public void SetUIArea(RectTransform target, Rect area, Transform canvas) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(canvas, target); Vector2 delta = m_padding; if ( - bounds.extents.x < area.x)//target超出area的左边框 { delta.x += Mathf.Abs( - bounds.extents.x - area.x); } else if ( + bounds.extents.x > area.width / 2)//target超出area的右边框 { delta.x -= Mathf.Abs( + bounds.extents.x - area.width / 2); } if ( - bounds.extents.y < area.y)//target超出area上边框 { delta.y += Mathf.Abs( - bounds.extents.y - area.y); } else if ( + bounds.extents.y > area.height / 2)//target超出area的下边框 { delta.y -= Mathf.Abs( + bounds.extents.y - area.height / 2); } //加上偏移位置算出在屏幕内的坐标 target.anchoredPosition += delta; }
/// <summary> /// 固定位置在指定画布区域内 /// </summary> /// <param name="_source">源位置</param> /// <param name="_canvas">画布</param> /// <param name="_rect">限制区域(画布左下角为坐标原点(0,0))</param> public static void FixedPositionInCanvas(this RectTransform _source, RectTransform _canvas, Rect _rect) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(_canvas, _source); Vector2 delta =; Vector3 tempCenter =; tempCenter.x += _canvas.rect.width * 0.5f; tempCenter.y += _canvas.rect.height * 0.5f; = tempCenter; if ( - bounds.extents.x < _rect.x)//target超出area的左边框 { delta.x += Mathf.Abs( - bounds.extents.x - _rect.x); } else if ( + bounds.extents.x > _rect.width)//target超出area的右边框 { delta.x -= Mathf.Abs( + bounds.extents.x - _rect.width); } if ( - bounds.extents.y < _rect.y)//target超出area上边框 { delta.y += Mathf.Abs( - bounds.extents.y - _rect.y); } else if ( + bounds.extents.y > _rect.height)//target超出area的下边框 { delta.y -= Mathf.Abs( + bounds.extents.y - _rect.height); } //加上偏移位置算出在屏幕内的坐标 _source.anchoredPosition += delta; }
private void GenerateStartingPoints() { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(m_RectTransform); // Coordinates are relativ to the middle center point of the parent rect transform float xMin = -bounds.extents.x + (m_ControlPointSize.x / 2f); float xMax = bounds.extents.x + (m_ControlPointSize.x / 2f); float yMin = -bounds.extents.y + (m_ControlPointSize.y / 2f); float yMax = bounds.extents.y + (m_ControlPointSize.y / 2f); float x, y; // @ToDo: Generate Colormaps // Blue x = Mathf.Lerp(xMin, xMax, 0.125f); y = Mathf.Lerp(yMin, yMax, 0.25f); this.CreatePoint(new Vector2(x, y),, false); // Green x = Mathf.Lerp(xMin, xMax, 0.375f); y = Mathf.Lerp(yMin, yMax, 0.5f); this.CreatePoint(new Vector2(x, y),, false); // Yellow x = Mathf.Lerp(xMin, xMax, 0.625f); y = Mathf.Lerp(yMin, yMax, 0.625f); this.CreatePoint(new Vector2(x, y), Color.yellow, false); // Red x = Mathf.Lerp(xMin, xMax, 0.875f); y = Mathf.Lerp(yMin, yMax, 0.75f); this.CreatePoint(new Vector2(x, y),, false); }
static int CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1) { Transform arg0 = (Transform)LuaScriptMgr.GetUnityObject(L, 1, typeof(Transform)); Bounds o = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(arg0); LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 2) { Transform arg0 = (Transform)LuaScriptMgr.GetUnityObject(L, 1, typeof(Transform)); Transform arg1 = (Transform)LuaScriptMgr.GetUnityObject(L, 2, typeof(Transform)); Bounds o = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(arg0, arg1); LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, o); return(1); } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to method: RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds"); } return(0); }
public static void FixedPositionInCanvas(this RectTransform _source, RectTransform _canvas, Rect _rect) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(_canvas, _source); Vector2 zero =; Vector3 center =; center.x += _canvas.sizeDelta.x * 0.5f; center.y += _canvas.sizeDelta.y * 0.5f; = center; if (( - bounds.extents.x) < _rect.x) { zero.x += Mathf.Abs((float)(( - bounds.extents.x) - _rect.x)); } else if (( + bounds.extents.x) > _rect.width) { zero.x -= Mathf.Abs((float)(( + bounds.extents.x) - _rect.width)); } if (( - bounds.extents.y) < _rect.y) { zero.y += Mathf.Abs((float)(( - bounds.extents.y) - _rect.y)); } else if (( + bounds.extents.y) > _rect.height) { zero.y -= Mathf.Abs((float)(( + bounds.extents.y) - _rect.height)); } _source.anchoredPosition += zero; }
