public static Dictionary <string, IEnumerable> SampleTestData(int maxRows, int minValue = 1, int maxValue = 100, int denominator = 100, string dataSetName = "Data") { List <ExcelTestData> values = new List <ExcelTestData>(); Dictionary <string, IEnumerable> results = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable>(); Random random = new Random(); RandomDateTime randomdt = new RandomDateTime(1990, 1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < maxRows; i++) { int r = random.Next(minValue, maxValue); decimal result = Convert.ToDecimal((double)r / denominator); values.Add(new ExcelTestData() { decimalvalue = result, datetimevalue = randomdt.Next() }); } results.Add(dataSetName, values); return(results); }
public static BlobInfoV1 Blob() { return(new BlobInfoV1 { Id = IdGenerator.NextLong(), Group = RandomText.Name(), Name = RandomText.Name(), Size = RandomLong.NextLong(100, 100000), ContentType = RandomArray.Pick(new string[] { "text/plain", "application/binary", "application/json" }), CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, ExpireTime = RandomDateTime.NextDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow, new DateTime(2010, 1, 1)), Completed = RandomBoolean.NextBoolean() }); }
internal SerializedDataStorage() { try { _persons = SerializationManager.Deserialize <List <Person> >(FileFolderHelper.StorageFilePath); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _persons = new List <Person>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { RandomDateTime random = new RandomDateTime(); _persons.Add(new Person(random.GenRandomString(i), "Person_" + i, "user_" + i + "", random.GenRandomDateTime(new DateTime(1960 + i, i % 12 + 1, 1, 8, 30, 52), DateTime.Today))); } SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task ReturnsPublishedFundingTemplatesForGivenFundingStreamAndPeriod() { DateTime expectedPublishDate = new RandomDateTime(); IEnumerable <PolicyApiClientModel.PublishedFundingTemplate> publishedFundingTemplates = new List <PolicyApiClientModel.PublishedFundingTemplate> { new PolicyApiClientModel.PublishedFundingTemplate() { AuthorName = "AuthName", AuthorId = "AuthId", PublishDate = expectedPublishDate, PublishNote = "SomeComments", SchemaVersion = "1.2", TemplateVersion = "2.3" } }; GivenApiPublishedFundingTemplates(_fundingStreamId, _fundingPeriodId, publishedFundingTemplates); OkObjectResult result = await WhenGetPublishedFundingTemplates(_fundingStreamId, _fundingPeriodId) as OkObjectResult; result .Should() .NotBeNull(); PublishedFundingTemplate template = result.Value.As <IEnumerable <PublishedFundingTemplate> >().FirstOrDefault(); template .Should() .NotBeNull(); template .Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new PublishedFundingTemplate { AuthorName = "AuthName", PublishNote = "SomeComments", MinorVersion = "3", MajorVersion = "2", PublishDate = expectedPublishDate, SchemaVersion = "1.2" }); }
public async Task DelegatesToRepositoryAndReturnsQueryResult() { string fundingPeriodId = NewRandomString(); string fundingStreamId = NewRandomString(); DateTime?expectedResult = new RandomDateTime(); _publishedFundingRepository.Setup(_ => _.GetLatestPublishedDate(fundingStreamId, fundingPeriodId)) .ReturnsAsync(expectedResult); OkObjectResult result = await _service.GetLatestPublishedDate(fundingStreamId, fundingPeriodId) as OkObjectResult; result?.Value .Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new LatestPublishedDate { Value = expectedResult }); }
public void EvictDeletesAllCachedFilesCreatedBeforeSuppliedDateTimeOffset() { string expectedEvictedFileOne = NewRandomString(); string expectedEvictedFileTwo = NewRandomString(); string expectedEvictedFileThree = NewRandomString(); string expectedEvictedFileFour = NewRandomString(); DateTimeOffset evictBefore = new RandomDateTime(); GivenTheMatchingFileCreatesBefore(evictBefore, expectedEvictedFileOne, expectedEvictedFileTwo, expectedEvictedFileThree, expectedEvictedFileFour); WhenTheFilesAreEvicted(evictBefore); ThenTheFilesWereDeleted(expectedEvictedFileOne, expectedEvictedFileTwo, expectedEvictedFileThree, expectedEvictedFileFour); }
