protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //写入项目中 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DOC_EVALUATION WHERE PRONAME = '" + tbxPRONAME.Text + "' AND SEQNO <> '" + tbxSEQNO.Text + "'")) { Alert.Show("已存在评价项目【" + tbxPRONAME.Text + "】", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_EVALUATION"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(Form2); mtType.ColRow["XGR"] = UserAction.UserID; mtType.ColRow["XGRQ"] = DateTime.Now; if (tbxSEQNO.Text.Length < 1) { mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT SEQ_EVAL.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL"); } List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DOC_EVALUATION WHERE SEQNO='" + tbxSEQNO.Text + "'", null)); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); WindowAdd.Hidden = true; btnSearch_Click(null, null); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_LICENSE"); if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormProducer).Length > 1) { return; //存在为空的非空列则返回! } if ((DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_LICENSE where code = '" + tbxCODE.Text + "'")) && (!hfdIsNew.Text.Equals("N"))) { Alert.Show("此证照编码已经存在,请重新输入!"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddlFLAG.SelectedValue)) { Alert.Show("请选择证照类别状态!", "提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormProducer); if (hfdIsNew.Text == "" || hfdIsNew.Text == "Y") { mtType.InsertExec(); } else { mtType.UpdateExec(""); } Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); dataSearch(); //hfdIsNew.Text = "N"; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_LICENSE"); if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormProducer).Length > 1) { return; //存在为空的非空列则返回! } if ((DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_LICENSE where code = '" + tbxCODE.Text + "'")) && (!hfdIsNew.Text.Equals("N"))) { Alert.Show("此证照编码已经存在,请重新输入!"); return; } mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormProducer); if (hfdIsNew.Text == "" || hfdIsNew.Text == "Y") { mtType.InsertExec(); } else { mtType.UpdateExec(""); } Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); dataSearch(); hfdIsNew.Text = "N"; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormMx).Length > 0) { return; } //if (tbxCode.Text.Length != ddlSJCODE.SelectedValue.Length + 2 && tbxCode.Text.Length > 2) //{ // Alert.Show("编码规则不正确,请检查!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; //} //增加控制避免主键重复 if ((DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from SYS_DEPT where code = '" + tbxCode.Text + "'")) && (tbxCode.Enabled)) { Alert.Show("你输入的编码已存在,请检查!"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddlSJCODE.SelectedValue)) { Alert.Show("请填选上级!", "提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (!CheckTel(tbxSTR6.Text)) { Alert.Show("联系电话请保证格式(固话XXX-XXX)(手机1XXX)!"); return; } string ls_codelabel; MyTable mtTable = new MyTable(strTable, "CODE"); mtTable.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormMx); ls_codelabel = PubFunc.FormLabelGet(FormMx, "CODE"); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTable.ColRow["CODE"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("【" + ls_codelabel + "】不能为空!"); return; } if (tbxCode.Enabled) //新增 { mtTable.InsertExec(); } else { mtTable.UpdateExec(""); } //写入日志 OperLog("管理架构定义", "修改资料【" + tbxCode.Text + "】"); Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); ERPUtility.CacheClear("SYS_DEPT"); tbxCode.Enabled = false; InitTree(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormLot).Length > 1) { return; } hfdGDSEQ.Text = tbxGDNAME.Text; if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(hfdGDSEQ.Text)) { Alert.Show(string.Format("您输入的商品【{0}】在商品资料中不存在,请重新输入!", tbxGDNAME.Text), "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (dpkYXQZ.SelectedDate == null || dpkRQ_SC.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("输入的效期或生产日期错误,请检查!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } DateTime time_sc = Convert.ToDateTime(dpkRQ_SC.Text); DateTime time_yx = Convert.ToDateTime(dpkYXQZ.Text); DateTime time_now = new DateTime(); time_now = DateTime.Now; if (DateTime.Compare(time_sc, time_now) > 0) { Alert.Show("生产日期不能大于当前日期!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (DateTime.Compare(time_now, time_yx) > 0) { Alert.Show("有效日期不能小于当前日期!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!DbHelperOra.Exists(string.Format("select 1 from DOC_GOODS where GDSEQ='{0}' OR GDNAME ='{0}' ", hfdGDSEQ.Text.Trim()))) { Alert.Show(string.Format("您输入的商品【{0}】在商品资料中不存在,请重新输入!", "消息提示", tbxGDNAME.Text), MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证批号是否已经存在 if (DbHelperOra.Exists(string.Format("select 1 from DAT_GOODSSTOCK where GDSEQ=(select gdseq from doc_goods where GDSEQ='{0}' OR GDNAME ='{0}') and PHID = '{1}'", hfdGDSEQ.Text.Trim(), tbsPH.Text))) { Alert.Show("您输入的商品批号已存在,请检查!"); return; } MyTable myLot = new MyTable("DOC_GOODSPH"); myLot.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormLot); myLot.ColRow.Add("PHID", tbsPH.Text); myLot.ColRow.Remove("GDNAME"); myLot.InsertExec(); Alert.Show("批号信息保存成功!"); DataSearch(); }
protected void btSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyTable mtQuest = new MyTable("PRO_QUESTION"); mtQuest.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormQuest); if (fudIMAGE.HasFile) { string fileName = fudIMAGE.ShortFileName; if (!ValidateFileType(fileName)) { Alert.Show("无效的文件类型!"); return; } fileName = fileName.Replace(":", "_").Replace(" ", "_").Replace("\\", "_").Replace("/", "_"); fileName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_" + fileName; //按日期归类保存 string datePath = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + "/"; //物理完整路径 string filePath = MapPath("~/ERPUpload/Question/" + datePath); //检查是否有该路径,没有就创建 if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } fudIMAGE.SaveAs(filePath + fileName); mtQuest.ColRow.Add("IMAGE", "~/ERPUpload/Question/" + datePath + fileName); } mtQuest.ColRow.Remove("ISNEW"); if (hfdISNEW.Text == "Y") { object objSeq = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("select seq_public.nextval from dual"); mtQuest.ColRow["SEQ"] = objSeq.ToString(); mtQuest.InsertExec(); } else { mtQuest.UpdateExec(); } billNew(); DataSearch(); Alert.Show("项目问题信息保存成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDosage).Length > 0) { return; } int out_i = 0; if (!int.TryParse(tbxCode.Text, out out_i)) { Alert.Show("请输入正确的药效编码!"); return; } if (out_i < 1) { Alert.Show("请输入正确的药效编码!"); return; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_GOODSJX"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDosage); if (hfdIsNew.Text == "Y") { if (DbHelperOra.Exists(string.Format("select 1 from DOC_GOODSJX where code='{0}'", tbxCode.Text))) { Alert.Show(string.Format("您输入的剂型编码【{0}】已存在,请重新输入!", tbxCode.Text), MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } mtType.InsertExec(); } else { if (ckbFlag.Checked) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("UPDATE DOC_GOODSJX SET flag='Y',name='" + tbxName.Text.Trim() + "' WHERE CODE='" + tbxCode.Text + "'"); } else { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("UPDATE DOC_GOODSJX SET flag='N',name='" + tbxName.Text.Trim() + "' WHERE CODE='" + tbxCode.Text + "'"); } } OperLog("剂型资料", "修改剂型【" + tbxName.Text.Trim() + "】"); Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); GetDosage(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormMx).Length > 0) { return; } //判断此类别是否存在 if ((DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from SYS_CATEGORY where code = '" + tbxCode.Text + "'")) && (tbxCode.Enabled)) { Alert.Show("此商品类别编码已经存在,请检查!"); return; } string ls_codelabel; MyTable mtTable = new MyTable(strTable, "CODE"); mtTable.