예제 #1
파일: Game1.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadContent はゲームごとに 1 回呼び出され、ここですべてのコンテンツを
 /// 読み込みます。
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LoadContent()
     model = MMDXCore.Instance.LoadModel("Miku", Content);
     model.Culling = false;
     camera = MMDXCore.Instance.LoadMotion("Camera", Content);
     light = MMDXCore.Instance.LoadMotion("Light", Content);
     MMDXCore.Instance.StageAnimationPlayer.AddMotion("Camera", camera);
     MMDXCore.Instance.StageAnimationPlayer.AddMotion("Light", light);
     edgeManager = new EdgeManager(Window, GraphicsDevice);
     MMDXCore.Instance.EdgeManager = edgeManager;
    void KMeansClustering()
        print("k-means started..");

        // calculate centroid points
        int k_means = k_clusters;

        int[] k_calculations = new int[k_means];
        for (int i = 0; i < k_means; i++)
            decimal f        = Decimal.Divide(i, k_means);
            float   division = (float)f;
            k_calculations[i] = Mathf.RoundToInt(colombs_nodes.Count * (division));
            print("k means calculation: " + f + " = " + i + " / " + k_means);
        print("step 0, k_means = " + k_means);
        int k_num = 0;

        foreach (int num in k_calculations)
            //print(k_num +" : "+num);

        // Assigning centroids
        GameObject[] centroids    = new GameObject[k_means];
        VisualNode[] vs_c         = new VisualNode[k_means];
        ArrayList[]  clusternodes = new ArrayList[k_means];
        for (int i = 0; i < k_means; i++)
            centroids[i]          = (GameObject)colombs_nodes[k_calculations[i]];
            vs_c[i]               = centroids[i].GetComponent <VisualNode>();
            vs_c[i].distinct_node = true;
            Vector3 localScale = vs_c[i].transform.localScale;
            if (transform.localScale.x < 2)
                //vs_c[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(localScale.x * 2, localScale.y * 2, localScale.z * 2);
            clusternodes[i] = new ArrayList();
        print("step 1");

        // Assigning nodes to centroids on Euclidean Distance
        foreach (GameObject g in colombs_nodes)
            if (centroids.Contains(g) == false)
                VisualNode n          = g.GetComponent <VisualNode>();
                float[]    dist_array = new float[k_means];
                for (int i = 0; i < dist_array.Length; i++)
                    dist_array[i] = Vector3.Distance(g.transform.localPosition, centroids[i].transform.localPosition);
                float smallest_dist  = dist_array.Min();
                int   smallest_index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dist_array.Length; i++)
                    if (dist_array[i] == smallest_dist)
                        smallest_index = i;
        print("step 2");

        // Create Cluster Objects
        GameObject[] clusterObjects = new GameObject[k_means];
        for (int i = 0; i < k_means; i++)
            clusterObjects[i] = new GameObject();
            clusterObjects[i].AddComponent <ClusterBehaviour>();
            clusterObjects[i].GetComponent <ClusterBehaviour>().setArrayList(clusternodes[i]);
            clusterObjects[i].GetComponent <ClusterBehaviour>().setClusterCentre(centroids[i]);
        print("step 3");

        int cluster_index = 0;

        // Go through the three centroids and generate the clusters
        foreach (GameObject cluster_object in clusterObjects)
            ClusterBehaviour clu = cluster_object.GetComponent <ClusterBehaviour>();
            // return nodes of cluster c
            ArrayList cluster_array = clu.returnClusterNodes();
            // setup meshfilters for child objects
            MeshFilter[] meshFilters = new MeshFilter[clu.returnClusterNodes().Count + 1];
            // combine instance mesh array
            CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length];
            // Color of cluster
            Color col = UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV(0.1f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f);

