예제 #1
    /**A function to be called from the Quest Manager class, to return an instance of a given quest item, to be spawned from the quest manager on quest start.*/
    public GameObject SpawnQuestItem(QuestItemName quest_item_name, Transform parent = null)
        //A default value, to be overwritten (Though this is literally what will be spawned if no case is reached in the switch xD)
        GameObject generated_instance = this.m_RoosterPrefab;

        if (parent != null)          //A default value - the only real thing telling the quest items apart are their names and sprites
            generated_instance = GameObject.Instantiate(this.m_DefaultQuestItemPrefab, parent);
            generated_instance = GameObject.Instantiate(this.m_DefaultQuestItemPrefab);
        generated_instance.GetComponent <QuestItemPickup> ().m_QuestItem = new QuestItem();
        switch ((int)quest_item_name)
        case (int)QuestItemName.POTION_OF_WISDOM:
            QuestItem quest_item = generated_instance.GetComponent <QuestItemPickup> ().m_QuestItem;
            quest_item.m_QuestItemName   = QuestItemName.POTION_OF_WISDOM;
            quest_item.m_QuestItemSprite = this.m_PotionOfWisdomSprite;
            generated_instance.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = quest_item.m_QuestItemSprite;
        } //end case Potion of wisdom (POTION MASTER quest)
        } //end switch
    }     //end f'n SpawnQuestItem)QuestItemName)
예제 #2
    private void AttachQuestItem(QuestItem questItem, QuestLog parentQuest)
        GameObject instance = Instantiate(questItemPrefab);

        instance.GetComponent <QuestLog>().ActivateQuestItemSlot(questItem);
        instance.transform.parent = parentQuest.grid.transform;
예제 #3
    public void GetQuest(List <Quest> quests)
        foreach (Quest quest in quests)
            if (!quest.IsGet)
                QuestItem questItem = new QuestItem();
                questItem.quest = quest;


                if (1 == quest.Id)
                    stick.GetComponent <Resource>().isActive = true;

                if (3 == quest.Id)
                    apple.GetComponent <Resource>().isActive = true;

                if (2 == quest.Id)
예제 #4
    public void AddItem(QuestItem item)
        ItemInfo info = FindItemInfo(item);

        /*if (info != null) {
         *      info.count++;
         *      info.slot.Count = info.count;
         *      return;
         * }*/

        GameObject    slotObj = Instantiate(slotPrefab.gameObject) as GameObject;
        QuestItemSlot slot    = slotObj.GetComponent <QuestItemSlot>();

        slot.Item  = item;
        slot.Count = 1;

        info = new ItemInfo()
            name = item.itemName, item = item, count = 1, slot = slot

예제 #5
 public void PickupQuestItem(QuestItem item)
     if (!QuestItems.Contains(item))
예제 #6
        /*public static void CloseWindowWithCaption(string caption)
         * {
         *  IntPtr handle = NativeMethods.FindWindowByCaption(IntPtr.Zero, caption);
         *  if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
         *  {
         *      NativeMethods.PostMessage(handle, (uint)NativeMethods.MessageNumber.WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
         *      //NativeMethods.PostMessage(handle, (uint)NativeMethods.MessageNumber.WM_SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)NativeMethods.MessageNumber.SC_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero);
         *  }
         * }*/

        private bool EnumDragonLairs(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pointer)
            if (NativeMethods.IsWindowVisible(handle))
                StringBuilder dragonsNameB = new StringBuilder(1024);
                NativeMethods.GetWindowText(handle, dragonsNameB, dragonsNameB.Capacity);
                string dragonsName = dragonsNameB.ToString().ToLower();

                foreach (QuestItem quest in questLog)
                    if (string.Equals(dragonsName, quest.dragonToSearchFor, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                        (quest.dragonToSearchFor.Length > 0 && dragonsName.Contains(quest.dragonToSearchFor.ToLower())))
                        _currentQuest = quest;
                        if (quest.typeOfQuest == QuestType.KillTheDragon)
                            NativeMethods.PostMessage(handle, (uint)NativeMethods.MessageNumber.WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                            //NativeMethods.PostMessage(handle, (uint)NativeMethods.MessageNumber.WM_SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)NativeMethods.MessageNumber.SC_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero);
                            // Loop though the child windows, and execute the EnumChildWindowsCallback method
                            NativeMethods.EnumChildWindows(handle, EnumSpellsInSpellBook, IntPtr.Zero);

예제 #7
        private void OnClickGetLDA()
            if (m_LevelDetailDTO != null)
                int       times    = 1;
                QuestItem questCfg = Global.gApp.gGameData.QuestData.Get(m_LevelDetailDTO.id);
                ItemDTO   itemDTO  = new ItemDTO(Convert.ToInt32(questCfg.award[0]), questCfg.award[1] * times, BehaviorTypeConstVal.OPT_LEVEL_DETAIL);
                itemDTO.param3 = m_LevelDetailDTO.id;
                CommonUI commonUi = Global.gApp.gUiMgr.GetPanelCompent <CommonUI>(Wndid.CommonPanel);
                if (commonUi != null)
                    //commonUi.UnLockById(itemDTO.itemId, false, false);

                Global.gApp.gUiMgr.OpenPanel <ItemDTO>(Wndid.OpenBoxUI, itemDTO);

                //Global.gApp.gMsgDispatcher.Broadcast<bool>(MsgIds.HideGameGuideAD, false);
                //Global.gApp.gUiMgr.OpenPanel<QuestItemDTO>(Wndid.GetMoneyUI, levelDetailDTO);
                Global.gApp.gUiMgr.OpenPanel <ItemItem>(Wndid.NextDayWeaponUi, m_LDAGunCfg);

