예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Update()
    /// </summary>
    void Update()
        // Getting the input values

        // Retrieving the correct deceleration time
        decelTime = (grounded) ? currentMoveVars.groundedTimeToStop : currentMoveVars.airborneTimeToStop;

        // IF the passive velocity is greater than zero, decrease it from the current velocity calculations
        if (passiveVelocity != Vector2.zero)
            rigid.velocity -= passiveVelocity;

        // =============================
        // ========== RUNNING ==========
        // =============================

        // IF there is any running input...
        if (currentAxisX != 0f)
            // Calculating the add velocity factor
            float addVelocityX = currentAxisX * currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed * (Time.deltaTime / currentMoveVars.timeToMaxSpeed);

            // Creating the move vector
            Vector2 moveVector = new Vector2();

            // IF the player is grounded, follow the slope axis, otherwise do NOT do that
            if (grounded)
                moveVector = new Vector2(slopeAxis.x * addVelocityX, slopeAxis.y * addVelocityX);
                moveVector = new Vector2(addVelocityX, 0f);

            // IF the velocity and input directions are different OR the new velocity does not exceed the max velocity...
            float currentDirectionX = rigid.velocity.x / Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.x);
            if (currentDirectionX != currentAxisX || (rigid.velocity + moveVector).magnitude < currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed)
                // Adding the move vector onto the current velocity
                rigid.velocity += moveVector;
            // ELSE IF the current velocity is less than the max...
            else if (rigid.velocity.magnitude < currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed)
                // Setting the current velocity to the maximum run speed
                rigid.velocity = rigid.velocity.normalized * currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed;

        // IF the player is not holding down a button (but is still moving horizontally)...
        if (currentAxisX == 0f && rigid.velocity.x != 0f)
            // IF the player is grounded, decelerate along the slope axis
            if (grounded)
                // Calculate the deceleration vector
                Vector2 decelVector = (Time.deltaTime / decelTime) * rigid.velocity.normalized * currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed;

                // IF the deceleration vector is LESS than the current velocity...
                if (decelVector.magnitude < rigid.velocity.magnitude)
                    rigid.velocity -= decelVector;
                    rigid.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            // ELSE... (decelerate exclusively on the X axis)
                // Calulate the deceleration vector X value
                float decelX = (Time.deltaTime / decelTime) * (rigid.velocity.x / Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.x)) * currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed;

                // IF the deceleration X value is LESS than the current X velocity...
                if (Mathf.Abs(decelX) < Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.x))
                    rigid.velocity -= new Vector2(decelX, 0f);
                // ELSE... (the deceleration X value is MORE than the current X velocity)
                    rigid.velocity = new Vector2(0f, rigid.velocity.y);

        // IF the current running sound is defined...
        if (currentMoveVars.runningSound != string.Empty)
            // IF there is horizontal input AND the player is grounded AND the running sound is not playing, start playing the sound
            if (currentAxisX != 0.0f && grounded && !audioMng.IsPlaying(currentMoveVars.runningSound))

            // IF (there is no horizontal input OR the player is not grouned) AND the running sound is playing...
            if ((currentAxisX == 0.0f || !grounded) && audioMng.IsPlaying(currentMoveVars.runningSound))

        // =============================
        // ========== JUMPING ==========
        // =============================


        // IF there is jump input AND it's new input AND the player can still jump...
        if (currentAxisY > 0f && currentAxisY != lastAxisY && (jumpCounter < currentMoveVars.midairJumps + 1))
            // IF the current jumping sound is defined AND the player is grounded, play the basic jump sound
            if (currentMoveVars.jumpSound != string.Empty && grounded)

            // IF the current midair jumping sound is defined AND the player is not grounded...
            if (currentMoveVars.midairJumpSound != string.Empty && !grounded)

            // Setting all of the proper jumping variables (velocity, grounded, and jump counter vars)
            rigid.velocity = new Vector2(rigid.velocity.x, currentMoveVars.jumpVelocity);
            grounded       = false;