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormMx); ls_codelabel = PubFunc.FormLabelGet(FormMx, "CODE"); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTable.ColRow["CODE"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("【" + ls_codelabel + "】不能为空!"); return; } else if (mtTable.ColRow["CODE"].ToString().Length != CodeLen(tbxCLASS.Text)) { Alert.Show("【" + ls_codelabel + "】长度应该为【" + CodeLen(tbxCLASS.Text).ToString() + "】,请修改!"); return; } if (tbxCode.Enabled) //新增 { mtTable.InsertExec(); } else { mtTable.UpdateExec(""); } Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); tbxCode.Enabled = false; InitTree(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!chkMONDAY.Checked && !chkTUESDAY.Checked && !chkWEDNESDAY.Checked && !chkTHURSDAY.Checked && !chkFRIDAY.Checked && !chkSATURDAY.Checked && !chkSUNDAY.Checked) { Alert.Show("请选择业务操作的周期!", "操作提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_WORK"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormMange); if (!DbHelperOra.Exists(string.Format("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_WORK WHERE DEPTID = '{0}' AND TYPE = '{1}'", ddlDEPTID.SelectedValue, ddlTYPE.SelectedValue))) { mtType.InsertExec(); } else { mtType.UpdateExec(""); } Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); dataSearch(); PubFunc.FormDataClear(FormMange); }
protected void btnRejectSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlType.SelectedValue != "D") { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormProducer).Length > 0) { return; } } if (tbxSUPID.Text.Trim().Length > 1) { if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP where SUPID='" + tbxSUPID.Text + "'")) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("DELETE FROM DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP WHERE SUPID='" + tbxSUPID.Text + "'"); } } if (hfdIsNew.Text == "N" && tbxSUPID.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.QueryForTable("SELECT F_GET_SUPCODE FROM DUAL"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { tbxSUPID.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } } else if (hfdIsNew.Text == "M" && tbxSUPID.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP where SUPID='" + tbxSUPID.Text + "'")) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("DELETE FROM DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP WHERE SUPID='" + tbxSUPID.Text + "'"); } } else if (hfdIsNew.Text == "D") { for (int i = 0; i < GridSupplier.SelectedRowIndexArray.Length; i++) { if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP where SUPID='" + GridSupplier.Rows[GridSupplier.SelectedRowIndexArray[i]].DataKeys[0] + "'")) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("DELETE FROM DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP WHERE SUPID='" + GridSupplier.Rows[GridSupplier.SelectedRowIndexArray[i]].DataKeys[0] + "'"); } if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIER where SUPID='" + GridSupplier.Rows[GridSupplier.SelectedRowIndexArray[i]].DataKeys[0] + "'")) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("INSERT INTO DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP SELECT * FROM DOC_SUPPLIER where SUPID='" + GridSupplier.Rows[GridSupplier.SelectedRowIndexArray[i]].DataKeys[0] + "' "); } hfdTEMP.Text += GridSupplier.Rows[GridSupplier.SelectedRowIndexArray[i]].DataKeys[0] + ","; } GridInIt(); WindowGoods.Hidden = true; return; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP"); if (tbxSUPNAME.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { Alert.Show("请输入供应商名称!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if ((DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIER where SUPID = '" + tbxSUPID.Text + "'")) && (tbxSUPID.Enabled)) { Alert.Show("此供应商编码已经存在,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (hfdIsNew.Text == "N") { if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DOC_SUPPLIER WHERE SUPNAME = '" + tbxSUPNAME.Text + "'")) { Alert.Show("供应商名称已存在,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormProducer); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUPCAT", "03"); mtType.ColRow["ISSEND"] = chkSTR1.Checked ? "N" : "Y"; mtType.ColRow["ISDG"] = chkSTR1.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "Y"; mtType.InsertExec(); GridInTo(); }
private void save(string flag = "Y") { #region 数据有效性验证 if ((",M,R").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { //填写商品追溯码时,使用数必须为小于等于1 if (newDict[i]["NUM1"].ToString() == newDict[i]["NUM2"].ToString()) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】调整与原设定相同,请检查!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docBILLNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'M') FROM DAT_DT_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_DT_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M"; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_DT_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_DT_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_DT_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); //增加待办事宜 cmdList.Add(Doc.GETDOADD("DO_13", docDEPTID.SelectedValue, docLRY.SelectedValue, docBILLNO.Text.Trim())); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("高值修改信息保存成功!"); OperLog("高值调整", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } SaveSuccess = true; }
private void saveExec() { try { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormProducer).Length > 0) { return; //存在为空的非空列则返回! } //增加自动生成的编码 if (hfdIsNew.Text == "Y" && tbxSUPID.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.QueryForTable("SELECT F_GET_SUPCODE FROM DUAL"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { tbxSUPID.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxSUPID.Text))//当导入供应商时,SUPID再次新增时,超过50次尝试后无法自动生成 { string getstring = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT SUPID FROM(SELECT SUPID FROM DOC_SUPPLIER ORDER BY SUPID DESC) WHERE ROWNUM=1 ").ToString(); int totalcount = 0; int zerocount = 0; string newstring = ""; MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(getstring, @"\d+"); foreach (Match m in ms) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Value)) { totalcount = m.Value.Length; //总位数 zerocount = totalcount - Int32.Parse(m.Value).ToString().Length; //0的位数 newstring = (Int32.Parse(m.Value) + 1).ToString(); tbxSUPID.Text = getstring.Replace(m.Value, "") + m.Value.Substring(0, zerocount) + newstring; } } } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_SUPPLIER"); if ((DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIER where SUPID = '" + tbxSUPID.Text + "'")) && (tbxSUPID.Enabled)) { Alert.Show("此供应商编码已经存在,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hfdsavecount.Text)) { if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from DOC_SUPPLIER where SUPNAME = '" + tbxSUPNAME.Text + "'")) { Alert.Show("此供应商名称已经存在,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } if (!chkISDG.Checked && chkSTR1.Checked) { Alert.Show("本地供应商必须为代管供应商!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); chkISDG.Checked = true; return; } if (chkISSUPPLIER.Checked && chkISPSS.Checked) { Alert.Show("【供应商】标记与【配送商】标记不能同时维护!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormProducer); //mtType.ColRow.Add("FLAG", "N"); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUPCAT", "03"); if (hfdIsNew.Text == "" || hfdIsNew.Text == "Y") { mtType.ColRow["ISSEND"] = chkSTR1.Checked?"Y":"N"; mtType.InsertExec(); Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); btnSave.Enabled = false; } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxSUPPWD.Text.Trim())) { mtType.ColRow.Remove("SUPPWD"); } else { mtType.ColRow["SUPPWD"] = PasswordUtil.CreateDbPassword(tbxSUPPWD.Text.Trim()); } mtType.UpdateExec(""); Alert.Show("数据更新成功!"); } OperLog("供应商资料", "修改供应商【" + tbxSUPID.Text + "】"); } catch (Exception) { Alert.Show("请确认您的供应商名称是否重复了!"); } }