            //Global.gApp.gUiMgr.OpenPanel<ItemItem>(Wndid.NextDayWeaponUi, m_NextGunCfg);
예제 #8
파일: UIManager.cs 프로젝트: mdbaal/TKHT
    public void UpdateObjectiveText(QuestItem item)
        switch (item.name)
        case "Crown":
            ObjectivesTexts[0].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
            ObjectivesTexts[0].text  = "Collected Crown";

        case "Boots":
            ObjectivesTexts[1].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
            ObjectivesTexts[1].text  = "Collected Boots";

        case "Dragon Egg":
            ObjectivesTexts[2].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
            ObjectivesTexts[2].text  = "Collected Draggon Egg";

        case "Pocket Chest":
            ObjectivesTexts[3].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
            ObjectivesTexts[3].text  = "Collected Pocket Chest";
예제 #9
    /**A function to spawn in whatever is needed for the quest; to be called from the quest giver on giving the quest.*/

    public void SpawnInQuestObjects(Quest quest)
        switch ((int)quest.m_QuestType)
        case (int)QuestType.KILL_EVERYTHING:
            //for each enemy type (though I'm not really sure this would work for more than one enemy type)
            for (int enemy_type = 0; enemy_type < quest.m_RequisitePrefabs.Count; enemy_type++)
                //get the default enemy component and get
                DefaultEnemy enemy_component = quest.m_RequisitePrefabs[enemy_type].GetComponentInChildren <DefaultEnemy>();
                Debug.Log("Enemy component? " + (enemy_component != null) + " Name: " + enemy_component.m_EnemyName);

                quest.m_KillEverything.SpawnEnemiesAtPosition(this.m_Spawner, quest.m_QuestObjectivePosition, enemy_component.m_EnemyName,
            }     //end for
        }         //end case kill everything

        case (int)QuestType.FETCH:
            //for each item type (though I'm not really sure this would work for more than one item type)
            for (int item_type = 0; item_type < quest.m_RequisitePrefabs.Count; item_type++)
                //get the default enemy component and get
                quest.m_RequisitePrefabs[item_type].GetComponent <QuestItemPickup>().m_QuestItem = new QuestItem();
                QuestItem quest_item = quest.m_RequisitePrefabs[item_type].GetComponent <QuestItemPickup>().m_QuestItem;
                //					Debug.Log ("Quest item exists? " + (quest_item != null));
                quest.m_Fetch.SpawnQuestItemsAtPosition(this.m_Spawner, quest.m_QuestObjectivePosition, quest_item.m_QuestItemName,
            }     //end for
        }         //end case fetch
        } //end switch
    } //end f'n void SpawnInQuestObjects(Quest)
    private IEnumerator CollectItem(QuestItem item)
        item.holdable       = false;
        item.rb.isKinematic = true;


        // Lerp to correct position...
        const float duration    = .25f;
        float       elapsedTime = 0f;
        Vector3     initPos     = item.transform.position;

        while (elapsedTime < duration)
            elapsedTime            += Time.deltaTime;
            item.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(initPos, itemHolder.position, elapsedTime / duration);
            yield return(null);

        item.transform.position = itemHolder.position;
        // And animator handles the rest!

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4f * 60f));

        item.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
예제 #11
        public bool ReceiveQuest(int questId, int times, int behaviorType, Vector3 position)
            QuestItemDTO data = GetQuestItemDTO(questId);

            if (data.state != QuestStateConstVal.CAN_RECEIVE)
                Global.gApp.gMsgDispatcher.Broadcast <int>(MsgIds.ShowGameTipsByID, 3036);
            QuestItem config  = Global.gApp.gGameData.QuestData.Get(questId);
            ItemDTO   itemDTO = new ItemDTO(Convert.ToInt32(config.award[0]), config.award[1] * times, behaviorType);

            itemDTO.paramStr1 = questId.ToString();
            itemDTO.paramStr2 = times.ToString();
            ItemItem awardCfg = Global.gApp.gGameData.ItemData.Get(itemDTO.itemId);

            if (ItemTypeConstVal.isWeapon(awardCfg.showtype))
                return(ReceiveQuest(questId, times, behaviorType));

            data.state = QuestStateConstVal.RECEIVED;

            //Global.gApp.gMsgDispatcher.Broadcast<float>(MsgIds.GainDelayShow, 1.8f);
            Global.gApp.gMsgDispatcher.Broadcast <int, int, Vector3>(MsgIds.ShowRewardGetEffect, itemDTO.itemId, (int)itemDTO.num, position);

예제 #12
    public void ManageItem(Text itemTextName)
        Item item = ItemsList.items.Find(p => p.itemName.Equals(itemTextName.text));

        if (item != null)
            if (item.itemType == Item.ItemType.Usable)
                if (itemViewerPanel != null && itemViewerPanel.activeSelf)

                itemToUse = (UsableItem)item;
                Button firstCharacterButton = GameObject.FindWithTag("CharactersList").transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Button>();
                StartCoroutine("SelectButton", firstCharacterButton);
            if (item.itemType == Item.ItemType.Equipment)

            if (item.itemType == Item.ItemType.Quest)
                QuestItem questItem = (QuestItem)item;
                if (questItemImage != null)
예제 #13
    public void Remove(QuestItem item)
        if (item == null) return;

        SpeedBonus -= item.speedBonus;
예제 #14
    public void selectItem(string itemName)
        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ItemView> entry in itemViewDict)
            ItemView itemView = entry.Value;

            if(itemView.item.name == itemName)
        //			print(itemView.itemName);
                selectedItem = itemView.item;

        //                LeanTween.rotateZ(arrowPivot.gameObject,itemView.degree,0.5f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutCubic);
                descriptionText.text = itemView.item.description;
        //			print(itemView.itemName);
예제 #15
    public void DrawQuestItemToolTip(Item item)
        QuestItem questItem = item as QuestItem;

        //For All
        GUILayout.Box(questItem.Name, "ToolTipTitle");
        GUILayout.Label(questItem.Icon, questItem.Rarity.ToString(), GUILayout.Width(75), GUILayout.Height(75));
        GUILayout.Label(questItem.CurStacks.ToString(), "ToolTipMainInfo", GUILayout.Height(55));
        GUILayout.Label("In Stack", "ToolTipInfoLabel", GUILayout.Height(20));
        GUILayout.Label(questItem.ItemType.ToString(), "ToolTipType");

        //Body Tooltip
        GUILayout.Box(questItem.ToolTip(), "ToolTipBody", GUILayout.MaxWidth(_toolTipWidth));
        GUILayout.Box("_____________________________________", "Seperator");
        GUILayout.Box("\"" + questItem.Description + "\"", "ToolTipDescription");

        GUILayout.Box(questItem.Rarity.ToString(), "ToolTipFooter", GUILayout.Width(125));
        GUILayout.Box("Any Lv", "ToolTipFooter", GUILayout.Width(60));
        GUILayout.Label(Resources.Load("Item Icons/goldItem") as Texture2D, "ToolTipFooter", GUILayout.Height(15), GUILayout.Width(15));
        GUILayout.Box(questItem.Value.ToString(), "ToolTipFooter");
예제 #16
    public void GetQuest(QuestItem questItem)
        questItem.quest.IsGet = true;

