예제 #1
 private void getNumPolice(GameObject pl)
     foreach (var el in PoliceLines)
         PoliceLineController plScript = (PoliceLineController)el.GetComponent("PoliceLineController");
         policeTotal += plScript.getNumPolice();
         Debug.Log("New Police Total:" + policeTotal);
예제 #2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        transitGenerator = gameObject.GetComponent <TransitStopGenerator>();
        plcontroller     = PoliceLinetemplate.GetComponent <PoliceLineController>();
        List <GameObject> l = transitGenerator.GenerateStops();

        foreach (GameObject stop in l)

        /*Scenario 1 */

        /*for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
         *       StartCoroutine(delaySpawnCrowdAroundSpot(new Vector3((float)(-66+i*5),29f,(float)(50-5*i)), 100,15,3));
         * }*/

        /* Quaternion rot = new Quaternion (0.0f,-0.4f,0.0f,0.9f);
         * Queue<Vector3> waypoints = new Queue<Vector3>();
         * Queue<float> delays = new Queue<float>();
         * //delays.Enqueue(10f); //For Vancouver Conference Run
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-66.6f, 31.5f, 47.6f));
         * //96.25958-15.32647 = 81
         *      delays.Enqueue(22+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-97.0f, 31.1f, 78.9f));
         * //153.9031-106.9043 = 47
         *      delays.Enqueue(13+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-130.1f, 32.6f, 112.7f));
         * //210.5616-161.3619 = 50
         *      delays.Enqueue(13+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-155.5f, 33.0f, 130.3f));
         * //252.7543-214.8141 = 38
         *      delays.Enqueue(10+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-196.6f, 33.9f, 173.7f));
         * //317.9051-257.4592 = 61
         *      delays.Enqueue(15.5f+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-224.9f, 34.2f, 203.6f));
         * //368.6794-323.5688 = 46
         *      delays.Enqueue(12+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-276.5f, 34.8f, 252.3f));
         * //435.9674-372.0013 = 64
         *      delays.Enqueue(16+2f);
         * waypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-311.9f, 36.3f, 258.4f));*/
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3((float)(-4.0),27.3f,(float)(-10.6)),rot,3,waypoints,delays));//first simulation pl location
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3((float)(-23.6),28.0f,(float)(9.8)),rot,3,waypoints,delays));//second simulation pl location to test moving around pl

        Queue <float> delays = new Queue <float>();
        //FIRST STREET: Start PL from -34.7, 35.0, 97.0
        //destination: (-170.8, 24.7, -73.6)
        Queue <Vector3> fwaypoints = new Queue <Vector3>();

        //original waypoint towards VPL
        //fwaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-154.7f, 26.4f, -24.1f));

        //second waypoint towards VPL
        //fwaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-170.8f, 24.7f, -73.6f));

        //Updated trial location towards VPL
        //fwaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-199.4f, 24.7f, -69.3f));

        //End point away from VPL
        fwaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(45.2f, 31.2f, 177.1f));

        //rotation for going towards VPL
        //Quaternion frot = Quaternion.Euler(0f,-135.2f,0f);
        //rotation for going away from VPL
        Quaternion frot = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 44.636f, 0f);

        //Location moving towards VPL
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3(-40.3f,30.9f,89.5f),frot,3,fwaypoints,delays));
        // Location moving away from VPL
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3(-147.9f, 26.8f, -18.4f),frot,3,fwaypoints,delays));

        //SECOND STREET: Start PL from -78.3, 35.0, 123.5   Move to:  -197.7, 27.4, -3.4
        Queue <Vector3> swaypoints = new Queue <Vector3>();

        //original location towards VPL
        //swaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-197.7f, 27.4f, -3.4f));
        //Updated trial location towards VPL
        //swaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-234.0f, 25.7f, -33.6f));

        //End point away from VPL
        swaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(12.4f, 31.5f, 216.8f));

        //rotation for going towards VPL
        //Quaternion srot = Quaternion.Euler(0f,-135.2f,0f);
        //rotation for going away from VPL
        Quaternion srot = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 44.636f, 0f);

        //Location moving towards VPL
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3(-78.3f, 32.5f, 123.5f),srot,3,swaypoints,delays));
        //Location moving away from VPL
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3(-187.1f, 28.0f, 14.8f),srot,3,swaypoints,delays));

        //THIRD STREET: Start PL from -94.2, 35.0, 176.8   Move to:  -221.9, 29.1, 37.2
        //New destination: (-324.5, 26.9, -17.3)
        Queue <Vector3> twaypoints = new Queue <Vector3>();

        //first trial location toward VPL
        //twaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-212.3f, 29.1f, 56.5f));
        //updated trial location toward VPL
        //twaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-292.8f, 26.1f, -30.1f));
        //Move out of the way toward VPL
        //twaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(-324.5f, 26.9f, -17.3f));

        //End point away from VPL
        twaypoints.Enqueue(new Vector3(5.9f, 30.6f, 275.3f));

        //rotation for going towards VPL
        //Quaternion trot = Quaternion.Euler(0f,-135.2f,0f);
        //rotation for going away from VPL
        Quaternion trot = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 44.636f, 0f);

        //Location moving towards VPL
        //StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3(-113.6f, 33.2f, 158.2f),trot,3,twaypoints,delays));
        //Location moving away from VPL
        StartCoroutine(delayAddPL(new Vector3(-221.5f, 29.2f, 44.5f), trot, 3, twaypoints, delays));

        Invoke("addAOI", 0);
        //move to -6.8 28 -3.2