private void DataSearch() { int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, GetSearchSql(), ref total); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); //绑定Summary decimal toth = 0, tock = 0, je = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dtData.Rows) { toth += Convert.ToDecimal((dr["THSL"] ?? "0")); tock += Convert.ToDecimal((dr["CKSL"] ?? "0")); je += Convert.ToDecimal((dr["HSJE"] ?? "0")); } JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("STR5NAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("THSL", toth.ToString()); summary.Add("CKSL", tock.ToString()); summary.Add("HSJE", je.ToString("F2")); GridGoods.SummaryData = summary; }
private void DataQuery() { String sql = @"SELECT DBC.USERS USERID,OU.USERNAME,DBC.ISSEND,DECODE(DBC.ISSEND,'N','未发送','Y','已发送','E','异常')ISSENDNAME,DBC.BRCONTENT,DBC.TIMEUP FROM DOC_BRIEF_CON DBC,SYS_OPERUSER OU WHERE DBC.USERS=OU.USERID "; int total = 0; string strwhere = ""; PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormSearch); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUSERS.SelectedValue)) { strwhere += string.Format(" AND OU.USERID LIKE'%{0}%' ", ddlUSERS.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlISSEND.SelectedValue)) { strwhere += string.Format(" AND DBC.ISSEND='{0}' ", ddlISSEND.SelectedValue); } if (dpkBegRQ.SelectedDate != null && dpkEndRQ.SelectedDate != null) { strwhere += string.Format(" AND TRUNC(DBC.TIMEUP,'DD') BETWEEN TRUNC(TO_DATE('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'DD') AND TRUNC(TO_DATE('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'DD') ", dpkBegRQ.SelectedDate, dpkEndRQ.SelectedDate); } DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridToBrief.PageIndex, GridToBrief.PageSize, sql + strwhere + " ORDER BY DECODE(DBC.ISSEND,'1','2'),DBC.TIMEUP ", ref total); GridToBrief.DataSource = dt; GridToBrief.RecordCount = total; GridToBrief.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSearch() { string strSQL = " select seqno,isprivate,(select username from sys_operuser where userid = lrr) as lrName,lrrq,title,Memo,waringRQ,lookper,(select username from sys_operuser where userid = closeper) as closename, closerq ,case when flag = 'N' then '新备忘' when flag='C' then '已取消' else '已完成' end as status from sys_mymemo where (lrr='" + UserAction.UserID + "' or LookPer||',' like '%" + UserAction.UserID + ",%') "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbSearchTitle.Text.Trim())) { strSQL += " AND TITLE LIKE '%" + tbSearchTitle.Text.Trim() + "'"; } if (dpSearchStart.SelectedDate != null) { strSQL += " AND lrrq >=to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(dpSearchStart.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','YYYY-MM-DD')"; } if (dpSearchEnd.SelectedDate != null) { strSQL += " AND lrrq <to_date('" + Convert.ToDateTime(dpSearchEnd.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','YYYY-MM-DD')+1"; } strSQL += " order by lrrq desc"; int total = 0; DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, strSQL, ref total); GridList.DataSource = dt; GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSrchBill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (docSTR1.Text.Length > 0) { String Sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT A.SEQNO,f_getdeptname(A.DEPTID) DEPTNAME,f_getsupname(A.PSSID) PSSNAME,A.SHRQ FROM DAT_YRK_DOC A,DAT_YRK_COM B,DOC_GOODSCFG C WHERE A.SEQNO = B.SEQNO AND B.GDSEQ = C.GDSEQ AND A.FLAG = 'Y'AND A.SEQNO='{3}' AND C.DEPTID = '{0}' AND A.SHRQ BETWEEN TO_DATE('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD') AND TO_DATE('{2}','YYYY-MM-DD') + 1"; if (ddlDEPTIN.SelectedValue.Length > 0) { Sql += "AND A.DEPTID = '" + ddlDEPTIN.SelectedValue + "'"; } int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridBill.PageIndex, GridBill.PageSize, String.Format(Sql, docDEPTID.SelectedValue, dbkTime1.Text, dbkTime2.Text, docSTR1.Text), ref total); GridBill.RecordCount = total; GridBill.DataSource = dtData; GridBill.DataBind(); } else { String Sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT A.SEQNO,f_getdeptname(A.DEPTID) DEPTNAME,f_getsupname(A.PSSID) PSSNAME,A.SHRQ FROM DAT_YRK_DOC A,DAT_YRK_COM B,DOC_GOODSCFG C WHERE A.SEQNO = B.SEQNO AND B.GDSEQ = C.GDSEQ AND A.FLAG = 'Y' AND C.DEPTID = '{0}' AND A.SHRQ BETWEEN TO_DATE('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD') AND TO_DATE('{2}','YYYY-MM-DD') + 1"; if (ddlDEPTIN.SelectedValue.Length > 0) { Sql += " AND A.DEPTID = '" + ddlDEPTIN.SelectedValue + "'"; } int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridBill.PageIndex, GridBill.PageSize, String.Format(Sql, docDEPTID.SelectedValue, dbkTime1.Text, dbkTime2.Text), ref total); GridBill.RecordCount = total; GridBill.DataSource = dtData; GridBill.DataBind(); } }