protected override void billSave() { #region 数据有效性验证 if (("MR").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!CheckFlagForM() && !CheckFlagForR()) { Alert.Show("此单据已经被别人操作,请等待操作!"); return; } if (!docBILLNO.Text.Contains(BillType) && docBILLNO.Text.Length > 0) { Alert.Show("下传单据不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = GridCom.GetNewAddedList(); if (goodsData.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } if (docDHRQ.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("收货日期输入错误!"); return; } string type = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("select TYPE from SYS_DEPT where CODE='{0}'", docDEPTID.SelectedValue)).ToString(); List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodsData[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodsData[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if ((goodsData[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (goodsData[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("请填写商品[" + goodsData[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]入库数!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if ((goodsData[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (goodsData[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString() == "0" || Convert.ToDecimal(goodsData[i]["HSJJ"]) == 0) { Alert.Show("商品[" + goodsData[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]的【含税进价】不能为零,请维护好商品的含税进价,再次保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //当入库部门为1药库、2药房时 if ((",1,2").IndexOf(type) > 0 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodsData[i]["HWID"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("第[" + (i + 1) + "]行商品【" + goodsData[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】货位不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodsData[i]["HWID"].ToString())) { goodsData[i]["HWID"] = docDEPTID.SelectedValue; } } newDict.Add(goodsData[i]); } } if (newDict.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'M') FROM DAT_YRK_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } if (docBILLNO.Text.Length > 15) { Alert.Show("单据编号输入超长,请检查!"); return; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_YRK_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M"; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", newDict.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("PPSID", docPSSID.SelectedValue); //mtType.ColRow.Add("SUPNAME", docSUPID.SelectedText); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_YRK_COM"); //取消高值写入逻辑 //MyTable mtTypeExt = new MyTable("DAT_RK_EXT"); MyTable mtTypePh = new MyTable("DOC_GOODSPH"); decimal subNum = 0; //总金额 //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_YRK_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_YRK_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 newDict = newDict.OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); //按照商品编码重新排序 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(newDict[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("ROWNO", i + 1); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SSSL", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["DDSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); string codeInfo = newDict[i]["CODEINFO"].ToString(); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("CODEINFO"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtType.ColRow["NUM1"].ToString())) { mtType.ColRow.Remove("NUM1"); } cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("商品入库数据保存成功!"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); billLockDoc(true); OperLog("跟台商品入库", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); } else { Alert.Show("商品入库数据保存失败!", "错误提示", MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormUnit).Length > 1) { return; //存在为空的非空列则返回! } if (tbxCode.Text.Trim() == "" || tbxName.Text.Trim() == "") { Alert.Show("请维护单位编码和单位名称!"); return; } if (tbxCode.Text.Length > 15 || tbxName.Text.Length > 30) { Alert.Show("单位编码或单位名称超长!"); return; } try { int k = Convert.ToInt16(tbxCode.Text); if (k < 0) { Alert.Show("单位编码只能输入大于0的数字!"); return; } } catch { Alert.Show("单位编码只能输入数字!"); return; } if (tbxCode.Enabled != false) { if (DbHelperOra.Exists(string.Format("select 1 from DOC_GOODSUNIT where CODE='{0}'", tbxCode.Text.Trim()))) { Alert.Show(string.Format("您输入的单位编码【{0}】已存在,请重新输入!", tbxCode.Text), MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_GOODSUNIT"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormUnit); if (hfdIsNew.Text == "Y") { mtType.InsertExec(); } else { if (ckbFlag.Checked) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("update DOC_GOODSUNIT set name = '" + tbxName.Text.Trim() + "',flag='Y' where code = '" + tbxCode.Text.Trim() + "'"); } else { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("update DOC_GOODSUNIT set name = '" + tbxName.Text.Trim() + "',flag='N' where code ='" + tbxCode.Text.Trim() + "'"); } OperLog("单位资料", "修改单位【" + tbxName.Text.Trim() + "】"); } Alert.Show("数据保存成功!"); LoadData(); }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "M" && docFLAG.SelectedValue != "R") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!CheckFlag("M") && !CheckFlag("R")) { Alert.Show("此单据已经被别人操作,请等待操作!"); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList();//.OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); //排序这里给关掉 if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZHL"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]包装单位信息错误,请联系管理员维护!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if ((newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "0").ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("请填写商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]退货数!