Requests.Find(newRequest.RequestId); List <Request_Details> targetDetails = targetRequest.Request_Details.ToList(); RequestModel targetRequestModel = findRequestById(newRequest.RequestId); foreach (var item in targetRequestModel.Items) { if (!newRequest.Items.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { // New requestModel does not contain old key // So add it in, but set quantity to 0 newRequest.Items.Add(item.Key, 0); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemModel, int> itemAndQty in newRequest.Items) { //Request_Event newEvent = new Request_Event(); //newEvent.deleted = "N"; //newEvent.date_time = timestamp; //newEvent.quantity = itemAndQty.Value; //newEvent.status = EventStatus.UPDATED; //newEvent.username = newRequest.UserModel.Username; // Establish relationships Request_Details targetDetail = targetDetails.Where(x => x.item_code == itemAndQty.Key.ItemCode && x.deleted != "Y").DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault(); if (targetDetail == null) { // Need to insert new detail and event Request_Details newDetail = new Request_Details(); newDetail.deleted = "N"; newDetail.item_code = itemAndQty.Key.ItemCode; newDetail.orig_quantity = itemAndQty.Value; Request_Event newEvent = new Request_Event(); newEvent.deleted = "N"; newEvent.date_time = timestamp; newEvent.quantity = itemAndQty.Value; newEvent.status = EventStatus.PENDING; newEvent.username = newRequest.UserModel.Username; newDetail.Request_Event.Add(newEvent); newDetail.request_id = newRequest.RequestId; context.Request_Details.Add(newDetail); } else { // Edit db context.Request_Details.Find(targetDetail.request_detail_id).orig_quantity = itemAndQty.Value; Request_Event existingEvent = targetDetail.Request_Event.Where(w => w.deleted != "Y").First(); context.Request_Event.Find(existingEvent.request_event_id).quantity = itemAndQty.Value; context.Request_Event.Find(existingEvent.request_event_id).date_time = timestamp; context.Request_Event.Find(existingEvent.request_event_id).status = EventStatus.UPDATED; } //targetDetail.Request_Event.Add(newEvent); } // Update Status context.Requests.Find(newRequest.RequestId).current_status = RequestStatus.UPDATED; context.Requests.Find(newRequest.RequestId).reason = newRequest.Reason; //} //catch (Exception exec) //{ //transaction.Rollback(); //throw exec; //} transaction.Commit(); } return(true); }
public IActionResult ActionWithMultipleParameters(int id, string text, RequestModel model) { return null; }
public static void AddLastModifiedResponseHeader(this HttpResponse response, RequestModel model) { response.Headers[HttpConstants.LastModified] = model.LastFileWriteTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString(HttpConstants.HttpDateFormat); }
public MvcController(IInjectedService injectedService, RequestModel requestModel) : this(injectedService) { this.InjectedRequestModel = requestModel; }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { await execTask.YahooCompanies(); }
public IActionResult TryValidateModelAction() { var model = new RequestModel(); this.TryValidateModel(model); if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { return this.Ok(); } return this.BadRequest(); }
public HttpResponseMessage TraceLastLocation(RequestModel rm) { try { string RequiredValue = ""; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(AmazonServer + "\\UserLocation.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (var file = new StreamReader(fs)) { string allLocations = file.ReadToEnd(); if (allLocations != null) { int uniqueIdIndex; uniqueIdIndex = allLocations.LastIndexOf("\"" + "UniqueId" + "\":" + rm.LocationsObject.UniqueId.ToString() + ","); if (uniqueIdIndex == -1) { RequiredValue = "N\\A"; } else { int startingIndex = allLocations.LastIndexOf("{", uniqueIdIndex); int lastIndex = allLocations.IndexOf("}", uniqueIdIndex); RequiredValue = allLocations.Substring(startingIndex, lastIndex - startingIndex + 1); } } file.Close(); } fs.Close(); } if (RequiredValue == "N\\A") { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, RequiredValue, "application/json"); } object objectData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(RequiredValue); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, objectData, "application/json"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public IActionResult OkResultActionWithRequestBody(int id, RequestModel model) { return new OkResult(); }
public async Task <ResponseMessageModel> ModifyMerchatsStatus([FromBody] RequestModel model) { modifyMerchatsStatusService.SetData(model); return(await Task.Run(() => modifyMerchatsStatusService.Execute())); }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { await execTask.YahooExchanges(); }
public HttpResponseMessage LastLocation(RequestModel rm) { try { int deviceId = rm.LocationsObject.UniqueId; string RequiredValue = ""; List<Coordinates> encryptedData = new List<Coordinates>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(AmazonServer + "\\UserLocation.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (var file = new StreamReader(fs)) { string allLocations = file.ReadToEnd(); if (allLocations != null) { int uniqueIdIndex; uniqueIdIndex = allLocations.LastIndexOf("\"" + "UniqueId" + "\":" + rm.LocationsObject.UniqueId.ToString() + ","); if (uniqueIdIndex == -1) { RequiredValue = "N\\A"; } else { int lastIndex = allLocations.IndexOf("}", uniqueIdIndex); int startingIndex = allLocations.LastIndexOf("{", uniqueIdIndex); //int startIndex = -1; //System.Text.StringBuilder specifiedLine = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //for (int i = uniqueIdIndex; i >= 0; i--) //{ // if (allLocations.ElementAt(i) == '{') // { // startIndex = i; // break; // } // else // { // specifiedLine.Append(allLocations.ElementAt(i)); // } //} //char[] arr = specifiedLine.ToString().ToCharArray(); //Array.Reverse(arr); //If opening curly braces not found //if (startIndex == -1) //{ // RequiredValue = "Starting Index not found"; //} //else //{ RequiredValue = allLocations.Substring(startingIndex, lastIndex - startingIndex + 1); encryptedData.