예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: Ja4m3s02/Pong
        void Draw()
            //DRAWING Logic

            Raylib.DrawCircle((int)ball.pos.X, (int)ball.pos.Y, ball.radius, Color.RAYWHITE);

            Raylib.DrawFPS(10, 10);

예제 #2
        void Draw()

            if (currentGameState != null)

            Raylib.DrawFPS(10, windowHeight - 30);
예제 #3
        void Draw()

            if (tile != null)

            Raylib.DrawFPS(windowWidth - 100, 20);
예제 #4
        void Draw()

            if (currentGameState != null)

            Raylib.DrawFPS(windowWidth - 70, 10);

예제 #5
        //Used to display objects and other info on the screen.
        public void Draw()


            Raylib.DrawText("SPACE SHOT", 465, 10, 50, Color.VIOLET);
            Raylib.DrawFPS(1, 1);

            if (_gameOver)

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs every frame. Used for drawing to the screen
        /// </summary>
        private void Draw()
            // Begin Raylib Drawing

            // Clear the screen

            // Draw the current scene to the screen

            // Draw Debug info
            Raylib.DrawFPS(Raylib.GetScreenWidth() - 100, 10);
            Raylib.DrawText("Actors: " + GetCurrentScene().NumActors.ToString(), 10, 10, 16, Color.GREEN);

            // End Raylib Drawing
예제 #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Vector2 mousePos = Raylib.GetMousePosition();
            int     time     = 0;
            int     Cvalue   = 220;
            int     set      = 0;
            int     min      = 0;
            int     hour     = 14;
            int     days     = 0;
            int     width    = 1200;
            int     height   = 1000;

            string[] gameState  = { "intro", "main", "info", "settings", "win" };
            string   select     = gameState[0];
            Color    timeOfDay  = new Color(Cvalue, Cvalue, Cvalue - 60, 150);
            Track    Traintrack = new Track()
                name = "Tomoul track"

            Traintrack.OrderAdd(100, 200);
            Traintrack.OrderAdd(950, 700);
            Train Cooltrain = new Train()
                name = "Tomoul Train", storage = new int[5], speed = 2f, cost = 500, xy = new Vector2(Traintrack.stopOrder[0].xy.X - 25, Traintrack.stopOrder[0].xy.Y - 10)

            Raylib.InitWindow(width, height, "Trainline");

            while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose())
                switch (select)
                case "intro":

                    Raylib.DrawText("Trainline", width / 2 - 300, 50, 120, Color.BLACK);
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(width / 2 - 120, height / 2 - 120, 220, 100, Color.BLACK);
                    Raylib.DrawText("Start", width / 2 - 100, height / 2 - 100, 60, Color.WHITE);
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(width / 2 - 150, height / 2, 300, 100, Color.BLACK);
                    Raylib.DrawText("Settings", width / 2 - 130, height / 2 + 20, 60, Color.WHITE);
                    mousePos = Raylib.GetMousePosition();
                    Vector2 startPosMin    = new Vector2(width / 2 - 120, height / 2 - 120);
                    Vector2 startPosMax    = new Vector2(width / 2 + 100, height / 2 - 20);
                    Vector2 settingsPosMin = new Vector2(width / 2 - 150, height / 2);
                    Vector2 settingsPosMax = new Vector2(width / 2 + 150, height / 2 + 120);
                    if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) == true && mousePos.X >= startPosMin.X && mousePos.Y >= startPosMin.Y && mousePos.X <= startPosMax.X && mousePos.Y <= startPosMax.Y)
                        select = gameState[1];
                    else if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) == true && mousePos.X >= settingsPosMin.X && mousePos.Y >= settingsPosMin.Y && mousePos.X <= settingsPosMax.X && mousePos.Y <= settingsPosMax.Y)
                        select = gameState[3];


                case "main":
                    timeOfDay = new Color(Cvalue, Cvalue, Cvalue - 60, 150);
                    if (time < 720)
                        if (set == 5)
                            set = 0;
                    else if (time >= 720 && time < 1440)
                        if (set == 5)
                            set = 0;
                    if (time > 1440)
                        time = 0;
                        set  = 0;
                    List <string> Namn = new List <string>();
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(0, 900, 1200, 100, Color.BLACK);
                    if (set == 5)
                        min = min + 5;
                    if (min > 55)
                        min = 0;
                    if (hour > 23)
                        hour = 0;
                    if (min == 0 || min == 5)
                        if (hour <= 9)
                            Raylib.DrawText("Day " + days + ", Clock 0" + hour + ":0" + min, 800, 900, 40, Color.GREEN);
                            Raylib.DrawText("Day " + days + ", Clock " + hour + ":0" + min, 800, 900, 40, Color.GREEN);
                    else if (hour <= 9)
                        Raylib.DrawText("Day " + days + ", Clock 0" + hour + ":" + min, 800, 900, 40, Color.GREEN);
                        Raylib.DrawText("Day " + days + ", Clock " + hour + ":" + min, 800, 900, 40, Color.GREEN);
                    Raylib.DrawFPS(50, 50);
                    trainmove(Cooltrain, Traintrack);

                case "info":