public async Task GetLatestPublishedDateGetsMaxUpdateAtForPublishedProvidersByFundingStreamAndPeriod() { string fundingPeriodId = NewRandomString(); string fundingStreamId = NewRandomString(); DateTime expectedLastPublishedDate = new RandomDateTime(); GivenTheDynamicResultsForTheQuery(_ => _.QueryText?.Equals(@"SELECT MAX(c.updatedAt) FROM c WHERE c.documentType = 'PublishedProvider' AND c.deleted = false AND c.content.current.fundingStreamId = @fundingStreamId AND c.content.current.fundingPeriodId = @fundingPeriodId") == true && HasParameter(_, "@fundingPeriodId", fundingPeriodId) && HasParameter(_, "@fundingStreamId", fundingStreamId), JObject.Parse($"{{\"$1\" : \"{expectedLastPublishedDate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}\"}}")); DateTime?actualLastPublishedDate = await _repository.GetLatestPublishedDate(fundingStreamId, fundingPeriodId); actualLastPublishedDate .Should() .BeCloseTo(expectedLastPublishedDate, 999); }
public static void Main() { Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; do { Console.Clear(); List <Item> items = new List <Item>(); RandomDateTime randomDate = new RandomDateTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int choice = rnd.Next(0, 3); try { // Равновероятностное создание объектов разных типов if (choice == 0) { items.Add(new Cake(Helper.RandomName(rnd.Next(5, 15)), rnd.Next(0, 100001), rnd.Next(0, 201), randomDate.Next()));; } else if (choice == 1) { items.Add(new Electronics(Helper.RandomName(rnd.Next(5, 15)), rnd.Next(0, 100001), rnd.Next(0, 201), 14.1 * rnd.NextDouble() + 0.9)); } else { items.Add(new Medicine(Helper.RandomName(rnd.Next(5, 15)), rnd.Next(0, 100001), rnd.Next(0, 201), Helper.IsAntibio())); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine("NullReferenceException found..."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } try { Stock stock = new Stock(items); Console.WriteLine("Список созданных объектов: \n"); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (var item in items) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } stock.SendItems(); // Отправка (сериализация) объектов items = null; Stock stock1 = new Stock(items); // Создание нового склада Console.WriteLine("\n\nРезультат десериализации:\n"); Thread.Sleep(1500); stock1.ReceiveItems(); // Получение (десериализация) объектов SuperMarket superMarket = new SuperMarket(); OnlineStore onlineStore = new OnlineStore(); Mall mall = new Mall(); // Распределение объектов по различным типам магазинов foreach (var item in stock1.allitems) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(Cake)) { superMarket.AcceptItem(item); } else if (item.Name.Length < 10) { mall.AcceptItem(item); } else { onlineStore.AcceptItem(item); } } // Сортировка объектов в разных магазинах согласно спецификации superMarket.SortItems(); mall.SortItems(); onlineStore.SortItems(); // Вывод всех объектов на экран Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nПредметы в онлайн магазине: \n"); Thread.Sleep(1500); for (int i = 0; i < onlineStore.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(onlineStore[i]); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nПредметы в торговом центре:\n"); Thread.Sleep(1500); for (int i = 0; i < mall.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(mall[i]); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nПредметы в супермаркете: \n"); Thread.Sleep(1500); for (int i = 0; i < superMarket.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(superMarket[i]); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Console.WriteLine("NullReferenceException found..."); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException found"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("\nНажмите ESC для завершения программы или другую клавишу для нового запуска\n"); }while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape); }
