public override Color GetColor(Raytracer raytracer, Ray ray, RaycastHit hit, TraceData traceData) { Vector2 texCoord; Vector3 surfaceNormal; Vector3 tangent, binormal; bool texCoordAndTangentRequired = NormalMap != null || DiffuseTexture != null || SpecularMap != null || ReflectionMap != null; texCoordAndTangentRequired = true; // DEBUG if (texCoordAndTangentRequired) { Vector3 localNormal; Vector3 localTangent; ColliderUtils.GetTexCoordAndTangent( hit, out texCoord, out localNormal, out localTangent ); tangent = hit.collider.transform.TransformDirection(localTangent); surfaceNormal = hit.collider.transform.TransformDirection(localNormal); binormal = Vector3.Cross(tangent, surfaceNormal); #region Debug Visualisation #if DEBUG_SHOW_TEX_COORDS return(new Color(texCoord.x, texCoord.y, 0, 1)); #endif #if DEBUG_SHOW_BARYCENTRIC_COORDS Vector3 dbgBc = hit.barycentricCoordinate; return(new Color(dbgBc.x, dbgBc.y, dbgBc.z, 1)); #endif #if DEBUG_SHOW_NORMALS Vector3 dbgLocalNormal = localNormal; //dbgLocalNormal = new Vector3 ( // Mathf.Abs ( dbgLocalNormal.x ), // Mathf.Abs ( dbgLocalNormal.y ), // Mathf.Abs ( dbgLocalNormal.z ) //); dbgLocalNormal = (dbgLocalNormal + * 0.5f; return(new Color(dbgLocalNormal.x, dbgLocalNormal.y, dbgLocalNormal.z, 1)); #endif #if DEBUG_SHOW_TANGENTS Vector3 dbgLocalTangent = localTangent; if (false) { dbgLocalTangent = new Vector3( Mathf.Abs(dbgLocalTangent.x), Mathf.Abs(dbgLocalTangent.y), Mathf.Abs(dbgLocalTangent.z) ); } else if (false) { dbgLocalTangent = new Vector3( Mathf.Abs(dbgLocalTangent.x > 0 ? dbgLocalTangent.x : 0), Mathf.Abs(dbgLocalTangent.y > 0 ? dbgLocalTangent.y : 0), Mathf.Abs(dbgLocalTangent.z > 0 ? dbgLocalTangent.z : 0) ); } else { dbgLocalTangent = (dbgLocalTangent + * 0.5f; } return(new Color(dbgLocalTangent.x, dbgLocalTangent.y, dbgLocalTangent.z, 1)); #endif #if DEBUG_SHOW_BINORMALS Vector3 localBinormal = Vector3.Cross(localTangent, localNormal); Vector3 dbgBinormal = localBinormal; dbgBinormal = new Vector3( Mathf.Abs(dbgBinormal.x), Mathf.Abs(dbgBinormal.y), Mathf.Abs(dbgBinormal.z) ); return(new Color(dbgBinormal.x, dbgBinormal.y, dbgBinormal.z, 1)); #endif #endregion Debug Visualisation } else { texCoord =; surfaceNormal = hit.normal; tangent =; binormal =; } bool entering = Vector3.Dot(hit.normal, ray.direction) <= 0; surfaceNormal = entering ? surfaceNormal : -surfaceNormal; /* TODO: revise where "entering" calculated upon hit.normal should be replaced * with "entering" calculated upon surfaceNormal transformed with TBN. */ if (NormalMap != null && NormalMapInfluence > 0) { var normalMapRt = TextureCache.FromUnityTexture(NormalMap); Color normalMapColor = normalMapRt.GetFilteredPixel(texCoord.x, texCoord.y); Vector3 texNormal = new Vector3(normalMapColor.r, normalMapColor.g, normalMapColor.b); texNormal = 2 * texNormal -; texNormal.Normalize(); Vector3 texNormalWorld = Raytracer.TransformTbn(texNormal, tangent, binormal, surfaceNormal); float normalMapInfluence = Mathf.Clamp01(NormalMapInfluence); surfaceNormal = Vector3.Lerp(surfaceNormal, texNormalWorld, normalMapInfluence).normalized; #if DEBUG_SHOW_SURFACE_NORMALS Vector3 dbgSurfaceNormal = surfaceNormal; //dbgSurfaceNormal = new Vector3 ( // Mathf.Abs ( dbgSurfaceNormal.x ), // Mathf.Abs ( dbgSurfaceNormal.y ), // Mathf.Abs ( dbgSurfaceNormal.z ) //); dbgSurfaceNormal = (dbgSurfaceNormal + * 0.5f; return(new Color(dbgSurfaceNormal.x, dbgSurfaceNormal.y, dbgSurfaceNormal.z, 1)); #endif } float specularIntensity = SpecularComponent; if (SpecularMap != null && SpecularMapInfluence > 0 && specularIntensity > 0) { var specularMapRt = TextureCache.FromUnityTexture(SpecularMap); Color specularMapColor = specularMapRt.GetFilteredPixel(texCoord.x, texCoord.y); specularIntensity *= specularMapColor.grayscale * specularMapColor.a; float specularMapInfluence = Mathf.Clamp01(SpecularMapInfluence); specularIntensity = Mathf.Lerp(SpecularComponent, specularIntensity, specularMapInfluence); } Color totalColor =; Color diffuseLightSumColor = raytracer.OverrideAmbientLight ? raytracer.AmbientLight : RenderSettings.ambientLight; diffuseLightSumColor *= DiffuseComponent; Color specularLightSumColor =; var lights = Light.GetLights(LightType.Point, 0); foreach (var light in lights) { Vector3 vToLight = light.transform.position - hit.point; float lightVolumeRadius = light.range * 0.00625f; // Empirical coefficient. float distance = vToLight.magnitude - lightVolumeRadius; if (distance < 0) { distance = 0; } else if (distance >= light.range) { continue; } Vector3 dirToLight = vToLight.normalized; float attenuation; attenuation = 1 - distance / light.range; attenuation = attenuation * attenuation; float lightIntensity = light.intensity * LightIntensityFactor; if (DiffuseComponent > 0) { float diffuseIntensity = Vector3.Dot(dirToLight, surfaceNormal); if (diffuseIntensity > 0) { diffuseIntensity = Mathf.Pow(diffuseIntensity, DiffuseExponent); Color diffuseLightColor = light.color * attenuation * diffuseIntensity * lightIntensity; diffuseLightSumColor += diffuseLightColor; } } if (specularIntensity > 0) { Vector3 reflectionDir = Vector3.Reflect(-dirToLight, surfaceNormal); Vector3 vToView = raytracer.Camera.transform.position - hit.point; Vector3 dirToView = vToView.normalized; float specularity = Vector3.Dot(reflectionDir, dirToView); if (specularity > 0) { specularity = Mathf.Pow(specularity, SpecularPower); Color specularLightColor = light.color * attenuation * specularity * lightIntensity; specularLightSumColor += specularLightColor; } } } Color diffuseColor; if (DiffuseTexture != null) { var diffuseTextureRt = TextureCache.FromUnityTexture(DiffuseTexture); // TODO: calculate miplevel, get the color according to its value. Color texColor = diffuseTextureRt.GetFilteredPixel(texCoord.x, texCoord.y); if (texColor.a < 1 && DiffuseColorIsBackground) { diffuseColor = Color.Lerp(this.DiffuseColor, texColor, texColor.a); } else { diffuseColor = Color.Lerp(, texColor, texColor.a); } diffuseColor.a = texColor.a; } else { diffuseColor = this.DiffuseColor; } totalColor = diffuseLightSumColor * diffuseColor * DiffuseComponent + specularLightSumColor * specularIntensity; if (raytracer.MustInterrupt(totalColor, traceData)) { return(totalColor); } bool willReflect; float reflectionIntensity; if (entering) { willReflect = ReflectionComponent > 0 && traceData.NumReflections < raytracer.MaxReflections; reflectionIntensity = ReflectionComponent; } else { willReflect = InnerReflectionComponent > 0 && traceData.NumInnerReflections < raytracer.MaxInnerReflections; reflectionIntensity = InnerReflectionComponent; } if (willReflect && ReflectionMap != null && ReflectionMapInfluence > 0) { var reflectionMapRt = TextureCache.FromUnityTexture(ReflectionMap); Color reflectionMapColor = reflectionMapRt.GetFilteredPixel(texCoord.x, texCoord.y); float reflectionMapIntensity = reflectionMapColor.grayscale * reflectionMapColor.a; float reflectionMapInfluence = Mathf.Clamp01(ReflectionMapInfluence); reflectionIntensity = Mathf.Lerp(reflectionIntensity, reflectionMapIntensity * reflectionIntensity, reflectionMapInfluence); willReflect = reflectionIntensity > 0; } float refractionIntensity = RefractionComponent; if (RefractWhereTranslucent) { refractionIntensity *= 1 - diffuseColor.a * DiffuseComponent; } bool willRefract = refractionIntensity > 0 && traceData.NumRefractions < raytracer.MaxRefractions; bool forkingRequired = willReflect && willRefract; TraceData tdForRefraction; if (forkingRequired) { tdForRefraction = traceData.Fork(); } else { tdForRefraction = traceData; } if (willReflect) { if (entering) { traceData.NumReflections++; traceData.Counters.Reflections++; } else { traceData.NumInnerReflections++; traceData.Counters.InnerReflections++; } Vector3 reflectionDir = Vector3.Reflect(ray.direction, surfaceNormal); Vector3 pushedOutPoint = hit.point + reflectionDir * Raytracer.PushOutMagnitude; Color reflectionColor = raytracer.Trace(new Ray(pushedOutPoint, reflectionDir), traceData); totalColor += reflectionColor * reflectionIntensity; if (raytracer.MustInterrupt(totalColor, traceData)) { return(totalColor); } } if (willRefract) { tdForRefraction.NumRefractions++; tdForRefraction.Counters.Refractions++; CoefficientOut = RefractionIndex; CoefficientIn = 1 / RefractionIndex; if (CoefficientOut > 1) { CriticalOutAngleCos = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - CoefficientIn * CoefficientIn); CriticalInAngleCos = 0; } else { CriticalOutAngleCos = 0; CriticalInAngleCos = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - CoefficientOut * CoefficientOut); } float criticalAngleCos = entering ? CriticalInAngleCos : CriticalOutAngleCos; Vector3 refractionDir; float nDotRay = Vector3.Dot(surfaceNormal, ray.direction); if (Mathf.Abs(nDotRay) >= criticalAngleCos) { if (entering) { tdForRefraction.PenetrationStack.Push(hit); } else { tdForRefraction.PenetrationStack.Pop(); } float k = entering ? CoefficientIn : CoefficientOut; refractionDir = Raytracer.Refract(ray.direction, surfaceNormal, nDotRay, k); refractionDir.Normalize(); } else // Total internal reflection. { refractionDir = Vector3.Reflect(ray.direction, surfaceNormal); } Vector3 pushedOutPoint = hit.point + refractionDir * Raytracer.PushOutMagnitude; Color refractionColor = raytracer.Trace(new Ray(pushedOutPoint, refractionDir), tdForRefraction); if (ColorAberration != 0 && entering) { //float rDotRay = Vector3.Dot ( refractionDir, ray.direction ); refractionColor = HsvColor.ChangeHue(refractionColor, (1 + nDotRay) * ColorAberration); } totalColor += refractionColor * refractionIntensity; if (raytracer.MustInterrupt(totalColor, tdForRefraction)) { return(totalColor); } } return(totalColor); }