예제 #1
        public virtual ActionResult StartQuest(int Id)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (PvPStatics.AnimateUpdateInProgress)
                TempData["Error"]    = "Player update portion of the world update is still in progress.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "Try again a bit later when the update has progressed farther along.";

            var me = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            // assert player is in an okay form to do this
            if (me.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                TempData["Error"] = "You must be animate in order to begin a quest.";

            // assert that this player is not in a duel
            if (me.InDuel > 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "You must finish your duel before you begin a quest.";

            // assert that this player is not in a quest
            if (me.InQuest > 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "You must finish your current quest before you start another.";

            // assert player has not been in combat recently
            var lastAttackTimeAgo = Math.Abs(Math.Floor(me.GetLastCombatTimestamp().Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMinutes));

            if (lastAttackTimeAgo < TurnTimesStatics.GetMinutesSinceLastCombatBeforeQuestingOrDuelling())
                TempData["Error"]    = "You have been in combat too recently in order to begin this quest.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "You must stay out of combat for another " + (TurnTimesStatics.GetMinutesSinceLastCombatBeforeQuestingOrDuelling() - lastAttackTimeAgo) + " minutes.";

            var questStart = QuestProcedures.GetQuest(Id);

            // assert player is in the correct place
            if (me.dbLocationName != questStart.Location)
                TempData["Error"] = "You are not in the correct location to begin this quest.";

            var gameTurnNum = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber();

            // assert player did not fail or abandon this quest too soon ago
            var lastTurnAttempted = QuestProcedures.GetLastTurnQuestEnded(me, questStart.Id);

            if (PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber() - lastTurnAttempted < QuestStatics.QuestFailCooldownTurnLength)
                TempData["Error"]    = "You recently failed or abandoned this quest.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "You must wait another " + (QuestStatics.QuestFailCooldownTurnLength - (gameTurnNum - lastTurnAttempted)) + " turns before you can attempt this quest again.";

            var questPlayerStatuses = QuestProcedures.GetQuestPlayerStatuses(me);

            var canStartQuest = QuestProcedures.PlayerCanBeginQuest(me, questStart, questPlayerStatuses, gameTurnNum);

            // assert player meets level / game turn requirements for this quest
            if (!canStartQuest)
                TempData["Error"] = "You do not meet all of the criteria to begin this quest.";

            // all checks have passed; start the player on this quest
            QuestProcedures.PlayerBeginQuest(me, questStart);
            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(me.dbLocationName, "<span class='playerMediatingNotification'><b>" + me.GetFullName() + "</b> began the quest <b>" + questStart.Name + "</b> here.</span>");

            TempData["Result"] = "You started the quest " + questStart.Name + ".";