        GameObject quest = Instantiate(questPlayer, questPlayerList.transform);

        quest.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = questItem.quest.Title;
        quest.GetComponent <IdQuest>().questId = questItem.quest.Id;

        foreach (Task task in questItem.quest.Task)
            GameObject tk = Instantiate(questTask, quest.transform);
            tk.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = task.Title;
            tk.GetComponent <PlayerTask>().task = task;
            tk.GetComponent <IdTask>().taskId   = task.Id;

        try{ Destroy(questItem.gameObject); }
        catch (System.Exception) {   }

        if (2 == questItem.quest.Id)
            alert.GetComponent <Alerta>().SetText("Use 1,2,3 ou 4 para alternar entre os itens.");
예제 #17
    public void Add(QuestItem item)
        if (item == null) return;

        SpeedBonus += item.speedBonus;
예제 #18
    private void AddQuest()
        if (_activeQuestsAmount >= _questItems.Length)

        int cardTypesForQuest = Math.Min(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, _maximumCardTypes + 1), _availableCards.Count);
        Dictionary <string, int> questInfo = new Dictionary <string, int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < cardTypesForQuest; i++)
            int randomCard = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, cardTypesForQuest);
            int amount     = UnityEngine.Random.Range(_minimumCardsRequired, _maximumCardsRequired + 1);

            string chosenCardId = _availableCards[randomCard].Id;

            if (questInfo.ContainsKey(chosenCardId) == false)
                questInfo.Add(chosenCardId, 0);

            questInfo[chosenCardId] += amount;

        QuestItem item = GetEmptyQuestItem();

        item.InitQuest(new QuestInfo(questInfo));

예제 #19
 public void PerformActionOnSelected(QuestItem qstI, InventoryItem[] invIs)
     if (currState == State.INSPECT)
     else if (currState == State.USE)
     else if (currState == State.PICKUP)
     else if (currState == State.COMBINE)
         //highlight item and wait for other selection
         if (invIs[0] == null || invIs[1] == null)
             Debug.Log("Needs to select two items to combined");
             Combine(invIs[0], invIs[1]);
        public async Task <ActionResult <QuestItem> > Put(QuestItem questItem)
            if (questItem == null)
            if (!_db.QuestItems.Any(x => x.Id == questItem.Id))

            var itemId         = _db.QuestItems.AsNoTracking().First(x => x.Id == questItem.Id).ItemId;
            var amountReady    = _db.Items.AsNoTracking().First(x => x.Id == itemId).AmountReady;
            var amountReserved = _db.QuestItems
                                 .Where(x => x.ItemId == itemId && x.Id != questItem.Id && x.IsReady)
                                 .Sum(x => x.AmountNeeded);

            questItem.IsReady     = amountReady - amountReserved >= questItem.AmountNeeded;
            questItem.Quest       = null;
            questItem.StartingNpc = null;
            questItem.Item        = null;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #21
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
        { // if LMB clicked
            Debug.Log("raycast detect left click");
            bool       selectionHit = false;
            RaycastHit raycastHit   = new RaycastHit(); // create new raycast hit info object
            if (Physics.Raycast(mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out raycastHit))
            {                                           // create ray from screen's mouse position to world and store info in raycastHit object
                Debug.Log("raycast found camera");
                if (raycastHit.collider.tag == tagName)
                {                        // we just want to hit objects tagged with the tagname
                    Debug.Log("Found raycast!" + tagName);
                    selectionHit = true; // yup, we hit it!

            if (selectionHit)
                //Debug.Log("raycastHit.collider.gameObject's name ")
                qiHit = raycastHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <QuestItem>();
예제 #22
    public string FindBestPush(QuestItem curItem)
        string result = string.Empty;
        int    xMoves = curItem.ItemX - MyPosition[0];
        int    yMoves = curItem.ItemY - MyPosition[1];
        var    tile   = Board[MyPosition[0], MyPosition[1]];

        if (xMoves < 0 && !tile.CanLeft)
            result = $"{MyPosition[0]-1} DOWN";
        else if (xMoves > 0 && !tile.CanRight)
            result = "{MyPosition[0]+1} DOWN";
        else if (yMoves < 0 && !tile.CanUp)
            result = "{MyPosition[1]-1} RIGHT";
        else if (yMoves > 0 && !tile.CanDown)
            result = "{MyPosition[1]+1} RIGHT";
예제 #23
 public void ItemFetched(QuestItem item)
     foreach (Quest quest in quests)
예제 #24
    void HandleQuestLoot(ItemSpawner lootOfMob)
        bool dropLoot   = false;
        int  questIndex = 1000;

        for (int i = 0; i < player.QuestsInProgress.Count; i++)
            if (player.QuestsInProgress[i].numberToKill > 0)
                if (player.QuestsInProgress[i].nameOfMobThatDropsItem.Contains(NameOfMob))
                    if (!player.QuestsInProgress[i].itemDone)
                        dropLoot   = true;
                        questIndex = i;

        if (dropLoot)
            Item QuestItemToAdd = MobQuestItem(questIndex);

            //create a new instance
            QuestItemToAdd = new QuestItem(QuestItemToAdd.Name, QuestItemToAdd.Description, QuestItemToAdd.CurStacks, QuestItemToAdd.MaxStacks, QuestItemToAdd.Icon);

            if (QuestItemToAdd != null)
예제 #25
    public void  ShowDescription()
        string desc = "";

        switch (type)
        case ItemType.WEAPON:
            desc = FindObjectOfType <WeaponManager>().GetWeaponAt(itemIdx).weaponName;

        case ItemType.ITEM:
            desc = "Item consumible";

        case ItemType.ARMOR:
            desc = FindObjectOfType <WeaponManager>().GetArmorAt(itemIdx).name;

        case ItemType.RING:
            desc = FindObjectOfType <WeaponManager>().GetRingAt(itemIdx).name;

        case ItemType.SPECIAL_ITEMS:
            QuestItem item = FindObjectOfType <ItemsManager>().GetItemAt(itemIdx);
            desc = item.itemName;
        FindObjectOfType <UIManager>().inventoryText.text = desc;
예제 #26
    public bool objCollected;                     //is it in your inventory/have you visited the obj?

