static double[][] RunForCoarseStripe(string FilePattern, PopulationTypes ModelType)
            string fnPattern = "C:\\Users\\zool1301.NDPH\\Documents\\Code_General\\temp-suitability\\Original\\c_code\\test5\\data\\{0}.{1}.dat";
            string latFile   = String.Format(fnPattern, "lat", FilePattern);
            string lonFile   = String.Format(fnPattern, "long", FilePattern);
            string minFile   = String.Format(fnPattern, "tmin", FilePattern);
            string maxFile   = String.Format(fnPattern, "tmax", FilePattern);

            double[] tLats = File.ReadAllLines(latFile).
                             Select(l => double.Parse(l)).ToArray();
            double[] tLongs = File.ReadAllLines(lonFile).
                              Select(l => double.Parse(l)).ToArray();
            double[] tMins = File.ReadAllLines(minFile).
                             Select(l => double.Parse(l)).ToArray();
            double[] tMaxs = File.ReadAllLines(maxFile).
                             Select(l => double.Parse(l)).ToArray();
            int numCells = tLats.Length;
            int nDays    = tMins.Length / tLats.Length;
            PopulationParams popParams = new PopulationParams();

            popParams.DegreeDayThreshold   = 111;
            popParams.MinTempThreshold     = 11;
            popParams.MosquitoLifespanDays = new TimeSpan(31, 0, 0, 0);
            popParams.SliceLength          = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0);
            double[][] tsOut = new double[numCells][];
            //int c = 0;
            int numBlocks            = 200;
            IEnumerable <int> blocks = Enumerable.Range(0, numBlocks);
            int cellsPerBlock        = numCells / numBlocks;

            Parallel.ForEach(blocks, blockID =>
                int blockCellStartIdx = blockID * cellsPerBlock;
                for (int c = blockCellStartIdx; (c < (blockCellStartIdx + cellsPerBlock) && c < numCells); c++)
                    tsOut[c]              = new double[nDays];
                    double lat            = tLats[c];
                    double lon            = tLongs[c];
                    int startIdx          = c * nDays;
                    int endIdx            = startIdx + nDays;
                    double[] tMinsForCell = new double[nDays];
                    double[] tMaxsForCell = new double[nDays];
                    Array.Copy(tMins, startIdx, tMinsForCell, 0, nDays);
                    Array.Copy(tMaxs, startIdx, tMaxsForCell, 0, nDays);

                    GeographicCellLocation geogParams = new GeographicCellLocation();
                    geogParams.Latitude  = tLats[c];
                    geogParams.Longitude = tLongs[c];

                    TSCellModel tsModel = new TSCellModel(popParams, geogParams, ModelType);
                    //double[] tsCell = tsModel.RunModel(tMinsForCell, tMaxsForCell);
                    //for (int i = 0; i < nDays; i++)
                    //    tsOut[c][i] = tsCell[i];
        static double[][] RunForArray(
            float[] minTemps,
            float[] maxTemps,
            float[] latitudes,
            float[] longitudes,
            float[] timestamps,
            PopulationTypes ModelType)
            int numCells = latitudes.Length * longitudes.Length;
            int numRows  = latitudes.Length;
            int numCols  = longitudes.Length;

            Debug.Assert(minTemps.Length == maxTemps.Length);
            Debug.Assert(minTemps.Length % numCells == 0);
            Debug.Assert(minTemps.Length / numCells == timestamps.Length);

            PopulationParams popParams = new PopulationParams();

            popParams.DegreeDayThreshold   = 111;
            popParams.MinTempThreshold     = 11;
            popParams.MosquitoLifespanDays = new TimeSpan(31, 0, 0, 0);;
            popParams.SliceLength          = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0);

            double[][] tsOut = new double[numCells][];

            Parallel.For(0, numCells, c =>
                int rownum = c / numCols;
                int colnum = c % numCols;
                GeographicCellLocation geogParams = new GeographicCellLocation();
                geogParams.Latitude  = latitudes[rownum];
                geogParams.Longitude = longitudes[colnum];

                //geogParams.ModelRuntimeDays = nDays;
                //geogParams.StartJulianDay = 0;
예제 #3
 public float getPopCount(PopulationTypes t)
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new TSCellModel to calculate dynamic temperature suitability for Pf transmission, across time at a single
        /// cell location. The underlying population can be modelled via any object implementing IIterablePopulation. Currently there
        /// are three such classes which take different approaches to the iteration for performance testing; which of these to use
        /// is currently specified by the PopulationTypes enum. After construction, call SetData before calling RunModel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelConfigParams"></param>
        /// <param name="locationParams"></param>
        /// <param name="modelType"></param>
        public TSCellModel(PopulationParams modelConfigParams, GeographicCellLocation locationParams, PopulationTypes modelType)
            this.modelParams   = modelConfigParams;
            this.modelLocation = new GeographicCell(locationParams);
            double sliceLengthDays = modelParams.SliceLength.TotalDays;
            int    lifespanSlices  = modelConfigParams.LifespanSlices;

            switch (modelType)
            case PopulationTypes.OOCohorts:
                m_Pop = new PopulationOO(lifespanSlices, sliceLengthDays,

            case PopulationTypes.Arrays:
                m_Pop = new PopulationArray(lifespanSlices, sliceLengthDays,

            case PopulationTypes.Pointers:
                m_Pop = new PopulationPtr(lifespanSlices, sliceLengthDays,