public void SetEntry(PwEntry e) { KpDatabase = new PwDatabase(); KpDatabase.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddEntry(e, true); }
private static PwDatabase CreateTargetDatabase(PwDatabase sourceDb, Settings settings, CompositeKey key) { // Default to same folder as sourceDb for target if no directory is specified if (!Path.IsPathRooted(settings.TargetFilePath)) { string sourceDbPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceDb.IOConnectionInfo.Path); if (sourceDbPath != null) { settings.TargetFilePath = Path.Combine(sourceDbPath, settings.TargetFilePath); } } // Create a new database PwDatabase targetDatabase = new PwDatabase(); if (!settings.OverrideTargetDatabase && File.Exists(settings.TargetFilePath)) { // Connect the database object to the existing database targetDatabase.Open(new IOConnectionInfo() { Path = settings.TargetFilePath }, key, new NullStatusLogger()); } else { // Apply the created key to the new database targetDatabase.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), key); } return(targetDatabase); }
internal static void WriteGroup(Stream msOutput, PwDatabase pdContext, PwGroup pg) { if (msOutput == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("msOutput"); } // pdContext may be null if (pg == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pg"); } PwDatabase pd = new PwDatabase(); pd.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); pd.RootGroup = pg.CloneDeep(); pd.RootGroup.ParentGroup = null; PwDatabase.CopyCustomIcons(pdContext, pd, pd.RootGroup, true); KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pd); f.Save(msOutput, null, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null); }
public async Task Create(Credentials credentials, string name, DatabaseVersion version = DatabaseVersion.V4) { try { await Task.Run(() => { var compositeKey = CreateCompositeKey(credentials); var ioConnection = IOConnectionInfo.FromByteArray(new byte[] {}); _pwDatabase.New(ioConnection, compositeKey); _pwDatabase.Name = name; _pwDatabase.RootGroup.Name = name; _credentials = credentials; switch (version) { case DatabaseVersion.V4: _pwDatabase.KdfParameters = KdfPool.Get("Argon2").GetDefaultParameters(); _pwDatabase.DataCipherUuid = CipherPool.GlobalPool[1].CipherUuid; break; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, ex); } }
public void New_Test() { IFolder folder = SpecialFolder.Current.Local; IFolder testData = folder.CreateFolderAsync("TestData", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists).Result; IFile file = testData.CreateFileAsync("1.kdbx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting).Result; var ci = new IOConnectionInfo(); ci.Path = file.Path; var key = new CompositeKey(); key.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword("0")); var db = new PwDatabase(); db.New(ci, key); var initialEnitiesCount = db.RootGroup.GetEntriesCount(true); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, initialEnitiesCount); db.Save(null); db.Close(); Assert.IsNull(db.RootGroup); db = new PwDatabase(); db.Open(ci, key, null); Assert.AreEqual(initialEnitiesCount, db.RootGroup.GetEntriesCount(true)); }
public void TestCreateSaveAndLoad_TestIdenticalFiles_kdb() { string filename = DefaultDirectory + "createsaveandload.kdb"; IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDatabase(filename); string kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app); //save it and reload it Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save DB -- "); SaveDatabase(app); Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Load DB -- "); PwDatabase pwImp = new PwDatabase(); PwDatabase pwDatabase = app.GetDb().KpDatabase; pwImp.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), pwDatabase.MasterKey); pwImp.MemoryProtection = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.CloneDeep(); pwImp.MasterKey = pwDatabase.MasterKey; IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo() { Path = filename }; using (Stream s = app.GetFileStorage(ioc).OpenFileForRead(ioc)) { app.GetDb().DatabaseFormat.PopulateDatabaseFromStream(pwImp, s, null); } string kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(app); RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxReloadedXml); RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxXml); Assert.AreEqual(kdbxXml, kdbxReloadedXml); }
private PwDatabase MergeDatabases() { PwDatabase dbAll = new PwDatabase(); dbAll.New(new KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo(), new KeePassLib.Keys.CompositeKey()); foreach (PwDatabase db in m_host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.GetOpenDatabases()) { dbAll.RootGroup.AddGroup(db.RootGroup, false, false); } return(dbAll); }