public void GeneratesCsvRows() { DateTime openedDate1 = new RandomDateTime(); DateTime closedDate1 = new RandomDateTime(); IEnumerable <PublishedProviderVersion> publishedProviderVersions = NewPublishedProviderVersions(ppv => ppv.WithProvider( NewProvider(pr => pr .WithSuccessor("successor1") .WithName("prname1") .WithLACode("lacode1") .WithAuthority("laname1") .WithURN("urn1") .WithUKPRN("ukprn1") .WithProviderType("pt1") .WithProviderSubType("pst1") .WithDateOpened(openedDate1) .WithDateClosed(closedDate1) .WithReasonEstablishmentOpened("openReason1") .WithReasonEstablishmentClosed("closeReason1") .WithTrustCode("trustCode1") .WithTrustName("trustName1")) ) .WithAuthor(NewReference(auth => auth.WithName("author1"))) .WithVariationReasons(new[] { VariationReason.LACodeFieldUpdated, VariationReason.MiddleSuperOutputAreaCodeFieldUpdated }) .WithVersion(2) .WithProviderId("providerId") .WithPublishedProviderStatus(PublishedProviderStatus.Updated), ppv => ppv.WithProvider( NewProvider(pr => pr .WithSuccessor("") .WithName("prname2") .WithLACode("lacode2") .WithAuthority("laname2") .WithURN("urn2") .WithUKPRN("ukprn2") .WithDateOpened(null) .WithDateClosed(null) .WithReasonEstablishmentClosed("closeReason2") .WithProviderType("pt2") .WithProviderSubType("pst2") .WithTrustCode("trustCode2") .WithTrustName("trustName2"))) .WithAuthor(NewReference(auth => auth.WithName("author2"))) .WithVersion(1) .WithProviderId("providerId") .WithPublishedProviderStatus(PublishedProviderStatus.Released)); dynamic[] expectedCsvRows = { new Dictionary <string, object> { { "UKPRN", "ukprn1" }, { "Provider Has Successor","True" }, { "Provider Data Changed","True" }, { "Provider Has Closed","True" }, { "Provider Has Opened","True" }, { "Variation Reason","LACodeFieldUpdated|MiddleSuperOutputAreaCodeFieldUpdated" }, { "Current URN", "urn1" }, { "Current Provider Name","prname1" }, { "Current Provider Type","pt1" }, { "Current Provider Subtype","pst1" }, { "Current LA Code","lacode1" }, { "Current LA Name","laname1" }, { "Current Open Date",openedDate1.ToString("s") }, { "Current Open Reason","openReason1" }, { "Current Close Date",closedDate1.ToString("s") }, { "Current Close Reason","closeReason1" }, { "Current Successor Provider ID","successor1" }, { "Current Trust Code","trustCode1" }, { "Current Trust Name","trustName1" }, { "Previous URN", "urn2" }, { "Previous Provider Name","prname2" }, { "Previous Provider Type","pt2" }, { "Previous Provider Subtype","pst2" }, { "Previous LA Code","lacode2" }, { "Previous LA Name","laname2" }, { "Previous Close Date",null }, { "Previous Close Reason","closeReason2" }, { "Previous Trust Code","trustCode2" }, { "Previous Trust Name","trustName2" }, } }; IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, PublishedProviderVersion> > publishedProviderVersionGroup = publishedProviderVersions.GroupBy(x => x.ProviderId); ExpandoObject[] transformProviderResultsIntoCsvRows = _transformation .Transform(publishedProviderVersionGroup) .ToArray(); transformProviderResultsIntoCsvRows .Should() .BeEquivalentTo(expectedCsvRows, cfg => cfg.WithStrictOrdering()); }
private static void SeedContas(ContasAPagarContext context) { if (!context.Boletos.Any()) { #region Gera Novos Boletos Random rand = new Random(); RandomDateTime randdt = new RandomDateTime(); int tam = rand.Next(1, 25); List <Boleto> boletos = new List <Boleto>(tam); for (int x = 0; x < tam; x++) { Boleto b = new Boleto(); b.DataAlteracao = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null; b.DataCriacao = randdt.Next(); b.DataEmissao = randdt.Next(); b.DataPagamento = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null; b.DataVencimento = randdt.Next(); b.FornecedorID = context.Fornecedores.Find(rand.Next(1, context.Fornecedores.Count())).ID; b.Juros = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); b.Multa = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); b.Status = ((TipoStatusConta)rand.Next(2)).ToString(); b.TipoConta = (int)TipoConta.Boleto; b.UsuarioID = context.Users.ToArray()[rand.Next(context.Users.Count())].Id; b.ValorAPagar = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); b.ValorDocumento = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); b.LinhaDigitavel = RandomString.NextString(15); b.NumeroDocumento = rand.