private void DataSearch() { if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate == null || lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【查询期间】!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate > lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【开始日期】大于【结束日期】,请重新输入!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (ddlDEPTID.SelectedValue.Length < 1) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【库房】!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, GetSearchSql(), ref total); GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataSource = dtData; GridList.DataBind(); }
private void DataSearch() { int total = 0; string sql = @"select SP.*,F_GETUNITNAME(UNIT) UNITNAME,F_GETPRODUCERNAME(SP.PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME,F_GETSUPNAME(SUPPLIER) SUPPLIERNAME, F_GETUNITNAME(UNIT_ORDER) UNIT_ORDER_NAME,F_GETUNITNAME(UNIT_SELL) UNIT_SELL_NAME,F_GETUNITNAME(UNIT_DABZ) UNIT_DABZ_NAME, F_GETUNITNAME(UNIT_ZHONGBZ) UNIT_ZHONGBZ_NAME,PZ.HJCODE1 HWID from DOC_GOODS SP,DOC_GOODSCFG PZ WHERE ISDELETE='N' and sp.flag='Y' AND SP.GDSEQ=PZ.GDSEQ(+) "; StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(sql); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hfdSearch.Text)) { strSql.AppendFormat(" AND (SP.GDSEQ LIKE '%{0}%' OR SP.GDNAME LIKE '%{0}%' OR SP.ZJM LIKE '%{0}%' OR SP.BARCODE LIKE '%{0}%')", hfdSearch.Text.ToUpper()); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hfdDept.Text)) { strSql.AppendFormat(" AND PZ.DEPTID='{0}' AND PZ.ISCFG='1'", hfdDept.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hfdSupplier.Text)) { strSql.AppendFormat(" AND SP.SUPPLIER = '{0}'", hfdSupplier.Text); } strSql.AppendFormat(" ORDER BY SP.{0} {1}", GridGoods.SortField, GridGoods.SortDirection); DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, strSql.ToString(), ref total); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); }
private void dataSearch() { string query = "%"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tgbSearch.Text)) { query = tgbSearch.Text.Trim(); } int total = 0; string sql = string.Format("select SUPID,SUPNAME,TEL,LINKMAN,LOGINADDR,DECODE(FLAG, 'Y', '审核通过', 'N', '未审核') flag,DECODE(ISDG,'Y','是','N','否') ISDG,DECODE(STR1,'Y','是','否') ISBD from DOC_SUPPLIER WHERE (SUPID like '%{0}%' or SUPNAME like'%{0}%') and FLAG<>'E'", query); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstFLAG.SelectedValue)) { sql += string.Format(" and FLAG = '{0}'", lstFLAG.SelectedValue); } //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstISSEND.SelectedValue)) //{ // sql += string.Format(" and ISSEND = '{0}'", lstISSEND.SelectedValue); //} DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total); GridSupplier.RecordCount = total; GridSupplier.DataSource = dtData; GridSupplier.DataBind(); }
protected void DataSearch() { string strs = ""; int totalnum = 0; string strSQL = @"SELECT SEQNO,DDCODE,SUPID,SUPNAME,USERNAME,STAFFTEL,STAFFTEL2,DECODE(ISGZ,'Y','高值','N','非高值') ISGZ,DECODE(BILLFLAG,'S','未受理','010','已受理','Y','已出库') BILLFLAG, XDRQ,ISSEND,SENDTIME,MSGCONTENT,DECODE(ISSENDR,'N','不重发','Y','准备重发','S','重发成功','E','重发失败') ISSENDR,SENDTIMER,FLAG,MEMO FROM DAT_DD_REMIND WHERE 0=0 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstSUPPLIER.SelectedValue)) { strs += string.Format(" AND SUPID='{0}' ", lstSUPPLIER.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstISGZ.SelectedValue)) { strs += string.Format(" AND ISGZ='{0}' ", lstISGZ.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstBILLFLAG.SelectedValue)) { strs += string.Format(" AND BILLFLAG='{0}' ", lstBILLFLAG.SelectedValue); } strs += " ORDER BY SENDTIME DESC "; strSQL += strs; DataTable dta = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridCom.PageIndex, GridCom.PageSize, strSQL, ref totalnum); GridCom.DataSource = dta; GridCom.RecordCount = totalnum; GridCom.DataBind(); }