public void TestSave() { var buffer = new byte[4096]; using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer)) { var database = new PwDatabase(); database.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); var date = DateTime.Parse(testDate).ToUniversalTime(); PwDatabase.LocalizedAppName = testLocalizedAppName; database.Name = testDatabaseName; database.NameChanged = date; database.Description = testDatabaseDescription; database.DescriptionChanged = date; database.DefaultUserName = testDefaultUserName; database.DefaultUserNameChanged = date; database.Color = Color.Red; database.MasterKeyChanged = date; database.RecycleBinChanged = date; database.EntryTemplatesGroupChanged = date; database.RootGroup.Uuid = PwUuid.Zero; database.RootGroup.Name = testRootGroupName; database.RootGroup.Notes = testRootGroupNotes; database.RootGroup.DefaultAutoTypeSequence = testRootGroupDefaultAutoTypeSequence; database.RootGroup.CreationTime = date; database.RootGroup.LastModificationTime = date; database.RootGroup.LastAccessTime = date; database.RootGroup.ExpiryTime = date; database.RootGroup.LocationChanged = date; var file = new KdbxFile(database); file.Save(ms, null, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null); } var fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer).Replace("\0", ""); if (typeof(KdbxFile).Namespace.StartsWith("KeePassLib.") && Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT) { // Upstream KeePassLib does not specify line endings for XmlTextWriter, // so it uses native line endings. fileContents = fileContents.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); } Assert.That(fileContents, Is.EqualTo(testDatabase)); }
private void OTPDB_Init(bool bCreateOpened) { OTPDB = new PwDatabase(); OTPDB.RootGroup = new PwGroup(); FlagChanged(true); if (bCreateOpened) { OTPDB.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); } OTPDB.MasterKeyChangeRec = -1; OTPDB.MasterKeyChangeForce = -1; OTPDB.MasterKeyChangeForceOnce = false; OTPDB.RootGroup.Name = DBNAME; OTPDB.RecycleBinEnabled = false; OTPDB.SettingsChanged = INITTIME; OTPDB_Exists = true; OTPDB_Opened = OTPDB.IsOpen; }
/// <summary> /// Write entries to a stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="msOutput">Output stream to which the entries will be written.</param> /// <param name="vEntries">Entries to serialize.</param> /// <returns>Returns <c>true</c>, if the entries were written successfully /// to the stream.</returns> public static bool WriteEntries(Stream msOutput, PwEntry[] vEntries) { /* KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pwDatabase); * f.m_format = KdbxFormat.PlainXml; * * XmlTextWriter xtw = null; * try { xtw = new XmlTextWriter(msOutput, StrUtil.Utf8); } * catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } * if(xtw == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } * * f.m_xmlWriter = xtw; * * xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; * xtw.IndentChar = '\t'; * xtw.Indentation = 1; * * xtw.WriteStartDocument(true); * xtw.WriteStartElement(ElemRoot); * * foreach(PwEntry pe in vEntries) * f.WriteEntry(pe, false); * * xtw.WriteEndElement(); * xtw.WriteEndDocument(); * * xtw.Flush(); * xtw.Close(); * return true; */ PwDatabase pd = new PwDatabase(); pd.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); foreach (PwEntry peCopy in vEntries) { pd.RootGroup.AddEntry(peCopy.CloneDeep(), true); } KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pd); f.Save(msOutput, null, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null); return(true); }
private PwDatabase CreateTestDatabase( out IOConnectionInfo ci, out CompositeKey key, out IFile file) { IFolder folder = SpecialFolder.Current.Local; IFolder testData = folder.CreateFolderAsync("TestData", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists).Result; file = testData.CreateFileAsync("1.kdbx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting).Result; ci = new IOConnectionInfo(); ci.Path = file.Path; key = new CompositeKey(); key.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword("0")); var db = new PwDatabase(); db.New(ci, key); return(db); }
public KeePassApi(IConfiguration config) { var dbpath = config.GetValue <string>("KeePassFile"); var masterpw = config.GetValue <string>("KeePassword"); var ioConnInfo = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = dbpath }; var compKey = new CompositeKey(); compKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(masterpw)); if (!File.Exists(dbpath)) { var newDb = new PwDatabase(); newDb.New(ioConnInfo, compKey); newDb.Save(null); newDb.Close(); } _db = new PwDatabase(); _db.Open(ioConnInfo, compKey, null); }