                    Raylib.DrawCircle(100, 100, 100, Color.BLUE);


                case "settings":


                    Raylib.DrawCircle(100, 100, 100, Color.BLUE);
예제 #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //World Rules
            bool open       = true;
            int  width      = 600;                  //Width of the window
            int  height     = 600;                  //Height of the window
            int  worldX     = 0;                    //Where the world 0 is - X axis
            int  worldY     = 0;                    //Where the world 0 is - Y axis
            int  gameState  = 0;                    //What part of the game is active       0 = Main Menu   1 = Game   2 = Death
            int  gravity    = 0;                    //The force of gravity
            int  cayTimeOri = 10;                   //How long the cayote Time should be
            int  cayTime    = 0;                    //Current Cayote Time

            //Player Rules
            int  size    = 20;                    //Size of the player squere
            int  playerX = width / 2 - size / 2;  //Where the player is on the screen - X axis
            int  playerY = height / 2 - size / 2; //Where the player is on the screen - Y axis
            int  playerWorldX;                    //Where the player is Worldwise - X axis
            int  playerWorldY;                    //Where the player is Worldwise - Y axis
            bool fall;                            //If the player should fall
            int  jump  = 0;                       //Force upwards - Warning should not be tinkered with as the player would start by jumping
            int  speed = 16;                      //How fast the player is
            int  coins = 0;

            //Normal Platforms
            int platformLength = 2;                                                                   //How many platforms are integrated, Flawed system as it needs to be changed as well when adding new platforms

            int[] platformX      = new int[platformLength];                                           //Where each platform is related to world 0 - X axis
            int[] platformY      = new int[platformLength];                                           //Where each platform is related to world 0 - Y axis
            int[] platformWidth  = new int[platformLength];                                           //The width of each platform
            int[] platformHeight = new int[platformLength];                                           //The length of each platform
            platformX[0] = -500; platformY[0] = 500; platformWidth[0] = 2000; platformHeight[0] = 25; //Platform 0
            platformX[1] = -200; platformY[1] = 301; platformWidth[1] = 200; platformHeight[1] = 25;  //Platform 1
            //Should possibley be changed to a class format

            int coinLength = 1;                         //How many coins are integrated, Flawed system as it needs to be changed as well when adding new coins
            int coinSize   = 10;                        //The size of coins

            int[]  coinX      = new int[coinLength];    //Where each coin is related to world 0 - X axis
            int[]  coinY      = new int[coinLength];    //Where each coin is related to world 0 - Y axis
            bool[] coinHidden = new bool[coinLength];   //Hide coins picked up
            coinX[0] = 100; coinY[0] = 480;             //Coin 0
            for (int i = 0; i < coinHidden.Length; i++)
                coinHidden[i] = false;

            //File Creation
            bool   fileCreation     = false;
            string fileName         = "";
            int    fileCreationStep = 0;

            //Map creation
            int mapCreationStep = 0;

            //checkPoint creation
            string     checkPointString    = "";
            Color      checkPointColor     = new Color(0, 255, 0, 130);
            int        checkPointSize      = 30;
            List <int> buildingcheckPointX = new List <int>();
            List <int> buildingcheckPointY = new List <int>();
            //Platform creation
            string     platformString        = "";
            Color      platformColor         = new Color(255, 255, 255, 130);
            List <int> buildingPlatformX     = new List <int>();
            List <int> buildingPlatformY     = new List <int>();
            List <int> buildingPlatformWidth = new List <int>();
            List <int> buildingPlatformHigth = new List <int>();
            int        currentPlatformX      = 0;
            int        currentPlatformY      = 0;
            int        currentPlatformW      = 0;
            int        currentPlatformH      = 0;
            //Coin creation
            string     coinString    = "";
            Color      coinColor     = new Color(0, 255, 0, 130);
            List <int> buildingCoinX = new List <int>();
            List <int> buildingCoinY = new List <int>();

            int loadStep     = 0;
            int loadButWidth = 400;
            int loadButHight = 100;
            int loadY        = 0;

            string[] existingDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(@"maps");
            Color[]  mapColBack          = new Color[existingDirectories.Length];
            Color[]  mapColFront         = new Color[existingDirectories.Length];
            Raylib.InitWindow(width, height, "Platformer");     //Creates Window
            Raylib.SetTargetFPS(60);                            //Target Framerate
            while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose() && open == true) //Reapeats every Frame, The Game
                if (gameState == 0)                             //Main Menu

                else if (gameState == 1) //Game

                else if (gameState == 2) //Death

                else if (gameState == 3) //Create Map File

                else if (gameState == 4) //Make Level

                else if (gameState == 5) //Choose Map

                    gameState = 0;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_ESCAPE) && gameState != 3 && gameState != 4)
                    gameState = 0;

