예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="pmidListFromXml"></param>
        override public bool FillQueryDataTables(string name, XmlNodeList pmidListFromXml)
            if (name == "" && pmidListFromXml.Count == 0)

                // T_Protein and T_ProteinList
                DataRow rowProtein = null;
                if (ProteinFromUser != null)
                    if (!(Dictionary.TryGetValue(ProteinFromUser, out rowProtein)))
                        // not exist -> create new row of T_Protein and fill it.
                        rowProtein = ProteinDataTable.NewRow();
                        rowProtein["ProteinID"] = ProteinID++;
                        rowProtein["Protein"]   = ProteinFromUser;

                        // add the row into the T_Protein data table and the dictionary
                        Dictionary.Add(ProteinFromUser, rowProtein);

                    // No matter protein exists in the dictionary, need to put in the list
                    DataRow rowProteinList = ProteinListDataTable.NewRow();
                    rowProteinList["ProteinListID"]  = ProteinListID;
                    rowProteinList["QuerySessionID"] = QuerySessionID;
                    rowProteinList["ProteinID"]      = rowProtein["Protein"];

                // T_Organism
                DataRow rowOrganism = null;
                if ((OrganismFromUser != null) && (!(Dictionary.TryGetValue(OrganismFromUser, out rowOrganism))))
                    // not exist -> create new row of T_Organism and fill it.
                    rowOrganism = OrganismDataTable.NewRow();
                    rowOrganism["OrganismID"] = OrganismID++;
                    rowOrganism["Organism"]   = OrganismFromUser;

                    // add the row into T_Organism data table and the dictionary
                    Dictionary.Add(OrganismFromUser, rowOrganism);

                // T_Keyword
                DataRow rowKeyword = null;
                if ((KeywordFromUser != null) && (!(Dictionary.TryGetValue(KeywordFromUser, out rowKeyword))))
                    // not exist -> create new row of T_Keyword and fill it
                    rowKeyword = KeywordDataTable.NewRow();
                    rowKeyword["KeywordID"] = KeywordID++;
                    rowKeyword["Keyword"]   = KeywordFromUser;

                    // add the row into T_Keyword data table and the dictionary.
                    Dictionary.Add(KeywordFromUser, rowKeyword);

                // The rest of T_Query
                DataRow rowQuery = QueryDataTable.NewRow();
                rowQuery["QueryID"] = QueryID++;
                rowQuery["Name"]    = name; // name = protein + organism + keyword
                rowQuery["ProteinID"]   = rowProtein["ProteinID"];   //.ToString();
                rowQuery["OrganismID"]  = rowOrganism["OrganismID"]; //.ToString();
                rowQuery["Keyword"]     = rowKeyword["KeywordID"];   //.ToString(); // keywordListID = QueryID because one query has one keywordList
                rowQuery["ResultCount"] = ArticleCount;              // new count from the xml string

                // Add the row of T_Query into the T_Query datatable and the dictionary
                Dictionary.Add(name, rowQuery);

                // T_QueryArticles
                foreach (XmlNode pmid in pmidListFromXml)
                    // create the row of QueryArticles and fill it.
                    DataRow rowQueryArticles = QueryArticlesDataTable.NewRow();
                    rowQueryArticles["QueryArticleID"] = QueryArticleID++;
                    rowQueryArticles["QueryID"]        = rowQuery["QueryID"];
                    rowQueryArticles["PMID"]           = pmid.InnerText;

                    // add pmid into ldlist and the row into datatable

                // T_QuerySession
                // create new row, fill information, and add the row into the QuerySession data table
                DataRow rowQuerySession = QuerySessionDataTable.NewRow();
                rowQuerySession["QuerySessionID"] = QuerySessionID;
                rowQuerySession["QueryID"]        = rowQuery["QueryID"];
                rowQuerySession["ProteinListID"]  = rowQuery["ProteinID"];
                rowQuerySession["DateTime"]       = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception exception)

예제 #2
 public Step3(IWebDriver webDriver) : base(webDriver)
     this.webDriver = webDriver;
     PODriver.GotoURL(webDriver, PageName);
     proteinDataTable = new ProteinDataTable(ProteinSizerData);