public static void Load()
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadPlayerData(player);              = data.playerName;
        player.level             = data.level;
        player.currentCheckpoint = GameObject.Find(data.checkpoint).GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.currentExp        = data.currentExp;
        player.neededExp         = data.neededExp;
        player.maxExp            = data.maxExp;
        for (int i = 0; i < player.characterStats.Length; i++)
            player.characterStats[i].value = data.stats[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < player.attributes.Length; i++)
            player.attributes[i].maxValue     = data.maxAttributes[i];
            player.attributes[i].currentValue = data.currentAttributes[i];
        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
        player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.rX, data.rY, data.rZ, data.rW);
    public static void Load()
        //Do this when Binary is done
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadPlayer();              = data.savedName;
        player.level             = data.savedLevel;
        player.currentCheckpoint = GameObject.Find(data.savedCheckpoint).GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.currentExp        = data.savedExp;
        player.neededExp         = data.savedNeededExp;
        player.maxExp            = data.savedMaxExp;

        for (int i = 0; i < player.characterstats.Length; i++)
            player.characterstats[i].value = data.stats[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < player.characterstats.Length; i++)
            player.characterStatus[i].maxValue     = data.maxStatus[i];
            player.characterStatus[i].currentValue = data.currentStatus[i];

        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.savedPlayerPos[0], data.savedPlayerPos[1], data.savedPlayerPos[2]);
        player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.savedPlayerRot[0], data.savedPlayerRot[1], data.savedPlayerRot[2], data.savedPlayerRot[3]);
    public void Load()
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadData(player);         = database.charName;
        player.skinIndex    = database.skinIndex;
        player.hairIndex    = database.hairIndex;
        player.mouthIndex   = database.mouthIndex;
        player.eyesIndex    = database.eyesIndex;
        player.clothesIndex = database.clothesIndex;
        player.armourIndex  = database.armourIndex;

        player.characterClass = (CharacterClass)database.classEnumIndex;
        player.characterName  = database.charName;

        player.stats[0].value = database.strengthIndex;
        player.stats[1].value = database.dexterityIndex;
        player.stats[2].value = database.constitutionIndex;
        player.stats[3].value = database.wisdomIndex;
        player.stats[4].value = database.intelligenceIndex;
        player.stats[5].value = database.charismaIndex;
        Debug.Log("Loading stuffs");
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Skin", database.skinIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Hair", database.hairIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Mouth", database.mouthIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Eyes", database.eyesIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Clothes", database.clothesIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Armour", database.armourIndex);
예제 #4
    public static void Load()
        //Do this when Binary is done
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadPlayerData(player);              = data.playerName;
        player.level             = data.level;
        player.currentCheckPoint = GameObject.Find(data.checkPoint).GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.currentExp        = data.currentExp;
        player.neededExp         = data.neededExp;
        player.maxExp            = data.maxExp;
        for (int i = 0; i < player.characterStats.Length; i++)
            player.characterStats[i].value = data.stats[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < player.attributes.Length; i++)
            player.attributes[i].maxValue     = data.maxAttributes[i];
            player.attributes[i].currentValue = data.currentAttributes[i];

        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
        player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.rX, data.rY, data.rZ, data.rW);
        player.playerClass        = data.playerClass;
        player.playerRace         = data.playerRace;
        player.skinTexture        = data.skinTexture;
        player.hairTexture        = data.hairTexture;
        player.eyeTexture         = data.eyeTexture;
        player.mouthTexture       = data.mouthTexture;
        player.clothesTexture     = data.clothesTexture;
        player.armourTexture      = data.armourTexture;
예제 #5
        public void LoadPlayer()
            //Load Scene

            //Load Player Position and Stats
            PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadPlayer();

            if (data == null)

            level = data.savedLevel;
            characterStatus[0].currentValue = data.savedHealth;
            name       = data.savedName;
            currentExp = data.savedExp;

            //Saved Player Position

            Vector3 position;

            position.x = data.savedPlayerPos[0];
            position.y = data.savedPlayerPos[1];
            position.z = data.savedPlayerPos[2];

            //Set saved player position as new

            transform.position = position;
            savedPosition = position;
    public void Load()
        controller.enabled = false;
        //do when binary is done
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadPlayerData(player);