public void RecalculateBounds(Vector2 margin) { var rootTransform = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); var bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(rootTransform); rootTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rootTransform.sizeDelta.x + margin.x, bounds.size.y + margin.y); }
private void UpdateUVRect() { if (realTime) { return; } var tsz = new Vector2(m_camera.targetTexture.width, m_camera.targetTexture.height); var isz = tsz; var rect = transform as RectTransform; if (rect) { var ss = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(rect).size; isz.Set(ss.x, ss.y); tsz *= ss.y / tsz.y; } var relative = new Vector2((m_offset.x + isz.x * m_pivot.x) / tsz.x, (m_offset.y + isz.y * m_pivot.y) / tsz.y); tsz *= scale; var off = new Vector2(tsz.x * relative.x - isz.x * m_pivot.x, tsz.y * relative.y - isz.y * m_pivot.y); m_image.uvRect = new Rect(off.x / tsz.x, off.y / tsz.y, isz.x / tsz.x, isz.y / tsz.y); }
public static float VerticalScrollDeltaToCoverElement(ScrollRect scrollRect, RectTransform element) { if (scrollRect.content != element.parent) { throw new ArgumentException("Element must be a direct child of the scroll rect content pane."); } RectTransform scrollRtf = scrollRect.transform as RectTransform; float scrollWindow = scrollRect.content.rect.height - scrollRtf.rect.height; Bounds relativeChildBounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(scrollRtf, element); if (scrollWindow <= 0.0f) { return(0.0f); } float aboveDelta = + relativeChildBounds.extents.y - scrollRtf.rect.height / 2.0f; float belowDelta = - relativeChildBounds.extents.y + scrollRtf.rect.height / 2.0f; if (aboveDelta > 0.0f) { return(aboveDelta / scrollWindow); } else if (belowDelta < 0.0f) { return(belowDelta / scrollWindow); } return(0.0f); }
/// <summary> /// Deactivate on Awake. /// </summary> void Awake() { Instance = this; m_StartingScale = transform.localScale; Bounds canvasBounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform); RectTransform rect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); m_ObjectBounds = new Vector3(canvasBounds.size.x * rect.localScale.x, canvasBounds.size.y * rect.localScale.y, canvasBounds.size.z * rect.localScale.z); // Actually find microphone key in the keyboard var dictationButton = TransformExtensions.GetChildRecursive(gameObject.transform, "Dictation"); if (dictationButton != null) { var dictationIcon = dictationButton.Find("keyboard_closeIcon"); if (dictationIcon != null) { _recordImage = dictationIcon.GetComponentInChildren <Image>(); var material = new Material(_recordImage.material); _defaultColor = material.color; _recordImage.material = material; } } // Setting the keyboardType to an undefined TouchScreenKeyboardType, // which prevents the MRTK keyboard from triggering the system keyboard itself. InputField.keyboardType = (TouchScreenKeyboardType)(int.MaxValue); // Keep keyboard deactivated until needed gameObject.SetActive(false); }
/// <summary> /// 注意rect中心点在中间 /// </summary> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="area"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SetUIArea(RectTransform target, Rect area, Transform canvas) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(canvas, target); if (null == area) { return(false); } Vector2 delta = default(Vector2); if ( - bounds.extents.x < area.x) //target超出area的左边框 { delta.x += Mathf.Abs( - bounds.extents.x - area.x); } else if ( + bounds.extents.x > area.width / 2) //target超出area的右边框 { delta.x -= Mathf.Abs( + bounds.extents.x - area.width / 2); } if ( - bounds.extents.y < area.y) //target超出area上边框 { delta.y += Mathf.Abs( - bounds.extents.y - area.y); } else if ( + bounds.extents.y > area.height / 2) //target超出area的下边框 { delta.y -= Mathf.Abs( + bounds.extents.y - area.height / 2); } //加上偏移位置算出在屏幕内的坐标 target.anchoredPosition += delta; return(delta != default(Vector2)); }
