예제 #1
    private void BindData()
        int product_id = 0;

        Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["product_id"], out product_id);
        if (product_id > 0)
            using (var context = new WebsiteTTKEntities())
                //Get loged in user info
                System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUser> user = null;
                if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    var userName    = User.Identity.Name;
                    var userStore   = new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.UserStore <Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUser>();
                    var userManager = new Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManager <Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUser>(userStore);
                    user = userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);

                //Get product data
                ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetProductDetailData(product_id, user);
                if (model != null)
                    //Throw data to client for script to generate the interface of product
                    var productDetailJson = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(model);
                    ProductControllerModel_Data.InnerText = productDetailJson;

                    //Because product slider cannot be modify after script carousel is loaded.
                    //Thus, we generate the slider on server first to help slider load before carousel script run.
예제 #2
    private void UpdateBasket(string userId, string hostUrl)
        string basketUrl       = hostUrl + "/basket.aspx";
        int    removeProductId = 0;

        Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["remove_product_id"], out removeProductId);
        int orderId = 0;

        Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["order_id"], out orderId);
        string ids         = Helper.GetPlainTextFromHtml(Request.QueryString["ids"]);
        string quantities  = Helper.GetPlainTextFromHtml(Request.QueryString["quantities"]);
        string coupon_code = Helper.GetPlainTextFromHtml(Request.QueryString["coupon_code"]);

        if (removeProductId > 0 && orderId > 0)
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.RemoveProductFromOrder(removeProductId, orderId, userId, OrderStatus.Status.New);
            if (model.Success)
                string resultMessage = ResultCode.RemoveProductFromBasketSuccessful.Value[1].ToString();
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "ShowAlert", "window.parent.ShowMessage(0,\"" + resultMessage + "\",true); window.parent.CloseUpdateBasket();", true);
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "ShowAlert", "window.parent.ShowMessage(0,\"" + model.Message + "\"); window.parent.CloseUpdateBasket();", true);
        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ids) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(quantities) && orderId > 0)
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.UpdateOrderQuantity(ids, quantities, orderId, userId, OrderStatus.Status.New);
            if (model.Success)
                string resultMessage = ResultCode.BasketUpdatedSuccessful.Value[1].ToString();
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "ShowAlert", "window.parent.ShowMessage(0,\"" + resultMessage + "\",true); window.parent.CloseUpdateBasket();", true);
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "ShowAlert", "window.parent.ShowMessage(0,\"" + model.Message + "\"); window.parent.CloseUpdateBasket();", true);
        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(coupon_code) && orderId > 0)
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.UpdateOrderDiscount(coupon_code, orderId, userId, OrderStatus.Status.New);
            if (model.Success)
                string resultMessage = ResultCode.CouponApplied.Value[1].ToString();
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "ShowAlert", "window.parent.ShowMessage(0,\"" + resultMessage + "\",true); window.parent.CloseUpdateBasket();", true);
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "ShowAlert", "window.parent.ShowMessage(0,\"" + model.Message + "\"); window.parent.CloseUpdateBasket();", true);
예제 #3
    private void BindData(string userId, string hostUrl)
        int product_id = 0;

        Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["product_id"], out product_id);
        //Get product data
        ProductControllerModel model  = ProductController.AddProductToBasket(product_id, userId);
        BasketControllerModel  basket = ProductController.GetBasket(product_id, userId);
        //Throw data to client for script to generate the interface of product
        var productDetailJson = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(basket);

        Server_Data.InnerText = productDetailJson;
예제 #4
 // var data = {};
 //data.ids = recent_product_ids.join('|');
 //type: "POST",
 //        url: currentHostUrl + "/WebServices/ProductWebService.asmx/GetProducts",
 //        cache: false,
 //        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
 //        data: JSON.stringify(data),
 //        dataType: "json",
 //        success: ShowProductsViewedRecently,
 //        error: ajaxFailed
 //    });
 public List <ProductCurrency> GetProducts(string ids)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ids))
         int[] product_ids            = Array.ConvertAll(ids.Split('|'), int.Parse);
         ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetProductCurrency(product_ids);
예제 #5
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <UrunGrup> dbProductGroups = _productGroupData.GetProductGroups();