        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
        controller.enabled        = true;
예제 #7
    private void SaveOnGUI()
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 10, 100, 20), "Save"))
            PlayerBinary.SavePlayerData(transform, this);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 40, 100, 20), "Load"))
            PlayerData playerData = PlayerBinary.LoadPlayerData(transform, this);
예제 #8
 private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
     //Compare the object other to see if it has tag Checkpoint
     if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Checkpoint"))
         //Set the current checkpoint to the other transform
         curCheckPoint = other.transform;
         //Set the healRate to 10
         healRate = 10;
         //Save the Player data
예제 #9
    public void Load()
        //Load data into a new PlayerData
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadData();

        //Set the player character name to the name in player data
        player.characterName = data.playerName;
        //Set the max health to the max health in data
        player.maxHealth = data.maxHealth;
        //Set the max mana to the max mana in data
        player.maxMana = data.maxMana;
        //Set the max stamina to the max stamina in data
        player.maxStamina = data.maxStamina;
        //Set the current health to the current healh in data
        player.curHealth = data.curHealth;
        //Set the current mana to the current mana in data
        player.curMana = data.curMana;
        //Set the current stamina ot the currrent stamina in data
        player.curStamina = data.curStamina;
        //Set the character controller to false
        player.GetComponent <CharacterController>().enabled = false;
        //Change the position of the player using the values in data
        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
        //Set the character controller to true
        player.GetComponent <CharacterController>().enabled = true;
        //Set the roation of the player to the values in data
        player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.rX, data.rY, data.rZ, data.rW);
        //Set the skin index to the index in data
        player.skinIndex = data.skinIndex;
        //Set the eye index to the index in data
        player.eyesIndex = data.eyesIndex;
        //Set the mouth index to the index in data
        player.mouthIndex = data.mouthIndex;
        //Set the hair index to the index in data
        player.hairIndex = data.hairIndex;
        //Set the clothes index to the index in data
        player.clothesIndex = data.clothesIndex;
        //Set the armour index to the index in data
        player.armourIndex = data.armourIndex;
        //for all stats
        for (int i = 0; i < data.stats.Length; i++)
            //Set the stat value to the value in data
            player.stats[i].value = data.stats[i];
예제 #10
    public void Load()
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadData(player);          = data.playerName;
        player.curCheckPoint = GameObject.Find(data.checkPoint).GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.maxHealth     = data.maxHealth;
        player.maxMana       = data.maxMana;
        player.maxStamina    = data.maxStamina;

        player.curHealth  = data.curHealth;
        player.curMana    = data.curMana;
        player.curStamina = data.curStamina;

        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
        player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.rX, data.rY, data.rZ, data.rW);
예제 #11
    public void Load()
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadData(player);          = data.playerName;
        player.curCheckPoint = GameObject.Find(data.checkPoint).GetComponent <Transform>();
        player.maxHealth     = data.maxHealth;
        player.maxMana       = data.maxMana;
        player.maxStamina    = data.maxStamina;

        player.curHealth  = data.curHealth;
        player.curMana    = data.curMana;
        player.curStamina = data.curStamina;

        if (!(data.pX == 0 && data.pY == 0 && data.pZ == 0))
            player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
            player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.rX, data.rY, data.rZ, data.rW);
            player.transform.position = player.curCheckPoint.position;
            player.transform.rotation = player.curCheckPoint.rotation;
        player.skinIndex    = data.skinIndex;
        player.hairIndex    = data.hairIndex;
        player.mouthIndex   = data.mouthIndex;
        player.eyesIndex    = data.eyesIndex;
        player.clothesIndex = data.clothesIndex;
        player.armourIndex  = data.armourIndex;

        player.characterClass = (CharacterClass)data.classIndex;
        player.characterName  = data.playerName;