            void menu()         //Gamestate 0
                int   mouseX       = Raylib.GetMouseX();
                int   mouseY       = Raylib.GetMouseY();
                Color but1ColBack  = new Color(30, 30, 30, 255);
                Color but2ColBack  = new Color(30, 30, 30, 255);
                Color but3ColBack  = new Color(30, 30, 30, 255);
                Color but1ColFront = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                Color but2ColFront = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                Color but3ColFront = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);

                if ((mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 320) && (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 270))
                    but1ColBack  = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                    but1ColFront = new Color(10, 10, 10, 255);
                if ((mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 320) && (mouseY > 270 && mouseY < 320))
                    but2ColBack  = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                    but2ColFront = new Color(10, 10, 10, 255);
                if ((mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 320) && (mouseY > 340 && mouseY < 390))
                    but3ColBack  = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                    but3ColFront = new Color(10, 10, 10, 255);
                if ((mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 320) && (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 270) && Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) == true)
                    gameState = 1;
                if ((mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 320) && (mouseY > 270 && mouseY < 320) && Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) == true)
                    gameState = 3;
                if ((mouseX > 20 && mouseX < 320) && (mouseY > 340 && mouseY < 390) && Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) == true)
                    gameState = 5;
                Raylib.BeginDrawing();                                              //Begin Draw
                Raylib.ClearBackground(Color.BLACK);                                //Background
                Raylib.DrawText("A Small Platformer", 20, 20, 60, Color.WHITE);
                Raylib.DrawRectangle(20, 200, 300, 50, but1ColBack);
                Raylib.DrawText("Play Game", 30, 210, 30, but1ColFront);
                Raylib.DrawRectangle(20, 270, 300, 50, but2ColBack);
                Raylib.DrawText("Make Level", 30, 280, 30, but2ColFront);
                Raylib.DrawRectangle(20, 340, 300, 50, but3ColBack);
                Raylib.DrawText("LOREM IPSUM", 30, 350, 30, but3ColFront);
                Raylib.EndDrawing();                                                //End Draw
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_ESCAPE) && gameState == 0)
                    open = false;

            void game()         //Gamestate 1
                playerWorldX = playerX - worldX;
                playerWorldY = playerY - worldY;
                fall         = true;

                movement(); //Player Movement

                logic();    //Platform and Gravity Logic + Jump

                Raylib.BeginDrawing();                                                                                                    //Begin Draw
                Raylib.ClearBackground(Color.BLACK);                                                                                      //Background
                Raylib.DrawRectangle(playerX, playerY, size, size, Color.GREEN);                                                          //Player
                for (int i = 0; i < platformX.Length; i++)                                                                                //Platforms loop
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(worldX + platformX[i], worldY + platformY[i], platformWidth[i], platformHeight[i], Color.WHITE); //Induvidual Platforms

                for (int i = 0; i < coinX.Length; i++)                           //Platforms loop
                    if (coinHidden[i] == false)
                        Raylib.DrawRectangle(worldX + coinX[i], worldY + coinY[i], coinSize, coinSize, Color.YELLOW); //Induvidual Platforms
                Raylib.DrawFPS(10, 10);
                Raylib.DrawText("Coins: " + coins, 10, 40, 10, Color.YELLOW);
                Raylib.EndDrawing(); //End Draw

            void movement()                                                                        //Prt of GS 1
                if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_A) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT)) //Go Left
                    if (width / 2 - 100 < playerX)                                                 //Move player within boundary
                        playerX -= speed;
                    else                                //Otherwise move world
                        worldX += speed;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_D) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT)) //Go Right
                    if (width / 2 + 100 > playerX)                                                  //Move player within boundary
                        playerX += speed;
                    else                                //Otherwise move world
                        worldX -= speed;

            void logic()                                 //Prt of GS 1
                for (int i = 0; i < platformLength; i++) //Platform Logic
                    //Make not fall if on platform
                    if ((playerWorldY + size - gravity <= platformY[i]) && (playerWorldY + size >= platformY[i]) && (playerWorldX + size > platformX[i]) && (playerWorldX < platformX[i] + platformWidth[i]))
                        if (playerWorldY + size - gravity <= platformY[i])
                            playerY = platformY[i] - size;
                        fall = false;
                //Create the possibility to jump if cayote Time hasent gone to 0
                if ((Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_W) || Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_UP)) && cayTime > 0)
                    jump    = 40;
                    cayTime = 0;
                if (fall == true)    //If nothing stoped it from falling it will fall
                    playerY += gravity;
                    if (cayTime > 0)
                if (fall == false)    //If the player isnt falling
                    gravity = 0;
                    cayTime = cayTimeOri;
                if (jump != 0)        //Gravity implementation
                    playerY -= jump;  //Affect player
                    jump    -= 2;     //Deceases jumpforce until 0
                if (playerY > height) //Fall death
                    gameState = 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < coinLength; i++)
                    if (((playerWorldX < coinX[i] && playerWorldX + size > coinX[i]) || (playerWorldX <coinX[i] + coinSize && playerWorldX + size> coinX[i] + coinSize)) && ((playerWorldY <coinY[i] && playerWorldY + size> coinY[i]) || (playerWorldY <coinY[i] + coinSize && playerWorldY + size> coinY[i] + coinSize)) && coinHidden[i] == false)
                        coinHidden[i] = true;