protected void btnGridOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int total = 0; string Sql = @"SELECT A.*,B.GDNAME,B.GDSPEC,B.PIZNO PZWH,f_getproducername(B.PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME,D.NAME UNITNAME,C.NAME HOSNAME,B.BAR3 EAS_CODE, DECODE(B.FLAG,'Y','正常','未下传') FLAGNAME,DECODE(A.PPMODE,'1','精确匹配','2','模糊匹配','3','手工匹配','历史匹配') PPMODENAME FROM DAT_UPLOAD_GOODS A,DOC_GOODS B,DOC_CUSTOMER C,DOC_GOODSUNIT D WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ(+) AND A.CUSTID = C.CODE(+) AND B.UNIT = D.CODE(+) AND A.FLAG = 'Y'"; string Stearch = ""; if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(ddlHisp.SelectedValue)) { Stearch += string.Format(" AND A.CUSTID = '{0}'", ddlHisp.SelectedValue); } if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(ddlMode.SelectedValue)) { Stearch += string.Format(" AND A.PPMODE = '{0}'", ddlMode.SelectedValue); } if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(TgbBill.Text)) { Stearch += string.Format(" AND A.SEQNO = '{0}'", TgbBill.Text); } if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(tgbGoods.Text)) { Stearch += string.Format(" AND (B.GDSEQ LIKE '%{0}%' OR B.GDNAME LIKE '%{0}%' OR B.BAR3 LIKE '%{0}%')", tgbGoods.Text); } Stearch += " ORDER BY A.UPTTIME DESC"; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridOut.PageIndex, GridOut.PageSize, Sql + Stearch, ref total); GridOut.RecordCount = total; GridOut.DataSource = dtData; GridOut.DataBind(); }
private void GridYzSch() { WinYz.Hidden = false; string strSql = ""; if (chkISPHALL.Checked) { strSql = @"select a.lockbillno,a.lockrowno,b.gdseq, b.gdspec,b.gdname,f_getunitname(b.unit) unitname,abs(a.lockkcsl) lockkcsl,f_getdeptname(a.deptid) deptidname, b.hsjj,b.hsjj*abs(a.lockkcsl) hsje,b.zpbh,a.phid,b.bar3,f_getproducername(b.producer) PRODUCERNAME,b.pizno from dat_stocklock a,doc_goods b where a.gdseq = b.gdseq and a.lockflag = 'Y' AND b.gdseq = '" + hdfGdseq.Text + "' and a.deptid = '" + hdfDept.Text + "' and a.phid = '" + hdfPhid.Text + "'"; } else { strSql = @"select a.lockbillno,a.lockrowno,b.gdseq, b.gdspec,b.gdname,f_getunitname(b.unit) unitname,abs(a.lockkcsl) lockkcsl,f_getdeptname(a.deptid) deptidname, b.hsjj,b.hsjj*abs(a.lockkcsl) hsje,b.zpbh,a.phid,b.bar3,f_getproducername(b.producer) PRODUCERNAME,b.pizno from dat_stocklock a,doc_goods b where a.gdseq = b.gdseq and a.lockflag = 'Y' AND a.picino = '" + hdfPicino.Text + "'"; } int total = 0; GridYz.DataSource = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridYz.PageIndex, GridYz.PageSize, strSql, ref total); GridYz.RecordCount = total; GridYz.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate == null || lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【申领日期】!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate > lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【开始日期】大于【结束日期】,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } int total = 0; DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, GetSearchSQL(), ref total); GridList.DataSource = dt; GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); decimal Total1 = 0, Total2 = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Total1 += Convert.ToDecimal(row["SUBSUM"] ?? "0"); Total2 += Convert.ToDecimal(row["SUBNUM"] ?? "0"); } JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("DEPTOUTNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("SUBSUM", Total1); summary.Add("SUBNUM", Total2); GridList.SummaryData = summary; }
protected void tbxGOODS_TriggerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]*$"); Match maa = regex.Match(tbgBC.Text); if (!maa.Success) { Alert.Show("【波次信息】请输入数字类型!"); return; } if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate == null || lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【分配日期】!"); return; } else if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate > lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【开始日期】大于【结束日期】,请重新输入!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, GetSearchSql(), ref total); //OutputSummaryData(dtData); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); }