        for (int i = 0; i < player.stats.Length; i++)
            player.stats[i].value = data.stats[i];
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Skin", data.skinIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Hair", data.hairIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Mouth", data.mouthIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Eyes", data.eyesIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Clothes", data.clothesIndex);
        LoadCustomisation.SetTexture("Armour", data.armourIndex);
예제 #12
 public LoadData[] data;           //stuct LoadData data
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); //Delete All PlayerPrefs
     //For 3 save slots
     for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
         //Set the PlayerData saveslot int to i
         PlayerData.saveSlot = i;
         //Set the datas blank state to true
         data[i].blank = true;
         //Load the player data into the variable player
         PlayerData player = PlayerBinary.LoadData();
         //If player doesnt equal null
         if (player != null)
             //Set blank to false
             data[i].blank = false;
             //Set the name to the players name on the save file
             data[i].name = player.playerName;
             //Change the checkpoint to the checkpoint on the save file
             data[i].checkpoint = player.checkPoint;
             //Change the health to the health on the player save file
             data[i].health = player.curHealth;
             //Set blank to true
             data[i].blank = true;
             //Change the name to blank
             data[i].name = "Blank";
             //Change the checkpoint to be beach
             data[i].checkpoint = "Beach";
             //Change the health to be 100
             data[i].health = 100f;
         //Change the display name to be the name in data
         data[i].desName.text = data[i].name;
         //Change the display checkpoint to be the checkpoint in data
         data[i].desCheckpoint.text = data[i].checkpoint;
         //Change the display health to the health in data
         data[i].desHealth.text = data[i].health.ToString();
예제 #13
 public Customistaion custom;  //Used to access the customisation script
 public void Save()
     //Set the playerSlot on the player Handler to the saveSlot in the PlayerData
     player.saveSlot = PlayerData.saveSlot;
     //For all the custom playerStats
     for (int i = 0; i < custom.playerStats.Length; i++)
         //Set the player's Stats name to the name in the custom statName
         player.stats[i].name = custom.playerStats[i].statName;
         //Set the player Stats value to be equal to the custom stats stat value plus the custom tempStat
         player.stats[i].value = custom.playerStats[i].statValue + custom.playerStats[i].tempStat;
     //Change the Player's Character Name to be equal to the name on the inputField PlayerName
     player.characterName = playerName.text;
     //Set the skin index for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts skinIndex
     player.skinIndex = custom.skinIndex;
     //Set the hair index for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts hairIndex
     player.hairIndex = custom.hairIndex;
     //Set the eyes index for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts eyesIndex
     player.eyesIndex = custom.eyesIndex;
     //Set the mouth index for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts mouthIndex
     player.mouthIndex = custom.mouthIndex;
     //Set the clothes index for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts clothesIndex
     player.clothesIndex = custom.clothesIndex;
     //Set the armour index for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts armourIndex
     player.armourIndex = custom.armourIndex;
     //Set the characterClass for the player to the value in the Customistaion scripts characterClass
     player.characterClass = custom.charClass;
     //Set the maxHealth to equal 10 times the Constitution stat
     player.maxHealth = 10 * player.stats[2].value;
     //Set the maxMana to equal 10 times the Wisdom stat
     player.maxMana = 10 * player.stats[3].value;
     //Set the maxStamina to equal 10 times the Dexterity stat
     player.maxStamina = 10 * player.stats[1].value;
     //Access the PlayerBinary script and Save the player data
     //Change the scene to the main game
예제 #14
    public void Load()
        PlayerData data = PlayerBinary.LoadData();

        // = data.playerName;

        player.maxHealth  = data.maxHealth;
        player.maxMana    = data.maxMana;
        player.maxStamina = data.maxStamina;

        player.curHealth  = data.curHealth;
        player.curMana    = data.curMana;
        player.curStamina = data.curStamina;

        player.transform.position = new Vector3(data.pX, data.pY, data.pZ);
        player.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(data.rX, data.rY, data.rZ, data.rW /*, data.rW*/);
        player.skinIndex          = data.skinIndex;
        player.eyesIndex          = data.eyesIndex;
        player.mouthIndex         = data.mouthIndex;
        player.hairIndex          = data.hairIndex;
        player.clothesIndex       = data.clothesIndex;
        player.armourIndex        = data.armourIndex;
 public void Save()
예제 #16
 public void Save()
     //Saves the Player data using the script binary data
 public static void Save()
     //Do when Binary is done
예제 #18
 public void SavePlayer()
 public void Save()
     //do when binary is done