            void death()            //Gamestate 2
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_R))
                    worldX    = 0;
                    worldY    = 0;
                    playerX   = 300;
                    playerY   = 300;
                    gameState = 1;
                Raylib.BeginDrawing();                                                       //Begin Draw
                Raylib.ClearBackground(Color.BLACK);                                         //Background
                Raylib.DrawText("You Died", width / 2 - 90, height / 2 - 20, 40, Color.RED); //Death Text
                Raylib.DrawText("Press [R] to restart", width / 2 - 210, height / 2 + 60, 40, Color.RED);
                Raylib.EndDrawing();                                                         //End Draw

            void fileCreate()       //Gamestate 3
                if (fileCreationStep == 0)
                    fileCreation = true;
                    fileCreation = false;
                    if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_ENTER))
                        fileCreationStep = 1;
                    Raylib.DrawText("Make a new File", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                    Raylib.DrawText(fileName, 20, 110, 20, Color.WHITE);
                if (fileCreationStep == 1)
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(@"maps\" + fileName);
                    File.Create(@"maps\" + fileName + @"\platform.txt").Close();
                    System.Console.WriteLine("File Created: " + fileName + @"\platform.txt");
                    File.Create(@"maps\" + fileName + @"\checkPoint.txt").Close();
                    System.Console.WriteLine("File Created: " + fileName + @"\checkPoint.txt");
                    File.Create(@"maps\" + fileName + @"\coin.txt").Close();
                    System.Console.WriteLine("File Created: " + fileName + @"\coin.txt");

                    fileCreationStep = 2;
                if (fileCreationStep == 2)
                    Raylib.DrawText("New File Created", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                    gameState = 4;

            void mapCreate()        //Gamestate 4
                if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
                    if (mapCreationStep == 5)       //Coins
                        coinString += (Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX).ToString();
                        coinString += "," + (Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY).ToString();
                        buildingCoinX.Add(Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX - coinSize / 2);
                        buildingCoinY.Add(Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY - coinSize / 2);
                        coinString += Environment.NewLine;
                    if (mapCreationStep == 2)       //X, Y for platform
                        platformString += (Raylib.GetMouseX() + worldX).ToString();
                        platformString += "," + (Raylib.GetMouseY() + worldY).ToString();
                        buildingPlatformX.Add(Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX);
                        buildingPlatformY.Add(Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY);
                        currentPlatformX = Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX;
                        currentPlatformY = Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY;
                        mapCreationStep  = -1;
                    if (mapCreationStep == 3)       //Width and Heigth for platforms
                        currentPlatformW = currentPlatformX - (Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX);
                        currentPlatformH = currentPlatformY - (Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY);
                        if (currentPlatformW < 0)
                            currentPlatformW = currentPlatformW * -1;
                        if (currentPlatformH < 0)
                            currentPlatformH = currentPlatformH * -1;
                        platformString += "," + (currentPlatformW).ToString();
                        platformString += "," + (currentPlatformH).ToString();
                        platformString += Environment.NewLine;
                        mapCreationStep = 2;
                    if (mapCreationStep == 1)       //checkPoints
                        checkPointString += Environment.NewLine;
                        checkPointString += (Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX).ToString();
                        checkPointString += "," + (Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY).ToString();
                        buildingcheckPointX.Add(Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX);
                        buildingcheckPointY.Add(Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY);
                    if (mapCreationStep == 0)       //Initial spawn
                        System.Console.WriteLine("ACTIVE FILE = " + fileName);
                        checkPointString  = (Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX).ToString();
                        checkPointString += "," + (Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY).ToString();
                        buildingcheckPointX.Add(Raylib.GetMouseX() - worldX - checkPointSize / 2);
                        buildingcheckPointY.Add(Raylib.GetMouseY() - worldY - checkPointSize / 2);
                        mapCreationStep = 1;
                    if (mapCreationStep == -1)
                        mapCreationStep = 3;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_W) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_UP))
                    worldY += speed;
                if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_A) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT))
                    worldX += speed;
                if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_S) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_DOWN))
                    worldY -= speed;
                if (Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_D) || Raylib.IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT))
                    worldX -= speed;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_ENTER))
                    if (mapCreationStep == 5)
                        File.WriteAllText(@"maps\" + fileName + @"\coin.txt", coinString);
                        gameState = 0;
                    if (mapCreationStep == 2)
                        File.WriteAllText(@"maps\" + fileName + @"\platform.txt", platformString);
                        mapCreationStep = 5;
                    if (mapCreationStep == 1)
                        File.WriteAllText(@"maps\" + fileName + @"\checkPoint.txt", checkPointString);
                        mapCreationStep = 2;