    public Quest(string N, int Identify, int Pos) //Pos indicates the point in the GM quest list so you can pull those public assets
        name         = N;
        ID           = Identify;
        item         = GM.instance.zenQuests[Pos].item;
        questText    = GM.instance.zenQuests[Pos].questText;
        objCollected = false;
 public QuestItem CurrentQuestItem()
     if (currentQuestItem == null)
         currentQuestItem = FindClosestQuestItem();
예제 #28
    //public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision c)
    //    if(c.collider.gameObject.tag == "Item")
    //    {
    //        if(storyQuests[listPos].questItemNum == c.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<QuestItemNumber>().questNumber)
    //        {
    //            storyQuests[listPos].PickUp(this);

    //            Destroy(c.collider.gameObject);
    //        }
    //    }

    public void NewQuest(QuestItem item)
        item.QuestStart(this, itemsSpawned.transform);


        //put 4 button bool equal to storyQuests[listPos}.fourButtons
예제 #29
 public void GetBenefitList()
     benefitList = benefitListPU.GetQuestItem();
     seregaTalker.AddPhrasesKit(seregaFindBenefitList, true);
     auntLubaTalker.AddPhrasesKit(auntLubaGetBenefit, true);
예제 #30
    public QuestItem SetCollectAllCoinsQuest()
        QuestItem quest_one = new QuestItem();

        quest_one.text       = "Collect All Coins";
        quest_one.percentage = cm.getCollectedPercentage();
예제 #31
    private static QuestItem CreateQuestItem(XmlNode questNode)
        QuestItem questItem = new QuestItem();

        questItem.itemType = BaseItem.ItemType.QUEST;
예제 #32
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     myGameManager   = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();
     myPictureCamera = FindObjectOfType <PictureCamera>();
     myCursorSnap    = GetComponent <CursorSnap>();
     paintingImage   = GetComponentInChildren <Image>();
     myQuestItem     = GetComponent <QuestItem>();
예제 #33
    public QuestItem SetCollectGemQuest()
        QuestItem quest_two = new QuestItem();

        quest_two.text       = "Find the Gem";
        quest_two.percentage = gemCollected ? 100 : 0;

예제 #34
	//What happens to this NPC when it is interacted with.
	public override string interact (Items.Item item)
		string forReturn = "";

		if (speechCounter == 0) {
			forReturn = "Hey! Would you mind getting me an" + "\n" + "item that I lost?";
        else if (speechCounter == 1) {

            // Decide which item we need to get
            ranItem = Items.getRandomItem();
            questPrefab = Instantiate(questPrefab) as GameObject;
            questItem = questPrefab.GetComponent<QuestItem>();

			int itemX = World.player.mapX - questItem.mapX;
			int itemY = World.player.mapY - questItem.mapY;
			string locationX = "";
			string locationY = "";
			if (itemX > 0) {
				locationX = " " + itemX + " blocks west.";
			} else {
				locationX = " " + (itemX * -1) + " blocks east.";
			if (itemY > 0) {
				locationY = " " + itemY + " blocks south ";
			} else {
				locationY = " " + (itemY * -1) + " blocks north ";
			forReturn = "Thanks! I think I left it " + "\n" + locationY + 
				"and" + locationX + ".";
        else {
			if (World.player.inventory.Contains(ranItem)) {
				forReturn = "Thanks for getting me that " +  ranItem.name + "!" + 
					"\n" + "It helped me a lot!";
				World.AddChaos (World.QUEST_COMPLETE);
				questGiver.inventory.Add (ranItem, 1);
				deactivateQuest (questGiver);
				questGiver.SetState (State.happy);
				inUse = false;
				waitPeriod = k_numRotations;

                // Remove the item from the player's inventory
                int itemIndex = World.player.inventory.IndexOf(ranItem);
            else {
				forReturn = "Hey did you get me that "  + ranItem.name +"?";
		return forReturn;
	public void start() 
		questPrefab = Instantiate(questPrefab) as GameObject;
		Wilbard = questPrefab.GetComponent<QuestItem>();
		Wilbard.PlaceAt (World.player.mapX, World.player.mapY, World.player.tileX + 1, World.player.tileY);
		Wilbard.mission = this;
		Wilbard.hasQuest = true;
		Wilbard.initQuest (this);
		Wilbard.Draw ();
예제 #36
        static WowheadService()
            switch (Rawr.Properties.GeneralSettings.Default.Locale)
                #region German
                case "de":
                    _pvpTokenMap["20560"] = "Ehrenabzeichen des Alteractals"; 
                    _pvpTokenMap["20559"] = "Ehrenabzeichen des Arathibeckens";
                    _pvpTokenMap["20558"] = "Ehrenabzeichen der Kriegshymnenschlucht";
                    _pvpTokenMap["29024"] = "Ehrenabzeichen vom Auge des Sturms";
                    _pvpTokenMap["37836"] = "Münze der Venture Co.";
                    _pvpTokenMap["42425"] = "Ehrenabzeichen vom Strand der Uralten";
                    _pvpTokenMap["43589"] = "Ehrenabzeichen von Tausendwinter";

                    _vendorTokenMap["44990"] = "Siegel des Champions";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40752"] = "Emblem des Heldentums";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40753"] = "Emblem der Ehre";
                    _vendorTokenMap["45624"] = "Emblem der Eroberung";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47241"] = "Emblem des Triumphs";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47242"] = "Trophäe des Kreuzzugs";
                    _vendorTokenMap["49426"] = "Emblem des Frosts";

                    _vendorTokenMap["62898"] = "Belobigungsabzeichen von Tol Barad";
                #region Spanish
                case "es":
                    _pvpTokenMap["20560"] = "Marca de Honor del Valle de Alterac"; 
                    _pvpTokenMap["20559"] = "Marca de Honor de la Cuenca de Arathi";
                    _pvpTokenMap["20558"] = "Marca de Honor de la Garganta Grito de Guerra";
                    _pvpTokenMap["29024"] = "Marca de Honor del Ojo de la Tormenta";
                    _pvpTokenMap["37836"] = "Moneda de Ventura";
                    _pvpTokenMap["42425"] = "Marca de Honor de la Playa de los Ancestros";
                    _pvpTokenMap["43589"] = "Marca de Honor de Conquista del Invierno";

                    _vendorTokenMap["44990"] = "Sello de Campeón";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40752"] = "Emblema de heroísmo";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40753"] = "Emblema de valor";
                    _vendorTokenMap["45624"] = "Emblema de conquista";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47241"] = "Emblema de triunfo";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47242"] = "Trofeo de la Cruzada";
                    _vendorTokenMap["49426"] = "Emblema de escarcha";