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //if (((newDict[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString() == "0") && ((newDict[i]["NUM1"] ?? "").ToString() != "1")) if (((newDict[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString() == "0")) { Alert.Show("商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]的【含税进价】不能为零,请维护好商品的含税进价,再次保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "1" || newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "2") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["PH"].ToString())) { string[] selectedCell = GridGoods.SelectedCell; PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(String.Format("F('{0}').selectCell('{1}','{2}');", GridGoods.ClientID, selectedCell[0], selectedCell[1])); Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】批号不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_TH_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_TH_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M"; mtType.ColRow["NUM1"] = "2"; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUPNAME", docPSSID.SelectedText); mtType.ColRow.Add("DEPTDH", mtType.ColRow["DEPTID"]); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_TH_COM"); decimal subNum = 0; //总金额 //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TH_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TH_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TH_EXT where billno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"] = Math.Abs(decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString())) * -1; mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["THSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SSSL", mtTypeMx.ColRow["THSL"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("DEPTID", docDEPTID.SelectedValue); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); //cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TH_EXT where onecode='" + mtTypeMx.ColRow["STR2"].ToString() + "'", null)); cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo(String.Format(@"INSERT INTO DAT_TH_EXT(DEPTID,BILLNO,ROWNO,ONECODE,GDSEQ,GDNAME,BARCODE,UNIT,GDSPEC,DEPTCUR,BZHL,FLAG,PH,RQ_SC,YXQZ) SELECT '{1}','{2}',B.ROWNO,A.ONECODE,A.GDSEQ,A.GDNAME,A.BARCODE,A.UNIT,A.GDSPEC,A.DEPTCUR,A.BZHL,A.FLAG,A.PH,A.RQ_SC,A.YXQZ FROM DAT_RK_EXT A,DAT_TH_COM B WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ AND A.ONECODE = '{0}' AND A.ONECODE = B.STR2 ", mtTypeMx.ColRow["STR2"].ToString(), docDEPTID.SelectedValue, docBILLNO.Text), null)); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); // cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TH_EXT where billno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null));单据编号发生了变化,这条语句无法删除DAT_TH_EXT表中已经存在的ONECODE,ONECODE是唯一键,执行会报错 // cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo(String.Format(@"INSERT INTO DAT_TH_EXT(DEPTID,BILLNO,ROWNO,ONECODE,GDSEQ,GDNAME,BARCODE,UNIT,GDSPEC,DEPTCUR,BZHL,FLAG,PH,RQ_SC,YXQZ) // SELECT '{1}','{0}',B.ROWNUM,A.ONECODE,A.GDSEQ,A.GDNAME,A.BARCODE,A.UNIT,A.GDSPEC,A.DEPTCUR,A.BZHL,A.FLAG,A.PH,A.RQ_SC,A.YXQZ // FROM DAT_RK_EXT A,DAT_TH_COM B // WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ AND B.SEQNO = '{0}' AND A.ONECODE = B.STR2 ", docBILLNO.Text, docDEPTID.SelectedValue), null)); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("商品退货信息保存成功!"); } // billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); billLockDoc(true); billOpen(docSEQNO.Text); OperLog("商品退货", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); SaveSuccess = true; } else { Alert.Show("商品退货信息保存失败,请联系管理员!"); } }
protected override void billSave() { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "M") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if (newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "1" || newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "2") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["PH"].ToString())) { //GridGoods.SelectedCell = new int[] { i, 8 }; string[] selectedCell = GridGoods.SelectedCell; PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(String.Format("F('{0}').selectCell('{1}','{2}');", GridGoods.ClientID, selectedCell[0], "GDSPEC")); Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】批号不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } if (newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() == "0" || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】使用数填写不正确!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["NUM5"].ToString()) < decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】使用数大于库存数,请重新输入!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //当商品中含有贵重商品信息,即需要赋唯一码时 if (newDict[i]["ISGZ"].ToString() == "Y" && newDict[i]["ONECODE"].ToString() == "") { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】为贵重商品,请先进行扫描赋码!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //填写商品追溯码时,使用数必须为小于等于1 //if (newDict[i]["ONECODE"].ToString().Length > 0 && newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() != "1") //{ // Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】为贵重商品,使用数量只能为1!"); // return; //} goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_XS_DOC where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_XS_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_XS_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "3"); mtType.ColRow["STR5"] = mtType.ColRow["DEPTGROUP"]; mtType.ColRow.Remove("DEPTGROUP"); mtType.ColRow.Remove("NUM"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_XS_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_XS_DOC WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_XS_COM WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("商品【" + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDSEQ"] + " | " + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDNAME"] + "】【使用数】为0或空,无法进行【使用信息管理】操作。", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"]; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("学科组试剂领用信息保存成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); OperLog("试剂出库", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormConfig).Length > 1) { return; } if (tbnZDKC.Text.Length > 0 && tbnZGKC.Text.Length > 0) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(tbnZDKC.Text) > Convert.ToDecimal(tbnZGKC.Text)) { Alert.Show("最低库存不能大于最高库存"); return; } } //填写定数数量,定数系数必须填写 //if (nbxDSNUM.Text.Length > 0) //{ // if (NubNUM1.Text.Length < 1) // { // Alert.Show("定数数量不为0时,定数系数必须填写!"); // return; // } // if (Convert.ToDecimal(nbxDSNUM.Text) > 0 && Convert.ToDecimal(NubNUM1.Text) < 1) // { // Alert.Show("定数数量不为0时,定数系数必须填写!"); // return; // } //} MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DOC_GOODSCFG"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormConfig); mtType.ColRow.Remove("GDNAME"); string strISCFG = ""; if (chkISCFGID.Checked) { strISCFG = "Y"; } else { strISCFG = "N"; } mtType.ColRow.Add("ISCFG", strISCFG); mtType.UpdateExec(); //同步修改库存表中存在库存信息 //if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM SYS_DEPT WHERE CODE = '" + ddlDept.SelectedValue + "' AND TYPE IN('1','2')") && cbxTB.Checked) //{ if (trbHJCODE1.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { Alert.Show("请维护库房商品【" + tbxGDSEQ.Text + "】的货位信息!", "操作提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (cbxTB.Checked) { DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("UPDATE DAT_GOODSSTOCK SET HWID = '" + trbHJCODE1.Text + "' WHERE GDSEQ = '" + tbxGDSEQ.Text + "' AND DEPTID = '" + ddlDept.SelectedValue + "'"); } OperLog("商品配置", "修改科室【" + ddlDept.SelectedValue + "】商品【" + tbxGDSEQ.Text + "】"); //} //else //{ // Alert.Show("这个是科室,直接把科室编码冻结"); //} dataSearch(); dataSearch("right"); Alert.Show("配置信息保存成功!"); //PubFunc.FormDataClear(FormConfig); //cbxTB.Checked = true; }