                if (mapCreationStep == 0)
                    Raylib.DrawText("Choose a place for player spawn", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                if (mapCreationStep == 1)
                    Raylib.DrawText("Choose a place for the next checkPoint", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                if (mapCreationStep == 2)
                    Raylib.DrawText("Choose a place for the next platform", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                if (mapCreationStep == 3)
                    Raylib.DrawText("Choose a place for the other end of the platform", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                if (mapCreationStep == 5)
                    Raylib.DrawText("Choose a place to place coins", 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);
                for (int i = 0; i < buildingcheckPointX.Count; i++)
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(buildingcheckPointX[i] + worldX, buildingcheckPointY[i] + worldY, checkPointSize, checkPointSize, checkPointColor);
                for (int i = 0; i < buildingPlatformHigth.Count; i++)
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(buildingPlatformX[i] + worldX, buildingPlatformY[i] + worldY, buildingPlatformWidth[i], buildingPlatformHigth[i], platformColor);
                for (int i = 0; i < buildingCoinX.Count; i++)
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(buildingCoinX[i] + worldX, buildingCoinY[i] + worldY, coinSize, coinSize, Color.YELLOW);


            void mapLoad()          //Gamestate 5
                if (loadStep == 0)
                    loadY = 0;
                    string[] existingDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(@"maps");
                    loadStep = 1;
                else if (loadStep == 1)
                else if (loadStep == 3)

            void initialLoad()
                if (existingDirectories.Length > 0)
                    Raylib.BeginDrawing();                                              //Begin Draw
                    Raylib.ClearBackground(Color.BLACK);                                //Background
                    for (int i = 0; i < existingDirectories.Length; i++)
                        string directoryName = new DirectoryInfo(existingDirectories[i]).Name;
                        mapColBack[i]  = new Color(20, 20, 20, 255);
                        mapColFront[i] = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);

                        if (Raylib.GetMouseX() > 20 && Raylib.GetMouseX() < 20 + loadButWidth && Raylib.GetMouseY() > 20 + i * 20 + i * loadButHight && Raylib.GetMouseY() < 20 + i * 20 + i * loadButHight + loadButHight)
                            mapColBack[i]  = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                            mapColFront[i] = new Color(20, 20, 20, 255);
                        if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
                            if (Raylib.GetMouseX() > 20 && Raylib.GetMouseX() < 20 + loadButWidth && Raylib.GetMouseY() > 20 + i * 20 + i * loadButHight && Raylib.GetMouseY() < 20 + i * 20 + i * loadButHight + loadButHight)
                                char[]   loadSeperator     = { '\n' };
                                string   loadPlatform      = File.ReadAllText(existingDirectories[i] + @"\platform.txt");
                                string[] loadPlatformSplit = loadPlatform.Split(loadSeperator);

                                for (int g = 0; g < loadPlatformSplit.Length; g++)
                                string[] loadCoin       = File.ReadAllLines(existingDirectories[i] + @"\coin.txt");
                                string[] loadCheckPoint = File.ReadAllLines(existingDirectories[i] + @"\checkPoint.txt");
                        Raylib.DrawRectangle(20, 20 + loadY + i * (loadButHight + 20), loadButWidth, loadButHight, mapColBack[i]);
                        Raylib.DrawText(directoryName, 30, 30 + i * 20 + i * loadButHight, 30, mapColFront[i]);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("No files found");
                    gameState = 0;

            void keyBoard()     //When the Player should write text
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_A))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "a";

                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_B))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "b";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_C))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "c";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_D))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "d";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_E))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "e";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_F))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "f";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_G))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "g";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_H))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "h";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_I))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "i";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_J))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "j";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_K))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "k";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_L))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "l";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_M))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "m";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_N))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "n";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_O))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "o";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_P))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "p";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_Q))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "q";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_R))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "r";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_S))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "s";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_T))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "t";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_U))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "u";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_V))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "v";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_W))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "w";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_X))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "x";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_Y))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "y";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_Z))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "z";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_ONE))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "1";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_TWO))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "2";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_THREE))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "3";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_FOUR))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "4";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_FIVE))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "5";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_SIX))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "6";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_SEVEN))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "7";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_EIGHT))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "8";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_NINE))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "9";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_ZERO))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += "0";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_SPACE))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                        fileName += " ";
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_BACKSPACE))
                    if (fileCreation == true)
                            fileName = fileName.Remove(fileName.Length - 1, 1);
                        catch {}
예제 #9
        public void Update()
            if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
            if (Raylib.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON))

            if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_SPACE))
                updateGrid = !updateGrid;

            if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT))
                speed += 5;
            if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT))
                speed -= 5;
            speed = (int)Math.Clamp(speed, 0, 100);

            if (updateGrid)

            for (var y = 0; y < gridY; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < gridX; x++)
                    var cell  = state[y * gridX + x];
                    var color =
                        cell == Cell.Empty ? Color.GRAY :
                        cell == Cell.Water ? Color.BLUE :
                        cell == Cell.Sand ? Color.YELLOW : Color.BLACK;
                    Raylib.DrawRectangle(x * cellSize, y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize, color);
            Raylib.DrawFPS(1200, 0);

            var t = Raylib.MeasureText("PAUSED", 50);