                    _vendorTokenMap["62898"] = "Mención de honor de Tol Barad";
                #region French
                case "fr":
                    _pvpTokenMap["20560"] = "Marque d'honneur de la vallée d'Alterac"; 
                    _pvpTokenMap["20559"] = "Marque d'honneur du bassin d'Arathi";
                    _pvpTokenMap["20558"] = "Marque d'honneur du goulet des Chanteguerres";
                    _pvpTokenMap["29024"] = "Marque d'honneur de l'Oeil du cyclone";
                    _pvpTokenMap["37836"] = "Pièce de la KapitalRisk";
                    _pvpTokenMap["42425"] = "Marque d'honneur du rivage des Anciens";
                    _pvpTokenMap["43589"] = "Marque d'honneur de Joug-d'hiver";

                    _vendorTokenMap["44990"] = "Sceau de champion";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40752"] = "Emblème d'héroïsme";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40753"] = "Emblème de vaillance";
                    _vendorTokenMap["45624"] = "Emblème de conquête";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47241"] = "Emblème de triomphe";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47242"] = "TTrophée de la croisade";
                    _vendorTokenMap["49426"] = "Emblème de givre";

                    _vendorTokenMap["62898"] = "Recommandation de Tol Barad";
                #region Russian
                case "ru":
                    _pvpTokenMap["20560"] = "Почетный знак Альтеракской долины"; 
                    _pvpTokenMap["20559"] = "Почетный знак Низины Арати";
                    _pvpTokenMap["20558"] = "Почетный знак Ущелья Песни Войны";
                    _pvpTokenMap["29024"] = "Почетный знак Ока Бури";
                    _pvpTokenMap["37836"] = "Монета Торговой Компании";
                    _pvpTokenMap["42425"] = "Почетный знак Берега Древних";
                    _pvpTokenMap["43589"] = "Почетный знак Озера Ледяных Оков";

                    _vendorTokenMap["44990"] = "Печать чемпиона";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40752"] = "Эмблема героизма";
                    _vendorTokenMap["40753"] = "Эмблема доблести";
                    _vendorTokenMap["45624"] = "Эмблема завоевания";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47241"] = "Эмблема триумфа";
                    _vendorTokenMap["47242"] = "Трофей Авангарда";
                    _vendorTokenMap["49426"] = "Эмблема льда";