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); b.Serie = RandomString.NextString(25); boletos.Add(b); } #endregion boletos.ForEach(i => { context.Boletos.Add(i); }); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.Impostos.Any()) { #region Gera Novos Impostos Random rand = new Random(); RandomDateTime randdt = new RandomDateTime(); int tam = rand.Next(1, 25); List <Imposto> impostos = new List <Imposto>(tam); for (int x = 0; x < tam; x++) { DateTime dtaprIni, dtAprFim; do { dtaprIni = randdt.Next(); dtAprFim = randdt.Next(); }while (dtaprIni > dtAprFim); impostos.Add(new Imposto { DataAlteracao = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null, DataCriacao = randdt.Next(), DataEmissao = randdt.Next(), DataPagamento = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null, DataVencimento = randdt.Next(), Juros = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), PeriodoApuracaoInicio = dtaprIni, PeriodoApuracaoFim = dtAprFim, Multa = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), Status = ((TipoStatusConta)rand.Next(2)).ToString(), TipoConta = (int)TipoConta.Imposto, UsuarioID = context.Users.ToArray()[rand.Next(context.Users.Count())].Id, ValorAPagar = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), ValorDocumento = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), LinhaDigitavel = RandomString.NextString(15), CNPJMatriz = RandomString.NextString(18), CodigoImposto = rand.Next(), NumeroDocumento = rand.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Serie = RandomString.NextString(25) }); } #endregion impostos.ForEach(i => { context.Impostos.Add(i); }); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.OutrasContas.Any()) { #region Gera novas outras contas Random rand = new Random(); RandomDateTime randdt = new RandomDateTime(); int tam = rand.Next(1, 25); List <OutraConta> outrasContas = new List <OutraConta>(tam); for (int x = 0; x < tam; x++) { DateTime dtaprIni, dtAprFim; do { dtaprIni = randdt.Next(); dtAprFim = randdt.Next(); }while (dtaprIni > dtAprFim); outrasContas.Add(new OutraConta { DataAlteracao = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null, DataCriacao = randdt.Next(), DataEmissao = randdt.Next(), DataPagamento = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null, DataVencimento = randdt.Next(), Juros = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), Multa = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), Status = ((TipoStatusConta)rand.Next(2)).ToString(), TipoConta = (int)TipoConta.Outras, UsuarioID = context.Users.ToArray()[rand.Next(context.Users.Count())].Id, ValorAPagar = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), ValorDocumento = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), FornecedorID = context.Fornecedores.ToArray()[rand.Next(context.Fornecedores.Count())].ID, NumeroDocumento = rand.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Serie = RandomString.NextString(25) }); } #endregion outrasContas.ForEach(o => { context.OutrasContas.Add(o); }); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.Reembolsos.Any()) { #region Gera Novos Reembolsos Random rand = new Random(); RandomDateTime randdt = new RandomDateTime(); int tam = rand.Next(1, 10); List <Reembolso> reembolsos = new List <Reembolso>(); for (int x = 0; x < tam; x++) { DateTime dtaprIni, dtAprFim; do { dtaprIni = randdt.Next(); dtAprFim = randdt.Next(); }while (dtaprIni > dtAprFim); Reembolso r = new Reembolso(); r.DataAlteracao = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null; r.DataCriacao = randdt.Next(); r.DataEmissao = randdt.Next(); r.DataPagamento = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null; r.DataVencimento = randdt.Next(); r.Juros = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); r.Multa = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); r.Status = ((TipoStatusConta)rand.Next(2)).ToString(); r.TipoConta = (int)TipoConta.Renegociacao; r.UsuarioID = context.Users.ToArray()[rand.Next(0, context.Users.Count())].Id; r.ValorAPagar = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); r.ValorDocumento = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250); r.ColaboradorID = context.Colaboradores.ToArray()[rand.Next(0, context.Colaboradores.Count())].Id; r.DataRecibo = randdt.Next(); r.NumeroDocumento = rand.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); r.Serie = RandomString.NextString(25); reembolsos.Add(r); } #endregion reembolsos.ForEach(r => { context.Add(r); }); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.Renegociacoes.Any()) { #region Gera Novas Renegociacoes Random rand = new Random(); RandomDateTime randdt = new RandomDateTime(); int tam = rand.Next(2); List <Renegociacao> renegociacoes = new List <Renegociacao>(tam); for (int x = 0; x < tam; x++) { DateTime dtaprIni, dtAprFim; do { dtaprIni = randdt.Next(); dtAprFim = randdt.Next(); }while (dtaprIni > dtAprFim); renegociacoes.Add(new Renegociacao { DataAlteracao = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null, DataCriacao = randdt.Next(), DataEmissao = randdt.Next(), DataPagamento = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? randdt.Next() : (DateTime?)null, DataVencimento = randdt.Next(), Juros = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), Multa = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), Status = ((TipoStatusConta)rand.Next(2)).ToString(), TipoConta = (int)TipoConta.Renegociacao, UsuarioID = context.Users.ToArray()[rand.Next(context.Users.Count())].Id, ValorAPagar = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), ValorDocumento = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), ContaID = context.Conta.ToArray()[rand.Next(context.Conta.Count())].ID, DataSolicitacao = randdt.Next(), NovaDataVencimento = randdt.Next(), NovoValor = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(250), QuantidadeParcelas = rand.Next(1, 25), TipoRenegociacao = RandomString.NextString(15), NumeroDocumento = rand.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Serie = RandomString.NextString(25) }); } #endregion renegociacoes.ForEach(r => { context.Renegociacoes.Add(r); }); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private static void SeedInfoExt(ContasAPagarContext context) { if (!context.Fornecedores.Any()) { #region Gera Lista de Fornecedores List <Fornecedor> fornecedores = new List <Fornecedor>() { new Fornecedor { Agencia = "001", Bairro = "Jardim Tropical", Cidade = "Sorocaba", CNPJ = "23.374.452/0001-39", CodBanco = "033", Conta = "1658", Email = "*****@*****.**", Endereco = "Rua André Luiz", Numero = "135", RazaoSocial = "Nair e Esther Construções ME", Telefone = "(11) 3685-5108", UF = "SP" }, new Fornecedor { Agencia = "137", Bairro = "Montanhão", Cidade = "São Bernardo do Campo", CNPJ = "83.775.353/0001-90", CodBanco = "001", Conta = "3547", Email = "*****@*****.**", Endereco = "Rua Janete Clair", Numero = "529", RazaoSocial = "Heloise e Erick Informática ME", Telefone = "(11) 3965-8118", UF = "SP" }, new Fornecedor { Agencia = "357", Bairro = "Jardim Novo Ângulo", Cidade = "Hortolândia", CNPJ = "26.703.156/0001-22", CodBanco = "025", Conta = "6523", Email = "*****@*****.**", Endereco = "Travessa E", Numero = "119", RazaoSocial = "Vitória e Nathan Advocacia ME", Telefone = "(19) 2894-5673", UF = "SP" }, new Fornecedor { Agencia = "112", Bairro = "Parque Maria Helena", Cidade = "Campinas", CNPJ = "08.957.455/0001-01", CodBanco = "001", Conta = "1325", Email = "*****@*****.