/// <summary>
        /// Creates map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the map</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the map</param>
        /// <returns>Array of tiles</returns>
        public static WorldTile[] GenerateMap(int width, int height)
            bool[,] cells = new bool[width, height];

            // Fill map with 1 or 0 randomly
            UH.Loops(width, height, (x, y) => cells[x, y] = x == 0 || y == 0 || x == width - 1 || y == height - 1 || RandomService.GetRandomBool(_generatorWallRoomRation));

            // Simulation
            for (int i = 0; i < _generatorSteps; i++)
                cells = SimulationStep(cells);

            // Set map
            WorldTile[] map = new WorldTile[width * height];
            UH.Loops(width, height, (x, y) => map[y * width + x] = new WorldTile(y * width + x, x, y, cells[x, y], new CollisionType[0]));

            // Set walls' collisions
            UH.Loops(width, height, (x, y) => {
                WorldTile tile = map[y * width + x];
                if (!tile.IsWall)

                List <CollisionType> collision = new List <CollisionType>( );

                if (x - 1 < 0 || !map[y * width + x - 1].IsWall)
                if (x + 1 >= width || !map[y * width + x + 1].IsWall)
                if (y - 1 < 0 || !map[(y - 1) * width + x].IsWall)
                if (y + 1 >= height || !map[(y + 1) * width + x].IsWall)

                tile.Collisions = collision.ToArray( );