            // go through each child node and add to meshFilter array
            // first cluster node
            GameObject first_node = clu.gameObject;
            meshFilters[0]       = centroids[cluster_index].GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            combine[0].mesh      = meshFilters[0].sharedMesh;
            combine[0].transform = meshFilters[0].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            nodes_already_clustered.Add(first_node.GetComponent <VisualNode>());
            // add boxcollider for each node
            BoxCollider b = cluster_object.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            b.size      = new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
            b.center    = clu.transform.position;
            b.isTrigger = true;

             * ArrayList edge = n.getAllocatedEdges();
             * if (edge.Count > 0) {
             *  GameObject index0 = edge[0] as GameObject;
             *  foreach (GameObject ga in edge) {
             *      LineRenderer l = ga.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
             *      l.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(col.r, col.g, col.b, 0.01f));
             *  }
             * }

            int k = 1;
            foreach (VisualNode v in clu.returnClusterNodes())
                if (nodes_already_clustered.Contains(v) == false)
                    GameObject g = v.gameObject;

                    meshFilters[k]       = g.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    combine[k].mesh      = meshFilters[k].sharedMesh;
                    combine[k].transform = meshFilters[k].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    // add boxcollider for each node
                    BoxCollider b1 = cluster_object.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    b1.size      = new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
                    b1.center    = g.transform.position;
                    b1.isTrigger = true;
                    ArrayList edge1 = v.getAllocatedEdges();
                    v.transform.parent = cluster_object.transform;

                    if (edge1.Count > 0)
                        GameObject index0 = edge1[0] as GameObject;

                        foreach (GameObject ga in edge1)
                            //LineRenderer l = ga.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
                            //l.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(col.r, col.g, col.b, 0.01f));

            // set the parent of the cluster to visualization object
            cluster_object.transform.parent = this.transform;
            // set the name of the cluster
            //cluster_object.transform.name = first_node.transform.name + " cluster";

            // add meshfilter to new cluster
            cluster_object.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            cluster_object.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            cluster_object.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = new Mesh();
            // combine all the meshes in the mesh array "combine"
            cluster_object.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.CombineMeshes(combine);
            cluster_object.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = nodeMat;
            // assign random color to cluster
            cluster_object.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = col;
        EdgeManager edgeManager = Camera.main.GetComponent <EdgeManager> ();
        ArrayList   glEdges     = edgeManager.getEdges();

        print(glEdges.Count + "glEdge count");
        for (int i = 0; i < glEdges.Count; i++)
            Edge e = (Edge)glEdges[i];
            e.setColor(e.getTransformRef().parent.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color);
        print("step 4 DONE");
        clusterAllNodes         = true;
        graph_layout_recognized = false;
    //Optimisation Test
    void CombineMeshes()
        // go through each clusterNode parent
        foreach (VisualNode n in clusterNodes)
            // arraylist to be added to cluster late
            ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
            // setup meshfilters for child objects
            MeshFilter[] meshFilters = new MeshFilter[n.getClusterNodes().Count + 1];
            // combine instance mesh array
            CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length];
            //stop center from being combined
            // Create a new cluster gameobject
            GameObject newCluster = new GameObject();

            // Color of cluster
            Color col = UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV(0.1f, 0.8f, 0.7f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f);

            // go through each child node and add to meshFilter array

            // first cluster node
            GameObject c1 = n.gameObject;
            meshFilters[0]       = c1.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            combine[0].mesh      = meshFilters[0].sharedMesh;
            combine[0].transform = meshFilters[0].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            // add boxcollider for each node
            //BoxCollider b = newCluster.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
            //b.size = new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
            //b.center = c1.transform.position;
            //b.isTrigger = true;
            ArrayList edge = n.getAllocatedEdges();
            if (edge.Count > 0)
                GameObject index0 = edge[0] as GameObject;
                foreach (GameObject ga in edge)
                    LineRenderer l = ga.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                    l.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(col.r, col.g, col.b, 0.01f));

            int k = 1;

