protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserInfo objUserInfo = null; int intUserID = -1; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { objUserInfo = UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo(); if (objUserInfo != null) { intUserID = objUserInfo.UserID; } } int intRoleId = -1; if (Request.QueryString["roleid"] != null) { intRoleId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["roleid"]); } string strProcessorUserId = ""; PortalController objPortalController = new PortalController(); PortalInfo objPortalInfo = objPortalController.GetPortal(PortalSettings.PortalId); if (objPortalInfo != null) { strProcessorUserId = objPortalInfo.ProcessorUserId; } Hashtable settings = PortalSettings.GetSiteSettings(PortalSettings.PortalId); string strPayPalURL; if (intUserID != -1 && intRoleId != -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(strProcessorUserId)) { strPayPalURL = ""; if (Request.QueryString["cancel"] != null) { // build the cancellation PayPal URL strPayPalURL += "cmd=_subscr-find&alias=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); } else { strPayPalURL += "cmd=_ext-enter"; RoleController objRoles = new RoleController(); RoleInfo objRole = objRoles.GetRole(intRoleId, PortalSettings.PortalId); if (objRole.RoleID != -1) { int intTrialPeriod = 1; if (objRole.TrialPeriod != 0) { intTrialPeriod = objRole.TrialPeriod; } int intBillingPeriod = 1; if (objRole.BillingPeriod != 0) { intBillingPeriod = objRole.BillingPeriod; } // explicitely format numbers using en-US so numbers are correctly built CultureInfo enFormat = new CultureInfo("en-US"); string strService = string.Format(enFormat.NumberFormat, "{0:#####0.00}", objRole.ServiceFee); string strTrial = string.Format(enFormat.NumberFormat, "{0:#####0.00}", objRole.TrialFee); if (objRole.BillingFrequency == "O" || objRole.TrialFrequency == "O") //one-time payment { // build the payment PayPal URL strPayPalURL += "&redirect_cmd=_xclick&business=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); strPayPalURL += "&item_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.PortalName + " - " + objRole.RoleName + " ( " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", objRole.ServiceFee) + " " + PortalSettings.Currency + " )"); strPayPalURL += "&item_number=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intRoleId.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&no_shipping=1&no_note=1"; strPayPalURL += "&quantity=1"; strPayPalURL += "&amount=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strService); strPayPalURL += "¤cy_code=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.Currency); } else //recurring payments { // build the subscription PayPal URL strPayPalURL += "&redirect_cmd=_xclick-subscriptions&business=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strProcessorUserId); strPayPalURL += "&item_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.PortalName + " - " + objRole.RoleName + " ( " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", objRole.ServiceFee) + " " + PortalSettings.Currency + " every " + intBillingPeriod.ToString() + " " + GetBillingFrequencyCode(objRole.BillingFrequency) + " )"); strPayPalURL += "&item_number=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intRoleId.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&no_shipping=1&no_note=1"; if (objRole.TrialFrequency != "N") { strPayPalURL += "&a1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strTrial); strPayPalURL += "&p1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intTrialPeriod.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&t1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objRole.TrialFrequency); } strPayPalURL += "&a3=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(strService); strPayPalURL += "&p3=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intBillingPeriod.