private void dataSearch() { int total = 0; string sql = @"select CODE,NAME,DECODE(FLAG,'Y','正常','N','停用','其他') flag, DECODE(OBJUSER,'SUPPLIER','供应商证照','GOODS','商品证照') objuser, decode(isneed,'Y','是','N','否') isneed, decode(isdate,'Y','是','N','否') isdate, decode(isdup,'Y','是','N','否') isdup, memo, SORT from doc_license WHERE 1=1"; string strFLAG = lstFLAG.SelectedValue.ToString(); string strOBJUSER = lstOBJUSER.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFLAG)) { sql += " and FLAG = '" + strFLAG + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOBJUSER)) { sql += " and OBJUSER = '******'"; } string query = "%"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tgbSearch.Text)) { query = tgbSearch.Text.Trim(); sql += string.Format(" and ( CODE like '%{0}%' or NAME like '%{0}%')", query); } DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total); GridSupplier.RecordCount = total; GridSupplier.DataSource = dtData; //GridSupplier.DataSource = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(sql, query)); GridSupplier.DataBind(); }
private void DataSearch() { if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(dpkKSRQ.SelectedDate.ToString()) || PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(dpkJSRQ.SelectedDate.ToString())) { Alert.Show("输入日期不正确,请检查!"); return; } if (dpkKSRQ.SelectedDate > dpkJSRQ.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("开始日期不能大于结束日期!"); return; } string strMonitor = " "; strMonitor += " AND execrq BETWEEN TO_DATE('" + dpkKSRQ.Text + "','YYYY/MM/DD') and TO_DATE('" + dpkJSRQ.Text + "','YYYY/MM/DD') + 1"; if (chkCHULI.Checked) { strMonitor += " AND FLAG = 'N' "; } strSql = strSql + strMonitor; int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, strSql, ref total); GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataSource = dtData; GridList.DataBind(); }
private void HwidQuery() { string code = tbxGDSEQ.Text; string dept = ddlDept.SelectedValue; string sql = @"SELECT HWID, JWBH, KFBH, KB, f_getusername(MANAGER) MANAGER, HWZT, DZBQH, F_GETDEPTNAME(a.KFBH) KFBHNAME, (select NAME FROM SYS_CODEVALUE c WHERE c.TYPE = 'DEPOT_AREA' and c.code = a.KB) KBNAME, QYBH,PAI,LIE,CENG FROM DOC_HWZD A where kfbh = '{0}' and hwzt = 'Y'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trbSearch1.Text.Trim())) { sql += string.Format(" and (HWID like '%{0}%' or JWBH like '%{0}%' or QYBH like '%{0}%')", trbSearch1.Text.Trim()); } int total = 0; DataTable dt_huowei = PubFunc.DbGetPage(HwList.PageIndex, HwList.PageSize, string.Format(sql, dept), ref total); HwList.RecordCount = total; HwList.DataSource = dt_huowei; HwList.DataBind(); }
private void DataSearch() { int total = 0; lblSUBNUM.Text = "0"; lblSUBSUM.Text = "0"; DataTable dtSum = DbHelperOra.Query("SELECT SUM(NVL(SL,0)) SL,SUM(NVL(JE,0)) JE FROM (" + GetSearchSql() + ")").Tables[0]; if (dtSum.Rows.Count > 0) { lblSUBNUM.Text = dtSum.Rows[0]["JE"].ToString(); lblSUBSUM.Text = dtSum.Rows[0]["SL"].ToString(); } if (docDHLX2.SelectedValue.Length < 1) { Alert.Show("请选择转商品类型!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, GetSearchSql(), ref total); OutputSummaryData(dtData); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); }
protected void billSearch() { string strSql = @"select A.GDSEQ, A.GDNAME, A.GDSPEC, f_getunitname(A.UNIT) UNIT, f_getdeptname(B.DEPTID) DEPTIDname, B.DEPTID, B.ZDKC, B.ZGKC, B.DSNUM, B.NUM1, B.NUM2, B.NUM3, F_GETISCOLLECT(B.DEPTID, A.GDSEQ) COLLECT, F_GETPRODUCERNAME(A.PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME, PIZNO, (B.DSNUM * B.NUM1) DSKUCUN, NVL(B.DSPOOL, 0) DSPOOL, --DECODE((NVL(B.DSNUM, 0) - NVL(B.NUM3, 0)), 0, '已配送', NVL(B.DSNUM, 0) - NVL(B.NUM3, 0)) NOTDS --应出定数 = 定数数量-代收定数-定数预占 CASE WHEN (NVL(B.DSNUM, 0) - NVL(B.NUM3, 0) - NVL(B.DSPOOL, 0)) >0 THEN (NVL(B.DSNUM, 0) - NVL(B.NUM3, 0) - NVL(B.DSPOOL, 0)) --WHEN (NVL(B.DSNUM, 0) - NVL(B.NUM3, 0) - NVL(B.DSPOOL, 0)) <= 0 THEN 0 ELSE 0 END YCDS from doc_goods A, DOC_GOODSCFG B where a.gdseq(+) = b.gdseq"; string strSearch = ""; string strSearchOrder = " order by A.GDSEQ"; if (tbxGDSEQ.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND (B.GDSEQ LIKE '%{0}%' OR A.GDNAME LIKE '%{0}%')", tbxGDSEQ.Text.Trim()); } if (lstDEPTID.SelectedItem != null && lstDEPTID.SelectedIndex > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND B.DEPTID = '{0}'", lstDEPTID.SelectedValue); } if (ShowMode.Checked == false) { strSearch += " AND ((B.DSNUM >0 AND B.NUM1 > 0) or nvl(B.NUM3,0) >0 )"; } if (DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("select distinct deptid from SYS_USERRANGE t where userid='{0}'", UserAction.UserID)) != null) { strSearch += string.Format(" and b.deptid in (select distinct deptid from SYS_USERRANGE t where userid='{0}')", UserAction.UserID); } strSql += strSearch; strSql += strSearchOrder; int total = 0; DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, strSql, ref total); GridList.DataSource = dt; GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); OutputSummaryData(dt); }