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Coordinates>(RequiredValue)); //} } } file.Close(); } fs.Close(); } if (RequiredValue == "N\\A") { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, RequiredValue, "application/json"); } object objectData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(encryptedData); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, encryptedData, "application/json"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public async Task <ResponseMessageModel> QueryMerchatsInfo([FromBody] RequestModel model) { queryMerchatsInfoService.SetData(model); return(await Task.Run(() => queryMerchatsInfoService.Execute())); }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(Timeout.Infinite); await execTask.ImportCompanies(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7), cancellation.Token); }
public async Task <ResponseMessageModel> UpdateMerchatsInfoForJava([FromBody] RequestModel model) { updateMerchatsInfoForJavaService.SetData(model); return(await Task.Run(() => updateMerchatsInfoForJavaService.Execute())); }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { await execTask.ImportCurrencies(); }
private IRequestBuilder InitRequestBuilder(RequestModel requestModel, bool pathOrUrlRequired) { IRequestBuilder requestBuilder = Request.Create(); if (requestModel.ClientIP != null) { if (requestModel.ClientIP is string clientIP) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithClientIP(clientIP); } else { var clientIPModel = JsonUtils.ParseJTokenToObject <ClientIPModel>(requestModel.ClientIP); if (clientIPModel?.Matchers != null) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithPath(clientIPModel.Matchers.Select(MatcherMapper.Map).Cast <IStringMatcher>().ToArray()); } } } bool pathOrUrlmatchersValid = false; if (requestModel.Path != null) { if (requestModel.Path is string path) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithPath(path); pathOrUrlmatchersValid = true; } else { var pathModel = JsonUtils.ParseJTokenToObject <PathModel>(requestModel.Path); if (pathModel?.Matchers != null) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithPath(pathModel.Matchers.Select(MatcherMapper.Map).Cast <IStringMatcher>().ToArray()); pathOrUrlmatchersValid = true; } } } else if (requestModel.Url != null) { if (requestModel.Url is string url) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithUrl(url); pathOrUrlmatchersValid = true; } else { var urlModel = JsonUtils.ParseJTokenToObject <UrlModel>(requestModel.Url); if (urlModel?.Matchers != null) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithUrl(urlModel.Matchers.Select(MatcherMapper.Map).Cast <IStringMatcher>().ToArray()); pathOrUrlmatchersValid = true; } } } if (pathOrUrlRequired && !pathOrUrlmatchersValid) { _logger.Error("Path or Url matcher is missing for this mapping, this mapping will not be added."); return(null); } if (requestModel.Methods != null) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.UsingMethod(requestModel.Methods); } if (requestModel.Headers != null) { foreach (var headerModel in requestModel.Headers.Where(h => h.Matchers != null)) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithHeader(headerModel.Name, headerModel.Matchers.Select(MatcherMapper.Map).Cast <IStringMatcher>().ToArray()); } } if (requestModel.Cookies != null) { foreach (var cookieModel in requestModel.Cookies.Where(c => c.Matchers != null)) { requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithCookie(cookieModel.Name, cookieModel.Matchers.Select(MatcherMapper.Map).Cast <IStringMatcher>().ToArray()); } } if (requestModel.Params != null) { foreach (var paramModel in requestModel.Params.Where(c => c.Matchers != null)) { bool ignoreCase = paramModel?.IgnoreCase ?? false; requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithParam(paramModel.Name, ignoreCase, paramModel.Matchers.Select(MatcherMapper.Map).Cast <IStringMatcher>().ToArray()); } } if (requestModel.Body?.Matcher != null) { var bodyMatcher = MatcherMapper.Map(requestModel.Body.Matcher); requestBuilder = requestBuilder.WithBody(bodyMatcher); } return(requestBuilder); }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(Timeout.Infinite); await execTask.StockExchangeTask(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(900), cancellation.Token); }
public IHttpActionResult PostMethodWithParameterAndModel(int id, RequestModel someModel) { return this.Ok(); }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { await execTask.StockExchangeParseCsv(); }
public IHttpActionResult SameAction(RequestModel model) { return this.Ok(); }