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&t3=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objRole.BillingFrequency); strPayPalURL += "&src=1"; strPayPalURL += "¤cy_code=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(PortalSettings.Currency); } } ListController ctlList = new ListController(); strPayPalURL += "&custom=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(intUserID.ToString()); strPayPalURL += "&first_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.FirstName); strPayPalURL += "&last_name=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.LastName); try { if (objUserInfo.Profile.Country == "United States") { ListEntryInfo colList = ctlList.GetListEntryInfo("Region", objUserInfo.Profile.Region, "Country:US"); strPayPalURL += "&address1=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objUserInfo.Profile.Unit) ? objUserInfo.Profile.Unit + " " : "") + objUserInfo.Profile.Street); strPayPalURL += "&city=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.City); strPayPalURL += "&state=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(colList.Value); strPayPalURL += "&zip=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(objUserInfo.Profile.PostalCode); } } catch { // issue getting user address } // Return URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionreturn"]) != "") { strPayPalURL += "&return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionreturn"])); } else { strPayPalURL += "&return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request))); } // Cancellation URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"]) != "") { strPayPalURL += "&cancel_return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"])); } else { strPayPalURL += "&cancel_return=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request))); } // Instant Payment Notification URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionnotifyurl"]) != "") { strPayPalURL += "¬ify_url=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptionnotifyurl"])); } else { strPayPalURL += "¬ify_url=" + Globals.HTTPPOSTEncode(Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)) + "/admin/Sales/PayPalIPN.aspx"); } strPayPalURL += "&sra=1"; // reattempt on failure } // redirect to PayPal Response.Redirect(strPayPalURL, true); } else { // Cancellation URL if (Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"]) != "") { strPayPalURL = Convert.ToString(settings["paypalsubscriptioncancelreturn"]); } else { strPayPalURL = Globals.AddHTTP(Globals.GetDomainName(Request)); } // redirect to PayPal Response.Redirect(strPayPalURL, true); } } catch (Exception exc) //Page failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessPageLoadException(exc); } }
public void Initialize(int PortalId) { _PortalID = PortalId; _TabID = -1; _ModuleID = -1; _ModuleDefID = -1; _ModuleOrder = -1; _PaneName = ""; _ModuleTitle = ""; _AuthorizedEditRoles = ""; _CacheTime = -1; _AuthorizedViewRoles = ""; _Alignment = ""; _Color = ""; _Border = ""; _IconFile = ""; _AllTabs = false; _Visibility = VisibilityState.Maximized; _IsDeleted = false; _Header = ""; _Footer = ""; _StartDate = Null.NullDate; _EndDate = Null.NullDate; _DisplayTitle = true; _DisplayPrint = true; _DisplaySyndicate = false; _InheritViewPermissions = false; _ContainerSrc = ""; _DesktopModuleID = -1; _FriendlyName = ""; _Description = ""; _Version = ""; _IsPremium = false; _IsAdmin = false; _SupportedFeatures = 0; _BusinessControllerClass = ""; _ModuleControlId = -1; _ControlSrc = ""; _ControlType = SecurityAccessLevel.Anonymous; _ControlTitle = ""; _HelpUrl = ""; _ContainerPath = ""; _PaneModuleIndex = 0; _PaneModuleCount = 0; _IsDefaultModule = false; _AllModules = false; // get default module settings Hashtable settings = PortalSettings.GetSiteSettings(PortalId); if (Convert.ToString(settings["defaultmoduleid"]) != "" && Convert.ToString(settings["defaulttabid"]) != "") { ModuleController objModules = new ModuleController(); ModuleInfo objModule = objModules.GetModule(int.Parse(Convert.ToString(settings["defaultmoduleid"])), int.Parse(Convert.ToString(settings["defaulttabid"])), true); if (objModule != null) { _CacheTime = objModule.CacheTime; _Alignment = objModule.Alignment; _Color = objModule.Color; _Border = objModule.Border; _IconFile = objModule.IconFile; _Visibility = objModule.Visibility; _ContainerSrc = objModule.ContainerSrc; _DisplayTitle = objModule.DisplayTitle; _DisplayPrint = objModule.DisplayPrint; _DisplaySyndicate = objModule.DisplaySyndicate; } } }
