internal static void OnCharRename(RealmServerSession session, CmsgCharRename handler) { int result; // Check for existing name // DONE: Do the rename try { result = (int)LoginErrorCode.RESPONSE_SUCCESS; MainForm.Database.UpdateName(handler); } catch (Exception) { result = (int)LoginErrorCode.CHAR_NAME_FAILURE; } // DONE: Send response session.SendPacket(new SmsgCharRename(result)); // ????? NEED TO REVIEW THIS to update CHAR LIST ENUM List <Characters> characters = MainForm.Database.GetCharacters(session.Users.username); session.SendPacket(new SmsgCharEnum(characters)); }
internal static void Handler(RealmServerSession session, CMSG_CHAR_CREATE handler) { session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_SUCCESS)); try { // If limit character reached if (Characters.GetCharacters(session.Users.username).Count >= Config.Instance.LimitCharacterRealm) { session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_SERVER_LIMIT)); return; } // check if name in use if (Characters.FindCharacaterByName(handler.Name) != null) { session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_NAME_IN_USE)); return; } Characters.Create(handler, session.Users); session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_SUCCESS)); } catch (Exception) { session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_ERROR)); } }
// PARTIAL internal static void OnLogoutRequest(RealmServerSession session, byte[] data) { _logoutQueue = new Dictionary <RealmServerSession, DateTime>(); if (_logoutQueue.ContainsKey(session)) { _logoutQueue.Remove(session); } // Lose Invisibility // ???? Can't log out in combat // DONE: Disable Movement session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UnitFlags.UNIT_FLAG_STUNTED); // DONE: StandState -> Sit session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, StandStates.STANDSTATE_SIT); session.Entity.KnownPlayers.ForEach( s => s.Session.SendPacket(new SmsgStandstateUpdate((byte)StandStates.STANDSTATE_SIT))); // DONE: Send Logout session.SendPacket(new SmsgLogoutResponse(LogoutResponseCode.LOGOUT_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED)); // DONE: While logout, the player can't move session.SendPacket(new SmsgForceMoveRoot(session.Character.Id)); // If the player is resting, then it's instant logout _logoutQueue.Add(session, DateTime.Now); #if DEBUG Thread thread = new Thread(() => Update(1)); #else Thread thread = new Thread(() => Update(20)); #endif thread.Start(); }
public static void Handler(RealmServerSession session, CMSG_AUTH_SESSION handler) { // Search Account and set to session.Users session.Users = MainProgram.RealmServerDatabase.GetAccount(handler.ClientAccount); // Initializing Crypt for user session session.PacketCrypto = new VanillaCrypt(); session.PacketCrypto.Init(session.Users.sessionkey); // Check basic addons instaleds CheckAddons(handler); // Send AuthOK session.SendPacket(new SMSG_AUTH_RESPONSE(LoginErrorCode.AUTH_OK)); session.SendPacket(new SMSG_ADDON_INFO(AddOnsNames)); // TODO Alternatice to handle errors /* * RESPONSE_VERSION_MISMATCH * AUTH_FAILED * AUTH_UNAVAILABLE * AUTH_SYSTEM_ERROR * AUTH_ALREADY_LOGGING_IN * AUTH_SUSPENDED * * session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(LoginErrorCode.AUTH_FAILED)); */ }
internal static void OnCharDelete(RealmServerSession session, CmsgCharDelete handler) { // if failed CHAR_DELETE_FAILED // if waiting for transfer CHAR_DELETE_FAILED_LOCKED_FOR_TRANSFER // if guild leader CHAR_DELETE_FAILED_GUILD_LEADER MainForm.Database.DeleteCharacter(handler.Id); session.SendPacket(new SmsgCharDelete(LoginErrorCode.CHAR_DELETE_SUCCESS)); }
internal static void OnLeaveChannel(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { string channelName = handler.ReadCString(); Log.Print(LogType.Debug, $"[{session.ConnectionRemoteIp}] Channel leave [{} ({channelName})]"); // Adicionar a base de dados session.SendPacket(new SmsgChannelNotify(ChatChannelNotify.CHAT_YOU_LEFT_NOTICE, (ulong)session.Character.Id, channelName)); }