/// <summary> /// Exports all entries with the given tag to a new database at the given path. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceDb">The source database.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings for this job.</param> private static void CopyToNewDb(PwDatabase sourceDb, Settings settings) { // Create a key for the target database CompositeKey key = new CompositeKey(); bool hasPassword = false; bool hasKeyFile = false; if (!settings.Password.IsEmpty) { byte[] passwordByteArray = settings.Password.ReadUtf8(); key.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(passwordByteArray)); MemUtil.ZeroByteArray(passwordByteArray); hasPassword = true; } // Load a keyfile for the target database if requested (and add it to the key) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.KeyFilePath)) { bool bIsKeyProv = Program.KeyProviderPool.IsKeyProvider(settings.KeyFilePath); if (!bIsKeyProv) { try { key.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(settings.KeyFilePath, true)); hasKeyFile = true; } catch (InvalidDataException exId) { MessageService.ShowWarning(settings.KeyFilePath, exId); } catch (Exception exKf) { MessageService.ShowWarning(settings.KeyFilePath, KPRes.KeyFileError, exKf); } } else { KeyProviderQueryContext ctxKp = new KeyProviderQueryContext( ConnectionInfo, true, false); KeyProvider prov = Program.KeyProviderPool.Get(settings.KeyFilePath); bool bPerformHash = !prov.DirectKey; byte[] pbCustomKey = prov.GetKey(ctxKp); if ((pbCustomKey != null) && (pbCustomKey.Length > 0)) { try { key.AddUserKey(new KcpCustomKey(settings.KeyFilePath, pbCustomKey, bPerformHash)); hasKeyFile = true; } catch (Exception exCkp) { MessageService.ShowWarning(exCkp); } MemUtil.ZeroByteArray(pbCustomKey); } } } // Check if at least a password or a keyfile have been added to the key object if (!hasPassword && !hasKeyFile) { // Fail if not throw new InvalidOperationException("For the target database at least a password or a keyfile is required."); } // Create a new database PwDatabase targetDatabase = new PwDatabase(); // Apply the created key to the new database targetDatabase.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), key); // Copy database settings targetDatabase.Color = sourceDb.Color; targetDatabase.Compression = sourceDb.Compression; targetDatabase.DataCipherUuid = sourceDb.DataCipherUuid; targetDatabase.DefaultUserName = sourceDb.DefaultUserName; targetDatabase.Description = sourceDb.Description; targetDatabase.HistoryMaxItems = sourceDb.HistoryMaxItems; targetDatabase.HistoryMaxSize = sourceDb.HistoryMaxSize; targetDatabase.MaintenanceHistoryDays = sourceDb.MaintenanceHistoryDays; targetDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForce = sourceDb.MasterKeyChangeForce; targetDatabase.MasterKeyChangeRec = sourceDb.MasterKeyChangeRec; targetDatabase.Name = sourceDb.Name; targetDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled = sourceDb.RecycleBinEnabled; if (settings.KeyTransformationRounds == 0) { // keyTransformationRounds was not set -> use the one from the source database settings.KeyTransformationRounds = sourceDb.KdfParameters.GetUInt64(AesKdf.ParamRounds, 0); } // Set keyTransformationRounds (min PwDefs.DefaultKeyEncryptionRounds) targetDatabase.KdfParameters.SetUInt64(AesKdf.ParamRounds, Math.Max(PwDefs.DefaultKeyEncryptionRounds, settings.KeyTransformationRounds)); // Assign the properties of the source root group to the target root group targetDatabase.RootGroup.AssignProperties(sourceDb.RootGroup, false, true); HandleCustomIcon(targetDatabase, sourceDb, sourceDb.RootGroup); // Overwrite the root group name if requested if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.RootGroupName)) { targetDatabase.RootGroup.Name = settings.RootGroupName; } // Find all entries matching the tag PwObjectList <PwEntry> entries = new PwObjectList <PwEntry>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Tag) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Group)) { // Tag only export sourceDb.RootGroup.FindEntriesByTag(settings.Tag, entries, true); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Tag) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Group)) { // Tag and group export PwGroup groupToExport = sourceDb.RootGroup.GetFlatGroupList().FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == settings.Group); if (groupToExport == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No group with the name of the Group-Setting found."); } entries = groupToExport.GetEntries(true); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Tag) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Group)) { // Tag and group export PwGroup groupToExport = sourceDb.RootGroup.GetFlatGroupList().FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == settings.Group); if (groupToExport == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No group with the name of the Group-Setting found."); } groupToExport.FindEntriesByTag(settings.Tag, entries, true); } else { throw new ArgumentException("At least one of Tag or ExportFolderName must be set."); } // Copy all entries to the new database foreach (PwEntry entry in entries) { // Get or create the target group in the target database (including hierarchy) PwGroup targetGroup = CreateTargetGroupInDatebase(entry, targetDatabase, sourceDb); // Clone entry PwEntry peNew = new PwEntry(false, false); peNew.Uuid = entry.Uuid; peNew.AssignProperties(entry, false, true, true); // Handle