            foreach (VisualNode v in n.getClusterNodes())
                if (nodes_already_clustered.Contains(v) == false)
                    GameObject g = v.gameObject;
                    meshFilters[k]       = g.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    combine[k].mesh      = meshFilters[k].sharedMesh;
                    combine[k].transform = meshFilters[k].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    // add boxcollider for each node
                    //BoxCollider b1 = newCluster.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
                    //b1.size = new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
                    //b1.center = g.transform.position;
                    //b1.isTrigger = true;
                    v.transform.parent = n.transform;
                    ArrayList edge1 = v.getAllocatedEdges();
                    if (edge1.Count > 0)
                        GameObject index0 = edge1[0] as GameObject;
                        foreach (GameObject ga in edge1)
                            LineRenderer l = ga.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                            l.material.SetColor("_TintColor", new Color(col.r, col.g, col.b, 0.01f));

            // set the parent of the cluster to visualization object
            newCluster.transform.parent = this.transform;
            // set the name of the cluster
            newCluster.transform.name = n.transform.name + " cluster";

            // add meshfilter to new cluster
            newCluster.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            newCluster.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            newCluster.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = new Mesh();
            // combine all the meshes in the mesh array "combine"
            newCluster.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.CombineMeshes(combine);
            newCluster.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = nodeMat;
            // assign random color to cluster
            newCluster.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = col;
            // add clustercode
            newCluster.AddComponent <ClusterBehaviour>();
            ClusterBehaviour c = newCluster.GetComponent <ClusterBehaviour>();
            n.transform.parent = c.transform;

            // lastly, add collider (trying box colliders)
        EdgeManager edgeManager = Camera.main.GetComponent <EdgeManager> ();
        ArrayList   glEdges     = edgeManager.getEdges();

//		print (glEdges.Count + "glEdge count");
        for (int i = 0; i < glEdges.Count; i++)
            Edge e = (Edge)glEdges[i];
            e.setColor(e.getTransformRef().parent.parent.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color);

        clusterAllNodes         = true;
        graph_layout_recognized = false;

        Camera.main.cullingMask = cullingmask;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 public void Awake()
     Origin = GameObject.Find("Origin");
     Edges  = Origin.GetComponent <EdgeManager>();
예제 #5
    public static void MaxFlow(Graph graph, Node start, Node finish)

        EdgeManager edgeManager    = GameObject.Find("Managers").GetComponent <EdgeManager>();
        List <Edge> temporaryEdges = new List <Edge>();
        float       sumFlow        = 0;

        // Форда-Фалкерсона

        // 1 обнуляємо усі потоки
        foreach (Dictionary <Node, Edge> node in graph.nodeList.Values)
            foreach (Edge edge in node.Values)
                edge.flow = 0;

        Graph resudalGraph = ResudalGraph(graph); // проверь

        // 2

        LinkedList <Node> way = AStar(resudalGraph, start, finish, false);

        int stop = 0;

        while (way != null)
            stop += 1;
            if (stop >= 100)
                Debug.Log("Стоп кран");

            // через знайдений коротший шлях пускаємо потік

            // знайдемо найменшу
            float cMin = Mathf.Infinity;
            for (LinkedListNode <Node> node = way.First; node.Next != null; node = node.Next)
                float c = resudalGraph.nodeList[node.Value][node.Next.Value].ResidualFlow;
                cMin = Mathf.Min(cMin, c);

            // збільшуємо поток на шляху
            for (LinkedListNode <Node> node = way.First; node.Next != null; node = node.Next)
                // resudalGraph.nodeList[node.Value][node.Next.Value].flow += cMin;
                // TODO добавить обратное ребро!
                // graph.GetEdge(node.Value, node.Next.Value).flow += cMin;
                // graph.GetEdge(node.Next.Value, node.Value).flow -= cMin;

                GetEdge(node.Value, node.Next.Value).flow += cMin;
                GetEdge(node.Next.Value, node.Value).flow -= cMin;

            resudalGraph = ResudalGraph(resudalGraph);

            way = AStar(resudalGraph, start, finish, false);