private bool DataSave() { #region 数据有效性验证 if ((",N,R").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } string strBillno = docSEQNO.Text; if (!Doc.getFlag(strBillno, "N", BillType) && !Doc.getFlag(strBillno, "R", BillType)) { Alert.Show("此单据已被其他人处理,请刷新页面更新单据状态!", "警告提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if ((newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "0") { //Alert.Show("请填写商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]的申请数量!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); //return false; continue; } //if (decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString()) > decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["NUM1"].ToString())) //{ // Alert.Show("商品【" + (newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) + "】申请数不能大于库存数量", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return false; //} if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZHL"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]包装单位信息错误,请联系管理员维护!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docSEQNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_DB_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docSEQNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",N,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } else { docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docSEQNO.Enabled = false; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue)) { Alert.Show("请选择出库库房!", "提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); return(false); } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_DB_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "N";//所有单据在保存时单据状态一律为新增N mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_DB_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_DB_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_DB_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 decimal subNum = 0; //总金额 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); //判断含税进价,为0时不能保存 string isJiFei = string.Format("select 1 from DOC_GOODS t where iscf = 'N' and gdseq = '{0}'", mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDSEQ"].ToString()); if (DbHelperOra.Exists(isJiFei)) { if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("商品【含税进价】为0或空,无法进行【补货管理】操作。"); return(false); } } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; //mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"].ToString() == "0") { mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); } mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"] = ""; subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); string flag = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT VALUE FROM SYS_PARA WHERE CODE='ISAUTOAUDIT'").ToString(); if (flag == "Y") { //当系统设置为自动审批时,商品申领信息在保存之后即进行审核操作 OracleParameter[] parameters = { new OracleParameter("VTASKID", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 20), new OracleParameter("VPARA", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 800) }; parameters[0].Value = BillType; parameters[1].Value = "'" + docBILLNO.Text + "','" + BillType + "','" + UserAction.UserID + "','DECLARE'"; cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("P_EXECTASK", parameters, CommandType.StoredProcedure)); } return(DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)); }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if ((",M,R").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); List <string> newstr = new List <string>(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if ((newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("请填写商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]出库数!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZHL"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]包装单位信息错误,请联系管理员维护!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["HSJJ"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】含税进价不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】出库包装未维护!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); newstr.Add(newDict[i]["STR2"].ToString()); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (newDict.Count != newstr.Distinct().ToArray().Count()) { List <string> strReturn = new List <string>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; foreach (string values in newstr.ToList()) { foreach (string values2 in newstr.ToList()) { if (values2.Equals(values)) { i++; } if (i > 1) { strReturn.Add(values); i = 0; break; } } } foreach (string res in strReturn.Distinct()) { sb.Append(res).Append(","); } Alert.Show(sb.ToString().Substring(0, sb.ToString().Count() - 1) + "高值码重复录入!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_CK_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "G"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_CK_COM"); decimal subNum = 0;//总金额 string onecode = string.Empty; //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_CK_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "' and flag = 'M'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_CK_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); //判断含税进价,为0时不能保存 if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("商品【含税进价】为0或空,无法进行【库房出库管理】操作。"); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); onecode += mtTypeMx.ColRow["STR2"].ToString() + ","; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); //object objCount = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(@"SELECT LISTAGG(ONECODE,',') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY ONECODE) // FROM DAT_CK_EXT WHERE BILLNO <> '" + docBILLNO.Text + @"' // AND ONECODE IN ('" + onecode.Trim(',').Replace(",", "','") + "')"); //if (objCount != null && objCount.ToString().Length > 0) //{ // Alert.Show("高值码【" + objCount.ToString() + "】重复!!!", "异常提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; //} //写入追溯码表 //cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE FROM DAT_CK_EXT WHERE BILLNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null));//删除单据明细 //cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo(String.Format(@"INSERT INTO DAT_CK_EXT(DEPTID,BILLNO,ROWNO,ONECODE,GDSEQ,GDNAME,BARCODE,UNIT,GDSPEC,DEPTCUR,BZHL,FLAG,PH,RQ_SC,YXQZ) // SELECT '{1}','{0}',ROWNUM,A.ONECODE,A.GDSEQ,A.GDNAME,A.BARCODE,A.UNIT,A.GDSPEC,A.DEPTCUR,A.BZHL,A.FLAG,A.PH,A.RQ_SC,A.YXQZ // FROM DAT_RK_EXT A,DAT_CK_COM B // WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ AND B.SEQNO = '{0}' AND (A.ONECODE = B.STR2 OR A.STR1 = B.STR2)", docBILLNO.Text, docDEPTID.SelectedValue), null));//删除单据明细 cmdList.Add(mtType.Insert()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("商品出库信息保存成功!"); } billLockDoc(true); OperLog("高值扫码出库", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); hdfRowIndex.Text = ""; } SaveSuccess = true; }
protected override void billSave() { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString())) { goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM dat_ck_doc where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); //处理单号前缀 docSEQNO.Text = "DSC" + docSEQNO.Text.Substring(3, docSEQNO.Text.Length - 3); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_CK_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", "DSC"); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); decimal subNum = 0;//总金额 List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_CK_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(mtType.DeleteCommand("")); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete dat_ck_com where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); //判断含税进价,为0时不能保存 string isJiFei = string.Format("select 1 from DOC_GOODS t where iscf = 'N' and gdseq = '{0}'", mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDSEQ"].ToString()); if (DbHelperOra.Exists(isJiFei)) { if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("商品【含税进价】为0或空,无法进行【定数出库管理】操作。"); return; } } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("ROWNO", i + 1); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); Alert.Show("定数出库信息保存成功!"); //billNew(); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); billLockDoc(true); }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString())) { if (newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() == "0" || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("第【" + (i + 1) + "】行【调拨数量】为空,请填写!"); return; } object DSBZSL = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format(@"SELECT DSHL FROM DAT_GOODSDS_LOG WHERE GDSEQ = '{0}' AND DEPTIN = '{1}' AND BARCODE = '{2}'", newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString(), docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue, newDict[i]["DSCODE"].ToString())); object FDSKC = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format(@"SELECT (A.KCSL - NVL(B.DSSL, 0)) KSSPSL FROM (SELECT GDSEQ, SUM(KCSL) KCSL FROM DAT_GOODSSTOCK A WHERE KCSL > 0 AND A.DEPTID = '{1}' AND A.GDSEQ = '{0}' GROUP BY GDSEQ) A, (SELECT GDSEQ, SUM(DSHL) DSSL FROM DAT_GOODSDS_LOG WHERE DEPTIN = '{1}' AND FLAG = 'N' AND SL > 0 AND DSHL > 0 AND GDSEQ = '{0}' GROUP BY GDSEQ) B WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ(+)", newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString(), docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["PH"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("第【" + (i + 1) + "】行【批号】为空,请填写!"); return; } //if (newDict[i]["ISDS"].ToString() == "定数") if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["DSCODE"].ToString())) { //if (newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() != newDict[i]["DSBZSL"].ToString()) if (newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() != DSBZSL.ToString()) { //newDict[i]["BZSL"] = newDict[i]["DSBZSL"].ToString(); Alert.Show("第【" + (i + 1) + "】行为定数,【调拨数量】不允许由【" + DSBZSL.ToString() + "】调整为【" + newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() + "】,请修改!"); return; } } else { if (Convert.ToDecimal(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString()) > Convert.ToDecimal(FDSKC.ToString())) { //newDict[i]["BZSL"] = newDict[i]["DSBZSL"].ToString(); Alert.Show("第【" + (i + 1) + "】行为非定数,不允许大于非定数库存数量【" + FDSKC.ToString() + "】,请修改!"); return; } } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM dat_kd_doc where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); //重新拼单号 docSEQNO.Text = "KSD" + docSEQNO.Text.Substring(3, docSEQNO.Text.Length - 3); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_KD_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", "KSD"); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_KD_COM"); decimal subNum = 0; //总金额 //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(mtType.DeleteCommand("")); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_KD_COM WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", Convert.ToInt32(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"]) * Convert.ToInt32(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"])); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = Convert.ToDecimal(mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("科室商品调拨信息保存成功!"); } //billNew(); OperLog("科室调拨", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); btnDel.Enabled = true; billLockDoc(true); SaveSuccess = true; }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if ((",M,N").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if ((newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["BZSL"] ?? "").ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("第【" + i + 1 + "】行,商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]借货数未填写!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZHL"].ToString()) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("第【" + i + 1 + "】行,商品[" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "]包装单位信息错误,请联系管理员维护!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("第【" + i + 1 + "】行,商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】出库包装未维护!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //有效期必须大于等于生成日期 if (newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "1" || newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "2") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)newDict[i]["PH"])) { GridGoods.SelectedCell = new string[] { i.ToString(), "8" }; Alert.Show("第[" + (i + 1) + "]行商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】批号不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //if ((newDict[i]["RQ_SC"] ?? "").ToString() == "" || (newDict[i]["YXQZ"] ?? "").ToString() == "") //{ // GridGoods.SelectedCell = new string[] { i.ToString(), "8" }; // Alert.Show("第[" + (i + 1) + "]行商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】生产日期/有效期至/注册证号不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; //} } try { if (!newDict[i].ContainsKey("RQ_SC")) { Alert.Show("第[" + (i + 1) + "]行商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】生产日期不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!newDict[i].ContainsKey("YXQZ")) { Alert.Show("第[" + (i + 1) + "]行商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】有效期至不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((newDict[i]["YXQZ"] ?? "").ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((newDict[i]["RQ_SC"] ?? "").ToString())) { if (DateTime.Compare(Convert.ToDateTime(newDict[i]["RQ_SC"]), Convert.ToDateTime(newDict[i]["YXQZ"])) > 0) { Alert.Show("第【" + i + 1 + "】行,商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】有效期不能小于生产日期!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } } catch { Alert.Show("生产日期/有效期至不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_JH_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",M,N").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_JH_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_JH_COM"); decimal subNum = 0; //总金额 //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_JH_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_JH_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); //判断含税进价,为0时不能保存 string isJiFei = string.Format("select 1 from DOC_GOODS t where iscf = 'N' and gdseq = '{0}'", mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDSEQ"].ToString()); if (DbHelperOra.Exists(isJiFei)) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"] ?? "0") <= 0) { Alert.Show("商品【" + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】含税进价为0或空,无法进行【商品借货管理】操作。"); return; } } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("商品借货信息保存成功!"); } billLockDoc(true); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); OperLog("商品接货", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); } SaveSuccess = true; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(docGROUPNAME.Text)) { Alert.Show("请输入模板名称!", "警告提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (docGROUPNAME.Text.Length > 50) { Alert.Show("输入的模板名称超过字数限制!", "警告提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (ddlTYPE.SelectedValue == "") { Alert.Show("请选择申请模板!", "警告提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (hfdGROUPID.Text == "") { hfdGROUPID.Text = GetCode(); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().ToList(); MyTable mt = new MyTable("DOC_GROUPDOC"); mt.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormCond); //string type = ddlTYPE.SelectedValue; //mt.ColRow.Add("TYPE", "T"); mt.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", newDict.Count); mt.ColRow.Add("LRY", UserAction.UserID); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DOC_GROUPCOM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DOC_GROUPDOC WHERE GROUPID='" + hfdGROUPID.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DOC_GROUPCOM WHERE GROUPID='" + hfdGROUPID.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mt.