예제 #1
        private PredictionInfo GetPredictionInfo(PredictionController controller)
            PredictionInfo info = null;

            controller.OnPredictionUpdate.Add(p => info = p);
예제 #2
 public void LReset()
     DataReady      = false;
     PredictionData = new PredictionInfo();
     CountTime      = false;
     BackSensor.GetComponent <SensorController>().lookForTrigger  = true;
     FrontSensor.GetComponent <SensorController>().lookForTrigger = false;
예제 #3
        public LibCaffeWrapper(int classInfo)
            GoA                   = classInfo;
            Prediction            = new PredictionInfo();
            Prediction.classInfo  = -1;
            Prediction.confidence = -1;

            AgePreInfo            = new PredictionInfo();
            AgePreInfo.classInfo  = -1;
            AgePreInfo.confidence = -1;

            GenderPreInfo            = new PredictionInfo();
            GenderPreInfo.classInfo  = -1;
            GenderPreInfo.confidence = -1;

            GoA = classInfo;
예제 #4
        public void ChooseScene()
            Solution = new PredictionInfo();
            WeaponInfo thisWeapon = _gameContainer.WeaponList.GetRandomItem();

            if (thisWeapon.Name == "")
                throw new BasicBlankException("Weapon must have name to be part of solution");
            Solution.WeaponName = thisWeapon.Name;
            var thisCharacter = _gameContainer.CharacterList.GetRandomItem();

            Solution.CharacterName = thisCharacter.Name;
            var thisRoom = _gameContainer.RoomList.GetRandomItem();

            Solution.RoomName = thisRoom.Name;
예제 #5
        public void tbxSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextBox eObj = sender as TextBox;

            tbxS = eObj;
            // IList<string> autocompleteResult = PredicSearch(tbxSearch.Text);
            PredictionInfo   pred     = new PredictionInfo(tbxS.Text);
            List <SceneInfo> predList = pred.GetList(5);

            //MessageBox.Show(predList.Count.ToString() + " " + tbxSearch.Text);
            if (predList.Count > 0)
                lbxS.DataSource    = predList;
                lbxS.DisplayMember = "SceneName";
                lbxS.Visible       = true;
                lbxS.SelectedIndex = -1;
                lbxS.Visible = false;
예제 #6
 private List <Card> CardsFromInfo(PredictionInfo info)
     return(info.PredictedCards.Select(i => i.Card).ToList());
예제 #7
    public PredictionInfo DoPrediction(int paddlePosition)
        Color debugColor = Color.black;

        if (paddlePosition == 0)
            debugColor = Color.red;
        if (paddlePosition == 1)
            debugColor = Color.blue;

        int nextGoal = 0; //temp variable just to store the next goal we hit to check against paddle position

        RaycastHit2D[] predictedHits            = new RaycastHit2D[10];
        Vector2[]      predictedMovementVectors = new Vector2[11];
        RaycastHit2D[] allColliders             = new RaycastHit2D[10]; //we need to do a RaycastAll for each raycast to remove if we started inside a collider (not iterated, raycast should never pass through more than 5 colliders(?))
        PredictionInfo predictionInfo           = new PredictionInfo();

        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            debugColor[3] = .75f - (i / 10f);
            //Debug.Log("prediction point " + i);
            //first prediction
            if (i == 0)
                // bit shift the index of the layer to get a bit mask
                predictedHits[i] = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, movementVector, 500f, 1 << 8); // bit shift the index of the layer to get a bit mask
                Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, predictedHits[i].point, debugColor, .12f);
                predictedMovementVectors[i] = movementVector;
            //all other predictions
                if (predictedHits[i - 1].collider != null)                                                                                //if the previous iterations raycast found a collider
                    if (predictedHits[i - 1].collider.name.Contains("Wall") || predictedHits[i - 1].collider.name.Contains("Prediction")) //reflect previous iterations movement vector to use for this ray
                        if (predictedHits[i - 1].collider.name.Contains("Vertical"))
                            predictedMovementVectors[i] = ReflectHorizontal(predictedMovementVectors[i - 1]);
                        if (predictedHits[i - 1].collider.name.Contains("Horizontal"))
                            predictedMovementVectors[i] = ReflectVertical(predictedMovementVectors[i - 1]);
                    //do raycast
                    allColliders = Physics2D.RaycastAll(predictedHits[i - 1].point, predictedMovementVectors[i], 300f, 1 << 8); // bit shift the index of the layer to get a bit mask
                    if (allColliders.Length > 1)
                        if (allColliders[0].collider == predictedHits[i - 1].collider)
                            predictedHits[i] = allColliders[1]; //we started inside the collider we hit previously so we will ignore it
                            Debug.DrawLine(predictedHits[i - 1].point, predictedHits[i].point, debugColor, .3f);
                            //Debug.Log("Prediction Bounce: " + i + " -- Hit collider name: " + predictedHits[i].collider.name);
            //after we have our predicted hit for this iteration, check collisions to see if prediction hits the goal
            if (predictedHits[i].collider != null)
                if (predictedHits[i].collider.name.Contains("Prediction"))
                    Collider2D finalCollider = predictedHits[i].collider;
                    if (finalCollider.name.Contains("1"))
                        nextGoal = 0;
                    else if (finalCollider.name.Contains("2"))
                        nextGoal = 1;
                    else if (finalCollider.name.Contains("3"))
                        nextGoal = 2;
                    else if (finalCollider.name.Contains("4"))
                        nextGoal = 3;
                    if (nextGoal == paddlePosition) //this ray collides with a goal that IS our paddles
                        predictionInfo.finalHitPoint = predictedHits[i].point;
                        predictionInfo.bounces       = i;
                        predictionInfo.success       = true;
                        if (finalCollider.name.Contains("Prediction")) //reflect previous iterations movement vector to use for this ray
                            if (finalCollider.name.Contains("Vertical"))
                                float distance = gameReference.paddles[nextGoal].transform.position.y - predictedHits[i].point.y;
                                if (Mathf.Abs(distance) < 5f)
                                    //Debug.Log("Predicting bounce off enemy paddle #" + nextGoal + " With distance :" + distance);
                                    predictedMovementVectors[i].y = predictedMovementVectors[i].y - (distance / 3) * bounceMultiplier;
                            if (finalCollider.name.Contains("Horizontal"))

        //end of for loop
        //Debug.Log("Failed to find bounce that didnt hit wall after 10 bounces, giving up on finding final point");
        predictionInfo.finalHitPoint = Vector3.zero;
        predictionInfo.bounces       = 0;
        predictionInfo.success       = false;
예제 #8
 public static extern int AgePrediction(string model_file, string trained_file, string mean_file, string image_file, PredictionInfo p);
예제 #9
 public static extern int GenderPrediction(string model_file, string trained_file, string mean_file, string image_file, ref PredictionInfo p);
예제 #10
 public static extern int GenderPre(string image_file, ref PredictionInfo p);
예제 #11
 public void ChooseScene(PredictionInfo thisScene)
     Solution = thisScene;