// DONE internal static void OnLogoutCancel(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { // Remove from logout queue _logoutQueue.Remove(session); // DONE: Enable Turn session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UnitFlags.UNIT_FLAG_NONE); // DONE: StandState -> Stand session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, StandStates.STANDSTATE_STAND); session.Entity.KnownPlayers.ForEach( s => s.Session.SendPacket(new SmsgStandstateUpdate((byte)StandStates.STANDSTATE_STAND))); // DONE: Stop client logout session.SendPacket(new SmsgLogoutCancelAck()); // DONE: Enable moving session.SendPacket(new SmsgForceMoveUnroot(session.Character.Id)); }
internal static void OnAttackSwing(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { ulong guid = handler.ReadUInt64(); PacketServer packet = new PacketServer(RealmCMD.SMSG_ATTACKSTART); packet.Write(session.Entity.ObjectGuid.RawGuid); packet.Write(session.Entity.ObjectGuid.RawGuid); session.SendPacket(packet); }
internal static void OnCastSpell(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { uint spellId = handler.ReadUInt32(); string target = handler.ReadCString(); Log.Print(LogType.Debug, $"CSMG_CAST_SPELL [spellID={spellId}] om = {target}"); session.SendPacket(new SmsgSpellGo(session.Entity, session.Entity, spellId)); session.SendPacket(new SmsgCastFailed(spellId)); // Check if spell exists // Check if have spell // Get spell cooldown // In duel disable }
internal static void OnGmTicketCreate(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { uint ticketMap = handler.ReadUInt32(); float ticketX = handler.ReadSingle(); float ticketY = handler.ReadSingle(); float ticketZ = handler.ReadSingle(); string ticketText = handler.ReadCString(); Log.Print(LogType.Debug, $"Ticket recebido [{ticketMap}] [{ticketX}] [{ticketY}] [{ticketZ}] [{ticketText}] "); session.SendPacket(new SmsgGmticketCreate(GMTicketCreateResult.GMTICKET_CREATE_OK)); }
internal static void OnItemQuerySingle(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { // check packet size[length // Int32 int itemId = handler.ReadInt32(); //short algo = handler.ReadSByte(); //int itemId = handler.ReadInt32(); Log.Print(LogType.Debug, $"Checando item de id [{itemId}]"); session.SendPacket(new SmsgItemQuerySingleResponse()); }
// [DONE] Set Faction AT War internal static void OnSetFactionAtwar(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { // Adicionar Faccao a base de dados int faction = handler.ReadInt32(); byte enabled = handler.ReadByte(); // [7 Enabled] --- [5 Disabled] MainForm.Database.FactionInative(session.Character.Id, faction + 1, (byte)(enabled == 1 ? 7 : 5)); var factionDb = MainForm.Database.FactionGet(session.Character, faction + 1); // SmsgSetFactionStanding session.SendPacket(new SmsgSetFactionStanding(faction, enabled, factionDb.standing)); }
internal static void OnNameQuery(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { if (handler.BaseStream.Length < 12) { return; } ulong guid = handler.ReadUInt64(); // Asking for player name Characters target = MainForm.Database.GetCharacter((uint)guid); if (target != null) { session.SendPacket(new SmsgNameQueryResponse(target)); } // Asking for creature name (only used in quests?) }
internal static void OnAttackStop(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { PacketServer packet = new PacketServer(RealmCMD.SMSG_ATTACKSTOP); packet.Write(session.Entity.ObjectGuid.RawGuid); packet.Write(session.Entity.ObjectGuid.RawGuid); packet.Write((int)0); packet.Write((byte)0); session.SendPacket(packet); //SendAttackStop(client.Character.GUID, client.Character.TargetGUID, client) //client.Character.attackState.AttackStop() /* * 'AttackerGUID stopped attacking victimGUID * Dim SMSG_ATTACKSTOP As New PacketClass(OPCODES.SMSG_ATTACKSTOP) * SMSG_ATTACKSTOP.AddPackGUID(attackerGUID) * SMSG_ATTACKSTOP.AddPackGUID(victimGUID) * SMSG_ATTACKSTOP.AddInt32(0) * SMSG_ATTACKSTOP.AddInt8(0) * client.Character.SendToNearPlayers(SMSG_ATTACKSTOP) */ }
internal static void OnTextEmote(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { if (handler.BaseStream.Length < 20) { return; } uint textEmote = handler.ReadUInt32(); uint unk = handler.ReadUInt32(); ulong guid = handler.ReadUInt64(); Log.Print(LogType.Debug, $"[{session.ConnectionSocket}] CMSG_TEXT_EMOTE [TEXTENITE={textEmote} UNK={unk} GUID={guid}]"); // DONE: Send Emote animation var checkEmote = MainForm.EmotesTextReader.GetData((int)textEmote); if (checkEmote != null) { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, checkEmote.EmoteId); } // DONE: Send Packet session.SendPacket(new SmsgTextEmote(session.Character.Id, textEmote, (int)unk)); }