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { int num = Convert.ToInt32(newDict[i]["SL"]); if (num < 1) { Alert.Show("申请数量不能为0!", "警告提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(newDict[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("ROWNO"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("ROWNO", i + 1); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("GROUPID", hfdGROUPID.Text); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("模板信息保存成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); //DataInit(); GridStrategy.DataSource = GridTemplate(""); GridStrategy.DataBind(); } }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if ((",M,R").IndexOf(ddlFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } if (GridGoods.Rows.Count() == 0) { Alert.Show("请先进行数据维护,再进行保存操作!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_TZSUP_DOC where seqno = '" + tbxBILLNO.Text + "'") && tbxBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(tbxBILLNO.Text)) { tbxSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); tbxBILLNO.Text = tbxSEQNO.Text; tbxBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'M') FROM DAT_TZSUP_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", tbxBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { tbxSEQNO.Text = tbxBILLNO.Text; tbxBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_TZSUP_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = tbxBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", GridGoods.Rows.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XGTYPE", ddlType.SelectedValue); mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", "TZL"); mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M"; List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_TZSUP_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TZSUP_DOC where seqno='" + tbxBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_TZSUP_COM where seqno='" + tbxBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); int index = 0; foreach (GridRow row in GridGoods.Rows) { index++; mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(row); mtTypeMx.ColRow["SEQNO"] = tbxBILLNO.Text; mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = index; cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("供应商信息保存成功!"); OperLog("供应商管理", "修改单据【" + tbxBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(tbxBILLNO.Text); } SaveSuccess = true; }
protected void btnOk() { if (Doc.DbGetSysPara("LOCKSTOCK") == "Y") { Alert.Show("系统库存已被锁定,请等待物资管理科结存处理完毕再做审核处理!", "消息提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #region 数据有效性验证 decimal subsum = 0;//总金额 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "S") { Alert.Show("非『已审批』单据不能申领确定!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证科室是否盘点 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_PD_LOCK WHERE DEPTID IN('" + docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue + "','" + docDEPTID.SelectedValue + "') AND FLAG='N'")) { Alert.Show("出库或申领科室正在盘点,请检查!"); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); subsum = subsum + decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["HSJE"].ToString()); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE SEQNO = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",N,R,S").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_CK_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subsum); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_CK_COM"); //MyTable mtTypeExt = new MyTable("DAT_CK_EXT"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(mtType.DeleteCommand("")); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete dat_ck_com where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); if (decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"].ToString()) < 0 || (decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"].ToString()) > decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"].ToString()) && (mtTypeMx.ColRow["NUM1NAME"].ToString() == "非赠品"))) { Alert.Show("单据号中存在拣货数量小于0或拣货数量大于申领数量!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } OracleParameter[] parameters = { new OracleParameter("VTASKID", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 20), new OracleParameter("VPARA", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 800) }; parameters[0].Value = BillType; parameters[1].Value = "'" + docBILLNO.Text + "','" + BillType + "','" + UserAction.UserID + "','AUDIT'"; cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("P_EXECTASK", parameters, CommandType.StoredProcedure)); bool flag = false; try { flag = DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show(errorParse(ex.Message), "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (flag) { billLockDoc(true); //增加待办事宜 DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("UPDATE DAT_DO_LIST SET FLAG = 'Y' WHERE PARA='" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "'"); if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from dat_ck_com where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "' and gdseq in (select gdseq from doc_goods where catid0 = 1 )") == true) { Alert.Show("商品出库确认完成!需要打印试剂条码!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { Alert.Show("商品出库确认完成!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); OperLog("科室申领", "出库确认单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); } billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } else { Alert.Show("商品出库确认出错!!!", "错误提示", MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected bool DataSave(string flag = "N") { if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非[已提交]不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = GridLis.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (goodsData.Count < 1) { Alert.Show("请添加要生成养护单的商品信息!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docSEQNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; } else { if (docBILLNO.Text.Length > 16) { Alert.Show("单据编号长度不能大于16,请检查!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; } cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete from dat_yh_doc where seqno='" + docSEQNO.Text + "'", null)); cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete from dat_yh_com where seqno='" + docSEQNO.Text + "'", null)); MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_YH_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(Formlis); mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); decimal decTotal = 0; MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_YH_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); if (mtTypeMx.ColRow["REASON"].ToString().Length > 80) { Alert.Show("第【" + i + 1 + "】行【原因说明】字段超出规定长度"); return(false); } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PH", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PHID"]); decTotal += decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", decTotal); if (flag == "Y") { mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "Y"; //mtType.ColRow["SHR"] = ddlSHR.SelectedValue; mtType.ColRow["SHR"] = UserAction.UserID; mtType.ColRow["SHRQ"] = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now); } cmdList.Add(mtType.Insert()); return(DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)); }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } decimal subsum = 0; List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { //if (newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "1" || newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "2") //{ // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["PH"].ToString()) || newDict[i]["PH"].ToString() == "\\") // { // //GridGoods.SelectedCell = new int[] { i, 8 }; // string[] selectedCell = GridGoods.SelectedCell; // PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(String.Format("F('{0}').selectCell('{1}','{2}');", GridGoods.ClientID, selectedCell[0], "KCSL")); // Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】批号不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; // } //} //if (newDict[i].ContainsKey("STR1")&&goodsData.Count > 0 && goodsData.Where(x => x["STR1"].ToString() == newDict[i]["STR1"].ToString()).Count() > 0) //{ // Alert.Show("条码[" + newDict[i]["STR1"] + "]扫描重复!