public void SetAnchors() { this.rectTransform = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); this.parentBounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform.parent); this.parentSize = new Vector2(this.parentBounds.size.x, this.parentBounds.size.y); //anchor ratio => pixel position this.positionMin = new Vector2(this.parentSize.x * this.rectTransform.anchorMin.x, this.parentSize.y * this.rectTransform.anchorMin.y); this.positionMax = new Vector2(this.parentSize.x * this.rectTransform.anchorMax.x, this.parentSize.y * this.rectTransform.anchorMax.y); //offsetMin - lower left corner //offsetMax - upper right corner this.positionMin = this.positionMin + this.rectTransform.offsetMin; this.positionMax = this.positionMax + this.rectTransform.offsetMax; //pixel position => anchor ratio this.positionMin = new Vector2(this.positionMin.x / this.parentBounds.size.x, this.positionMin.y / this.parentBounds.size.y); this.positionMax = new Vector2(this.positionMax.x / this.parentBounds.size.x, this.positionMax.y / this.parentBounds.size.y); this.rectTransform.anchorMin = this.positionMin; this.rectTransform.anchorMax = this.positionMax; this.rectTransform.offsetMin =; this.rectTransform.offsetMax =; }
/// <summary> /// Deactivate on Awake. /// </summary> protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); m_StartingScale = transform.localScale; Bounds canvasBounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform); RectTransform rect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); m_ObjectBounds = new Vector3(canvasBounds.size.x * rect.localScale.x, canvasBounds.size.y * rect.localScale.y, canvasBounds.size.z * rect.localScale.z); // Actually find microphone key in the keyboard var dictationButton = Utils.GetChildRecursive(gameObject.transform, "Dictation"); if (dictationButton != null) { var dictationIcon = dictationButton.Find("keyboard_closeIcon"); if (dictationIcon != null) { _recordImage = dictationIcon.GetComponentInChildren <Image>(); var material = new Material(_recordImage.material); _defaultColor = material.color; _recordImage.material = material; } } // Keep keyboard deactivated until needed gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void OnWindowResize() { //Collapse regions based on axis for (int i = 0; i < Regions.Count; i++) { Vector2 resize = Regions[i].OriginalSize; if (Regions[i].ThresholdX) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(Regions[i].UITransform, Regions[i].ThresholdX); float size = Regions[i].ReverseX ? -bounds.min.x : bounds.max.x; if (size < Regions[i].OriginalSize.x) { resize.x = size; } } if (Regions[i].ThresholdY) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(Regions[i].UITransform, Regions[i].ThresholdY); float size = Regions[i].ReverseY ? -bounds.min.y : bounds.max.y; if (size < Regions[i].OriginalSize.y) { resize.y = size; } } Regions[i].UITransform.sizeDelta = resize; } }
private void Update() { RectTransform rectTransform = transform as RectTransform; Vector2 size = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(rectTransform).size; Vector3 scale = transform.lossyScale; int width = (int)(size.x * scale.x); int height = (int)(size.y * scale.y); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } Texture oldTexture = rawImage.texture; if (oldTexture && (oldTexture.width != width || oldTexture.height != height)) { Destroy(oldTexture); RenderTexture renderTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); rawImage.texture = renderTexture; UpdateRenderCamera(); } else if (!oldTexture) { RenderTexture renderTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); rawImage.texture = renderTexture; UpdateRenderCamera(); } }