        // перенос инфы из остаточного графа в основной

         * foreach (KeyValuePair<Node, Dictionary<Node, Edge>> node in resudalGraph.nodeList)
         * {
         *  foreach (KeyValuePair<Node, Edge> subnode in node.Value)
         *  {
         *      Edge resudalEdge = resudalGraph.nodeList[node.Key][subnode.Key];
         *      if (resudalEdge.capacity != 0)
         *      {
         *          graph.nodeList[node.Key][subnode.Key].flow = resudalEdge.flow;
         *      }
         *  }
         * }

        foreach (Edge e in temporaryEdges)

        // обновление интерфейса для все ребер
        foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, Dictionary <Node, Edge> > node in graph.nodeList)
            foreach (Edge edge in node.Value.Values)

        // оказалось не костыль, а по определению
        foreach (Edge fin in graph.nodeList[start].Values)
            sumFlow += fin.flow;
        Debug.Log($"Максимальний потік = {sumFlow}");

        // повертає ребро між вузлами, якзо такого нема - створює і повертає
        Edge GetEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
            Edge edge;

            if (resudalGraph.nodeList[nodeA].ContainsKey(nodeB))
                edge = resudalGraph.nodeList[nodeA][nodeB];
                edge          = edgeManager.CreateEdge(nodeA, nodeB, resudalGraph, false);
                edge.capacity = 0;

        Graph ResudalGraph(Graph initialGraph)
            // по идее он не создает новые узлы а ссылается на оригинальный граф
            // так что и привязки к геймобджектам не надо

            Graph resGraph = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("Graph") as Graph;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, Dictionary <Node, Edge> > node in initialGraph.nodeList)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, Edge> subNode in node.Value)
                    if (subNode.Value.ResidualFlow > 0)
                        resGraph.AddEdge(node.Key, subNode.Key, subNode.Value);

                     * оно ведь и не добавтися
                     * else if(subNode.Value.ResidualFlow == 0)
                     * {
                     *  resGraph.RemoveEdge(node.Key, subNode.Key); // ?????????????
                     * }
            if (resGraph.nodeList.Count > 0)
예제 #6
 Vector3 Centroid(EdgeManager em)
     return((em.v2.transform.position + em.v1.transform.position) / 2);
예제 #7
파일: Game1.cs 프로젝트: himapo/ccm
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadContent はゲームごとに 1 回呼び出され、ここですべてのコンテンツを
 /// 読み込みます。
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LoadContent()
     model = MMDXCore.Instance.LoadModel("Miku-metal", Content);
     model.Culling = false;
     motion = MMDXCore.Instance.LoadMotion("TrueMyHeart", Content);
     model.AnimationPlayer.AddMotion("TrueMyHeart", motion, MMDMotionTrackOptions.UpdateWhenStopped);
     edgeManager = new EdgeManager(Window, GraphicsDevice);
     MMDXCore.Instance.EdgeManager = edgeManager;
     debugDraw = new PhysicsDebugDraw(GraphicsDevice);
     MMDXCore.Instance.Physics.DebugDrawer = debugDraw;
     MMDXProfiler.MMDBeginMark += (bar, name, color) => timerRuler.BeginMark(bar, name, color);
     MMDXProfiler.MMDEndMark += (bar, name) => timerRuler.EndMark(bar, name);
예제 #8
 public override void OnRegisterEvent()
     clog("Game session saved ...");
     EdgeManager.JoinOrCreateRoom(playerName: "", playerAvatar: 0, maxPlayersPerRoom: 2);
예제 #9
 public override void OnPlayerLeft(RoomMemberLeft playerLeft)
     clog(EdgeManager.GetPlayer(playerLeft.idOfPlayerLeft).playerName + " left");
     theBall.transform.position = Vector3.zero;