custom icon HandleCustomIcon(targetDatabase, sourceDb, entry); // Add entry to the target group in the new database targetGroup.AddEntry(peNew, true); } // Create target folder (if not exist) string targetFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.TargetFilePath); if (targetFolder == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Can't get target folder."); } Directory.CreateDirectory(targetFolder); // Save the new database under the target path KdbxFile kdbx = new KdbxFile(targetDatabase); using (FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(settings.TargetFilePath, FileMode.Create)) { kdbx.Save(outputStream, null, KdbxFormat.Default, new NullStatusLogger()); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when [file new]. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Review whenever private KeePass.MainForm.OnFileNew method changes. Last reviewed 20180416</remarks> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> internal void CreateNewDatabase() { if (!AppPolicy.Try(AppPolicyId.SaveFile)) { return; } DialogResult dr; string strPath; using (SaveFileDialog sfd = UIUtil.CreateSaveFileDialog(KPRes.CreateNewDatabase, KPRes.NewDatabaseFileName, UIUtil.CreateFileTypeFilter( AppDefs.FileExtension.FileExt, KPRes.KdbxFiles, true), 1, AppDefs.FileExtension.FileExt, false)) { GlobalWindowManager.AddDialog(sfd); dr = sfd.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); GlobalWindowManager.RemoveDialog(sfd); strPath = sfd.FileName; } if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { return; } KeePassLib.Keys.CompositeKey key = null; bool showUsualKeePassKeyCreationDialog = false; using (KeyCreationSimpleForm kcsf = new KeyCreationSimpleForm()) { // Don't show the simple key creation form if the user has set // security policies that restrict the allowable composite key sources if (KeePass.Program.Config.UI.KeyCreationFlags == 0) { kcsf.InitEx(KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strPath), true); dr = kcsf.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); if ((dr == DialogResult.Cancel) || (dr == DialogResult.Abort)) { return; } if (dr == DialogResult.No) { showUsualKeePassKeyCreationDialog = true; } else { key = kcsf.CompositeKey; } } else { showUsualKeePassKeyCreationDialog = true; } if (showUsualKeePassKeyCreationDialog) { using (KeyCreationForm kcf = new KeyCreationForm()) { kcf.InitEx(KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strPath), true); dr = kcf.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); if ((dr == DialogResult.Cancel) || (dr == DialogResult.Abort)) { return; } key = kcf.CompositeKey; } } PwDocument dsPrevActive = _host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.ActiveDocument; PwDatabase pd = _host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.CreateNewDocument(true).Database; pd.New(KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strPath), key); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kcsf.DatabaseName)) { pd.Name = kcsf.DatabaseName; pd.NameChanged = DateTime.Now; } InsertStandardKeePassData(pd); var conf = pd.GetKPRPCConfig(); pd.SetKPRPCConfig(conf); // save the new database & update UI appearance pd.Save(_host.MainWindow.CreateStatusBarLogger()); } _host.MainWindow.UpdateUI(true, null, true, null, true, null, false); }
public static bool?Import(PwDatabase pwDatabase, FileFormatProvider fmtImp, IOConnectionInfo[] vConnections, bool bSynchronize, IUIOperations uiOps, bool bForceSave, Form fParent) { if (pwDatabase == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pwDatabase"); } if (!pwDatabase.IsOpen) { return(null); } if (fmtImp == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fmtImp"); } if (vConnections == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("vConnections"); } if (!AppPolicy.Try(AppPolicyId.Import)) { return(false); } if (!fmtImp.TryBeginImport()) { return(false); } bool bUseTempDb = (fmtImp.SupportsUuids || fmtImp.RequiresKey); bool bAllSuccess = true; // if(bSynchronize) { Debug.Assert(vFiles.Length == 1); } IStatusLogger dlgStatus; if (Program.Config.UI.ShowImportStatusDialog) { dlgStatus = new OnDemandStatusDialog(false, fParent); } else { dlgStatus = new UIBlockerStatusLogger(fParent); } dlgStatus.StartLogging(PwDefs.ShortProductName + " - " + (bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg), false); dlgStatus.SetText(bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg, LogStatusType.Info); if (vConnections.Length == 0) { try { fmtImp.Import(pwDatabase, null, dlgStatus); } catch (Exception exSingular) { if ((exSingular.Message != null) && (exSingular.Message.Length > 0)) { // slf.SetText(exSingular.Message, LogStatusType.Warning); MessageService.ShowWarning(exSingular); } } dlgStatus.EndLogging(); return(true); } foreach (IOConnectionInfo iocIn in vConnections) { Stream s = null; try { s = IOConnection.OpenRead(iocIn); } catch (Exception exFile) { // Transacted-file