private static void MakeGroup(object userdata) { List <RectTransform> targets = (List <RectTransform>)userdata; GameObject group = new GameObject("Container", typeof(RectTransform)); Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup(); int group_index = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Make Group"); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(group, "create group object"); RectTransform rectTrans = group.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); if (rectTrans != null) { Transform parent = targets[0].parent; Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(parent, targets[0]); for (int i = 1; i < targets.Count; i++) { Bounds a = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(parent, targets[i]); bounds.Encapsulate(a); } rectTrans.SetParent(targets[0].parent); rectTrans.localScale =; rectTrans.sizeDelta = bounds.size; rectTrans.localPosition =; foreach (var target in targets) { Undo.SetTransformParent(target, rectTrans, "move item to group"); } } Selection.activeGameObject = group; Undo.CollapseUndoOperations(group_index); }
private Bounds CalcBounds(RectTransform self, RectTransform tar, bool recursive) { Bounds bounds = default; if (recursive) { var trans = tar.GetComponentsInChildren <RectTransform>(); for (int i = 0; i < trans.Length; i++) { var t = trans[i]; var b = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(self, t); if (i == 0) { bounds = b; } else { bounds.Encapsulate(b); } } } else { bounds = CetRectTransformSelfBounds(self, tar); } return(bounds); }
/// <summary> /// 子階層を含むレイアウトのRectを取得. /// </summary> /// <param name="trans"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Bounds CalculateRelativeWorldRect(this RectTransform trans) { var gameObjects = UnityUtility.GetChildrenAndSelf(trans.gameObject); // ※ 複数のコンポーネントを検証出来る様にforeachで実行. foreach (var gameObject in gameObjects) { var components = gameObject.GetComponents <Component>(); foreach (var component in components) { var preferredSizeCopy = component as PreferredSizeCopy; if (preferredSizeCopy != null) { preferredSizeCopy.UpdateLayoutImmediate(); } } } var bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(trans); var center = trans.TransformPoint(; var size = trans.TransformVector(bounds.size); return(new Bounds(center, size)); }
public static void adjustRectTransform(this RectTransform rectT) { if (rectT == null || rectT.parent == null) { return; } Bounds parentBounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(rectT.parent); Vector2 parentSize = new Vector2(parentBounds.size.x, parentBounds.size.y); // convert anchor ration in to pixel position Vector2 posMin = new Vector2(parentSize.x * rectT.anchorMin.x, parentSize.y * rectT.anchorMin.y); Vector2 posMax = new Vector2(parentSize.x * rectT.anchorMax.x, parentSize.y * rectT.anchorMax.y); // add offset posMin = posMin + rectT.offsetMin; posMax = posMax + rectT.offsetMax; // convert from pixel position to anchor ratio again posMin = new Vector2(posMin.x / parentBounds.size.x, posMin.y / parentBounds.size.y); posMax = new Vector2(posMax.x / parentBounds.size.x, posMax.y / parentBounds.size.y); rectT.anchorMin = posMin; rectT.anchorMax = posMax; rectT.offsetMin =; rectT.offsetMax =; }
void AdjustRectTransform() { GameObject gameObject = textBoxes[actual]; RectTransform transform = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); if (transform == null || transform.parent == null) { return; } Bounds parentBounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform.parent); Vector2 parentSize = new Vector2(parentBounds.size.x, parentBounds.size.y); // convert anchor ration in to pixel position Vector2 posMin = new Vector2(parentSize.x * transform.anchorMin.x, parentSize.y * transform.anchorMin.y); Vector2 posMax = new Vector2(parentSize.x * transform.anchorMax.x, parentSize.y * transform.anchorMax.y); // add offset posMin = posMin + transform.offsetMin; posMax = posMax + transform.offsetMax; // convert from pixel position to anchor ratio again posMin = new Vector2(posMin.x / parentBounds.size.x, posMin.y / parentBounds.size.y); posMax = new Vector2(posMax.x / parentBounds.size.x, posMax.y / parentBounds.size.y); transform.anchorMin = posMin; transform.anchorMax = posMax; transform.offsetMin =; transform.offsetMax =; print(textBoxes[actual].GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.size.y + " "); }