        // IF there is no input jump AND the lack of input just started AND the player is airborne AND the player is still jumping up...
        if (currentAxisY == 0f && currentAxisY != lastAxisY && !grounded && rigid.velocity.y > 0f)
            // Reduce the player's vertical speed by half
            rigid.velocity *= new Vector2(1f, 0.5f);

        // IF the player is not pressing the down button AND the current Y velocity is faster than the designated fall speed...
        if (currentAxisY > -1f && rigid.velocity.y < currentMoveVars.maxFallSpeed)
            // Calculating the vertical deceleration value
            float decelY = (Time.deltaTime / decelTime) * currentMoveVars.airborneTimeToStop + Physics2D.gravity.y * -1f;

            // IF the new Y velocity is less than the max fall speed, add the deceleration value to the current Y velocity
            if (rigid.velocity.y + decelY < currentMoveVars.maxFallSpeed)
                rigid.velocity += new Vector2(0f, decelY);
            // ELSE... (the new Y velocity is more than the max fall speed, ergo set the Y velocity to the designated fall speed)
                rigid.velocity = new Vector2(rigid.velocity.x, currentMoveVars.maxFallSpeed);
        // ELSE IF the player is pressing the down button AND the current Y velocity is faster than the designated fall speed...
        else if (currentAxisY == -1f && rigid.velocity.y < currentMoveVars.maxFallSpeed)
            // Keeping the Y velocity the same across the Update() calls
            rigid.velocity = new Vector2(rigid.velocity.x, lastVelocity.y);

        // =====================================
        // ========== WAVING THE WAND ==========
        // =====================================

        // Setting the Wand spawn location
        if (currentAxisX != 0 || currentAxisY != 0)
            wandSpawnLocation = new Vector2(currentAxisX, currentAxisY);

        // IF the Wand waving input is down AND it's new...
        if (currentFire1 > 0f && currentFire1 != lastFire1)
            // Spawning the Wand
            spawnedWand = Instantiate(wandPrefab, transform.position + wandSpawnLocation, Quaternion.identity);
            wandScript  = spawnedWand.GetComponent <StaffTrigger>();

        // IF the Wand waving input is up AND it's new...
        if (currentFire1 == 0f && currentFire1 != lastFire1)
            // Destroying the Wand
            Destroy(spawnedWand, 0f);

        // IF the Wand has been spawned...
        if (spawnedWand != null)
            // Moving the Wand to the right place
            spawnedWand.transform.position = transform.position + wandSpawnLocation;

            // Rotating the Wand
            float rotation = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.right, wandSpawnLocation, Vector3.forward);
            spawnedWand.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
            spawnedWand.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, rotation);

            // IF the Wand has been hooked...
            if (wandScript.IsHooked())
                // Add the hook speed to the player's velocity
                Vector2 modVector = wandSpawnLocation * currentMoveVars.hookSpeed * Time.deltaTime * currentMoveVars.maxRunSpeed;
                rigid.velocity += modVector;

                // IF the lantern boost audio is not playing, then start playing it
                if (!audioMng.IsPlaying("Lantern Boost"))
                    audioMng.PlayAudio("Lantern Boost");

        // ======================================
        // ===== RESTARTING FROM CHECKPOINT =====
        // ======================================

        // IF the player is pressing the restart button AND it's a new input...
        if (currentFire2 != 0.0f && currentFire2 != lastFire2)
            // Killing the player and then respawning them

        // Adding the passive velocity
        rigid.velocity += passiveVelocity;

        // Clamping the velocities
        float clampedX = Mathf.Clamp(rigid.velocity.x, -currentMoveVars.maxHorizontalVelocity, currentMoveVars.maxHorizontalVelocity);
        float clampedY = Mathf.Clamp(rigid.velocity.y, -currentMoveVars.maxVerticalVelocity, currentMoveVars.maxVerticalVelocity);

        rigid.velocity = new Vector2(clampedX, clampedY);

        // ANIMATING
        if (currentAxisX > 0f)
        else if (currentAxisX < 0f)

        // Setting the old input
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Update()
    /// </summary>
    void Update()
        // Getting the input values
        float axisX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float axisY = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
        float fire1 = Input.GetAxisRaw("Fire1");