public async Task Execute(ApiRequest.ApiRequest execTask, RequestModel model) { await execTask.YahooHistoricalDataCsv(model); }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var sql = string.Format("update Mapping set ImportedMaxIndendity={0} where ID={1}", _maxId, _rule.ID); AccessHelper.ExecuteSql(sql, AppConsts.AppConnectionString); MessageBox.Show("导入成功"); var model = this.ListView1.ItemsSource as List<TargetModel.GongFenModel>; this.ListView1.ItemsSource = null; var reqModel = new RequestModel<object>(); reqModel.TableType = _rule.TargetTableType; reqModel.Model = model; var jSetting = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reqModel, jSetting); MessageBox.Show(json); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the SaveUserDetails control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void SaveUserDetails_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (FormValidation()) { ComboBoxItem ComboItem = (ComboBoxItem)UserTypeComboBox.SelectedItem; WellKnownUserType userType = (WellKnownUserType)Enum.Parse(typeof(WellKnownUserType), ComboItem.Name); if (IsAddNewRecord) { RequestModel requestModel = new RequestModel() { UserModel = new UserModel() { UserId = UserId, Name = NameTextBox.Text, Username = UsernameTextBox.Text, UserType = (byte)userType, Password = PasswordTextBox.SecurePassword, }, WellKnownModificationType = Core.Enums.WellKnownModificationType.Add, }; ResponseModel response = App.BaseUserControl.InternalService.ModifyUser(requestModel); if (response.IsOperationSuccess) { App.ShowMessage(true, string.Empty); } else { App.ShowMessage(false, response.ErrorMessage); } } else { RequestModel requestModel = new RequestModel() { UserModel = new UserModel() { UserId = UserId, Name = NameTextBox.Text, Username = UsernameTextBox.Text, UserType = (byte)userType, }, WellKnownModificationType = Core.Enums.WellKnownModificationType.Edit, }; ResponseModel response = App.BaseUserControl.InternalService.ModifyUser(requestModel); if (response.IsOperationSuccess) { App.ShowMessage(true, string.Empty); } else { App.ShowMessage(false, response.ErrorMessage); } } } else { App.ShowMessage(false, "Fill all the fields."); } }
public WebApiController(RequestModel requestModel) { this.InjectedRequestModel = requestModel; }
public MvcController(RequestModel requestModel) { this.InjectedRequestModel = requestModel; }
public IActionResult OkResultActionWithRequestBody(int id, RequestModel model) { return this.Ok(this.responseModel); }
public MvcController(IInjectedService injectedService, IAnotherInjectedService anotherInjectedService, RequestModel requestModel) : this(injectedService, anotherInjectedService) { this.InjectedRequestModel = requestModel; }
public IActionResult BadRequestWithModelState(RequestModel model) { if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { return this.Ok(); } return this.BadRequest(this.ModelState); }
public IActionResult OkResultActionWithRequestBody(int id, RequestModel model) { return(this.Ok(this.responseModel)); }
public async Task<IActionResult> TryUpdateModelAction() { var model = new RequestModel(); await this.TryUpdateModelAsync<RequestModel>(model); return this.Ok(); }
/// <summary> /// Default class constructor that initializes a new instance of the class. /// </summary> /// <param name="requestModel">The request model.</param> public Request(RequestModel requestModel) { RequestModel = requestModel; }
public ResponseModel Provision(CompanyModel companyModel, string UserName, string PlatformCode, Command Command, string Email) { //Generate IV AesCryptoServiceProvider cryptoProvider = new AesCryptoServiceProvider(); cryptoProvider.KeySize = 256; cryptoProvider.GenerateIV(); string IV = Convert.ToBase64String(cryptoProvider.IV); //Encrypt Model byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(companyModel)); byte[] key = Convert.FromBase64String(provisionerKey); string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(new HMACSHA512(key).ComputeHash(data)); string data2 = Encrypt(key, Convert.FromBase64String(IV), Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(companyModel)); //Construct the request model RequestModel requestModel = new RequestModel { UserName = UserName, PlatformCode = PlatformCode, Command = Command, IV = IV, Data = data2, Hash = hash }; var req = new WebClient(); req.BaseAddress = ""; req.Headers.Clear(); req.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json"); req.Headers.Add(Headers.Email, Email); req.Headers.Add(Headers.Iv, IV); try { var request = req.UploadData("", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestModel))); ResponseModel response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseModel>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(request)); response.Data = Decrypt(key, Convert.FromBase64String(response.IV), response.Data); return response; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] RequestModel model) { return(this.Created("GetRequestById", 1)); }
public IActionResult ModelStateCheck(RequestModel model) { if (this.CustomControllerContext.ModelState.IsValid) { return new OkResult(); } return new OkResult(); }
public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] RequestModel model) { return(this.Ok()); }
public FullPocoController(IInjectedService injectedService, IAnotherInjectedService anotherInjectedService, RequestModel requestModel) : this(injectedService, anotherInjectedService) { this.InjectedRequestModel = requestModel; }
public async Task <ResponseMessageModel> GoldEditInterestRateForJava([FromBody] RequestModel model) { goldEditInterestRateForJavaService.SetData(model); return(await Task.Run(() => goldEditInterestRateForJavaService.Execute())); }
public async Task <ResponseMessageModel> RegisteredUser([FromBody] RequestModel model) { registeredUserService.SetData(model); return(await Task.Run(() => registeredUserService.Execute())); }
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(int id, RequestModel model) => this.Content($"{id},{model?.RequiredString}");