public static void CloseOpenFfxWithoutSaving(RenderableFXR ffxUi) { ffxUi.LoadedFilePath = ""; ffxUi.XDocLinq = null; CPickerIsEnable = false; ffxUi.ShowFfxEditorFields = false; ffxUi.ShowFfxEditorProperties = false; }
public static void LoadFfxFromXml(XDocument fxrXml, string filePath) { if (fxrXml.Element("FXR3") == null || fxrXml.Root.Element("RootEffectCall") == null) { throw new Exception("This file is not a valid FFX, it does not contain the FXR3 node or the RootEffectCall node."); } else { SelectedFfxWindow = new RenderableFXR(fxrXml, filePath); OpenFfXs.Add(SelectedFfxWindow); } }
public static void ResetEditorSelection(RenderableFXR ffxUi) { ffxUi.ShowFfxEditorFields = false; ffxUi.ShowFfxEditorProperties = false; ffxUi.TreeViewCurrentHighlighted = 0; CPickerIsEnable = false; if (ffxUi.NodeListEditor != null) { if (ffxUi.NodeListEditor.Any()) { ffxUi.NodeListEditor = FfxHelperMethods.XmlChildNodesValid(ffxUi.NodeListEditor.First().Parent); } } }
public ResetEditorSelection(RenderableFXR ffxRelevant) { _ui = ffxRelevant; }