public static string TeleportToQuest(Player player, Random rand = null)
            var lastAttackTimeAgo = Math.Abs(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(player.GetLastCombatTimestamp()).TotalMinutes);

            if (lastAttackTimeAgo < TurnTimesStatics.GetMinutesSinceLastCombatBeforeQuestingOrDuelling())

            var quests = QuestProcedures.GetAllAvailableQuestsForPlayer(player, PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber());

            if (quests == null || !quests.Any())

            rand = rand ?? new Random();
            var index = rand.Next(quests.Count());
            var quest = quests.ToArray()[index];

            if (!Teleport(player, quest.dbName, rand.Next(2) == 0))

            return($"You notice a gold chalice on the shelf, its engraving obscured by dirt.  You decide to blow the dust off and a cloud fills the room.  A frail man with a long white beard and crooked staff emerges from the mist.  \"So, it's a quest you seek?\" comes his shrill, wheezing voice.  \"Well, I have just the thing.  Seek out your victory, young mage.\"  He hands you a scroll.  At the top it is written <b>{quest.Name}</b>.  As you take it you feel yourself transported to a far-off place...");