**", Endereco = "Rua Jorge Rodrigues Dias", Numero = "930", RazaoSocial = "Renan e Lucas Consultoria Financeira Ltda", Telefone = "(19) 2573-9236", UF = "SP" }, new Fornecedor { Agencia = "120", Bairro = "Centro", Cidade = "Tupã", CNPJ = "13.706.098/0001-49", CodBanco = "033", Conta = "4523", Email = "*****@*****.**", Endereco = "Rua Potiguaras", Numero = "398", RazaoSocial = "Thiago e Yago Assessoria Jurídica Ltda", Telefone = "(14) 2855-3108", UF = "SP" } }; #endregion fornecedores.ForEach(f => { context.Fornecedores.Add(f); }); context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.ContasMigracao.Any()) { #region Gera Lista de contas para migração Random rand = new Random(); RandomDateTime randomDateTime = new RandomDateTime(); int tam = rand.Next(1, 100); List <ContasMigracao> contasMigracao = new List <ContasMigracao>(tam); for (int x = 0; x < tam; x++) { contasMigracao.Add(new ContasMigracao { DataEmissao = randomDateTime.Next(), DataPagamento = randomDateTime.Next(), DataVencimento = randomDateTime.Next(), ID = rand.Next(), Juros = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(0, 25), Multa = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(0, 25), Tipo = ((TipoContaMigracao)rand.Next(0, 4)).ToString(), Valor = rand.NextDouble() * rand.Next(0, 25) }); } #endregion contasMigracao.ForEach(cm => { context.ContasMigracao.Add(cm); }); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private static void Seed_Empire500XML_MovieInfo_Actors() { var listXmlContainer = XmlToXMLContainer(); using (var context = new MovieDbContext()) { var randomDate = new RandomDateTime(); foreach (var xmlContainer in listXmlContainer) { var movie = (from m in context.MovieSet where m.ImdbLink == xmlContainer.ImdbId select m).FirstOrDefault(); if (movie == null) { var movieToDB = new Movie(); movieToDB.ImdbLink = xmlContainer.ImdbId; movieToDB.Name = xmlContainer.MovieTitle; movieToDB.RunningTime = xmlContainer.Runtime; movieToDB.Year = xmlContainer.Year; movieToDB.PlotOutline = xmlContainer.Plot; movieToDB.CoverImage = xmlContainer.MovieTitle .Replace(" ", "-").Replace(":", "") .Replace("?", "").Replace("*", "") .Replace("/", "").ToLowerInvariant() + ".jpg"; using (var ctx = new MovieDbContext()) { bool directorMapped = false; foreach (var directorName in xmlContainer.Directors) { var possibleNullDirector = new Director(); possibleNullDirector = ctx.DirectorSet.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FullName == directorName); if (possibleNullDirector != null) { movieToDB.DirectorId = possibleNullDirector.Id; directorMapped = true; } break; } if (!directorMapped) { var nameSplitted = xmlContainer.Directors[0].Split(' '); string fname = ""; string lname = ""; string fullName = ""; switch (nameSplitted.Count()) { case 1: fullName = nameSplitted[0]; break; case 2: fname = nameSplitted[0]; lname = nameSplitted[1]; fullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", nameSplitted[0], nameSplitted[1]); break; case 3: fname = nameSplitted[0]; lname = nameSplitted[1] + " " + nameSplitted[2]; fullName = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", nameSplitted[0], nameSplitted[1], nameSplitted[2]); break; case 4: fname = nameSplitted[0]; lname = nameSplitted[1] + " " + nameSplitted[2] + " " + nameSplitted[3]; fullName = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", nameSplitted[0], nameSplitted[1], nameSplitted[2], nameSplitted[3]); break; } var director = new Director { FirstName = fname, LastName = lname, FullName = fullName, Biography = null, CountryId = 1, StateId = 1, CountyId = 1, CreatedAt = randomDate.Next(), Gender = true, ImdbLink = null, Photo = null }; ctx.DirectorSet.Add(director); ctx.SaveChanges(); movieToDB.DirectorId = director.Id; } } string movieLanguage = xmlContainer.Language.Split(',')[0]; var possibleNullLanguage = context.LanguageSet.