operations can leave behind intact *.kdbx.tmp files when // the file rename doesn't get completed (can happen easily with slow/unreliable // remote collections. We check if that's the case here and fix the situation if // an kdbx file does *not* exist (to avoid possibly overwriting good data with bad // data (i.e. an interrupted kdbx.tmp write). // Make a copy of the IOC like FileTransactionEx.cs:Initialize does IOConnectionInfo iocTemp = iocIn.CloneDeep(); iocTemp.Path += FileTransactionEx.StrTempSuffix; if (IOConnection.FileExists(iocTemp) && !IOConnection.FileExists(iocIn)) { // Try and rename iocTemp to ioc.Path, then retry file opening. IOConnection.RenameFile(iocTemp, iocIn); try { s = IOConnection.OpenRead(iocIn); } catch (Exception nexFile) { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), nexFile); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } else { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), exFile); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } if (s == null) { Debug.Assert(false); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } PwDatabase pwImp; if (bUseTempDb) { pwImp = new PwDatabase(); pwImp.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), pwDatabase.MasterKey); pwImp.MemoryProtection = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.CloneDeep(); } else { pwImp = pwDatabase; } if (fmtImp.RequiresKey && !bSynchronize) { KeyPromptForm kpf = new KeyPromptForm(); kpf.InitEx(iocIn, false, true); if (UIUtil.ShowDialogNotValue(kpf, DialogResult.OK)) { s.Close(); continue; } pwImp.MasterKey = kpf.CompositeKey; UIUtil.DestroyForm(kpf); } else if (bSynchronize) { pwImp.MasterKey = pwDatabase.MasterKey; } dlgStatus.SetText((bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg) + " (" + iocIn.GetDisplayName() + ")", LogStatusType.Info); try { fmtImp.Import(pwImp, s, dlgStatus); } catch (Exception excpFmt) { string strMsgEx = excpFmt.Message; if (bSynchronize && (excpFmt is InvalidCompositeKeyException)) { strMsgEx = KLRes.InvalidCompositeKey + MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.SynchronizingHint; } MessageService.ShowWarning(strMsgEx); s.Close(); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } s.Close(); if (bUseTempDb) { PwMergeMethod mm; if (!fmtImp.SupportsUuids) { mm = PwMergeMethod.CreateNewUuids; } else if (bSynchronize) { mm = PwMergeMethod.Synchronize; } else { ImportMethodForm imf = new ImportMethodForm(); if (UIUtil.ShowDialogNotValue(imf, DialogResult.OK)) { continue; } mm = imf.MergeMethod; UIUtil.DestroyForm(imf); } try { pwDatabase.MergeIn(pwImp, mm, dlgStatus); } catch (Exception exMerge) { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), KPRes.ImportFailed, exMerge); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } } if (bSynchronize && bAllSuccess) { Debug.Assert(uiOps != null); if (uiOps == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uiOps"); } dlgStatus.SetText(KPRes.Synchronizing + " (" + KPRes.SavingDatabase + ")", LogStatusType.Info); MainForm mf = Program.MainForm; // Null for KPScript if (mf != null) { try { mf.DocumentManager.ActiveDatabase = pwDatabase; } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } } if (uiOps.UIFileSave(bForceSave)) { foreach (IOConnectionInfo ioc in vConnections) { try { // dlgStatus.SetText(KPRes.Synchronizing + " (" + // KPRes.SavingDatabase + " " + ioc.GetDisplayName() + // ")", LogStatusType.Info); string strSource = pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path; if (ioc.Path != strSource) { bool bSaveAs = true; if (pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.IsLocalFile() && ioc.IsLocalFile()) { // Do not try to copy an encrypted file; // // if ((long)(File.GetAttributes(strSource) & FileAttributes.Encrypted) == 0) { File.Copy(strSource, ioc.Path, true); bSaveAs = false; } } if (bSaveAs) { pwDatabase.SaveAs(ioc, false, null); } } // else { } // No assert (sync on save) if (mf != null) { mf.FileMruList.AddItem(ioc.GetDisplayName(), ioc.CloneDeep()); } } catch (Exception exSync) { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName() + MessageService.NewLine + ioc.GetDisplayName(), exSync); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } } else { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName()); bAllSuccess = false; } } dlgStatus.EndLogging(); return(bAllSuccess); }