            List <Urun> dbProducts = _productData.GetProducts();

            var products      = new List <Product>();
            var productGroups = new List <ProductGroup>();

            foreach (var dbUrunGrup in dbProductGroups)
                var productGroup = Converter.Convert <UrunGrup, ProductGroup>(dbUrunGrup);

                var productMainGroup = productGroups.FirstOrDefault(pg => pg.UrunGrupId == productGroup.AnaGrupId);

                if (productMainGroup != null)
                    productGroup.AnaGrupAdi = productMainGroup.UrunGrupAdi;


            foreach (var dbUrun in dbProducts)
                var product = Converter.Convert <Urun, Product>(dbUrun);

                if (productGroups != null && productGroups.Count > 0)
                    var productGroup = productGroups.FirstOrDefault(pg => pg.UrunGrupId == product.FKUrunGrupId);

                    if (productGroup != null)
                        product.UrunGrupText = productGroup.UrunGrupAdi;


            var productControllerModel = new ProductControllerModel
                Products      = products,
                ProductGroups = productGroups

예제 #6
    private void BindData()
        int category_id = 0;

        Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["category_id"], out category_id);
        int store_id = 0;

        Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["store_id"], out store_id);
        string search_val = Request.QueryString["search_val"];

        if (category_id > 0)
            //Get product data
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetProductByCategory(category_id);
            if (model != null)
                //Throw data to client for script to generate the interface of product
                var productDetailJson = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(model);
                Server_Data.InnerText = productDetailJson;
        else if (store_id > 0)
            //Get product data
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetProductByCategory(0, store_id);
            if (model != null)
                //Throw data to client for script to generate the interface of product
                var productDetailJson = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(model);
                Server_Data.InnerText = productDetailJson;
        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(search_val))
            var searchResult = Helper.GetPlainTextFromHtml(search_val);
            //Get product data
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetProductByCategory(0, 0, searchResult);
            if (model != null)
                //Throw data to client for script to generate the interface of product
                var productDetailJson = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(model);
                Server_Data.InnerText = productDetailJson;
예제 #7
    //Push data to client
    private void PushDataToClient()
        string hostUrl = Helper.GetHostURL();

        using (var context = new WebsiteTTKEntities())
            ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetHomePageData();

            if (model != null)
                //--Start: Makeup product silder from home page
                var product_slider = "";
                foreach (var item in model.FeaturedProducts)
                    var product_image = "img/no_image.jpg";
                    var itemHtml      = "<div class='item'><div class='product'><div class='flip-container'><div class='flipper'>";
                    int counter       = 0;
                    int image_counter = 0;
                    if (item.product_images != null && item.product_images != "")
                        var images = item.product_images.Split(';');
                        for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
                            var image = images[i];
                            if (image != "")
                                if (counter == 0)
                                    product_image = image; //Set the first image of this product. Which could use as the fron image
                                    itemHtml     += "<div class='front'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                                    + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                                else if (counter == 1)
                                    itemHtml += "<div class='back'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                        if (image_counter == 1)
                            itemHtml += "<div class='back'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                        + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/img/no_image.jpg' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            if (i == 0)
                                itemHtml += "<div class='front'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                            + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/img/no_image.jpg' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                            else if (i == 1)
                                itemHtml += "<div class='back'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                            + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/img/no_image.jpg' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                    itemHtml += "</div></div><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "' class='invisible'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + product_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a><div class='text'>"
                                + "<h3><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>" + item.product_name + "</a></h3>"
                                + "<p class='price'><del></del>" + Helper.FormatCurrency(item.list_price, item.currency_code) + " </p></div>";

                    if (item.is_sale != null)
                        if (item.is_sale.Value)
                            itemHtml += "<div class='ribbon sale'><div class='theribbon'>SALE</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

                    if (item.is_new != null)
                        if (item.is_new.Value)
                            itemHtml += "<div class='ribbon new'><div class='theribbon'>NEW</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

                    if (item.is_gift != null)
                        if (item.is_gift.Value)
                            itemHtml += "<div class='ribbon gift'><div class='theribbon'>GIFT</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

                    //End of product item
                    itemHtml       += "</div></div>";
                    product_slider += itemHtml;
                ttk_shop_slider.InnerHtml = product_slider;
                //--End: Makeup product silder from home page