protected override void billSearch() { if (dpkLRRQ1.SelectedDate == null || dpkLRRQ2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【起始日期】!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else if (dpkLRRQ1.SelectedDate > dpkLRRQ2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【起始日期】大于【终止日期】,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string strSql = @"SELECT A.SEQ, A.GDSEQ, A.FLAG, F_GETDEPTNAME(A.DEPTSY) DEPTID, A.GDNAME, A.GDSPEC, A.SL XHSL, A.SL SLSL, A.HSJJ, A.PRODUCER, F_GETSUPNAME(A.PRODUCER) PRODUCER_CN, A.DEPTSY,A.DJRQ from INF_PH_USE A,DOC_GOODS B WHERE A.FLAG = 'N' AND A.GDSEQ=B.GDSEQ(+) "; string strSearch = ""; if (ddlDEPTIN.Text.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.DEPTSY = '{0}'", ddlDEPTIN.Text); } if (ddlISGZ.SelectedItem != null && ddlISGZ.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND B.ISGZ = '{0}'", ddlISGZ.SelectedItem.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxGDSEQ.Text)) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND (UPPER(B.GDSEQ) LIKE '%{0}%' OR UPPER(B.GDNAME) LIKE '%{0}%' OR UPPER(B.ZJM) LIKE '%{0}%')", tbxGDSEQ.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); } strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.DEPTSY in( select code FROM SYS_DEPT where type <>'1' and F_CHK_DATARANGE(CODE, '{0}') = 'Y' )", UserAction.UserID); strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.GETTIME>=TO_DATE('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD')", dpkLRRQ1.Text); strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.GETTIME <TO_DATE('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') + 1", dpkLRRQ2.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strSearch)) { strSql += strSearch; } strSql += "order by " + GridGoods.SortField + " " + GridGoods.SortDirection; int total = 0; DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, strSql, ref total); GridGoods.DataSource = dt; GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataBind(); }
protected override void billSearch() { if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate == null || lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【申领日期】!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else if (lstLRRQ1.SelectedDate > lstLRRQ2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("【开始日期】大于【结束日期】,请重新输入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string strSql = @"SELECT A.SEQNO,A.BILLNO,A.FLAG,F_GETDEPTNAME(A.DEPTID) DEPTID,A.XSRQ,F_GETDEPTNAME(A.DEPTOUT) DEPTOUT, DECODE(A.FLAG,'M','新单','N','已提交','S' ,'已分配','R' ,'已驳回','Y' ,'已出库','G' ,'已结算') FLAG_CN, A.SUBNUM,F_GETUSERNAME(A.SLR) SLR,F_GETUSERNAME(A.LRY) LRY,A.LRRQ,F_GETUSERNAME(A.SHR) SHR,A.SHRQ,A.MEMO,A.STR2,DECODE(OPER,'P','已打印','未打印') PRINT, FUNCTIME,OPERUSER,OPERTIME FROM DAT_CK_DOC A, SYS_FUNCPRNNUM B WHERE A.XSTYPE='1' AND A.BILLTYPE='LCD' AND A.SEQNO = B.FUNCNO(+) "; string strSearch = ""; if (lstBILLNO.Text.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.BILLNO LIKE '%{0}%'", lstBILLNO.Text); } if (lstFLAG.SelectedItem != null && lstFLAG.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.FLAG='{0}'", lstFLAG.SelectedItem.Value); } if (tbxSTR2.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.STR2 LIKE '%{0}%'", tbxSTR2.Text.Trim()); } if (lstDEPTID.SelectedItem != null && lstDEPTID.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.DEPTID='{0}'", lstDEPTID.SelectedItem.Value); } if (lstDEPTOUT.SelectedItem != null && lstDEPTOUT.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND DEPTOUT='{0}'", lstDEPTOUT.SelectedItem.Value); } if (lstLRY.SelectedItem != null && lstLRY.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND LRY = '{0}'", lstLRY.SelectedItem.Value); } strSearch += string.Format(" AND deptid in( select code FROM SYS_DEPT where type <>'1' and F_CHK_DATARANGE(CODE, '{0}') = 'Y' )", UserAction.UserID); strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.LRRQ>=TO_DATE('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD')", lstLRRQ1.Text); strSearch += string.Format(" AND A.LRRQ <TO_DATE('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') + 1", lstLRRQ2.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strSearch)) { strSql += strSearch; } strSql += " ORDER BY DECODE(A.FLAG,'M','1','N','2','S' ,'3','R' ,'4','Y' ,'5','G' ,'6','7'),A.BILLNO DESC"; int total = 0; GridList.DataSource = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, strSql, ref total); GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); }