        // IF there is new running input...
        if (axisX != 0f && axisX != lastAxisX)
            runTimeStart = Time.time;

        // IF there is new stopping input...
        if (axisX == 0f && axisX != lastAxisX)
            stopTimeStart = Time.time;

        // Calculating the deceleration multiplier
        decelTime = (grounded) ? currentGroundedTimeToStop : currentAirborneTimeToStop;

        // Running
        if (axisX != 0f)
            // Calculating the add velocity factor
            float addVelocityX = axisX * currentMaxRunSpeed * (Time.deltaTime / currentTimeToMaxSpeed);

            // Creating the move vector
            Vector2 moveVector = new Vector2();

            // IF the player is grounded, follow the slope axis, otherwise do NOT do that
            if (grounded)
                moveVector = new Vector2(slopeAxis.x * addVelocityX, slopeAxis.y * addVelocityX);
                moveVector = new Vector2(addVelocityX, 0f);

            // IF the velocity and move vectors are different OR the new velocity does not exceed the max velocity...
            if (rigid.velocity.x / Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.x) != axisX || (rigid.velocity + moveVector).magnitude < currentMaxRunSpeed)
                rigid.velocity += moveVector;
            // ELSE IF the current velocity is less than the max...
            else if (rigid.velocity.magnitude < currentMaxRunSpeed)
                rigid.velocity = rigid.velocity.normalized * currentMaxRunSpeed;

        // IF the player is not holding down a button (but is still moving)...
        if (axisX == 0f && rigid.velocity.x != 0f)
            // IF the player is grounded, decelerate along the slope axis
            if (grounded)
                // Calculate the deceleration vector
                Vector2 decelVector = (Time.deltaTime / decelTime) * rigid.velocity.normalized * currentMaxRunSpeed;

                // IF the deceleration vector is LESS than the current velocity...
                if (decelVector.magnitude < rigid.velocity.magnitude)
                    rigid.velocity -= decelVector;
                    rigid.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            // ELSE... (decelerate exclusively on the X axis)
                // Calulate the deceleration vector X value
                float decelX = (Time.deltaTime / decelTime) * (rigid.velocity.x / Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.x)) * currentMaxRunSpeed;

                // IF the deceleration vector X value is LESS than the current X velocity...
                if (Mathf.Abs(decelX) < Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.x))
                    rigid.velocity -= new Vector2(decelX, 0f);
                    rigid.velocity = new Vector2(0f, rigid.velocity.y);

        // Jumping
        if (axisY > 0f && axisY != lastAxisY && (jumpCounter < currentMidairJumps + 1))
            rigid.velocity = new Vector2(rigid.velocity.x, currentJumpVelocity);
            grounded       = false;
        if (axisY == 0f && axisY != lastAxisY && !grounded && rigid.velocity.y > 0f)
            rigid.velocity *= new Vector2(1f, 0.5f);

        // Waving The Wand
        if (fire1 > 0f && fire1 != lastFire1)
            // Spawning the Wand
            wandSpawnLocation = new Vector2(axisX, axisY);
            spawnedWand = Instantiate(wandPrefab, transform.position + wandSpawnLocation, Quaternion.identity);
            wandScript  = spawnedWand.GetComponent <StaffTrigger>();

            // Rotating the Wand
            float rotation = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.right, wandSpawnLocation, Vector3.forward);
            spawnedWand.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, rotation);
        if (fire1 == 0f && fire1 != lastFire1)
            Destroy(spawnedWand, 0f);

        // IF the wand has been spawned...
        if (spawnedWand != null)
            // Moving the Wand to the right place
            spawnedWand.transform.position = transform.position + wandSpawnLocation;

            // IF the Wand has been hooked...
            if (wandScript.IsHooked())
                Vector2 modVector = wandSpawnLocation * currentHookSpeed * Time.deltaTime * currentMaxRunSpeed;
                rigid.velocity += modVector;

        // ANIMATING
        if (axisX > 0f)
        else if (axisX < 0f)

        // Setting the "Last Run Time" variables
        lastAxisX    = axisX;
        lastAxisY    = axisY;
        lastFire1    = fire1;
        lastVelocity = rigid.velocity;