            Raylib.DrawText(updateGrid ? "" : "PAUSED", Raylib.GetScreenWidth() / 2 - t / 2, Raylib.GetScreenHeight() / 2, 50, Color.WHITE);
            Raylib.DrawText($"speed: {speed}", 1, 1, 20, Color.WHITE);

            void changeCellAtMouse(Cell cell)
                var m = Raylib.GetMousePosition();
                var x = (int)(m.X / cellSize);
                var y = (int)(m.Y / cellSize);

                if (x > 0 && y > 0 && x < gridX && y < gridY)
                    state[y * gridX + x] = cell;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Display all Entities that are Visible using thier RenderLayer order
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Render()
            // Get all RenderComponent, sort them, low -> high
            List <RenderComponent> ComponentsToRender = new List <RenderComponent>();

            // Find all Entities (in case some were removed/added)
            GameEntities  = EntityContext.GetEntities().Where(e => e.EntityType == 0).ToList();
            SceneEntities = EntityContext.GetEntities().Where(e => e.EntityType == 1).ToList();

            foreach (Entity ent in GameEntities)
                if (!(ent.Get <Transform>().Enabled&& ent.Get <Transform>().Visiable))

                // Ask Entitas for all components attached to "ent" entity
                Entitas.IComponent[] allComp = ent.GetComponents();                       //this entity's component
                foreach (Entitas.IComponent comp in allComp)                              //get the renderable ones
                    if (comp is IRenderable)
                        RenderComponent myComp = (RenderComponent)comp;

            //   CAMERA DISPLAY  BeginMode2D

            if (CameraEnabled && CameraEntityToFollow != null)
                //    need to get the entity that is target of camera -> target Get<Transform>().Position
                //    Any component that is in view of the camera, is drawn first

                switch (CameraType2D)
                case Camera2DType.FollowPlayer:

                case Camera2DType.FollowInsideMap:

                case Camera2DType.FollowCenterSmooth:

            //   RENDER ORDER  sorting (low to high) then render
            foreach (RenderComponent myComp in ComponentsToRender.OrderBy(e => e.RenderLayer))
                myComp.Render();                                                                                        //call draw method
            //   CAMERA DISPLAY  EndMode2D
            if (CameraEnabled && CameraEntityToFollow != null)
                if (Global.DebugRenderEnabled)
                    // display camera position
                    int screenHeight = Global.SceneHeight;
                    int screenWidth  = Global.SceneWidth;

                    int tx = (int)CameraEntityToFollow.Get <Transform>().Position.X;
                    int ty = (int)CameraEntityToFollow.Get <Transform>().Position.Y;

                    Raylib.DrawLine(tx, -screenHeight * 10, tx, screenHeight * 10, Color.GREEN);    //Verticval
                    Raylib.DrawLine(-screenWidth * 10, ty, screenWidth * 10, ty, Color.GREEN);      //Horizontal

                    //tx = (int)Global.WindowCenter.X;
                    //ty = (int)Global.WindowCenter.Y;
                    //Raylib.DrawLine(tx, -screenHeight * 10, tx, screenHeight * 10, Color.RED);    //Verticval
                    //Raylib.DrawLine(-screenWidth * 10, ty, screenWidth * 10, ty, Color.RED);      //Horizontal
            //   U I  ENTITIES , they are drawn on top of all other game entities
            foreach (Entity ent in SceneEntities)
                if (!ent.Get <Transform>().Enabled)

                if (!ent.Get <Transform>().Visiable)

                Entitas.IComponent[] allComp = ent.GetComponents();                         //this entity's component
                foreach (Entitas.IComponent comp in allComp)
                    if (comp is IRenderable)
                        RenderComponent myComp = (RenderComponent)comp;
                        myComp.Render();                                                            //call draw method

            // Scene debug
            if (Global.DebugRenderEnabled)
                Raylib.DrawText(Raylib.GetMousePosition().ToString(), 10, 10, 20, Color.WHITE);

                if (CameraEnabled && CameraEntityToFollow != null)
                    Raylib.DrawFPS(10, 30);
                    Raylib.DrawText("Zoom" + Camera.zoom.ToString(), 10, 50, 20, Color.WHITE);
                    Raylib.DrawFPS(10, 30);
예제 #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Raylib.InitWindow(1366, 768, "Foam Test");

            //args = new string[] { "C:/Projekti/Foam/bin/mapfoam/sample/test.mapfoam" };
            //args = new[] { "C:/Projekti/Ray/build/bin/sample/light_test.mapfoam" };

