/// <summary> /// Creates a new HTTP content type based on the given media type, /// character set and file extentions. /// </summary> /// <param name="MediaType">The media type for the HTTP content type.</param> /// <param name="CharSet">The char set of the HTTP content type.</param> /// <param name="FileExtentions">Well-known file extentions using this HTTP content type.</param> public HTTPContentType(String MediaType, CharSetType CharSet = CharSetType.UTF8, params String[] FileExtentions) { this._MediaType = MediaType; this._CharSet = CharSet; this._FileExtentions = FileExtentions; if (!_Lookup.ContainsKey(MediaType)) { _Lookup.Add(MediaType, this); } if (_FileExtentions != null && _FileExtentions.Any()) { _FileExtentions.ForEach(FileExtention => { if (_ReverseLookup.ContainsKey(FileExtention)) { var List = new List <HTTPContentType>(_ReverseLookup[FileExtention]); List.Add(this); _ReverseLookup[FileExtention] = List.ToArray(); } else { _ReverseLookup.Add(FileExtention, new HTTPContentType[] { this }); } }); } }
public CharSetEditor(string CharSetName, int CharWidth, int CharHeight, CharSetSort CharSetSort, CharSetType CharSetType) { ConfigureForm(); this.CharWidth = CharWidth; this.CharHeight = CharHeight; this.CharSetSort = CharSetSort; this.CharSetName = CharSetName; this.CharSetType = CharSetType; this.CharSetId = Guid.NewGuid(); SetText(); GenerateEditors(); }
private void SetText() { this.Text = $"{CharSetType.ToString()} {CharSetName}, {CharWidth}x{CharHeight} chars, sorted {CharSetSort.ToString()}"; }