public static bool?Import(PwDatabase pwDatabase, FileFormatProvider fmtImp, IOConnectionInfo[] vConnections, bool bSynchronize, IUIOperations uiOps, bool bForceSave, Form fParent) { if (pwDatabase == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pwDatabase"); } if (!pwDatabase.IsOpen) { return(null); } if (fmtImp == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fmtImp"); } if (vConnections == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("vConnections"); } if (!AppPolicy.Try(AppPolicyId.Import)) { return(false); } if (!fmtImp.TryBeginImport()) { return(false); } bool bUseTempDb = (fmtImp.SupportsUuids || fmtImp.RequiresKey); bool bAllSuccess = true; // if(bSynchronize) { Debug.Assert(vFiles.Length == 1); } IStatusLogger dlgStatus; if (Program.Config.UI.ShowImportStatusDialog) { dlgStatus = new OnDemandStatusDialog(false, fParent); } else { dlgStatus = new UIBlockerStatusLogger(fParent); } dlgStatus.StartLogging(PwDefs.ShortProductName + " - " + (bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg), false); dlgStatus.SetText(bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg, LogStatusType.Info); if (vConnections.Length == 0) { try { fmtImp.Import(pwDatabase, null, dlgStatus); } catch (Exception exSingular) { if ((exSingular.Message != null) && (exSingular.Message.Length > 0)) { // slf.SetText(exSingular.Message, LogStatusType.Warning); MessageService.ShowWarning(exSingular); } } dlgStatus.EndLogging(); return(true); } foreach (IOConnectionInfo iocIn in vConnections) { Stream s = null; try { s = IOConnection.OpenRead(iocIn); } catch (Exception exFile) { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), exFile); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } if (s == null) { Debug.Assert(false); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } PwDatabase pwImp; if (bUseTempDb) { pwImp = new PwDatabase(); pwImp.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), pwDatabase.MasterKey); pwImp.MemoryProtection = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.CloneDeep(); } else { pwImp = pwDatabase; } if (fmtImp.RequiresKey && !bSynchronize) { KeyPromptForm kpf = new KeyPromptForm(); kpf.InitEx(iocIn, false, true); if (kpf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { s.Close(); continue; } pwImp.MasterKey = kpf.CompositeKey; } else if (bSynchronize) { pwImp.MasterKey = pwDatabase.MasterKey; } dlgStatus.SetText((bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg) + " (" + iocIn.GetDisplayName() + ")", LogStatusType.Info); try { fmtImp.Import(pwImp, s, dlgStatus); } catch (Exception excpFmt) { string strMsgEx = excpFmt.Message; if (bSynchronize && (excpFmt is InvalidCompositeKeyException)) { strMsgEx = KLRes.InvalidCompositeKey + MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.SynchronizingHint; } MessageService.ShowWarning(strMsgEx); s.Close(); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } s.Close(); if (bUseTempDb) { PwMergeMethod mm; if (!fmtImp.SupportsUuids) { mm = PwMergeMethod.CreateNewUuids; } else if (bSynchronize) { mm = PwMergeMethod.Synchronize; } else { ImportMethodForm imf = new ImportMethodForm(); if (imf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { continue; } mm = imf.MergeMethod; } // slf.SetText(KPRes.MergingData, LogStatusType.Info); try { pwDatabase.MergeIn(pwImp, mm, dlgStatus); } catch (Exception exMerge) { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), KPRes.ImportFailed, exMerge); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } } dlgStatus.EndLogging(); if (bSynchronize && bAllSuccess) { Debug.Assert(uiOps != null); if (uiOps == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uiOps"); } if (uiOps.UIFileSave(bForceSave)) { foreach (IOConnectionInfo ioc in vConnections) { try { if (ioc.Path != pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path) { if (pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.IsLocalFile() && ioc.IsLocalFile()) { File.Copy(pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path, ioc.Path, true); } else { pwDatabase.SaveAs(ioc, false, null); } } else { } // No assert (sync on save) Program.MainForm.FileMruList.AddItem(ioc.GetDisplayName(), ioc.CloneDeep(), true); } catch (Exception exSync) { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName() + MessageService.NewLine + ioc.GetDisplayName(), exSync); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } } else { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName()); bAllSuccess = false; } } return(bAllSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Write entries to a stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="msOutput">Output stream to which the entries will be written.</param> /// <param name="vEntries">Entries to serialize.</param> /// <returns>Returns <c>true</c>, if the entries were written successfully /// to the stream.</returns> public static bool WriteEntries(Stream msOutput, PwEntry[] vEntries) { /* KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pwDatabase); f.m_format = KdbxFormat.PlainXml; XmlTextWriter xtw = null; try { xtw = new XmlTextWriter(msOutput, StrUtil.Utf8); } catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } if(xtw == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } f.m_xmlWriter = xtw; xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xtw.IndentChar = '\t'; xtw.Indentation = 1; xtw.WriteStartDocument(true); xtw.WriteStartElement(ElemRoot); foreach(PwEntry pe in vEntries) f.WriteEntry(pe, false); xtw.WriteEndElement(); xtw.WriteEndDocument(); xtw.Flush(); xtw.Close(); return true; */ PwDatabase pd = new PwDatabase(); pd.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); foreach(PwEntry peCopy in vEntries) pd.RootGroup.AddEntry(peCopy.CloneDeep(), true); KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pd); f.Save(msOutput, null, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null); return true; }