            Cam3D = new Camera3D(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitY);
            Raylib.SetCameraMode(Cam3D, CameraMode.CAMERA_FREE);

            Model[]   Models    = null;
            FoamModel FoamModel = null;

            bool DrawText        = true;
            bool DrawWireframe   = false;
            bool DrawSkeleton    = true;
            bool UpdateAnimation = true;

            while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose())
                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_F1))
                    DrawText = !DrawText;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_F2))
                    DrawWireframe = !DrawWireframe;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_F3))
                    DrawSkeleton = !DrawSkeleton;

                if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_F4))
                    UpdateAnimation = !UpdateAnimation;

                if (Raylib.IsFileDropped() || (args != null && args.Length > 0))
                    string DroppedFile = null;

                    if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                        DroppedFile = args[0];
                        args        = null;
                        DroppedFile = Raylib.GetDroppedFiles()[0];

                    Model[] NewModels = LoadModels(DroppedFile, out float Scale, out FoamModel NewFoamModel);

                    if (NewModels != null && NewFoamModel != null)
                        if (NewModels.Length == 0 && NewFoamModel.Animations != null && FoamModel != null)
                            foreach (var NewAnim in NewFoamModel.Animations)
                                Utils.Append(ref FoamModel.Animations, NewAnim);
                            if (Models != null)
                                foreach (var M in Models)

                            Models    = NewModels;
                            FoamModel = NewFoamModel;

                            //Cam3D.position = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f) * Scale;
                            //Cam3D.target = new Vector3(0, 0.25f, 0) * Scale;


                /*if (Models != null)
                 *      UpdateModel(FoamModel, FrameIndex);*/

                Raylib.ClearBackground(new Color(50, 50, 50));
                //Raylib.ClearBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0));

                if (Models != null)
                    Raylib.UpdateCamera(ref Cam3D);

                    for (int i = 0; i < Models.Length; i++)
                        if (DrawWireframe)
                            Raylib.DrawModelWires(Models[i], Vector3.Zero, 1, Color.White);
                            Raylib.DrawModel(Models[i], Vector3.Zero, 1, Color.White);

                    if (UpdateAnimation)

                    if (FoamModel != null && DrawSkeleton)


                    if (DrawText)
                        if (WorldTexts != null)
                            foreach (var KV in WorldTexts)
                                Raylib.DrawText(KV.Value, (int)KV.Key.X, (int)KV.Key.Y, 10, Color.White);

                DrawTextLine("F1 - Toggle bone names", 0);
                DrawTextLine("F2 - Toggle wireframe", 1);
                DrawTextLine("F3 - Toggle skeleton", 2);
                DrawTextLine("F4 - Toggle animations", 3);

                Raylib.DrawFPS(5, 5);
예제 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region setup och listor

            int    screenY = 900;
            int    screenX = 1400;
            string scene   = "intro";
            int    score   = 0;
            int    miss    = 0;
            Raylib.InitWindow(screenX, screenY, "Carnival Shooter");
            bool exitGame = false;

            // Gör enemies till listan
            Rectangle e1 = new Rectangle(-300, 125, 90, 90);
            Rectangle e2 = new Rectangle(screenX + 300, 360, 110, 110);
            Rectangle e3 = new Rectangle(-300, 650, 120, 120);

            //Lista till struct
            List <EnemyStruct> enemyList = new List <EnemyStruct>();
            enemyList.Add(new EnemyStruct(e1, 15));

            List <EnemyStruct> enemyList1 = new List <EnemyStruct>();
            enemyList1.Add(new EnemyStruct(e2, -10));

            List <EnemyStruct> enemyList2 = new List <EnemyStruct>();
            enemyList2.Add(new EnemyStruct(e3, 5));

             *          // Lista till speed som läggs till
             *          List<int> speed = new List<int>();
             *          speed.Add(15);
             *          speed.Add(-10);
             *          speed.Add(5);

            // main loop
            while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose() && !exitGame)


                #region intro

                if (scene == "intro")
                    introScreen(screenX, screenY);

                    if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_SPACE))
                        scene = "game";
                    else if (Raylib.IsKeyPressed(KeyboardKey.KEY_Q))
                        exitGame = true;

                #region backgrund och structförsök (game skärmen)

                else if (scene == "game")

                    Texture2D bg = Raylib.LoadTexture("bg_vatten1.png");
                    Raylib.DrawTexture(bg, 0, 0, Color.WHITE);

                    Raylib.DrawFPS(40, 40);
                    // försök till att använda structurer

                    for (int i = 0; i < enemyList.Count; i++)
                        EnemyStruct e = enemyList[i];
                        Raylib.DrawRectangle((int)e.rect.x, (int)e.rect.y, (int)e.rect.width, (int)e.rect.height, Color.WHITE);

                    for (int i = 0; i < enemyList1.Count; i++)
                        EnemyStruct e = enemyList1[i];
                        Raylib.DrawRectangle((int)e.rect.x, (int)e.rect.y, (int)e.rect.width, (int)e.rect.height, Color.WHITE);

                    for (int i = 0; i < enemyList2.Count; i++)
                        EnemyStruct e = enemyList2[i];
                        Raylib.DrawRectangle((int)e.rect.x, (int)e.rect.y, (int)e.rect.width, (int)e.rect.height, Color.WHITE);