internal static void OnCharCreate(RealmServerSession session, CmsgCharCreate handler) { int result; // Char name Profane result = (int) LoginErrorCode.CHAR_NAME_PROFANE; // Char name reserved result = (int) LoginErrorCode.CHAR_NAME_RESERVED; // Char name invalid result = (int) LoginErrorCode.CHAR_NAME_FAILURE; // Check Ally or Horde result = (int) LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_PVP_TEAMS_VIOLATION; // Check char limit create result = (int) LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_SERVER_LIMIT; // Check for both horde and alliance // Only if it's a pvp realm try { result = (int)LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_SUCCESS; MainForm.Database.CreateChar(handler, session.Users); } catch (Exception) { result = (int)LoginErrorCode.CHAR_CREATE_ERROR; } session.SendPacket(new SmsgCharCreate(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Packet received of the client to ping the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="handler"></param> public static void Handler(RealmServerSession session, CMSG_PING handler) { session.SendPacket(new SMSG_PONG(handler.Latency)); }
internal static void OnCancelTrade(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { session.SendPacket(new SmsgTradeStatus(TradeStatus.TRADE_STATUS_CANCELED)); }
internal static void OnMessageChat(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { ChatMessageType msgType = (ChatMessageType)handler.ReadUInt32(); ChatMessageLanguage msgLanguage = (ChatMessageLanguage)handler.ReadUInt32(); string toUser = null; string channel = null; if (msgType == ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL) { channel = handler.ReadCString(); } if (msgType == ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER) { toUser = handler.ReadCString(); } string message = handler.ReadCString(); // Call Commands new CommandsHelper(session, message); switch ((ChatMessageType)msgType) { case ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_SAY: case ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_YELL: case ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_EMOTE: session.SendPacket(new SmsgMessagechat(msgType, ChatMessageLanguage.LANG_UNIVERSAL, (ulong)session.Character.Id, message)); session.Entity.KnownPlayers.ForEach(s => s.Session.SendPacket(new SmsgMessagechat(msgType, ChatMessageLanguage.LANG_UNIVERSAL, (ulong)session.Character.Id, message))); break; case ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER: try { RealmServerSession remoteSession = RealmServerSession.GetSessionByPlayerName(toUser); // Check if player is the same faction? // Send packet session.SendPacket(new SmsgMessagechat(ChatMessageType.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM, ChatMessageLanguage.LANG_UNIVERSAL, (ulong)remoteSession.Character.Id, message)); remoteSession.SendPacket(new SmsgMessagechat(msgType, ChatMessageLanguage.LANG_UNIVERSAL, (ulong)session.Character.Id, message)); } catch (Exception e) { // Envia mensagem que nao achou Console.WriteLine($@"naoa chei nada {e.Message}"); } break; default: Console.WriteLine($@"veio aqui algo [{msgType}]"); session.SendPacket(new SmsgMessagechat(msgType, ChatMessageLanguage.LANG_UNIVERSAL, (ulong)session.Character.Id, message)); break; } /* * 2 - Raid * 3 - Guild * 4 - Officer * 6 - Whisper From * 7 - Whisper To * 8 - Emote * 9 - nao sei * 10 - Server * 17 - nao sei cinza * 20 - AFK * 21 - DND * 22 - Ignore * 23 - nao sei azul * 24 - verde * Write((byte) type); * Write((uint) msgLanguage); * Write(characterId); * Write((uint) message.Length + 1); * Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message + '\0')); * Write((byte)0); // Flag???? * * 13 - ti´po emote * 26 - whispers: algo * Write((byte) type); * Write((uint) msgLanguage); * Write((uint) 0); * Write(characterId); * Write((uint) message.Length + 1); * Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message + '\0')); * Write((byte) 0); // 0 = normal / 1 = AFK / 2 = DND / 3 = GM * * 11 - npc Says * 12 - npc Yells * Write((byte) type); * Write((uint) msgLanguage); * Write((uint) 0); * Write(characterId); * Write(characterId); * Write((uint) message.Length + 1); * Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message + '\0')); * Write((byte) 0); // 0 = normal / 1 = AFK / 2 = DND / 3 = GM * * 0- say * 1 - party * 5 - yell * Write((byte) type); * Write((uint) msgLanguage); * Write(characterId); * Write(characterId); * Write((uint) message.Length + 1); * Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message + '\0')); * Write((byte) 0); // 0 = normal / 1 = AFK / 2 = DND / 3 = GM */ }