private static Component CreateGridLayout(GameObject gameObject, IAssetLoader assetLoader, GridLayoutComponent gridLayoutComponent) { var gridLayoutGroup = gameObject.AddComponent <GridLayoutGroup>(); var spacing =; if (gridLayoutComponent.SpacingX != null) { spacing.x = gridLayoutComponent.SpacingX.Value; } if (gridLayoutComponent.SpacingY != null) { spacing.y = gridLayoutComponent.SpacingY.Value; } gridLayoutGroup.spacing = spacing; var children = gameObject.GetDirectChildren(); if (children.Length == 1) { var childRect = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(children[0].GetComponent <RectTransform>()); var cellSize =; cellSize.x = childRect.size.x; cellSize.y = childRect.size.y; gridLayoutGroup.cellSize = cellSize; } else { Debug.LogWarning($"need children.Length({children.Length}) == 1"); } return(gridLayoutGroup); }
public void Show() { if (_chapterInfo == null) { return; } string chapterBGTexturePath = ResPath.GetChapterBGPath(_chapterInfo.chapterData.chapterBG); Texture chapterBGTexture = ResMgr.instance.Load <Texture>(chapterBGTexturePath); chapterBGRawImage.texture = chapterBGTexture; chapterBGRawImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, CHAPTER_BG_WIDTH); chapterBGRawImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, CHAPTER_BG_HEIGHT); Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform); rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, bounds.size.x); rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, bounds.size.y); string chapterBGLineTexturePath = ResPath.GetChapterBGPath(_chapterInfo.chapterData.chapterLineBG); Texture chapterBGLineTexture = ResMgr.instance.Load <Texture>(chapterBGLineTexturePath); chapterBGLineRawImage.texture = chapterBGLineTexture; chapterBGRawImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, CHAPTER_BG_WIDTH); chapterBGRawImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, CHAPTER_BG_HEIGHT); }
private float GetRectTransformRelativeBoundsHeight(RectTransform r) { var b = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(r); float h = Mathf.Abs(b.extents.y * 2); return(h); }
public static Bounds GetRect(RectTransform rectTransform) { Bounds rect = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(rectTransform.parent, rectTransform); = rectTransform.anchoredPosition; rect.size = rect.size * 1F; return(rect); }
private bool RectOverlaps(RectTransform rectTrans1, RectTransform rectTrans2) { var b1 = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(_canvas.transform, rectTrans1); var b2 = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(_canvas.transform, rectTrans2); Debug.Log($"bound1: {b1} / bound2: {b2}"); return(b1.Intersects(b2)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取RectTransform的真实Bounds /// </summary> /// <param name="rectTrans"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Bounds GetBounds(this RectTransform rectTrans) { var bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(rectTrans); += rectTrans.position; bounds.size = new Vector3(bounds.size.x * rectTrans.lossyScale.x, bounds.size.y * rectTrans.lossyScale.y, bounds.size.z * rectTrans.lossyScale.z); return(bounds); }