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["STR1"].ToString())) { for (int k = 1 + i; k < newDict.Count; k++) { if ((newDict[i]["STR1"].ToString()) == (newDict[k]["STR1"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品『" + newDict[k]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "』条码『" + newDict[k]["STR1"].ToString() + "』重复,请维护!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } } if (newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() == "0" || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】使用数填写不正确!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["KCSL"].ToString()) < decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】使用数大于库存数,请重新输入!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //当商品中含有贵重商品信息,即需要赋唯一码时 if (newDict[i]["ISGZ"].ToString() == "Y" && newDict[i]["ONECODE"].ToString() == "") { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】为贵重商品,请先进行扫描赋码!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); subsum += Convert.ToDecimal(newDict[i]["HSJJ"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(newDict[i]["BZHL"].ToString()); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_XS_DOC where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_XS_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",N,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_XS_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_XS_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_XS_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_XS_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 decimal subNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("商品【" + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDSEQ"] + " | " + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDNAME"] + "】【使用数】为0或空,无法进行【使用信息管理】操作。"); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()); //mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = goodsData[i]["DHSL"].ToString(); mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"]; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("商品使用信息保存成功!"); } OperLog("使用管理", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } SaveSuccess = true; }
private bool DataSave() { #region 数据有效性验证 if ((",M,R").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入科室信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["DEPTID"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["DEPTIDNAME"].ToString())) { goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count < 1)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("科室信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docSEQNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_DZ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docSEQNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",N,R,M").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return(false); } else { docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docSEQNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_DZ_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M";//所有单据在保存时单据状态一律为新增N mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_DZ_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_DZ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_DZ_COM WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("FLAGNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } OperLog("商品替代", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); return(DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)); }
protected override void billSave() { List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if ((newDict[i]["XHSJJ"] ?? "").ToString().Length > 0) { if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString()) || !PubFunc.isNumeric(newDict[i]["XHSJJ"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "】信息异常,请详细检查商品信息:包装单位或价格!", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //原价格与现价格不能相同 if (newDict[i]["XHSJJ"].ToString() == (newDict[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString()) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "】原价格与调整价格相同,请检查!", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } else { Alert.Show("请维护商品【" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "】修改后价格!", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息异常,请详细检查商品信息!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(hfdSEQNO.Text)) { hfdSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = hfdSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { if (hfdSEQNO.Text.Length > 16 || docBILLNO.Text.Length > 16) { Alert.Show("单据编号长度不能大于16,请检查!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'M') FROM DAT_TJ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docBILLNO.Text = hfdSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_TJ_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormPrice); mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M";//所有单据在保存时单据状态一律为新增M mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_TJ_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_TJ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_TJ_COM WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { btnSubmit.Enabled = true; Alert.Show("商品价格修改信息保存成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); OperLog("商品调价", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } else { Alert.Show("商品价格修改信息保存失败,请联系管理员!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString())) { if (newDict[i].ContainsKey("STR2") && goodsData.Count > 0 && goodsData.Where(x => x["STR2"].ToString() == newDict[i]["STR2"].ToString()).Count() > 0) { Alert.Show("条码[" + newDict[i]["STR2"] + "]扫描重复!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_CK_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", "DST"); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "2"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_CK_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(mtType.DeleteCommand("")); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete dat_ck_com where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 Decimal subsum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); //mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("XSSL", -Math.Abs(decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()))); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = -Math.Abs(decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString())); subsum = subsum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subsum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("定数商品退货信息保存成功!"); } OperLog("定数退货", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); btnDel.Enabled = true; billLockDoc(true); SaveSuccess = true; }