public static bool WriteEntries(Stream msOutput, PwDatabase pdContext, PwEntry[] vEntries) { if(msOutput == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } // pdContext may be null if(vEntries == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } /* KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pwDatabase); f.m_format = KdbxFormat.PlainXml; XmlTextWriter xtw = null; try { xtw = new XmlTextWriter(msOutput, StrUtil.Utf8); } catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } if(xtw == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } f.m_xmlWriter = xtw; xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xtw.IndentChar = '\t'; xtw.Indentation = 1; xtw.WriteStartDocument(true); xtw.WriteStartElement(ElemRoot); foreach(PwEntry pe in vEntries) f.WriteEntry(pe, false); xtw.WriteEndElement(); xtw.WriteEndDocument(); xtw.Flush(); xtw.Close(); return true; */ PwDatabase pd = new PwDatabase(); pd.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); PwGroup pg = pd.RootGroup; if(pg == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } foreach(PwEntry pe in vEntries) { PwUuid pu = pe.CustomIconUuid; if(!pu.Equals(PwUuid.Zero) && (pd.GetCustomIconIndex(pu) < 0)) { int i = -1; if(pdContext != null) i = pdContext.GetCustomIconIndex(pu); if(i >= 0) { PwCustomIcon ci = pdContext.CustomIcons[i]; pd.CustomIcons.Add(ci); } else { Debug.Assert(pdContext == null); } } PwEntry peCopy = pe.CloneDeep(); pg.AddEntry(peCopy, true); } KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pd); f.Save(msOutput, null, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Called when [file new]. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Review whenever private KeePass.MainForm.OnFileNew method changes.</remarks> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> internal void CreateNewDatabase() { if (!AppPolicy.Try(AppPolicyId.SaveFile)) { return; } SaveFileDialog sfd = UIUtil.CreateSaveFileDialog(KPRes.CreateNewDatabase, KPRes.NewDatabaseFileName, UIUtil.CreateFileTypeFilter( AppDefs.FileExtension.FileExt, KPRes.KdbxFiles, true), 1, AppDefs.FileExtension.FileExt, false); GlobalWindowManager.AddDialog(sfd); DialogResult dr = sfd.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); GlobalWindowManager.RemoveDialog(sfd); string strPath = sfd.FileName; if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { return; } KeePassLib.Keys.CompositeKey key; KeyCreationSimpleForm kcsf = new KeyCreationSimpleForm(); kcsf.InitEx(KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strPath), true); dr = kcsf.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); if ((dr == DialogResult.Cancel) || (dr == DialogResult.Abort)) { return; } if (dr == DialogResult.No) { KeyCreationForm kcf = new KeyCreationForm(); kcf.InitEx(KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strPath), true); dr = kcf.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); if ((dr == DialogResult.Cancel) || (dr == DialogResult.Abort)) { return; } key = kcf.CompositeKey; } else { key = kcsf.CompositeKey; } PwDocument dsPrevActive = _host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.ActiveDocument; PwDatabase pd = _host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.CreateNewDocument(true).Database; pd.New(KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strPath), key); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kcsf.DatabaseName)) { pd.Name = kcsf.DatabaseName; pd.NameChanged = DateTime.Now; } InsertStandardKeePassData(pd); InstallKeeFoxSampleEntries(pd); _host.MainWindow.UpdateUI(true, null, true, null, true, null, true); }
/// <summary> /// Read entries from a stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="msData">Input stream to read the entries from.</param> /// <param name="pdContext">Context database (e.g. for storing icons).</param> /// <param name="bCopyIcons">If <c>true</c>, custom icons required by /// the loaded entries are copied to the context database.</param> /// <returns>Loaded entries.</returns> public static List<PwEntry> ReadEntries(Stream msData, PwDatabase pdContext, bool bCopyIcons) { List<PwEntry> lEntries = new List<PwEntry>(); if(msData == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return lEntries; } // pdContext may be null /* KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pwDatabase); f.m_format = KdbxFormat.PlainXml; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(msData); XmlElement el = doc.DocumentElement; if(el.Name != ElemRoot) throw new FormatException(); List<PwEntry> vEntries = new List<PwEntry>(); foreach(XmlNode xmlChild in el.ChildNodes) { if(xmlChild.Name == ElemEntry) { PwEntry pe = f.ReadEntry(xmlChild); pe.Uuid = new PwUuid(true); foreach(PwEntry peHistory in pe.History) peHistory.Uuid = pe.Uuid; vEntries.Add(pe); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } return vEntries; */ PwDatabase pd = new PwDatabase(); pd.