protected override void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vbo) { vbo.Clear(); // 填充顶点 UIVertex vert = UIVertex.simpleVert; vert.color = color; Vector2 selfPiovt = rectTransform.pivot; Rect selfRect = rectTransform.rect; float outerLx = -selfPiovt.x * selfRect.width; float outerBy = -selfPiovt.y * selfRect.height; float outerRx = (1 - selfPiovt.x) * selfRect.width; float outerTy = (1 - selfPiovt.y) * selfRect.height; // 0 - Outer:LT vert.position = new Vector3(outerLx, outerTy); vbo.AddVert(vert); // 1 - Outer:RT vert.position = new Vector3(outerRx, outerTy); vbo.AddVert(vert); // 2 - Outer:RB vert.position = new Vector3(outerRx, outerBy); vbo.AddVert(vert); // 3 - Outer:LB vert.position = new Vector3(outerLx, outerBy); vbo.AddVert(vert); Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform, Box.transform); var _targetMin = bounds.min; var _targetMax = bounds.max; // 4 - Inner:LT vert.position = new Vector3(_targetMin.x, _targetMax.y); vbo.AddVert(vert); // 5 - Inner:RT vert.position = new Vector3(_targetMax.x, _targetMax.y); vbo.AddVert(vert); // 6 - Inner:RB vert.position = new Vector3(_targetMax.x, _targetMin.y); vbo.AddVert(vert); // 7 - Inner:LB vert.position = new Vector3(_targetMin.x, _targetMin.y); vbo.AddVert(vert); vbo.AddTriangle(4, 0, 1); vbo.AddTriangle(4, 1, 5); vbo.AddTriangle(5, 1, 2); vbo.AddTriangle(5, 2, 6); vbo.AddTriangle(6, 2, 3); vbo.AddTriangle(6, 3, 7); vbo.AddTriangle(7, 3, 0); vbo.AddTriangle(7, 0, 4); }
private void NavigationScrollRect_INTERNAL(WindowComponentNavigation source, NavigationSide side) { var scrollRect = this.NavigationScrollRect(); if (scrollRect == null) { return; } var next = source.GetNavigation(side); if (next == null) { if (side == NavigationSide.Up) { scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 1f; } else if (side == NavigationSide.Down) { scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0f; } else if (side == NavigationSide.Left) { scrollRect.horizontalNormalizedPosition = 0f; } else if (side == NavigationSide.Right) { scrollRect.horizontalNormalizedPosition = 1f; } return; } var containerRect = (scrollRect.transform as RectTransform).rect; var from = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(this.GetRectTransform(), source.GetRectTransform()); var to = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(this.GetRectTransform(), next.GetRectTransform()); var nextRect = new Rect(, to.size.XY()); if (containerRect.Overlaps(nextRect) == true) { return; } var delta = ( -; if (side == NavigationSide.Left || side == NavigationSide.Right) { delta.y = 0f; } else { delta.x = 0f; } scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition -= delta; scrollRect.horizontalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Clamp01(scrollRect.horizontalNormalizedPosition); scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Clamp01(scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition); }
private void GetTargetMinMax(out Vector2 min, out Vector2 max, RectTransform targetTF) { //min = targetTF.offsetMin; //max = targetTF.offsetMax; Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(transform, targetTF); min = bounds.min; max = bounds.max; }
/// <summary> /// Graphic A中心点是否在Graphic B的矩形中 /// </summary> /// <param name="_a">Graphic A</param> /// <param name="_b">Graphic B</param> /// <param name="_point">A中心点在B中的坐标</param> /// <returns>true:在,false:不在</returns> public static bool IsCenterPointInRectanle(this Graphic _a, Graphic _b, out Vector2 _point) { Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(_a.rectTransform); Vector3 offset = * _a.canvas.transform.localScale.x; Vector2 point = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(_a.canvas.worldCamera, _a.rectTransform.position + offset); RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(_b.rectTransform, point, _b.canvas.worldCamera, out _point); return(_b.GetPixelAdjustedRect().Contains(_point)); }
public static void AdjustInRectangle(this RectTransform src, RectTransform dst) { Rect dstRect = dst.rect; Bounds bounds = RectTransformUtility.CalculateRelativeRectTransformBounds(dst, src); Rect srcRect = new Rect(bounds.min, bounds.size); Vector2 offset = srcRect.AdjustInRect(dstRect).min - (Vector2)bounds.min; src.localPosition += (Vector3)offset; }