private void DataSearch() { if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(dpkDATE1.SelectedDate.ToString()) || PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(dpkDATE2.SelectedDate.ToString())) { Alert.Show("输入日期不正确,请检查!"); return; } if (dpkDATE1.SelectedDate > dpkDATE2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("开始日期不能大于结束日期!"); return; } int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, GetSearchSql(), ref total); DataTable dtAll = DbHelperOra.QueryForTable(GetSearchSql()); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); //计算合计数量 if (dtData != null && dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal slTotal = 0, lsjeTotal = 0, hsjeTotal = 0, bhsjeTotal = 0, slAll = 0, lsjeAll = 0, hsjeAll = 0, bhsjeAll = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows) { slTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["SL"] ?? "0"); lsjeTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LSJE"] ?? "0"); hsjeTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["HSJE"] ?? "0"); bhsjeTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["BHSJE"] ?? "0"); } foreach (DataRow dr in dtAll.Rows) { slAll += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SL"] ?? "0"); lsjeAll += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["LSJE"] ?? "0"); hsjeAll += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["HSJE"] ?? "0"); bhsjeAll += Convert.ToDecimal(dr["BHSJE"] ?? "0"); } JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("GDNAME", "本页合计</br>总合计"); summary.Add("SL", slTotal + "</br>" + slAll); summary.Add("LSJE", lsjeTotal.ToString("F2") + "</br>" + lsjeTotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("HSJE", hsjeTotal.ToString("F2") + "</br>" + hsjeAll.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("BHSJE", bhsjeTotal.ToString("F2") + "</br>" + bhsjeAll.ToString("F2")); GridGoods.SummaryData = summary; } else { JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("GDNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("SL", 0); summary.Add("LSJE", 0); summary.Add("HSJE", 0); summary.Add("BHSJE", 0); GridGoods.SummaryData = summary; } }
protected override void billSearch() { int total = 0; DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, GetQuerySql(), ref total); GridList.DataSource = dt; GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); }
protected void btSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dpkDATE1.SelectedDate == null || dpkDATE2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【查询期间】!"); return; } else if (dpkDATE1.SelectedDate > dpkDATE2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("开始日期大于结束日期,请重新输入!"); return; } String sql = @"SELECT A.RQSJ,f_getdeptname(A.DEPTID) DEPTNAME,B.GDSEQ,B.GDNAME,B.GDSPEC,f_getunitname(B.UNIT) UNITNAME,B.HSJJ,f_getproducername(B.PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME, A.SL,A.HSJE,A.PH,A.RQ_SC,A.YXQZ FROM DAT_GOODSJXC A,DOC_GOODS B WHERE A.RQSJ BETWEEN TO_DATE('{0}','YYYY-MM-DD') AND TO_DATE('{1}','YYYY-MM-DD') + 1 AND A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ AND F_CHK_DATARANGE(A.DEPTID, '{2}') = 'Y'"; String search = @" "; if (txbGDSEQ.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { search += String.Format(" AND (B.GDSEQ LIKE '%{0}%' OR B.GDNAME LIKE '%{0}%' OR B.ZJM LIKE '%{0}%' OR B.BAR3 LIKE '%{0}%')", txbGDSEQ.Text.Trim()); } if (ddlDEPTID.SelectedValue.Length > 0) { search += String.Format(" AND A.DEPTID = '{0}'", ddlDEPTID.SelectedValue); } if (ddlGZ.SelectedValue.Length > 0) { search += String.Format(" AND B.ISGZ = '{0}'", ddlGZ.SelectedValue); } string sortField = grdList.SortField; string sortDirection = grdList.SortDirection; sql = String.Format(sql + search + String.