                    _vendorTokenMap["62898"] = "Рекомендательный значок Тол Барада";
                    _pvpTokenMap["20560"] = "Alterac Valley Mark of Honor"; //This item is no longer available within the game.
                    _pvpTokenMap["20559"] = "Arathi Basin Mark of Honor"; //This item is no longer available within the game.
                    _pvpTokenMap["20558"] = "Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor"; //This item is no longer available within the game.
                    _pvpTokenMap["29024"] = "Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor"; //This item is no longer available within the game.
                    _pvpTokenMap["37836"] = "Venture Coin";
                    _pvpTokenMap["42425"] = "Strand of the Ancients Mark of Honor"; //This item is no longer available within the game.
                    _pvpTokenMap["43589"] = "Wintergrasp Mark of Honor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["390"] = "Conquest Points";
                    _pvpTokenMap["392"] = "Honor Points";
                    _pvpTokenMap["391"] = "Tol Barad Commendation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["62898"] = "Tol Barad Commendation";
                    #region Season 9
                    #region Death Knight
                    _pvpTokenMap["60408"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60409"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60410"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60411"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60412"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders";
                    #region Druid
                    #region Refuge
                    _pvpTokenMap["60448"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60449"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Kodohide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60450"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60451"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Kodohide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60452"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders";
                    #region Sanctuary
                    _pvpTokenMap["60443"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60444"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60445"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60446"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60447"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders";
                    #region Wildhide
                    _pvpTokenMap["60453"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60454"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60455"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60456"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60457"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders";
                    #region Hunter
                    _pvpTokenMap["60423"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Chain Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60424"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60425"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Chain Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60426"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Chain Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60427"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Chain Spaulders";
                    #region Mage
                    _pvpTokenMap["60463"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Silk Handguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60464"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Silk Cowl";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60465"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Silk Trousers";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60466"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Silk Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60467"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Silk Amice";
                    #region Paladin
                    #region Redemption
                    _pvpTokenMap["60601"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60602"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60603"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60604"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60605"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders";
                    #region Vindication
                    _pvpTokenMap["60413"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60414"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60415"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Scaled Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60416"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Scaled Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60417"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders";
                    #region Priest
                    #region Investiture
                    _pvpTokenMap["60468"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60469"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mooncloth Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60470"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60471"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60472"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle";
                    #region Raiment
                    _pvpTokenMap["60473"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Satin Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60474"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Satin Hood";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60475"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Satin Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60476"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Satin Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60477"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Satin Mantle";
                    #region Rogue
                    _pvpTokenMap["60458"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Leather Tunic";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60459"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Leather Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60460"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Leather Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60461"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Leather Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60462"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Leather Spaulders";
                    #region Shaman
                    #region Earthshaker
                    _pvpTokenMap["60433"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Linked Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60434"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60435"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Linked Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60436"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Linked Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60437"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Linked Spaulders";
                    #region Thunderfist
                    _pvpTokenMap["60438"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mail Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60439"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60440"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mail Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60441"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mail Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60442"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Mail Spaulders";
                    #region Wartide
                    _pvpTokenMap["60428"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ringmail Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60429"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60430"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ringmail Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60431"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60432"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders";
                    #region Warlock
                    _pvpTokenMap["60478"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Felweave Handguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60479"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Felweave Cowl";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60480"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Felweave Trousers";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60481"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Felweave Raiment";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60482"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Felweave Amice";
                    #region Warrior
                    _pvpTokenMap["60418"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60419"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60420"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Plate Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60421"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Plate Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60422"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Plate Shoulders";
                    #region Non-Class Armor Tokens
                    #region Feet
                    _pvpTokenMap["60593"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Boots of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60587"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Boots of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60607"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60581"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60516"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Greaves of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60540"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Greaves of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60557"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60567"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60554"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60534"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60630"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Treads of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60613"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60636"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Treads of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60513"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["60509"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty";
                    #region Off-Hand
                    _pvpTokenMap["61357"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Endgame";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61358"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Reprieve";
                    #region Shields
                    _pvpTokenMap["61360"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Barrier";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61361"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Redoubt";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61359"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Shield Wall";
                    #region Weapon Tokens
                    _pvpTokenMap["61351"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Baton of Light";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61341"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Battle Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61336"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Bonecracker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61339"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61324"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Cleaver";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61326"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Decapitator";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61342"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Energy Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61338"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Gavel";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61346"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61325"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Hacker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61348"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Hatchet";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61355"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61332"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Left Render";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61331"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Left Ripper";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61353"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Longbow";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61340"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Pike";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61335"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Pummeler";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61345"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Quickblade";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61354"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Rifle";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61333"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Right Render";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61330"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Right Ripper";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61327"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Shanker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61328"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Shiv";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61344"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Slicer";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61329"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Spellblade";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61343"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61350"] = "Vicious Gladiator's Touch of Defeat";
                    _pvpTokenMap["61347"] = "Vicious Gladiator's War Edge";
                    #region Season 10
                    #region Death Knight
                    _pvpTokenMap["70244"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70245"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70246"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70247"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70248"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders";
                    #region Druid
                    #region Refuge
                    _pvpTokenMap["70284"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70285"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70286"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70287"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70288"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders";
                    #region Sanctuary
                    _pvpTokenMap["70279"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70280"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70281"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70282"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70283"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders";
                    #region Wildhide
                    _pvpTokenMap["70289"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70290"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70291"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70292"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70293"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders";
                    #region Hunter
                    _pvpTokenMap["70259"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70260"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70261"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70262"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70263"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Chain Spaulders";
                    #region Mage
                    _pvpTokenMap["70299"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Handguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70300"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Cowl";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70301"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Trousers";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70302"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70303"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Silk Amice";
                    #region Paladin
                    #region Redemption
                    _pvpTokenMap["70353"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70354"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70355"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70356"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70357"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders";
                    #region Vindication
                    _pvpTokenMap["70249"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70250"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70251"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70252"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70253"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders";
                    #region Priest
                    #region Investiture
                    _pvpTokenMap["70304"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70305"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70306"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70307"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70308"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle";
                    #region Raiment
                    _pvpTokenMap["70309"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70310"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Hood";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70311"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70312"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70313"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Mantle";
                    #region Rogue
                    _pvpTokenMap["70294"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Tunic";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70295"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70296"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70297"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70298"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Leather Spaulders";
                    #region Shaman
                    #region Earthshaker
                    _pvpTokenMap["70269"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70270"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70271"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70272"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70273"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Linked Spaulders";
                    #region Thunderfist
                    _pvpTokenMap["70274"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70275"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70276"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70277"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70278"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Mail Spaulders";
                    #region Wartide
                    _pvpTokenMap["70264"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70265"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70266"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70267"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70268"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders";
                    #region Warlock
                    _pvpTokenMap["70314"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Handguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70315"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Cowl";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70316"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Trousers";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70317"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Raiment";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70318"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Felweave Amice";
                    #region Warrior
                    _pvpTokenMap["70254"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70255"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70256"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70257"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70258"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Plate Shoulders";
                    #region Non-Class Armor Tokens
                    #region Feet
                    _pvpTokenMap["70351"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Boots of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70348"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Boots of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70358"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70344"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70324"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Greaves of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70333"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Greaves of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70337"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70341"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70335"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70329"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70364"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Treads of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70361"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70367"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Treads of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70323"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70321"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty";
                    #region Off-Hand
                    _pvpTokenMap["70239"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Endgame";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70240"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Reprieve";
                    #region Shields
                    _pvpTokenMap["70242"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Barrier";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70243"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Redoubt";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70241"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Shield Wall";
                    #region Weapon Tokens
                    _pvpTokenMap["70235"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Baton of Light";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70226"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Battle Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70222"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Bonecracker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70224"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Bonegrinder";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70211"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Cleaver";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70213"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Decapitator";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70227"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Energy Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70223"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Gavel";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70231"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Greatsword";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70212"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Hacker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70233"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Hatchet";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70238"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70219"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Left Render";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70218"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Left Ripper";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70236"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Longbow";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70225"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Pike";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70221"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Pummeler";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70230"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Quickblade";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70237"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Rifle";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70220"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Right Render";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70217"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Right Ripper";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70214"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Shanker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70215"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Shiv";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70229"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Slicer";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70216"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Spellblade";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70228"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70234"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's Touch of Defeat";
                    _pvpTokenMap["70232"] = "Ruthless Gladiator's War Edge";
                    #region Season 11
                    #region Death Knight
                    _pvpTokenMap["73620"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73619"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73618"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73617"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73616"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders";
                    #region Druid
                    #region Refuge
                    _pvpTokenMap["73607"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73606"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Kodohide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73605"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73604"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Kodohide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73603"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders";
                    #region Sanctuary
                    _pvpTokenMap["73615"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73614"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73613"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73612"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73611"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders";
                    #region Wildhide
                    _pvpTokenMap["73599"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73598"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73597"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73596"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73595"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders";
                    #region Hunter
                    _pvpTokenMap["73584"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Chain Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73583"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73582"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Chain Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73581"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Chain Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73580"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Chain Spaulders";
                    #region Mage
                    _pvpTokenMap["73576"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Silk Handguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73575"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Silk Cowl";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73574"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Silk Trousers";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73573"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Silk Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73572"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Silk Amice";
                    #region Paladin
                    #region Redemption
                    _pvpTokenMap["73560"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73559"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73558"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73557"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73556"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders";
                    #region Vindication
                    _pvpTokenMap["73571"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73570"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73569"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Scaled Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73568"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Scaled Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73567"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders";
                    #region Priest
                    #region Investiture
                    _pvpTokenMap["73549"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73548"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mooncloth Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73547"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73546"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73545"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle";
                    #region Raiment
                    _pvpTokenMap["73544"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73543"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Hood";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73542"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73541"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Robe";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73540"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Mantle";
                    #region Rogue
                    _pvpTokenMap["73527"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather Tunic";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73526"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather Gloves";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73525"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73524"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73523"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather Spaulders";
                    #region Shaman
                    #region Earthshaker
                    _pvpTokenMap["73512"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Linked Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73511"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73510"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Linked Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73509"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Linked Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73508"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Linked Spaulders";
                    #region Thunderfist
                    _pvpTokenMap["73506"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mail Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73505"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73504"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mail Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73503"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mail Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73502"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mail Spaulders";
                    #region Wartide
                    _pvpTokenMap["73517"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Armor";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73516"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73515"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73514"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73513"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders";
                    #region Warlock
                    _pvpTokenMap["73487"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Felweave Handguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73486"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Felweave Cowl";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73485"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Felweave Trousers";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73484"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Felweave Raiment";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73483"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Felweave Amice";
                    #region Warrior
                    _pvpTokenMap["73482"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73481"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73480"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Plate Helm";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73479"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Plate Legguards";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73478"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Plate Shoulders";
                    #region Non-Class Armor Tokens
                    #region Feet
                    _pvpTokenMap["73530"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Boots of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73531"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Boots of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73601"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73609"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73564"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Greaves of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73563"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Greaves of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73587"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73521"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73588"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73520"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73635"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Treads of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73636"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73634"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Treads of Meditation";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73552"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73553"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty";
                    #region Off-Hand
                    _pvpTokenMap["73469"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Endgame";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73465"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Reprieve";
                    #region Shields
                    _pvpTokenMap["73468"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Barrier";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73458"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Redoubt";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73446"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shield Wall";
                    #region Weapon Tokens
                    _pvpTokenMap["73450"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Baton of Light";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73466"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Battle Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73448"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Bonecracker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73476"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Bonegrinder";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73474"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Cleaver";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73477"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Decapitator";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73457"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Energy Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73459"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Gavel";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73475"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Greatsword";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73449"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Hacker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73471"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Hatchet";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73463"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73451"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Left Render";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73453"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Left Ripper";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73470"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Longbow";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73456"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Pike";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73473"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Pummeler";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73472"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Quickblade";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73460"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Rifle";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73452"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Right Render";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73454"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Right Ripper";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73455"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shanker";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73461"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shiv";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73447"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Slicer";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73467"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Spellblade";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73462"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Staff";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73464"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's Touch of Defeat";
                    _pvpTokenMap["73445"] = "Cataclysmic Gladiator's War Edge";