internal static void OnFriendList(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { session.SendPacket(new SmsgFriendList()); session.SendPacket(new SmsgIgnoreList()); }
internal static void OnPlayerLogin(RealmServerSession session, CmsgPlayerLogin handler) { session.Character = MainForm.Database.GetCharacter(handler.Guid); // Change Player Status Online // Part One session.SendPacket(new SmsgLoginVerifyWorld(session.Character)); // DONE session.SendPacket(new SmsgAccountDataTimes()); // DONE session.SendMessageMotd("Welcome to World of Warcraft."); // DONE session.SendMessageMotd("Servidor do caralho vai curintia ...."); // DONE // Part Two session.SendPacket(new SmsgSetRestStart()); session.SendPacket(new SmsgBindpointupdate(session.Character)); // DONE session.SendPacket(new SmsgTutorialFlags()); session.SendPacket(new SmsgLoginSettimespeed()); // DONE session.SendPacket(new SmsgInitialSpells(session.Character)); session.SendPacket(new SmsgActionButtons(session.Character)); // DONE session.SendPacket(new SmsgInitializeFactions(session.Character)); // DONE // Send Cinematic if first time if (session.Character.is_movie_played == false) { ChrRaces chrRaces = MainForm.ChrRacesReader.GetData(session.Character.race); session.SendPacket(new SmsgTriggerCinematic(chrRaces.CinematicId)); // DONE } // Part Three session.SendPacket(new SmsgCorpseReclaimDelay()); // DONE // Spawn Player session.SendPacket(new SmsgInitWorldStates(session.Character)); session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateOwnCharacterUpdate(session.Character, out session.Entity)); // Set Sesstion Player session.Entity.Session = session; WorldManager.DispatchOnPlayerSpawn(session.Entity); // Generate Inventory foreach (var inventory in MainForm.Database.GetInventory(session.Character)) { session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateItem(inventory, session.Character)); } /* * // Cast talents and racial passive spells * * /////////////////////////////// PT1 * // Setting instance ID * * // Set player to transport * * // If we have changed map * * // Loading map cell if not loaded * * // SMSG_SET_PROFICIENCY * * // SMSG_UPDATE_AURA_DURATION * * //FillAllUpdateFlags(); * //SendUpdate() -> Contem ao envio dos itens * * // Adding to World * // AddToWorld(Me) * * // Enable client moving * // SendTimeSyncReq(client) * * // Send update on aura durations * * /////////////////////////////// PT2 * // Update character status in database * * // Guild Message Of The Day * * // Social lists * * // Send "Friend online" * * // Send online notify for guild * * // Put back character in group if disconnected */ }
public CommandsHelper(RealmServerSession session, string message) { string[] splitMessage = message.Split(' '); Console.WriteLine($@"[Comando]: {splitMessage[0].ToLower()}"); if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "db") { XmlReader.Boot(); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "obj") { session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateGameObject(session.Character.MapX, session.Character.MapY, session.Character.MapZ)); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "unt") { session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateUnit(session.Character.MapX, session.Character.MapY, session.Character.MapZ, session.Character.MapO)); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "item") { Console.WriteLine($@"Veio item aqui {Aba} => {int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower())}"); MainForm.Database.ItemUpdate(int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower())); Thread.Sleep(1500); var inventory = MainForm.Database.GetInventory(session.Character); for (int j = 0; j < 112; j++) { if (inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j) != null) { if (j < 19) { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_0 + (int)inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j).slot * 12, inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j).item); session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_PROPERTIES + j * 12, 0); } session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_FIELD_INV_SLOT_HEAD + j * 2, inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j).item); session.SendPacket(UpdateObject.CreateItem(inventory.Find(item => item.slot == j), session.Character)); } else { if (j < 19) { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_0 + j * 12, 0); session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_PROPERTIES + j * 12, 0); } session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)PlayerFields.PLAYER_FIELD_INV_SLOT_HEAD + j * 2, 0); } } Aba++; } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "gps") { session.SendMessageMotd( $"MapX: {session.Character.MapX} = MapY: {session.Character.MapY} = MapZ: {session.Character.MapZ} = MapO: {session.Character.MapO}"); Console.WriteLine($@"MapX: {session.Character.MapX} = MapY: {session.Character.MapY} = MapZ: {session.Character.MapZ} = MapO: {session.Character.MapO}"); Console.WriteLine($@"----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($@"Players: {session.Entity.KnownPlayers.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($@"Objects: {session.Entity.KnownGameObjects.Count} "); // Creatures // Corpses // You are seen by: } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "a") { //session.SendPacket(new SmsgSetRestStart()); session.SendPacket(new SmsgTriggerCinematic(int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower()))); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "c") { session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, int.Parse(splitMessage[1].ToLower())); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "b") { // Disable Movement session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UnitFlags.UNIT_FLAG_STUNTED); // UNIT_FLAG_STUNTED Console.WriteLine($@"Atual: [{Value}] NEW {Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitFlags)).Cast<UnitFlags>().SkipWhile(e => e != Value).Skip(1).First()}"); Value = Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitFlags)).Cast <UnitFlags>().SkipWhile(e => e != Value).Skip(1).First(); // StandState -> Sit session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, 1); //StandStates.STANDSTATE_SIT); Thread.Sleep(1000); session.SendPacket(new SmsgStandstateUpdate(1)); Console.WriteLine(Aba); Aba++; } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "emote") { session.SendPacket(new SmsgTextEmote((int)session.Entity.ObjectGuid.RawGuid, Convert.ToUInt32(splitMessage[2]), Convert.ToInt32(splitMessage[1]))); } if (splitMessage[0].ToLower() == "vai") { string attributeName = splitMessage[1].ToLower(); string attributeValue = splitMessage[2]; switch (attributeName) { case "l": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL, int.Parse(attributeValue)); break; case "s": session.Entity.Scale = float.Parse(attributeValue); break; case "g": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, (byte)int.Parse(attributeValue), 2); break; case "m": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID, int.Parse(attributeValue)); break; case "e": session.Entity.SetUpdateField((int)UnitFields.UNIT_NPC_EMOTESTATE, (byte)int.Parse(attributeValue)); break; } } }
internal static void OnGmTicketSystemStatus(RealmServerSession session, PacketReader handler) { // check if system is available session.SendPacket(new SmsgGmticketSystemstatus(GMTicketSystemStatus.GMTICKET_SYSTEMSTATUS_ENABLED)); }
internal static void OnCharEnum(RealmServerSession session, byte[] data) { List <Characters> characters = MainForm.Database.GetCharacters(session.Users.username); session.SendPacket(new SmsgCharEnum(characters)); }
public static void Handler(RealmServerSession session, byte[] data) { var characters = Characters.GetCharacters(session.Users.username); session.SendPacket(new SMSG_CHAR_ENUM(characters)); }
internal static void OnQueryTime(RealmServerSession session, byte[] data) { session.SendPacket(new SmsgQueryTimeResponse()); }
public void Move(RealmServerSession session) { session.SendPacket(new SmsgMonsterMove(session, ObjectGuid.RawGuid, MapX, MapY, MapZ)); }