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", sortField, sortDirection), dpkDATE1.Text, dpkDATE2.Text, UserAction.UserID); int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(grdList.PageIndex, grdList.PageSize, sql, ref total); grdList.RecordCount = total; grdList.DataSource = dtData; grdList.DataBind(); Double donateTotal = 0, feeTotal = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows) { donateTotal += Convert.ToInt32(row["SL"]); feeTotal += Convert.ToInt32(row["HSJE"]); } JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("GDNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("SL", donateTotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("HSJE", feeTotal.ToString("F2")); grdList.SummaryData = summary; }
public void DataSearch() { int total = 0; string sql = "SELECT PH.*,F_GETHISINFO(SP.GDSEQ,'GDNAME') GDNAME FROM DOC_GOODSPH PH,DOC_GOODS SP WHERE PH.GDSEQ=SP.GDSEQ AND (sp.gdname LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.GDSEQ LIKE '%{0}%' OR PH.PH LIKE '%{0}%') ORDER BY PH.YXQZ"; GridLot.DataSource = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridLot.PageIndex, GridLot.PageSize, string.Format(sql, trbSearch.Text), ref total); GridLot.RecordCount = total; GridLot.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取商品数据信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="pageNum">第几页</param> /// <param name="pageSize">每页显示天数</param> /// <param name="nvc">查询条件</param> /// <param name="total">总的条目数</param> /// <param name="errMsg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetGoodsList(int pageNum, int pageSize, NameValueCollection nvc, ref int total, ref string errMsg) { string strSearch = ""; if (nvc != null) { foreach (string key in nvc) { string condition = nvc[key]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { switch (key.ToUpper()) { case "SEQ": strSearch += string.Format(" AND sp.GDSEQ='{0}'", condition); break; case "CATID0": strSearch += string.Format(" AND sp.CATID0='{0}'", condition); break; case "FLAG": strSearch += string.Format(" AND sp.FLAG='{0}'", condition); break; case "CX": strSearch += string.Format(" AND (sp.GDSEQ LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.GDNAME LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.HISCODE LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.HISNAME LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.BARCODE LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.BAR3 LIKE '%{0}%' OR sp.ZJM LIKE '%{0}%' OR F_GETPRODUCERNAME(SP.PRODUCER) LIKE '%{0}%')", condition.ToUpper()); break; } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srhISFLAG7.SelectedValue)) { strSearch += string.Format(" AND sp.ISFLAG7 = '{0}'", srhISFLAG7.SelectedValue); } string strSql = @"SELECT ' '||SP.GDSEQ GDSEQ,SP.GDID,F_GETHISINFO(SP.GDSEQ,'GDNAME') GDNAME,SP.BARCODE,E.NAME CATID0NAME,B.NAME CATID0NAME_F,F_GETHISINFO(SP.GDSEQ,'GDSPEC') GDSPEC,D.NAME UNITNAME,SP.BZHL, ROUND(SP.HSJJ,4) HSJJ,ROUND(SP.LSJ,4) LSJ,C.SUPNAME,SP.ZPBH,S.NAME FLAG_CN,SP.PIZNO,F_GETPRODUCERNAME(SP.PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME,decode(sp.isflag7,'Y','是','否') ISNEW_CN from DOC_GOODS SP, SYS_CATEGORY B, DOC_SUPPLIER C, DOC_GOODSUNIT D, doc_goodstype e, (SELECT CODE, NAME FROM SYS_CODEVALUE WHERE TYPE = 'GOODS_STATUS') S WHERE SP.CATID=B.CODE(+) AND SP.FLAG=S.CODE AND SP.SUPPLIER=C.SUPID(+) AND SP.UNIT = D.CODE(+) and SP.CATID0 = e.code(+) "; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strSearch)) { strSql = strSql + strSearch + " order by SP.gdseq"; } else { strSql = strSql + " order by SP.gdseq"; } return(PubFunc.DbGetPage(pageNum, pageSize, strSql, ref total)); }
private void DataSearch() { int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, GetSearchSql(), ref total); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); //计算合计数量 if (dtData != null && dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal ZQCSLTotal = 0, ZQCHSJETotal = 0, ZTJTotal = 0, CGRKTotal = 0, CGRKHSJETotal = 0, THCKTotal = 0, THCKHSJETotal = 0; decimal KSXHTotal = 0, KSXHHSJETotal = 0, ZSYTotal = 0, ZSYHSJETotal = 0, KFKCSLTotal = 0, KFKCHSJETotal = 0, QMKCSLTotal = 0, QMKCHSJETotal = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows) { THCKTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["THCK"] ?? "0"); THCKHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["THCKHSJE"] ?? "0"); ZQCSLTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["ZQCSL"] ?? "0"); ZQCHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["ZQCHSJE"] ?? "0"); CGRKTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["CGRK"] ?? "0"); CGRKHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["CGRKHSJE"] ?? "0"); KSXHTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["KSXH"] ?? "0"); KSXHHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["KSXHHSJE"] ?? "0"); KFKCSLTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["KFKCSL"] ?? "0"); KFKCHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["KFKCHSJE"] ?? "0"); ZSYTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["ZSY"] ?? "0"); ZSYHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["ZSYHSJE"] ?? "0"); ZTJTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["ZTJ"] ?? "0"); QMKCSLTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["QMKCSL"] ?? "0"); QMKCHSJETotal += Convert.ToDecimal(row["QMKCHSJE"] ?? "0"); } JObject summary = new JObject(); summary.Add("GDNAME", "本页合计"); summary.Add("THCK", THCKTotal); summary.Add("THCKHSJE", THCKHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("ZQCSL", ZQCSLTotal); summary.Add("ZQCHSJE", ZQCHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("CGRK", CGRKTotal); summary.Add("CGRKHSJE", CGRKHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("KSXH", KSXHTotal); summary.Add("KSXHHSJE", KSXHHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("KFKCSL", KFKCSLTotal); summary.Add("KFKCHSJE", KFKCHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("ZSY", ZSYTotal); summary.Add("ZSYHSJE", ZSYHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); summary.Add("ZTJ", ZTJTotal); summary.Add("QMKCSL", QMKCSLTotal); summary.Add("QMKCHSJE", QMKCHSJETotal.ToString("F2")); GridGoods.SummaryData = summary; } }
private void dataSearch() { int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridGoods.PageIndex, GridGoods.PageSize, GetSql(), ref total); GridGoods.RecordCount = total; GridGoods.DataSource = dtData; GridGoods.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSearch() { string strSQL = "SELECT SYSNAME,VERSION,UPTDATE,TO_CHAR(UPTMEMO) UPTMEMO,f_getusername(UPTPER) UPTPER, f_getusername(TESTPER) TESTPER,f_getusername(checkper) checkper FROM SYS_VERSION WHERE FLAG = 'Y' ORDER BY uptdate DESC"; int total = 0; DataTable dt = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, strSQL, ref total); GridList.DataSource = dt; GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); }
private void DataSearch2() { int total = 0; DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridCom.PageIndex, GridCom.PageSize, GetSearchSql2(), ref total); OutputSummaryData1(dtData); GridCom.RecordCount = total; GridCom.DataSource = dtData; GridCom.DataBind(); }
private void DataQuery() { if (lstSCRQ1.SelectedDate == null || lstSCRQ2.SelectedDate == null) { Alert.Show("请输入条件【查询日期】!"); return; } else if (lstSCRQ1.SelectedDate > lstSCRQ2.SelectedDate) { Alert.Show("开始日期大于结束日期,请重新输入!"); return; } //string sql = "select A.*,B.DONAME from DAT_DO_LIST A,DAT_DO_TYPE B WHERE A.DOTYPE=B.DOTYPE "; string sql = @"select A.*, f_getroleid(a.rolelist) ROLELISTNAME, B.DONAME, (case A.Flag when 'Y' then '信息已处理,不显示' when 'N' then '信息未处理,显示' else '维护信息' end) FLAGNAME, f_getusername(A.USERID) USERNAME, f_getusername(A.DOUSER) DOUSERNAME, C.FUNCNAME from DAT_DO_LIST A, DAT_DO_TYPE B, SYS_FUNCTION C WHERE A.DOTYPE = B.DOTYPE AND A.FUNCID = C.FUNCID(+) "; int total = 0; if (lstDOTYPE.SelectedItem != null && lstDOTYPE.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { sql += string.Format(" AND A.DOTYPE='{0}'", lstDOTYPE.SelectedItem.Value); } if (lstFLAG.SelectedItem != null && lstFLAG.SelectedItem.Value.Length > 0) { sql += string.Format(" AND A.FLAG='{0}'", lstFLAG.SelectedItem.Value); } sql += string.Format(" AND a.scrq>=TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')", lstSCRQ1.SelectedDate); sql += string.Format(" AND a.scrq <=TO_DATE('{0}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')+1 ", lstSCRQ2.SelectedDate); // sql += string.Format(" AND F_CHK_ROLELIST(B.ROLELIST, '{0}') = 'Y'" , UserAction.UserRole); sql += " ORDER BY A.SCRQ DESC"; GridList.DataSource = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridList.PageIndex, GridList.PageSize, sql, ref total); GridList.RecordCount = total; GridList.DataBind(); }