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == movieLanguage); if (possibleNullLanguage == null) { var language = new Language() { Name = movieLanguage }; context.LanguageSet.Add(language); context.SaveChanges(); movieToDB.LanguageId = language.Id; } else { movieToDB.LanguageId = possibleNullLanguage.Id; } var stringCountry = xmlContainer.Country.Split(',')[0]; var possibleNullCountry = context.CountrySet.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == stringCountry); if (possibleNullCountry == null) { var country = new Country() { Name = stringCountry }; context.CountrySet.Add(country); context.SaveChanges(); movieToDB.CountryId = country.Id; } else { movieToDB.CountryId = possibleNullCountry.Id; } context.MovieSet.Add(movieToDB); context.SaveChanges(); foreach (var actor in xmlContainer.Actors) { var possibleNullActor = context.ActorSet.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FullName == actor); if (possibleNullActor == null) { // aktör yoksa bir şey yapma } else { context.MovieActorMappingSet.Add(new MovieActorMapping() { ActorId = possibleNullActor.Id, MovieId = movieToDB.Id, }); context.SaveChanges(); } } } } } }
public async Task AddJobLog_GivenJobUpdatedAndCompletedUnsuccesfully_EnsuresLatestCacheIsNotUpdated(CompletionStatus completionStatus) { //Arrange string jobId = "job-id-1"; DateTimeOffset lastUpdated = new RandomDateTime(); List <Outcome> outcomes = new List <Outcome> { new Outcome { Description = "outcome-1" } }; string specificationId = "spec-id-1"; string jobDefinitionId = "job-definition-id"; JobLogUpdateModel jobLogUpdateModel = new JobLogUpdateModel { CompletedSuccessfully = false, Outcome = "outcome", ItemsFailed = 40, ItemsProcessed = 100, ItemsSucceeded = 60 }; Job job = new Job { Id = jobId, RunningStatus = RunningStatus.InProgress, JobDefinitionId = jobDefinitionId, InvokerUserDisplayName = "authorName", InvokerUserId = "authorId", LastUpdated = lastUpdated, ItemCount = 100, SpecificationId = specificationId, Trigger = new Trigger { EntityId = "spec-id-1", EntityType = "Specification", Message = "allocating" }, Outcomes = outcomes }; Job completedJob = new Job { Id = jobId, RunningStatus = RunningStatus.Completed, JobDefinitionId = jobDefinitionId, InvokerUserDisplayName = "authorName", InvokerUserId = "authorId", LastUpdated = lastUpdated, ItemCount = 100, SpecificationId = specificationId, Trigger = new Trigger { EntityId = "spec-id-1", EntityType = "Specification", Message = "allocating" }, Outcomes = outcomes, CompletionStatus = completionStatus, }; IJobRepository jobRepository = CreateJobRepository(); jobRepository .GetJobById(Arg.Is(jobId)) .Returns(job); jobRepository .UpdateJob(Arg.Is(job)) .Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); jobRepository .CreateJobLog(Arg.Any <JobLog>()) .Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); jobRepository .GetLatestJobBySpecificationIdAndDefinitionId(Arg.Is(specificationId), Arg.Is(jobDefinitionId)) .Returns(completedJob); ILogger logger = CreateLogger(); ICacheProvider cacheProvider = CreateCacheProvider(); JobManagementService jobManagementService = CreateJobManagementService( jobRepository: jobRepository, logger: logger, cacheProvider: cacheProvider); //Act IActionResult actionResult = await jobManagementService.AddJobLog(jobId, jobLogUpdateModel); //Assert actionResult .Should() .BeAssignableTo <OkObjectResult>(); string cacheKey = $"{CacheKeys.LatestJobs}{job.SpecificationId}:{job.JobDefinitionId}"; string latestSuccessfulJobCacheKey = $"{CacheKeys.LatestSuccessfulJobs}{job.SpecificationId}:{job.JobDefinitionId}"; await cacheProvider .Received(1) .SetAsync(cacheKey, Arg.Is <Job>(_ => _.Id == jobId)); await cacheProvider .Received(0) .SetAsync(latestSuccessfulJobCacheKey, Arg.Is <Job>(_ => _.Id == jobId)); }