                //--Start: Makeup collection silder from home page
                var collection_slider = "";
                foreach (var item in model.Categories)
                    collection_slider += "<div class='col-md-12'><div class='box slideshow'>";
                    string collectionTitle = "";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.category_name))
                        collectionTitle = "<h3>" + item.category_name + "</h3>";
                    string collectionDescription = "";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.category_description))
                        collectionDescription = "<p class='lead'>" + item.category_description + "</p>";
                    collection_slider += collectionTitle + collectionDescription;
                    var product_image = "img/no_image.jpg";
                    int counter       = 0;
                    if (item.category_images != null && item.category_images != "")
                        var images = item.category_images.Split(';');
                        for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
                            var image = images[i];
                            if (image != "")
                                if (counter == 0)
                                    product_image      = image; //Set the first image of this product. Which could use as the fron image
                                    collection_slider += "<div id='get-inspired' class='owl-carousel owl-theme'>";
                                    collection_slider += "<div class='item'><a href='" + item.category_url + "'>"
                                                         + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.category_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                                else if (counter == images.Length - 1)
                                    collection_slider += "<div class='item'><a href='" + item.category_url + "'>"
                                                         + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.category_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div></div>";
                                    collection_slider += "<div class='item'><a href='" + item.category_url + "'>"
                                                         + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.category_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                    //If this category has no image
                    if (product_image == "img/no_image.jpg")
                        collection_slider += "<div id='get-inspired' class='owl-carousel owl-theme'>";
                        collection_slider += "<div class='item'><a href='" + item.category_url + "'>"
                                             + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + product_image + "' alt='" + item.category_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div></div>";
                    collection_slider += "</div></div>";
                collection_panel.InnerHtml = collection_slider;
                //--End: Makeup collection silder from home page
                ttk_shop_slider.InnerHtml = "<h3>No featured product! Please add one.</h3>";
예제 #8
    //Because product slider cannot be modify after script carousel is loaded.
    //Thus, we generate the slider on server first to help slider load before carousel script run.
    private void MakeupProduct(ProductControllerModel model)
        string          hostUrl       = Helper.GetHostURL();
        ProductCurrency qProduct      = model.Product;
        List <wishlist> wishlists     = model.Wishlists;
        var             no_image      = "img/no_image.jpg";
        var             product_image = "img/no_image.jpg";
        var             itemHtml      = "<div class='col-md-6'>";

        if (qProduct.product_images != null && qProduct.product_images != "")
            itemHtml += "<div data-slider-id='1' class='owl-carousel shop-detail-carousel'>";
            var images = qProduct.product_images.Split(';');
            for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
                var image = images[i];
                if (image != "")
                    product_image = image; //Set the first image of this product. Which could use as the fron image
                    itemHtml     += "<div class='item'><img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + qProduct.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></div>";
            itemHtml += "<div class='item'><img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + qProduct.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></div>";
        itemHtml += "</div>";

        if (qProduct.is_sale != null)
            if (qProduct.is_sale.Value)
                itemHtml += "<div class='ribbon sale'><div class='theribbon'>SALE</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

        if (qProduct.is_new != null)
            if (qProduct.is_new.Value)
                itemHtml += "<div class='ribbon new'><div class='theribbon'>NEW</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

        if (qProduct.is_gift != null)
            if (qProduct.is_gift.Value)
                itemHtml += "<div class='ribbon gift'><div class='theribbon'>GIFT</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";
        itemHtml += "</div>";

        //Create price bar
        itemHtml += "<div class='col-md-6'>";
        itemHtml += "<div class='box'>";
        itemHtml += "<h1 class='text-center'>" + qProduct.product_name + "</h1>";
        itemHtml += "<p class='goToDescription'><a href='#details' class='scroll-to'>Scroll to product details, material &amp; care and sizing</a></p>";
        itemHtml += "<p class='goToDescription'><p class='price'>" + Helper.FormatCurrency(qProduct.list_price, qProduct.currency_code) + "</p>";
        if (qProduct.colour_id > 0)
            itemHtml += "<p class='goToDescription'><span class='colour' style='background: " + qProduct.colour_name + "; border-radius: 10px;'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> " + qProduct.colour_description + "</p>";
        itemHtml += "<p class='text-center buttons'><a onclick=\"return AddToCart('" + hostUrl + "/basket.aspx?product_id=" + qProduct.product_id + "');\" style='cursor: pointer;' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-shopping-cart'></i>Add to cart</a><a style='cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"return AddToWishlist('" + qProduct.product_id + "');\" class='btn "
                    + "btn-outline-primary'>";
        if (wishlists != null)
            itemHtml += "<i class='fa fa-heart' id='wishlist_icon'></i> Add to wishlist</a></p>";
            itemHtml += "<i class='fa fa-heart-o' id='wishlist_icon'></i> Add to wishlist</a></p>";
        itemHtml += "</div>";

