// TODO: Put the attack conditions on the Update() void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G)) { godMode = !godMode; // Changes between godmode and normal mode whenever the G key is pressed. G for God } if (godMode) { playerSphereCollider.enabled = false; // Sets the sphereCollider from the player to false. playerCapsuleCollider.enabled = false; // Sets the capsuleCollider from the player to false. } else { playerSphereCollider.enabled = true; // Sets the sphereCollider from the player to false. playerCapsuleCollider.enabled = true; // Sets the capsuleCollider from the player to false. } switch (state) { case PlayerStates.AWAKE: AwakeBehaviour(); break; case PlayerStates.STUNNED: StunnedBehaviour(); break; case PlayerStates.DEAD: DeadBehaviour(); break; case PlayerStates.VICTORY: VictoryBehaviour(); break; } if (currentHealth <= 10) { playerAudio.clip = lowHpClip; playerAudio.Play(); } // TODO: Review that shit. Redo. /*if (score.pointsCounter >= 100) * { * sword10Active = true; * sword10Sprite.enabled = true; * if (alphaValue >= 0) newAbility.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alphaValue -= 0.2f * Time.deltaTime); * } */ if (playerAttack.sword10CD >= 0) { playerAttack.sword10CD -= 1 * Time.deltaTime; cooldownSword10.enabled = true; cooldownSword10.text = "" + playerAttack.sword10CD; //sword10Sprite.color = new Color(1.0f, sword10ColorGValue += 1 / playerAttack.sword10CDAux * Time.deltaTime, sword10ColorBValue += 1 / playerAttack.sword10CDAux * Time.deltaTime); } else if (playerAttack.sword10CD <= 0) { cooldownSword10.enabled = false; //sword10Sprite.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } // Attack if (playerAnimation.attackRatio <= 0) { characterBehaviour.speed = baseSpeed; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { playerAttack.Attack10(playerAttack.damageAttack10); // Calls the setAttack10 function if mouse left button is pressed. } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { playerAttack.Attack01(playerAttack.damageAttack01); // Calls the setAttack01 function if mouse right button is pressed. } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1) && sword10Active) { playerAttack.Sword10(playerAttack.damageSword10); // Calls the setSword10 function if the 1 keypad is pressed, and if is not in chain mode. } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { playerAttack.Chain01(playerAttack.damageChain01); // If the chain mode is active, goes to the setChain01. } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { playerAttack.Dash(); // Calls the setDash function if left shift key is pressed. } Debug.Log("baseSpeed: " + baseSpeed); } else if (playerAnimation.attackRatio > 0) { characterBehaviour.speed = 0.0f; playerAnimation.attackRatio -= Time.deltaTime; Debug.Log("baseSpeed: " + baseSpeed); } }