                    #region enemy spawn

                    //detta ska spawna en till enemy
                    if (enemyList.Last().rect.x > 0)
                        enemyList.Add(new EnemyStruct(new Rectangle(-300, 125, 90, 90), 15));
                        //  speed.Add(15);

                    if (enemyList1.Last().rect.x < screenX)
                        enemyList1.Add(new EnemyStruct(new Rectangle((screenX + 300), 360, 110, 110), -15));
                        //  speed.Add(-15);

                    if (enemyList2.Last().rect.x > 0)
                        enemyList2.Add(new EnemyStruct(new Rectangle(-300, 650, 120, 120), 5));
                        //   speed.Add(5);

                    score = enemy(screenX, screenY, score, miss, enemyList, enemyList1, enemyList2);
                    Score(screenX, score);
                    Miss(screenX, screenY, miss); //(används inte än)

예제 #13
        public static int Init(bool debugging = true, bool resetProgress = false, bool raylibLogging = false, bool displayFPS = false)
            // Initialization
            bool firstRun = true;

            // Count the amount of cycles to track when to run GC.Collect
            int cleanupCounter = 0;

            // Count the amount of times tab was pressed in a certain period of time.
            int tabCounter = 0;

            if (debugging)

            // Custom Logging
            if (raylibLogging)

            // Reset to defaults
            if (resetProgress)
                settings = new Settings(true);

            // Create Window
            // 800x600 is the games internal resolution.
            InitWindow(800, 600, "M O O N S H O T");

            Image icon = LoadImage(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Images/moon.png"));

            Raylib.ImageResize(ref icon, 100, 100);

            // Enable Sound

            // Switch to Full Screen if setting is set.
            if (!Raylib.IsWindowFullscreen() && settings.StartFullscreen)

            // Set the Exit Key to something invalid. To disable it...
            Raylib.SetExitKey(KeyboardKey.KEY_LEFT_CONTROL | KeyboardKey.KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL);

            // Set FPS Target

            // Set currentScreenTempStore to the currentScreen if savedProgress is true
            if (settings.savedProgress)
                currentScreenTempStore = settings.currentScreen;

            // Main game loop
            while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button
                if (displayFPS)
                    Raylib.DrawFPS(0, 0);

                // Check if tab key is pressed and if so launch save menu
                if (!settings.nonGameScreens.Contains(settings.currentScreen.ToLower()))
                    tabCounter = SavetoMenu(tabCounter, cleanupCounter);

                // Toggle FullScreen on Escape key

                // Draw

                // Splash Screen on initial launch
                if (firstRun)
                    (new splashScreen()).Display();
                    if (cleanupCounter > 150)
                        firstRun = false;
                else if (Raylib.GetScreenWidth() > 800)
                    Raylib.DrawText("Screen resize not working!\nPlease change resolution to 800x600 manually.", 30, 30, 30, WHITE);
                    // Go through each screen and check if screen name matches the currentScreen.
                    // This is how we track the game state. Not sure if this is how other's would create games but it works.
                    bool foundScreen = false;
                    foreach (screen scrn in settings.screensList)
                        if (settings.savedProgress == true)
                            if (settings.nonGameScreens.Contains(scrn.Name.ToLower()) && settings.nonGameScreens.Contains(settings.currentScreen.ToLower()))
                                if (settings.currentScreen.ToLower() == "avoid meteor game")
                                else if (settings.currentScreen.ToLower() == "collect rocks game")
                                else if (settings.currentScreen.ToLower() == scrn.Name.ToLower())
                                    ((screen)scrn).Display(); // Display screen
                                    foundScreen = true;
                            if (scrn.Name.ToLower() == settings.currentScreen.ToLower())
                                ((screen)scrn).Display(); // Display screen
                                foundScreen = true;
                    if (!foundScreen)
                        settings.currentScreen = "welcome";

                // Count loops

                // .NET Garbage collection every 10000 cycles
                // Probably not needed but why not?
                if (cleanupCounter > 10000)
                    cleanupCounter = 0;

                // Exit if Running is false;
                if (!settings.Running)


            // Save settings
            if (settings.nonGameScreens.Contains(settings.currentScreen.ToLower()))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentScreenTempStore))
                    settings.currentScreen = currentScreenTempStore;
                else if (settings.currentScreen.ToLower() == "avoid meteor game")
                else if (settings.currentScreen.ToLower() == "collect rocks game")
                else if (settings.currentScreen.ToLower() == "repair ship")
                    settings.currentScreen = "main trail";
                    settings.currentScreen = "";

            // De-Initialization
            CloseWindow();        // Close window and OpenGL context