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), new CompositeKey()); KdbxFile f = new KdbxFile(pd); f.Load(msData, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null); foreach(PwEntry pe in pd.RootGroup.Entries) { pe.SetUuid(new PwUuid(true), true); lEntries.Add(pe); if(bCopyIcons && (pdContext != null)) { PwUuid pu = pe.CustomIconUuid; if(!pu.Equals(PwUuid.Zero)) { int iSrc = pd.GetCustomIconIndex(pu); int iDst = pdContext.GetCustomIconIndex(pu); if(iSrc < 0) { Debug.Assert(false); } else if(iDst < 0) { pdContext.CustomIcons.Add(pd.CustomIcons[iSrc]); pdContext.Modified = true; pdContext.UINeedsIconUpdate = true; } } } } return lEntries; }
private static bool PerformImport(PwDatabase pwDatabase, FileFormatProvider fmtImp, IOConnectionInfo[] vConnections, bool bSynchronize, IUIOperations uiOps, bool bForceSave) { if (fmtImp.TryBeginImport() == false) { return(false); } bool bUseTempDb = (fmtImp.SupportsUuids || fmtImp.RequiresKey); bool bAllSuccess = true; // if(bSynchronize) { Debug.Assert(vFiles.Length == 1); } StatusLoggerForm slf = new StatusLoggerForm(); slf.InitEx(false); slf.Show(); if (bSynchronize) { slf.StartLogging(KPRes.Synchronize, false); } else { slf.StartLogging(KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg, false); } if (vConnections.Length == 0) { try { fmtImp.Import(pwDatabase, null, slf); } catch (Exception exSingular) { if ((exSingular.Message != null) && (exSingular.Message.Length > 0)) { slf.SetText(exSingular.Message, LogStatusType.Warning); MessageService.ShowWarning(exSingular); } } slf.EndLogging(); slf.Close(); return(true); } foreach (IOConnectionInfo iocIn in vConnections) { Stream s = null; try { s = IOConnection.OpenRead(iocIn); } catch (Exception exFile) { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), exFile); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } if (s == null) { Debug.Assert(false); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } PwDatabase pwImp; if (bUseTempDb) { pwImp = new PwDatabase(); pwImp.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), pwDatabase.MasterKey); pwImp.MemoryProtection = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.CloneDeep(); } else { pwImp = pwDatabase; } if (fmtImp.RequiresKey && !bSynchronize) { KeyPromptForm kpf = new KeyPromptForm(); kpf.InitEx(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), false); if (kpf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { s.Close(); continue; } pwImp.MasterKey = kpf.CompositeKey; } else if (bSynchronize) { pwImp.MasterKey = pwDatabase.MasterKey; } slf.SetText((bSynchronize ? KPRes.Synchronizing : KPRes.ImportingStatusMsg) + " " + iocIn.GetDisplayName(), LogStatusType.Info); try { fmtImp.Import(pwImp, s, slf); } catch (Exception excpFmt) { string strMsgEx = excpFmt.Message; if (bSynchronize) { strMsgEx += MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.SynchronizingHint; } MessageService.ShowWarning(strMsgEx); s.Close(); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } s.Close(); if (bUseTempDb) { PwMergeMethod mm; if (!fmtImp.SupportsUuids) { mm = PwMergeMethod.CreateNewUuids; } else if (bSynchronize) { mm = PwMergeMethod.Synchronize; } else { ImportMethodForm imf = new ImportMethodForm(); if (imf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { continue; } mm = imf.MergeMethod; } slf.SetText(KPRes.MergingData, LogStatusType.Info); try { pwDatabase.MergeIn(pwImp, mm); } catch (Exception exMerge) { MessageService.ShowWarning(iocIn.GetDisplayName(), KPRes.ImportFailed, exMerge); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } } slf.EndLogging(); slf.Close(); if (bSynchronize && bAllSuccess) { Debug.Assert(uiOps != null); if (uiOps == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("uiOps"); } if (uiOps.UIFileSave(bForceSave)) { foreach (IOConnectionInfo ioc in vConnections) { try { if (pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.IsLocalFile()) { if ((pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path != ioc.Path) && ioc.IsLocalFile()) { File.Copy(pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path, ioc.Path, true); } } else { pwDatabase.SaveAs(ioc, false, null); } } catch (Exception exSync) { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName() + MessageService.NewLine + ioc.GetDisplayName(), exSync); bAllSuccess = false; continue; } } } else { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName()); bAllSuccess = false; } } else if (bSynchronize) // Synchronized but not successfully imported { MessageService.ShowWarning(KPRes.SyncFailed, pwDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.GetDisplayName()); bAllSuccess = false; } return(bAllSuccess); }