public async Task AddJobLog_GivenJobUpdatedAndCompletedSuccessfully_EnsuresLatestCacheIsUpdated() { //Arrange string jobId = "job-id-1"; DateTimeOffset lastUpdated = new RandomDateTime(); List <Outcome> outcomes = new List <Outcome> { new Outcome { Description = "outcome-1" } }; string specificationId = "spec-id-1"; string jobDefinitionId = "job-definition-id"; JobLogUpdateModel jobLogUpdateModel = new JobLogUpdateModel { CompletedSuccessfully = true, Outcome = "outcome", ItemsFailed = 40, ItemsProcessed = 100, ItemsSucceeded = 60 }; Job job = new Job { Id = jobId, RunningStatus = RunningStatus.InProgress, JobDefinitionId = jobDefinitionId, InvokerUserDisplayName = "authorName", InvokerUserId = "authorId", LastUpdated = lastUpdated, ItemCount = 100, SpecificationId = specificationId, Trigger = new Trigger { EntityId = "spec-id-1", EntityType = "Specification", Message = "allocating" }, Outcomes = outcomes }; IJobRepository jobRepository = CreateJobRepository(); jobRepository .GetJobById(Arg.Is(jobId)) .Returns(job); jobRepository .UpdateJob(Arg.Is(job)) .Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); jobRepository .CreateJobLog(Arg.Any <JobLog>()) .Returns(HttpStatusCode.OK); jobRepository .GetLatestJobBySpecificationIdAndDefinitionId(Arg.Is(specificationId), Arg.Is(jobDefinitionId)) .Returns(job); ILogger logger = CreateLogger(); INotificationService notificationService = CreateNotificationsService(); ICacheProvider cacheProvider = CreateCacheProvider(); JobManagementService jobManagementService = CreateJobManagementService( jobRepository: jobRepository, logger: logger, notificationService: notificationService, cacheProvider: cacheProvider); //Act IActionResult actionResult = await jobManagementService.AddJobLog(jobId, jobLogUpdateModel); //Assert actionResult .Should() .BeAssignableTo <OkObjectResult>(); await notificationService .Received(1) .SendNotification(Arg.Is <JobSummary>(m => m.JobId == jobId && m.JobType == "job-definition-id" && m.CompletionStatus == CompletionStatus.Succeeded && m.InvokerUserDisplayName == "authorName" && m.InvokerUserId == "authorId" && m.ItemCount == 100 && m.Outcome == "outcome" && m.OverallItemsFailed == 40 && m.OverallItemsProcessed == 100 && m.OverallItemsSucceeded == 60 && m.ParentJobId == null && m.SpecificationId == "spec-id-1" && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.SupersededByJobId) && m.Trigger.EntityId == "spec-id-1" && m.Trigger.EntityType == "Specification" && m.Trigger.Message == "allocating" && m.RunningStatus == RunningStatus.Completed && m.LastUpdated == lastUpdated && m.Outcomes.SequenceEqual(outcomes) && m.OutcomeType == OutcomeType.Succeeded )); string cacheKey = $"{CacheKeys.LatestJobs}{job.SpecificationId}:{job.JobDefinitionId}"; string latestSuccessfulJobCacheKey = $"{CacheKeys.LatestSuccessfulJobs}{job.SpecificationId}:{job.JobDefinitionId}"; await cacheProvider .Received(1) .SetAsync(cacheKey, Arg.Is <Job>(_ => _.Id == jobId)); await cacheProvider .Received(1) .SetAsync(latestSuccessfulJobCacheKey, Arg.Is <Job>(_ => _.Id == jobId)); }
public static void GenerateReview(ApplicationDbContext context, Album album, IdentityUser user, int type, string adminID) { var rand = new Random(); var dateGen = new RandomDateTime(album.ReleaseDate); var date = dateGen.Next(); int rate = 0; switch (type) { case 0: rate = (rand.Next() % 5) + 1; break; case 1: rate = (rand.Next() % 5) + 4; break; case 2: rate = (rand.Next() % 4) + 7; break; } string comment = "Best Album Ever!"; switch (rate) { case 1: comment = "Pure garbage! I regret listening to it"; break; case 2: comment = "Bad album! Didn't feel it this time"; break; case 3: comment = "Won't listen to it again..."; break; case 4: comment = "Heard worst than that one"; break; case 5: comment = "It's OK, nothing more, nothing less"; break; case 6: comment = "Nice one, good listing"; break; case 7: comment = $"This album is totally {user.UserName} approved!"; break; case 8: comment = "Loved it! Can't wait to hear it once again"; break; case 9: comment = "Great album! Really recommended"; break; } var review = new Review { Comment = comment, Rate = rate, Album = album, User = user, CreationTime = date, AlbumId = album.AlbumId }; review.OwnerID = adminID; review.Status = ReviewStatus.Approved; context.Reviews.Add(review); album.UpdateAlbumRate(); album.PageViews++; }