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forked from Shazwazza/Smidge

A lightweight ASP.Net 5 library for runtime CSS and JavaScript file management, minification, combination & compression.


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Smidge Smidge

A lightweight ASP.Net 5 library for runtime CSS and JavaScript file management, minification, combination & compression.


Currently supporting DNX 4.5.1 & DNXCore 5.0, built against beta8


Install-Package Smidge -Pre

In Startup.ConfigureServices:


In Startup.Configure


Add a config file to your app root (not wwwroot) called smidge.json with this content:

    "debug": false,                     //true to disable file processing
    "dataFolder": "App_Data/Smidge",    //where the cache files are stored
    "version":  "1"                     //can be any string

Create a file in your ~/Views folder: ViewImports.cshtml (This is an MVC 6 way of injecting services into all of your views) In _ViewImports.cshtml add an injected service:

@inject Smidge.SmidgeHelper Smidge

NOTE: There is a website example project in this source for a reference:


View based declarations:

Require multiple files

@{ Smidge.RequiresJs("~/Js/test1.js", "Js/test2.js"); }

Require a folder - optionally you can also include filters (i.e. this includes all .js files)

@{ Smidge.RequiresJs("Js/Stuff*js"); }


@{ Smidge
    //external resources work too!
    .RequiresCss("Css/test1.css", "Css/test2.css", "Css/test3.css", "Css/test4.css");  

Pre-defined bundles

Define your bundles during startup:

    .Configure<Bundles>(bundles =>
        //Defining using JavaScriptFile's or CssFile's:

        bundles.Create("test-bundle-1", //bundle name
            new JavaScriptFile("~/Js/Bundle1/a1.js"),
            new JavaScriptFile("~/Js/Bundle1/a2.js"));

        //Or defining using file/folder paths:

        bundles.Create("test-bundle-2", WebFileType.Js, 
            "~/Js/Bundle2", "~/Js/OtherFolder*js");

There are quite a few overloads for creating bundles.


Examples of how you output the <link> and <script> html tags for you assets (rendering is done async):

@await Smidge.CssHereAsync()
@await Smidge.JsHereAsync()
@await Smidge.JsHereAsync("test-bundle-1")
@await Smidge.JsHereAsync("test-bundle-2")

Custom pre-processing pipeline

It's easy to customize how your files are processed. This can be done at a global/default level, at the bundle level or at an individual file level.

Each processor is of type Smidge.FileProcessors.IPreProcessor which contains a single method: Task<string> ProcessAsync(FileProcessContext fileProcessContext);. The built-in processors are:

  • CssImportProcessor
  • CssUrlProcessor
  • CssMinifier
  • JsMin

But you can create and add your own just by adding the instance to the IoC container, for example if you created a dotless processor::

services.AddScoped<IPreProcessor, DotLessProcessor>();

Global custom pipeline

If you want to override the default processing pipeline for all files, then you'd add your own implementation of Smidge.FileProcessors.PreProcessPipelineFactory to the IoC container after you've called AddSmidge();, like:

services.AddSingleton<PreProcessPipelineFactory, MyCustomPreProcessPipelineFactory>();

and override the GetDefault method. You can see the default implementation here:

Individual file custom pipeline

If you want to customize the pipeline for any given file it's really easy. Each registered file is of type Smidge.Models.IFile which contains a property called Pipeline of type Smidge.FileProcessors.PreProcessPipeline. So if you wanted to customize the pipeline for a single JS file, you could do something like:

@inject Smidge.FileProcessors.PreProcessPipelineFactory PipelineFactory

@{ Smidge.RequiresJs(new JavaScriptFile("~/Js/test2.js")
            Pipeline = PipelineFactory.GetPipeline(
                //add as many processor types as you want
                typeof(DotLess), typeof(JsMin))
Bundle level custom pipeline

If you want to customize the pipeline for a particular bundle, you can just create your bundle with a custom pipeline like:

    .Configure<Bundles>(bundles =>
                //add as many processor types as you want
                typeof(DotLess), typeof(JsMin)), 

There are quite a few overloads for creating bundles with custom pipelines.


There's a couple of methods you can use retrieve the URLs that Smidge will generate when rendering the <link> or <script> html tags. This might be handy in case you need to load in these assets manually (i.e. lazy load scripts, etc...):

Task<IEnumerable<string>> SmidgeHelper.GenerateJsUrlsAsync()
Task<IEnumerable<string>> SmidgeHelper.GenerateCssUrlsAsync()

Both of these methods return a list of strings and there are several overloads for each which allow you to generate the URLs for pre-defined bundles, or the URLs for runtime registered dependencies. Examples of this can be seen in the demo web site's Index.cshtml:

##Work in progress

I haven't had time to document all of the features and extensibility points just yet and some of them are not quite finished but all of the usages documented above work.

Copyright & Licence

© 2015 by Shannon Deminick

This is free software and is licensed under the MIT License

Logo image Designed by Freepik


A lightweight ASP.Net 5 library for runtime CSS and JavaScript file management, minification, combination & compression.







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