        //Create thumber buttons
        if (qProduct.product_images != null && qProduct.product_images != "")
            itemHtml += "<div data-slider-id='1' class='owl-thumbs'>";
            var images = qProduct.product_images.Split(';');
            for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
                var image = images[i];
                if (image != "")
                    product_image = image; //Set the first image of this product. Which could use as the fron image
                    itemHtml     += "<button class='owl-thumb-item'><img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + qProduct.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></button>";
            itemHtml += "</div>";
            itemHtml += "<div data-slider-id='1' class='owl-thumbs'><button class='owl-thumb-item'><img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + qProduct.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></button></div>";

        itemHtml += "</div>";
        //End of product item

        productMain.InnerHtml = itemHtml;
예제 #9
    //Push data to client
    private void PushDataToClient(string userId, string hostUrl)
        ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.GetWishlist(userId);
        var totalProducts            = 0;

        if (model.ProductItems != null)
            totalProducts = model.ProductItems.Count();
            string html = "";
            foreach (var item in model.ProductItems)
                html += "<div class='col-lg-3 col-md-4'><div class='product'>";
                var no_image      = hostUrl + "/" + "img/no_image.jpg";
                var product_image = "";
                int counter       = 0;
                if (item.product_images != null && item.product_images != "")
                    var images = item.product_images.Split(';');
                    for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++)
                        var image = images[i];
                        if (image != "")
                            if (counter == 0)
                                product_image = image;
                                html += "<div class='flip-container'>";
                                html += "<div class='flipper'><div class='front'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                        + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                            else if (counter == 1)
                                html += "<div class='back'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                        + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div></div></div>";
                    if (counter == 0)
                        html += "<div class='flip-container'>";
                        html += "<div class='flipper'><div class='front'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div>";
                        html += "<div class='back'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div></div></div>";
                        html += "<a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "' class='invisible'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a>";
                    else if (counter == 1)
                        html += "<div class='back'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a></div></div></div>";
                        html += "<a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "' class='invisible'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + no_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a>";
                        html += "<a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "' class='invisible'>"
                                + "<img src='" + hostUrl + "/" + product_image + "' alt='" + item.product_name + "' class='img-fluid'></a>";
                    html += "<div class='text'><h3><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "'>" + item.product_name + "</a></h3>"
                            + "<p class='price'><del></del>" + Helper.FormatCurrency(item.list_price, item.currency_code) + "</p>"
                            + "<p class='buttons'><a href='" + hostUrl + "/product-detail.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "' class='btn btn-outline-secondary'>View detail</a>"
                            + "<a href='" + hostUrl + "/basket.aspx?product_id=" + item.product_id + "' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-shopping-cart'></i>Add to cart</a></p>"
                            + "</div>";

                    if (item.is_sale != null)
                        if (item.is_sale.Value)
                            html += "<div class='ribbon sale'><div class='theribbon'>SALE</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

                    if (item.is_new != null)
                        if (item.is_new.Value)
                            html += "<div class='ribbon new'><div class='theribbon'>NEW</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";

                    if (item.is_gift != null)
                        if (item.is_gift.Value)
                            html += "<div class='ribbon gift'><div class='theribbon'>GIFT</div><div class='ribbon-background'></div></div>";
                html += "</div></div>";
            wishlist_region.InnerHtml = html;

        if (model != null)
            ProductControllerModel model1 = new ProductControllerModel();
            model1.TotalProducts = totalProducts;
            var modelJson = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(model1);
            Wishlist_Data.InnerText = modelJson;
예제 #10
    public ProductControllerModel AddToWishlist(string product_id)
        ProductControllerModel model = ProductController.AddToWishlist(product_id);
