public JsonResult GetRepairList(IDataTablesRequest request) { var allData = RepairMapper.Map(_repairBL.GetAll()); var response = DataTableServerSideHelper <RepairVM> .ProcessData(allData, request); return(new DataTablesJsonResult(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public int Add(RepairDTO repairDTO) { try { Repair entity = RepairMapper.Map(repairDTO); _bheUOW.RepairRepository.Add(entity); _bheUOW.SaveChanges(); return(entity.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(); exceptionHandler.WrapLogException(ex); throw ex; } }
public ActionResult Edit(RepairVM model) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (model.ServiceReportBillFileBase != null) { model.ServiceReportBillFile = model.ServiceReportBillFileBase.FileName; } if (model.VendorInvoicesFileBase != null) { model.VendorInvoicesFile = model.VendorInvoicesFileBase.FileName; } var invoiceId = _repairBL.Update(RepairMapper.Map(model)); if (invoiceId > 0) { var filePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RepairFilePath"] + invoiceId + "\\"; UploadFile(model.VendorInvoicesFileBase, filePath); UploadFile(model.ServiceReportBillFileBase, filePath); TempData["Success"] = "Entry saved successfully"; } else { return(View("Edit", model)); } } else { return(View("Edit", model)); } return(View("../RepairHome/RepairHome")); } catch { TempData["Exception"] = "The server encountered an error while processing the request. Please contact the technical team."; return(View("Edit", model)); } }
public ActionResult Delete(int Id) { try { if (Id != 0) { var isDeleted = _repairBL.Delete(Id); if (isDeleted) { TempData["Success"] = "Entry deleted successfully"; return(View("../RepairHome/RepairHome")); } } return(RedirectToAction("Details", Id)); } catch { TempData["Exception"] = "The server encountered an error while processing the request. Please contact the technical team."; var repair = RepairMapper.Map(_repairBL.Get(Id)); return(View("Details", repair)); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var repair = RepairMapper.Map(_repairBL.Get(id)); return(View("Edit", repair)); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { var repair = RepairMapper.Map(_repairBL.Get(id)); return(View("Details", repair)); }
public RepairDTO Get(int repairId) { return(RepairMapper.Map(_bheUOW.RepairRepository.Query().Where(x => x.Id == repairId).FirstOrDefault())); }
public List <RepairHomeDTO> GetAllForHome() { return(RepairMapper.MapForHome(_bheUOW.RepairRepository.Query().ToList())); }
public List <RepairDTO> GetAll() { return(RepairMapper.Map(_bheUOW.RepairRepository.Query().ToList())); }