                    //_vendorTokenMap["44990"] = "Champion's Seal";
                    //_vendorTokenMap["40752"] = "Emblem of Heroism";//This item is no longer available within the game.
                    //_vendorTokenMap["40753"] = "Emblem of Valor";//This item is no longer available within the game.
                    //_vendorTokenMap["45624"] = "Emblem of Conquest";//This item is no longer available within the game.
                    //_vendorTokenMap["47241"] = "Emblem of Triumph";//This item is no longer available within the game.
                    //_vendorTokenMap["47242"] = "Trophy of the Crusade";//This item is no longer available within the game.
                    //_vendorTokenMap["49426"] = "Emblem of Frost";//This item is no longer available within the game.

                    _tokenDropMap["395"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Justice Points", Boss = "Magatha Silverton", Area = "Stormwind City" };
                    _tokenDropMap["396"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Valor Points", Boss = "Faldren Tillsdale", Area = "Stormwind City" };
                    _tokenDropMap["241"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Champion's Seal", };
                    _tokenDropMap["402"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chef's Award" };
                    _tokenDropMap[ "81"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Dalaran Cooking Award" };
                    _tokenDropMap[ "61"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token" };
                    _tokenDropMap["398"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Draenei Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["384"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Dwarf Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["393"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Fossil Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["361"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token" };
                    _tokenDropMap["400"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Nerubian Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["394"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Night Elf Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["397"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Orc Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["401"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Tol'vir Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["385"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Troll Archaeology Fragment" };
                    _tokenDropMap["399"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Vrykul Archaeology Fragment" };
                    #region Tier 11 Tokens
                    #region Normal
                    // T11: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                    _tokenDropMap["63683"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Helm of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Nefarian" };
                    _tokenDropMap["64315"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Mantle of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Cho'gall" };
                    // T11: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["63682"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Helm of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Nefarian" };
                    _tokenDropMap["64314"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Mantle of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Cho'gall" };
                    // T11: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["63684"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Helm of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Nefarian" };
                    _tokenDropMap["64316"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Mantle of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Cho'gall" };
                    #region Heroic
                    // T11.5
                    _tokenDropMap["66998"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Essence of the Forlorn", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Container = true, Boss = "Cache of the Broodmother", Heroic = true };
                    // T11.5: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                    _tokenDropMap["65001"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Nefarian", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["65088"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Cho'gall", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67423"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Halfus Wyrmbreaker", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67429"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Magmaw", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67428"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Maloriak", Heroic = true };
                    // T11.5: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["65002"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Nefarian", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["65089"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Cho'gall", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67425"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Halfus Wyrmbreaker", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67431"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Magmaw", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67426"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Forlorn Vanquisher", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Maloriak", Heroic = true };
                    // T11.5: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["65000"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Nefarian", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["65087"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Cho'gall", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67424"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "The Bastion of Twilight", Boss = "Halfus Wyrmbreaker", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67430"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Magmaw", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["67427"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Forlorn Protector", Vendor = "Toren Landow", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Blackwing Descent", Boss = "Maloriak", Heroic = true };
                    #region Tier 12 Tokens
                    #region Normal
                    // T12: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                    _tokenDropMap["71675"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Helm of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Container = true, Boss = "Cache of the Fire Lord" };
                    _tokenDropMap["71681"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Mantle of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Majordomo Staghelm" };
                    // T12: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["71668"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Container = true, Boss = "Cache of the Fire Lord" };
                    _tokenDropMap["71674"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Mantle of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Majordomo Staghelm" };
                    // T12: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["71682"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Helm of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Container = true, Boss = "Cache of the Fire Lord" };
                    _tokenDropMap["71688"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Mantle of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Majordomo Staghelm" };
                    #region Heroic
                    // T12.5: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                    _tokenDropMap["71677"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Ragnaros", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71680"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Majordomo Staghelm", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71679"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Alysrazor", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71676"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Baleroc", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71678"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Shannox", Heroic = true };
                    // T12.5: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["71670"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Ragnaros", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71673"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Majordomo Staghelm", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71672"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Alysrazor", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71669"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Baleroc", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71671"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Fiery Vanquisher", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Shannox", Heroic = true };
                    // T12.5: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["71684"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Ragnaros", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71687"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Majordomo Staghelm", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71686"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Alysrazor", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71683"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Baleroc", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["71685"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Fiery Protector", Vendor = "Magatha Silverton", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Shannox", Heroic = true };
                    // T12.5: Non-Tier Items - these drop from all heroic bosses and are used to upgrade non-tier items to their heroic version (similar to Sunwell's Sunmotes)
                    _tokenDropMap["71617"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crystallized Firestone", Vendor = "Lurah Wrathvine", VendorArea = "Mount Hyjal", Area = "Firelands", Boss = "Beth'tilac", Heroic = true };
                    #region Tier 13 Tokens
                    #region Looking For Raid
                    // T13.LFR: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                     _tokenDropMap["78869"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78863"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78875"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true, LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78866"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78872"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping", LFR = true };
                    // T13.LFR: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["78870"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78876"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78864"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true, LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78867"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78873"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping", LFR = true };
                    // T13.LFR: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["78868"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78874"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78862"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true, LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78865"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz", LFR = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78871"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping", LFR = true };
                    #region Normal
                    // T13: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                    _tokenDropMap["78182"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78180"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78184"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78183"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78181"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping" };
                    // T13: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["78177"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78175"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78179"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78178"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78176"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping" };
                    // T13: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["78172"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78170"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78174"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78173"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz" };
                    _tokenDropMap["78171"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping" };
                    #region Heroic
                    // T13.5: Paladin, Priest, Warlock
                    _tokenDropMap["78850"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78859"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78847"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true, Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78853"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78856"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping", Heroic = true };
                    // T13.5: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
                    _tokenDropMap["78851"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78860"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78848"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true, Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78854"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78857"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Protector", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping", Heroic = true };
                    // T13.5: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid
                    _tokenDropMap["78852"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Crown of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warmaster Blackhorn", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78861"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Shoulders of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Hagara the Stormbinder", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78849"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Chest of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Lesser Cache of the Aspects", Container = true, Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78855"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Gauntlets of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Warlord Zon'ozz", Heroic = true };
                    _tokenDropMap["78858"] = new TokenDropInfo() { Name = "Leggings of the Corrupted Vanquisher", Vendor = "Faldren Tillsdale", VendorArea = "Stormwind City", Area = "Dragon Soul", Boss = "Yor'sahj the Unsleeping", Heroic = true };

