예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays the next turn in the game.
        /// </summary>
        private void NextTurn()

            // the play area represents the area on the "table" where all cards would
            // normally be in play. An ICollection is used to serve as a type of card
            // pool since the winner of the round takes all cards.
            ICollection <Card> playArea = new List <Card>();

            // each player plays the card on top of their deck
            Card p1Card = Player1.Deck.Dequeue();
            Card p2Card = Player2.Deck.Dequeue();

            // the cards are then added to the play area

            // check to see if war has been triggered
            // this comparison is a while loop because the war condition can be triggered
            // a number of times in sequence. Doing it this way demands that the final
            // cards drawn for each player be different before doing the final comparison
            // to see who won the round.
            while (p1Card.Value == p2Card.Value)
                // make sure each player has enough cards for war.
                // if you don't have enough cards, you can't go to war
                // and you automatically lose.
                // similar enough to real life to make sense - you can't go to war without proper supplies.
                // Since the GameOver() method checks to see if any of the players is out of cards,
                // the player without enough cards for war has their deck discarded which forces an end to the game.
                if (!PlayerHasEnoughCardsForWar(Player1))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{Player1.Name} doesn't have enough cards for war.\n{Player2.Name} wins!");

                if (!PlayerHasEnoughCardsForWar(Player2))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{Player2.Name} doesn't have enough cards for war.\n{Player1.Name} wins!");

                // the rules of war dictate that each user must add one card face down
                // and then add another face up and the second card drawn in that sequence
                // is the one used for determining the winner of war and the round
                // this operates the same way as beginning a turn, including adding each card
                // drawn to the play area for collection by the winner
                p1Card = Player1.Deck.Dequeue();
                p2Card = Player2.Deck.Dequeue();


            // determine winner and assign cards in play area to winner
            if (p1Card.Value > p2Card.Value)
                Console.WriteLine($"{Player1.Name} wins the round!");
            else if (p1Card.Value < p2Card.Value)
                Console.WriteLine($"{Player2.Name} wins the round!");

            Console.WriteLine($"{Player1.Name} played: " + p1Card);
            Console.WriteLine($"{Player2.Name} played: " + p2Card);
            Console.WriteLine($"Turns taken: {totalTurns}");

            // A game of War without shuffling each player's deck every so often can run indefinitely (or seem to).
            // Some variants of the classic game suggest that a player must shuffle their deck at various
            // intervals or when they have used all of their cards before using the cards they have won
            // since the last time they shuffled.
            // Since a previously run simulation has taken upwards of 3.2 million turns, a good middle ground
            // is to shuffle on a specified interval. This greatly improves the speed of a game.
            // Most of the games that use this logic end well before 1000 turns.
            if (totalTurns % SHUFFLE_INTERVAL == 0)