/// <summary> /// Restores selected modules in the listbox /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <remarks> /// Adds a log entry for each restored module to the EventLog /// </remarks> /// <history> /// [VMasanas] 18/08/2004 Added support for multiselect listbox /// </history> protected void cmdRestoreModule_Click(Object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { EventLogController objEventLog = new EventLogController(); ModuleController objModules = new ModuleController(); ListItem item; if (cboTab.SelectedItem != null) { foreach (ListItem tempLoopVar_item in lstModules.Items) { item = tempLoopVar_item; if (item.Selected) { ModuleInfo objModule = objModules.GetModule(int.Parse(item.Value), Null.NullInteger); if (objModule != null) { objModule.IsDeleted = false; objModule.TabID = Null.NullInteger; objModules.UpdateModule(objModule); // set defaults objModule.CacheTime = 0; objModule.Alignment = ""; objModule.Color = ""; objModule.Border = ""; objModule.IconFile = ""; objModule.Visibility = VisibilityState.Maximized; objModule.ContainerSrc = ""; objModule.DisplayTitle = true; objModule.DisplayPrint = true; objModule.DisplaySyndicate = false; objModule.AllTabs = false; // get default module settings Hashtable settings = PortalSettings.GetSiteSettings(PortalId); if (Convert.ToString(settings["defaultmoduleid"]) != "" && Convert.ToString(settings["defaulttabid"]) != "") { ModuleInfo objDefaultModule = objModules.GetModule(int.Parse(Convert.ToString(settings["defaultmoduleid"])), int.Parse(Convert.ToString(settings["defaulttabid"]))); if (objDefaultModule != null) { objModule.CacheTime = objDefaultModule.CacheTime; objModule.Alignment = objDefaultModule.Alignment; objModule.Color = objDefaultModule.Color; objModule.Border = objDefaultModule.Border; objModule.IconFile = objDefaultModule.IconFile; objModule.Visibility = objDefaultModule.Visibility; objModule.ContainerSrc = objDefaultModule.ContainerSrc; objModule.DisplayTitle = objDefaultModule.DisplayTitle; objModule.DisplayPrint = objDefaultModule.DisplayPrint; objModule.DisplaySyndicate = objDefaultModule.DisplaySyndicate; } } // add tab module objModule.TabID = int.Parse(cboTab.SelectedItem.Value); objModule.PaneName = Globals.glbDefaultPane; objModule.ModuleOrder = -1; objModules.AddModule(objModule); objEventLog.AddLog(objModule, PortalSettings, UserId, "", EventLogController.EventLogType.MODULE_RESTORED); } } } BindData(); } }
/// <Summary> /// ShowRequiredFields sets up displaying which fields are required /// </Summary> private void ShowRequiredFields() { Hashtable settings = PortalSettings.GetSiteSettings(PortalSettings.PortalId); lblStreetRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addressstreet"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblCityRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addresscity"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblCountryRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addresscountry"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblRegionRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addressregion"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblPostalRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addresspostal"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblTelephoneRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addresstelephone"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblCellRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addresscell"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); lblFaxRequired.Text = ((Convert.ToString(settings["addressfax"]) == "N") ? "" : "*").ToString(); if (PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(PortalSettings.AdministratorRoleName)) { if (lblCountryRequired.Text == "*") { chkCountry.Checked = true; valCountry.Enabled = true; } if (lblRegionRequired.Text == "*") { chkRegion.Checked = true; if (cboRegion.Visible == true) { valRegion1.Enabled = true; valRegion2.Enabled = false; } else { valRegion1.Enabled = false; valRegion2.Enabled = true; } } if (lblCityRequired.Text == "*") { chkCity.Checked = true; valCity.Enabled = true; } if (lblStreetRequired.Text == "*") { chkStreet.Checked = true; valStreet.Enabled = true; } if (lblPostalRequired.Text == "*") { chkPostal.Checked = true; valPostal.Enabled = true; } if (lblTelephoneRequired.Text == "*") { chkTelephone.Checked = true; valTelephone.Enabled = true; } if (lblCellRequired.Text == "*") { chkCell.Checked = true; valCell.Enabled = true; } if (lblFaxRequired.Text == "*") { chkFax.Checked = true; valFax.Enabled = true; } } if (lblCountryRequired.Text == "") { valCountry.Enabled = false; } if (lblRegionRequired.Text == "") { valRegion1.Enabled = false; valRegion2.Enabled = false; } if (lblCityRequired.Text == "") { valCity.Enabled = false; } if (lblStreetRequired.Text == "") { valStreet.Enabled = false; } if (lblPostalRequired.Text == "") { valPostal.Enabled = false; } if (lblTelephoneRequired.Text == "") { valTelephone.Enabled = false; } if (lblCellRequired.Text == "") { valCell.Enabled = false; } if (lblFaxRequired.Text == "") { valFax.Enabled = false; } }