                    // Holiday Satchels are going to be treated as quest rewards
                    // Valentines Day -  Reward is a Heart-Shaped Box http://www.wowhead.com/item=54537
                    _questRewardMap["49715"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Hummel", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // Forever-Lovely Rose
                    _questRewardMap["50741"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Hummel", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // Vile Furnigator's Mask

                    // Midsummer Fire Festival - Reward is a Satchel of Chilled Goods http://www.wowhead.com/item=54536
                    // The cloaks do not drop from the daily loot, instead drops from the Ice Chest that Ahune reveals after killing him http://www.wowhead.com/object=187892
                    _questRewardMap["54806"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Ahune", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 232 ilvl Frostscythe of Lord Ahune
                    _questRewardMap["69771"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Ahune", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 353 ilvl Frostscythe of Lord Ahune

                    // Brewfest - Reward is a Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest http://ptr.wowhead.com/item=54535
                    // The trinkets drop from Coren Direbrew himself http://www.wowhead.com/npc=23872
                    _questRewardMap["49120"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Coren Direbrew", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 200 ilvl Direbrew's Bloody Shanker
                    _questRewardMap["48663"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Coren Direbrew", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 226 ilvl Tankard O' Terror
                    _questRewardMap["71331"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Coren Direbrew", MinLevel = 85, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 365 ilvl Direbrew's Bloodied Shanker
                    _questRewardMap["71332"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Coren Direbrew", MinLevel = 85, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 365 ilvl Tremendous Tankard O' Terror

                    // Headless Horseman - Reward is Loot-Filled Pumpkin http://ptr.wowhead.com/item=54516
                    // Rings drop directly from the Headless Horseman http://www.wowhead.com/npc=23682
                    _questRewardMap["33292"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Headless Horseman", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // Hallowed Helm
                    _questRewardMap["49128"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Headless Horseman", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 200 ilvl The Horseman's Baleful Blade
                    _questRewardMap["49126"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Headless Horseman", MinLevel = 80, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 200 ilvl The Horseman's Horrific Helm
                    _questRewardMap["71325"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Headless Horseman", MinLevel = 85, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 365 ilvl The Horseman's Sinister Saber
                    _questRewardMap["71326"] = new QuestItem() { Area = "Dungeon Finder", Quest = "World Event Dungeon - Headless Horseman", MinLevel = 85, Party = 5, Source = ItemSource.Container }; // 365 ilvl The Horseman's Horrific Helmet
예제 #37
        public QuestItem GetDailyQuest(string accId, XmlData data)
            var cmd = CreateQuery();
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM dailyQuests WHERE accId=@id;";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", accId);
            QuestItem quest = null;
            using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (rdr.Read())
                    int[] goals = Utils.FromCommaSepString32(rdr.GetString("goals"));
                    if (goals.Length < DailyQuestConstants.QuestsPerDay) break;
                    quest = new QuestItem
                        Description = DailyQuestConstants.GetDescriptionByTier(rdr.GetInt32("tier")),
                        Image = DailyQuestConstants.GetImageByTier(rdr.GetInt32("tier")),
                        Goal = goals[rdr.GetInt32("tier") < 0 ? 0 : rdr.GetInt32("tier") - 1].ToString(),
                        Tier = rdr.GetInt32("tier"),
                        Time = rdr.GetDateTime("time")

            DateTime converted;
            if (TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id != TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time").Id)
                converted = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"));
                converted = DateTime.Now;

            var fixedTime = new DateTime(converted.Year, converted.Month, converted.Day, 17, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);

            if (quest == null || ((converted.Hour >= 17 && converted.Day-1 == quest.Time.Day) || quest.Time.AddDays(1) <= converted))
                    quest = GenerateDailyQuest(accId, data, fixedTime);
            return quest;
예제 #38
 public bool Have(QuestItem item)
     return item != null && _bag.Contains(item);
예제 #39
	protected QuestItem(QuestItem other) : base(other)

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();
        rocketParts = new QuestItem[questParts.Length-1]; //dimension the array
        for (int i = 0; i < questParts.Length-1; i++)
            rocketParts[i] = new QuestItem();
            Debug.Log("Rocket parts is " + rocketParts.Length + " elements and I is "+i+" associated questPart = "+ questParts[i].name);
            rocketParts[i].Init(questParts[i].name);    //initialize the rocketparts array
            Debug.Log("Quest Item " + i + " is " + rocketParts[i].GetItemName());

        Debug.Log("Quest Completion Stats has started");